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Bad Day

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My day was so bad. I called mom to help out. Boy did she!
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Bad Day.

It seemed a normal day at first. Nothing out of the ordinary. I woke and made my way to the coffee pot, poured myself a cup and drank it with some toast I made for my breakfast.

My wife of four years came in and gave me a dirty look as she always did, got herself a cup of coffee, sat and ignored me.

I finished my breakfast, headed to my pickup truck, got in and noticed it sounded funny. I thought to myself that I would take it to the dealer after work as I headed to my dead-end but gainful job.

As I was pulling into the parking spot, I heard a loud bang and my engine died. "Shit." I got out of the truck and there was oil everywhere. "Shit, I threw a rod," I realized.

I remember thinking "this isn't good."

As I made my way to the building, I noticed all of the people standing around in front. I made my way and was told to hold tight. We were finally let into the building well after starting hours, and brought to a conference room, where we were promptly all laid off....

"Shit, this day isn't going well," I think to myself. I have a friend of mine push my pickup home with me steering it.

I pulled silently into the driveway and put the truck in park. I get out and walk in the house I had rented for the last five years.

I heard music playing as I always do. My wife has music on all day long. Something I love about her. I don't see her in the living room, the kitchen or dining room. I make my way to the bedroom and what do you think I see??? My wife having sex with another man in my bed. I stare at them, not believing what I am seeing or hearing.

"Oh god Jim, I will never fuck my husband again. Oh, he has nothing on you. Jim, keep it up...oh Jim..."

At least I knew his name now. I call out. "Hello!!!!!"

I expected my wife to scream, try to cover up or something along those lines. Instead she looked at me and said, loudly and forcibly, "Get out, get the fuck out of here...get out now!!!!!"

For some reason I turned and walked out. I couldn't believe I did that, one. And two, something more perplexing—I couldn't believe that she kept fucking him, as though I was just an unwanted intrusion...

I went to the kitchen and poured me another cup of coffee, sat and drank it. I could hear there moans upstairs as I drank. She wasn't being subtle about it. At least I now knew why I hadn't been getting any for the last few months.

It was a long while before she showed up dressed and made up like she was going to church. I guess Jim left, I heard the front door open and shut just before she got to the kitchen. She glared at me like I was the asshole. "What the fuck Roy, why aren't you at work..."

I didn't answer her—instead I just glared at her. She finally walked out. It was a while before she made it back with her purse and a pile of letters. She dropped the letters on the table and slung her purse over her shoulder. "The electric is going to be cut off today, along with the gas and water. They are starting the foreclosure process on the house. I am just letting you know. I will be gone in a few hours. If you touch my stuff, so help me Roy, I will make your life miserable."

As if she hadn't done that for the last four years anyway.

"If you sign the divorce papers today," she said, "I can have everything of mine out of the house by noon." I just sat there.

"By noon Roy...I can't believe I was desperate enough to marry the likes of you..."

"Hey Debby, don't hold back, tell me what you really think..." I had to say something. That may not have been the best thing to say, but it was all I could come up with.

"FUCK YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH..." She went to hit me but backed off at the last second, turned and went back upstairs.

I got up to leave but remembered my truck was broken down, so instead I grabbed my phone and called Enterprise.

A short time later I was in a rental car, headed to the bank. I had hidden from my wife a good chunk of money. So I was able to pay up the mortgage and get it paid ahead as well. I paid the utilities too. It was over three hours before I got back to the house. There was a moving truck backed in the driveway as I watched as not just her stuff but my stuff as well was loaded into it.

The straw that brook the back was when I watched two men push my Harley Davidson Soft Tail up the ramp into the truck. I could take no more. So, I picked up my phone and did the only thing I had left. You got it...I called my mom.

"Hello, Roy, I was just thinking about you." She always answers the phone that way. I loved it.

"Hi Mom, how are you doing today?"

"Great now that you called...but you don't sound so good, what is going on?"

I sighed. "A lot...not having a good day."

"You wanna tell me about it?"

"Yea, I do but not over the phone. Mind if I come by?" I ask.

"Oh, of course you are always welcome, where are you?" Mom asked with deep concern in her voice.

"I am still at the house." I looked at my watch. "I guess I will be there about three in the morning. Mind if I park in the driveway? You can wake me when you get up for breakfast."

