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Becoming Ashley Ch. 02 - Accepting Ashley


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It made me happy to know that Victoria's friends knew our situation and were accepting. We settled in and had a few drinks sent our way before finally heading out onto the dance floor.

At first, it was the four of us dancing together in a group, but slowly, guys came by to try to get us separated. Holly was first, and it was no surprise considering the dress she had on. It was a bronzed satin spaghetti strap dress that was built in two pieces that were tied together from the front of the armpit all the way to the hem of the skirt. lt showed sideboob, abs, a little hip, and thigh, but most importantly, it showed she was wearing nothing underneath.

Shortly thereafter, as I was dancing with Victoria, two men worked their way between us to steal a dance. Ironically, the taller of the two took Victoria, while the shorter man asked me to dance. He wasn't actually short. In reality, he was likely the same height as me, but in my heels I was just a hair taller.

He introduced himself as Mark and was very well dressed in slacks and rolled up sleeves on his button-up. Mark didn't waste any time getting handsy with me. I started by dancing with my back to him. His hands immediately explored my hips and my waist, slowly making their way under my jacket, so that only thin layer of mesh was all there was between him and my skin. Thankfully his hands didn't wander towards my fake breasts.

I was caught off guard by how forward Mark was, but I couldn't deny that I loved the attention and the way it felt to have a man's hands on me again. Teddy was the only man who had ever touched me like this, and I immediately got that nervous sense of euphoria that I had the first time I went to the club. I eventually turned to dance with Mark face-to-face. His hands made his way to my ass as he moved me across the dance floor.

Victoria noticed how free Mark was being with my body and at first gave me a surprised look, before giving me a wink and a nod of approval. I could tell that this is what she wanted for me. A way to feel sexy and feminine again. I wasn't going home with anyone besides Victoria, but the attention really helped my healing process.

After a few dances, all us girls returned to our table for another round of drinks. I received many compliments and "woo's" from the girls about letting Mark touch me so openly.

Holly asked Victoria how she felt about her girl being whisked away by a man.

"Hey, if she finds someone that she wants to go home with, I'm fully supportive."

That elicited another round of "woo's" from the girls. Holly and Kate now seemed determined to get me a hook-up before the night was over, but I insisted that I'd only be going home with Victoria.

Holly got the attention of another guy and very aggressively made a point of introducing us, making sure to let him know that we were there to get me over a bad break-up. That certainly got his attention, and before long, the girls had sent us back out to the dance floor.

His name was Jake, and while he was not as forward as Mark, he definitely made up for it with his dance skills. I was outmatched. To stop him from dancing circles around me, I grabbed him and pulled him close so that our bodies touched and gyrated to the beats of the music.

He took that as a sign that he was free to be more open with me. I was actually glad he got the hint, because he was fucking hot. I was silently thanking Holly as he ran his hands up my back while pulling my hips into his. I could actually feel his cock brushing up against my thigh as we danced. I blushed when I finally realized what it was, and then became even more interested when I estimated the size.

"Yeah girl! Get some!" Victoria hollered from the table.

I was embarrassed, but not enough to stop dancing with Jake. At the end of the song, he pulled me tight and put his forehead to mine briefly before letting his lips gently press up against mine. I welcomed him by parting my lips and inviting his tongue into my mouth. We kissed for a few seconds before I pulled away.

"Thank you," I said. "Do you mind if I freshen up real quick? I can meet you back at the table."

Jake agreed and as I walked to the restroom, I nodded at Victoria for her to join me. She met up with me just off the dance floor and nudged me in the ribs.

"That was fucking hot."

I laughed. "It kinda was, wasn't it? He's pretty hot too."


Just then, I heard my name called out in a questioning tone.


Victoria and I both turned towards the sound and were equally stunned by the sight.

There was Teddy.

He had just stepped away from the bar and had a drink in his hand.

What are the fucking odds? Just when I had completely gotten him out of my head, he found a way to crawl back in.

"Teddy!" I yelped. "Um...hi."

Victoria stopped me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I said with some hesitation. "Yeah, I think so." This time with a little more confidence.

I turned towards Teddy as Victoria stayed a few paces behind me.

"You're looking really good...great actually. That's uh...quite the outfit you've got there."

I smiled at his compliment. He always knew how to make me feel comfortable.

"Thank you, Teddy. You look very handsome yourself. How have you been?"

Despite the effort it took to get over this man, I harbored no bad feelings for him. In fact, I still cared for him deeply. That's why I needed to get away. Of course he just happened to be at the same place at the same time. The universe had an awfully quirky sense of humor.

We caught up for a few minutes, chatting about nothing and everything before I sent Victoria back to the table.

"I'm good, but I'll wave you over if I need anything."

My wife took the hint and went back to the other girls, likely to fill them in on what had happened.

"I have to admit," Teddy started, "seeing you here is really bringing back all kinds of feelings. I think about you all the time."

I nodded, unsure of what to say.