"No...I will leave the door unlocked downstairs. You can come on in and sleep in the downstairs bedroom. When you wake up, I will fix you a nice meal. Can you live with that?"

I smile deeply. "Of course I can. Thank you, Mom."

"Drive safe now, son." She hangs up.

I started the rental car and drove the nine hours to a small suburb of Atlanta. The nine-hour drive was long and boring at night. Finally, I pulled into the driveway of my mother's two-story home.

She lived in a good neighborhood so leaving the door unlocked wasn't terribly frightening. Good to her word, I found the door unlocked and went in as quietly as I could. I made my way to the room and found that the bed had been pulled down for me. I smiled at the sentiment. I stripped got in and fell asleep instantly.

The next day I awakened to a noise upstairs. It took a moment to realize where I was. I finally got dressed and made my way to the living room, where I found my mother standing looking at me. She had a white, form-fitting top on that was just gorgeous to look at, and a short skirt that came to her knees. She didn't need stockings, but she did had pumps on.

For the first time ever, I saw my mom not as a mom but as a hot, sexy woman. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off her legs. Finally, I sputtered, "Wow Mom, you are beautiful."

Her smile lit up the room as she came to me and wrapped me in her arms. "Thank you, son. I guess I am not all that bad for an old lady."

"Mom, you're not bad for a young supermodel," I countered. There was something in my voice—she swooned, my mother actually swooned. Wow. What was I thinking, I thought to myself? She is my mother. But those legs, all I wanted to do was touch them, taste them, run my tongue from her ankles to her vagina, make them my own. It seemed the obsession to touch my mother was becoming overwhelming. I walked over to her and put my arms around her then squeezed, forcing myself with great effort not to grab her ass.

She returned the hug and kissed my cheek. "It is great to see you, son! Get dressed up nice and I will take you to lunch—from there you can tell me all about your day yesterday."

I nodded. Then I realized. "Mom, I didn't bring a change of clothes. I guess—" She held up a hand, and with her other took mine and led me to her room. She fumbled in her walk-in closet then brought out a suit, a nice suit. Then she said, "It was your dad's, it should fit. Change in here. I will meet you in the living room." As I changed, I could see my mother all over this room. Her whole personality filled the entire home. A smile curled my lips as I changed clothes.

I got into mom's car. I was glad she was driving because all I could do was continue staring at her legs. I could not take my eyes off of them. I even checked my mouth for drool a couple of times. I had no idea where we were or where we were going. I just couldn't take my eyes off those magnificent legs. We talked and I sort of hinted that Debby and I were done. Mom wanted to wait till we got to where we were going to tell her more.

She pulled into the driveway of a really nice diner—it had a bar and a dance floor. We were led to a classy, secluded table. Something that really surprised me was that my mother introduced me to the host as her date not as her son. She obviously knew him, too. I smiled as a proud man would, escorting the prettiest woman in town to lunch. We sat across from each other and I found that my obsession of staring at her legs turned to her cleavage instead. It was only then that I noticed my cock had been hard as a steel rod, causing my pants to show a large teepee. I wondered how long that had been there. Holy shit. Had mom seen that?

Mom ordered a glass of red wine and asked if I wanted a cocktail. I thought for a moment and ordered a Miller. Then I began telling Mom about the day I'd had.

She was beside herself with concern. "I would have come to you if I knew it was that bad, Roy. Damn her to hell anyway. She got your savings and your checking."

I chuckled. "No mom. Took your advice and only had enough in savings for her to quit looking. I lost maybe 2 grand. The real savings isn't even in my real name. I used it to catch up the mortgage and other bills she hadn't paid in moths." As I spoke I tried desperately to look at her eyes not her cleavage.

I failed and excused myself, thinking a splash of cold shower may help. My cock was leading me all the way to the men's room. I splashed water on my face and down my pants. It didn't help. But I was desperate. When I returned my mom had a big smile on her face. I also noticed one more button was open on her blouse. I felt my eyes well up from straining keep them focused elsewhere—to no avail. All I could think to do was order another beer and more wine.

We were there for a long time. I had gotten up late, after all. We went to the bar after our late lunch and ordered another beer—however Mom switched to whiskey sour. The thing is...the more she drank, the sexier she got. The skirt rode up on her legs, another button popped loose on her blouse and my cock had to get some relief. I finally asked Mom to dance. She beamed at me and I led her to the dance floor. A slow song was playing and I held her close, though not too close. My cock was still hard as rock, though I didn't want her to know. Then I felt something on my ass. My cock, that I didn't think could get any harder, just did. I looked at Mom with a knowing smile as we twirled.

I put my head on her shoulder and whispered, "you play with my ass, I get to kiss you."

She smiled, "Ok," squeezing my ass again.

I said, "No mom. You don't understand." I paused looked at her then said in a slower deeper tone. "I am not going to kiss you mom. I am going to KISS you." I had emphasized the second kiss so there would be no mistake. It wouldn't be a kiss a son should ever give to his mother.

She then smiled again and squeezing my ass even harder. Daring me, she then pulled me to her, hard. She looked me in her eyes—she had to have felt my erection. Her eyes popped wide open. Then she smiled and asked. "Is that for me Roy?"

I turned beet red and for an instant I wanted to run. However, I pulled her to me even tighter and said. "You got me this way. Yes mother. However, I am not sure what you want to do about it." But I can't handle much more. I say let's go home for a really cold shower."

Mom wasn't done and retorted. "Let us go home, but no shower...I have other ideas that will help maybe after."

I moaned into her ear with obvious want. Covered her thick red soft lips with mine. Caressed them with my tongue. She opened them and I began to explore her mouth with my tongue. It tasted like heaven—the kiss made my hard-on hurt with so much blood in it, I moved my mouth to her ear and told her, "I will drive, you had more wine than I had beer."

She whispered into my ear. "Do you think you can take your eyes off my legs long enough to watch the road?"

Again, I turned beet red. Oh my God. She knew. She actually knew what I had been doing all night. So, I told her, "It will be hard, trust me, but I must do what a man must do. So, you will be fine. Well, at least till we get home anyway." I teased.

She then grabbed my butt. Bent her head up and kissed me. The taste of her again was more than I could have imagined—I didn't let her break the kiss. But I split her lips again with my tongue, and she opened them easily and allowed me to explore. When finally broke the kiss, I shared, "Mom, I have wanted to do that since I saw you in the living room this morning."

She replied, "I have wanted to do that to you since you turned 15."

I didn't know what to say to that. I just took my mother's arm and led her to the car and drove home.

We pulled into the garage and my raging hard on was worse than ever. Mainly due to the fact that my mom had been stroking it through my pants for the entire drive. She also undid another button and pulled her bra off in the car in front of me. We all know that trick that women do to take a bra off without showing anything. My mom is a master. Still beyond that she hiked her skirt up so high, twisted in her seat just so I could have seen her dark panties, if she had been wearing any. I don't know where they were but they hadn't made it to the car. I had an unobstructed view of her flower. You think her legs were distracting...

Mom stopped me from getting out the car after I parked in the garage. "Roy?" she asked.

I looked at her.

"Give me just a few moments inside alone and then come in please."

"How long mom?"

She smiled and said. "I will text you when I am ready. Please." Then she continued. "I promise not long."

I told her, "One condition."

"What?" she asked.

"Those stockings stay on you." We both shared a laugh at that.

My mother grinned, nodded and said "I won't be long son." She smiled again, kissed me and got out of the car and went in the house.

My mother had no idea how difficult it was to wait, but I did. I looked at my watch when she went into the house and closed the garage door. I sat in the car for 15 minutes before my phone went off. On the text it said "living room." I stepped out of the car and walked to the door—the time did not help me with my hard on one bit. I closed the door behind me and walked up the steps and headed to the living room.

My mother was lying on the sofa very suggestively. I felt wetness dripping from the corners of my lips. She was in a silk night gown that was not completely see through. Her breasts were displayed for me to admire along with those legs in the stockings I'd asked her to leave on. She still had her heels on as well. This woman, my own mother, took my breath away.

She asked. "Do you approve?"

I answered barely able to breathe. "Breathtaking! I will let you know when I can breathe again."

She beamed a smile that lit up the room again.

I went to her. She left enough room on the sofa. I sat down and began to kiss her. Only this time I began to touch her. I stayed in the lines of protocol—well except for the kissing.

She slowed the kiss and said into my mouth. "Do you want to touch my legs."

My heart leapt out of my chest. My cock almost ripped through my slacks. "Seeing you staring at them all day, I thought you might like to touch them." she continued.

I reached under her legs and picked them up, sliding myself under them putting my body against the back of the sofa and her legs over my lap. I started with the left one. It was the one farthest from me. I slid her stiletto heels off, taking a lot of time to enjoy her calves, her ankles, her feet. I then slid my hands up her legs to her knees. Then further to her soft flesh. I looked at her as she seemed to be enjoying having a man touch her. I stopped just short of her pussy. I raised her right leg and putting it over my head and shoulder, opening her to me.

I began to kiss her legs, beginning at the inside of her knees then higher and higher, again stopped before her pussy. When I felt her body start convulsing, I began to run my tongue close to her pussy, closer and closer, but not touching it. I could smell her scent—it was fabulous. I know she wouldn't take much more and I wanted to please her so I pulled her to me and went in for a taste. It tasted like heaven. I licked her wetness and opening with my tongue. I began to go up to her clit and sucked it like a miniature cock, and then she exploded.

She screamed her orgasm, calling my name grabbing my head, smashing my mouth into her pussy and grinding it on her. It didn't stop there—she began to scream. Another one, and then a third. I backed off as to allow her to recover a little, still touching her inner thighs. She than sat up and caught her breath.

"That was the first orgasm a man has given me since your dad," she said, then put her hand on me and ordered me to "get those pants off." I stood and dropped them at once. My cock seemed it should have been an inch longer than before being so hard for so long, I swore it grew. My mother adjusted herself to take it in her mouth.

"Mom, Mom, I can't last long the first time. I will come in your mouth."

She smiled, and then said, "Sounds great," as she put it into her mouth and began to suck.

I did everything I could to delay the inevitable, after being with my mother all day, her perfect body on display for me to see. I erupted in less than a moment. "Mom, I, Mom coming..." I yelled and she just sucked harder. It exploded into her mouth. She slowed down and seemed to be struggling to keep it all in her mouth. As I continued to ejaculate, cum began to seep from her lips, and run down her chin, making her even sexier, if that could even be possible, as the spurts of cum stopped. She pulled my cock out of her mouth. She took only a second to swallow. I thought dad was the luckiest man I knew before he died two years ago. She then rose up, cum still trailing her chin. Not a lot though. She smiled. I could tell there was still residue of me on her teeth. I couldn't take my eyes off her mouth.

"Mom, I want to kiss you."

She moved her mouth to me and I devoured her, with no gentleness. No give just take. I rolled from below her to on top, held her down and took her lips. Spreading them with my tongue and tasting me and her at the same time. The taste excited my cock again. I couldn't believe it as I worked my way between her legs with my hands. I talked into her mouth. "This is incredible Mom. Need you to be ready."

"Why? What for Roy?" she answered, knowing the answer.

"I am going to take you, mother." It wasn't a question.

"So soon?" she asked.

"You do something to me Mom. I need you right now."

She smiled and laid back, surrendering herself to me. I then spread her legs, opening her pussy to me. "It's like a flower." I said, knowing my mother loved her body.

Mom smiled. "It is blooming for you today son. Enjoy it."

I have been with other women but no gift as beautiful. I looked at the surroundings, then at my mother. "Let me take you to bed mom."

She rose, took my hand and led me to her room. She pulled the comforter down and tossed it off the bed. She slid into the bed with the grace of an angel, and then once again laid back in surrender to me, her son.

I couldn't go straight in—it was too beautiful. I first climbed between her legs and lifted her knees up to me, and began to kiss her from her knees to her flower. When I got to her flower, I didn't tease her anymore. I went straight for her opening. She was so wet and tasted of honey. I licked her opening and began to suck her clit again. She began to spasm in pleasure again and again as I felt her ejaculations covering my face. I got up from her and began to mount her. She pulled my face to her and kissed me deeply. I moved my hips to place my rock hard cock in front of her opening. Then I pushed forward. Still kissing me, she moaned into my mouth. I rammed it home, home to where I came from, home where I was brought into the world. She gasped again into my mouth, never breaking the kiss. As I began to easily grind the hilt on her clitoris, we finally broke the kiss. Her gasp for air almost made me come again as I heard and felt her have yet another orgasm. I held myself up on my left arm. Cupping her breast with my right hand I took her nipple in my mouth and began to suck as I plunged in and out of her with my nine-inch cock.


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