"There's not any chance you'd reconsider us, would you."

I averted my eyes and looked at my feet.

"Nothing has really changed, Teddy." I said quietly. "I still can't give you what you want. Splitting up was for the best."

"I know, I know. That's what I used to think, but I've had a lot of time to think about it. I'm willing to accept any arrangement you want. I just want you back in my life."

He was pouring his heart out to me and I could not handle that kind of emotion. I could feel the tears beginning to form in the corners of my eyes.

"I...I need to excuse myself. I'm sorry, Teddy. I need a few minutes."

I didn't wait for a response. I turned on my heels and fled to the restroom where I settled up to the vanity and let the tears flow.

Why did he have to be here? Why couldn't the universe let me recover?

Victoria must have been watching, because only a minute or so of me entering the restroom, she was behind me and comforting me.

"Are you okay, babe? What happened?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I insisted. "It just became too much. I just needed a minute."

Victoria rubbed my back as I regained my composure.

"Jesus, I'm a mess." I said as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Let me help you with that." Victoria insisted.

She took out her makeup bag and quickly did some touchups. Thank God she was there for me, because I don't think I could have done it myself.

I told Victoria that I wanted to return to the table and asked her to intercept Teddy and ask him to give me a few minutes, but to let him know that I would be back. She did just that and allowed me to get back to the girls unobstructed, and rejoined us after a minute.

"So, that's the guy?" Holly asked.

I nodded.

"I can see why you're all torn up. He is definitely something nice to look at. What did he say?"

"He wants to get back together." I mumbled. "He said he made a mistake asking me for more and that he regrets getting between our relationship." I motioned towards Victoria.

Victoria put a hand on my thigh. "What are you thinking. You're not going to go back to him, are you?"

"I don't know." I admitted, feeling foolish for even considering it.

"I think you should bring that Jake back over here," Kate commented.

Victoria agreed.

"That's the problem though," I said. "There's a huge difference between Teddy and Jake."

"Yeah, Teddy has to be hung...look at him!" Holly joked.

I rolled my eyes.

"What I meant is that Teddy already knows that all this is fake." I emphasized my breasts with my hands. "Who knows how Jake will respond? It was fun on the dance floor, but it's not like I'm taking him home without a conversation that I'm not looking to have tonight. This isn't exactly a Trans Club."

"I didn't think about that." Kate admitted. "Honestly, you feel so much like one of the girls that I forgot you're not."

"Well I appreciate the compliment, Kate, but it definitely complicates things."

We continued the weigh the situation, but I couldn't come to a decision. I knew what my heart wanted, but my brain said otherwise.

Finally, a possible solution came to me. I asked the girls to give myself, Victoria, and Teddy some privacy at the table.

"You want me there?" Victoria asked.

"Yes, because this involves you just as much as it does me. So anything that gets decided needs to have your stamp of approval."

She agreed. Kate and Holly dispersed to go dance while I went to get Teddy to join Victoria and I with a fresh round of drinks. I would certainly need the liquid courage for what I was about to suggest.

Once we were settled with our drinks, Teddy and Victoria got reacquainted. I let the small talk linger for a few minutes before I got to the meat of the matter. Once the initial pleasantries ended, I finally spoke up.

"So, this is what I propose. If either one of you are against it, then it doesn't happen."

They both looked at one another and nodded at me.

"Okay, the issue is time. Teddy, you want more time with me, which I'm unwilling to give because I value the time I have with Victoria."

Teddy started to speak up. "I told you, I'm willing to..."

I cut him off. "I know, I know. Just hold on."

"Okay...sorry." He apologized.

"I propose that we spend more time together."

The two of them looked at me quizzically.

"All three of us." I added. "If anything is going to work between us, or between me and anyone else, really, Victoria needs to be a part of it. Otherwise I'm not willing entertain more than a fling with her approval. And I think we both know that a fling is not possible between us."

I looked at my wife.

"Is that really what you want?" She asked.

"It's something I'm willing to try, especially after last night...if you're up for it."

Victoria looked at me, then at Teddy. There was no doubt in my mind that she was attracted to him. In fact, she had admitted that to me shortly after I started seeing Teddy. But it wasn't until yesterday that I realized my wife could also be attracted to me as Ashley. This opened the door to a new possibility where the three of us could coexist. It could fail spectacularly, or it could be the start of something amazing.

"If that's what you want, I'm willing to try it, babe." Victoria nodded the affirmative in my direction.

We both looked at Teddy.

"Well, that's not what I expected, Ashley, but if it means I get to spend time with you again, then I'm in."

"So...what do we do next?" Asked Victoria.

"Um...I guess we toast to a new beginning and see where things go for there. I haven't exactly had the time to think this all the way through. I'm kinda just winging it and going with my gut." I admitted.

The three of us touched glasses and downed our drinks. The vodka didn't do anything to settle the nervous excitement that I felt in my stomach, but I felt like I needed another. Teddy got the three of us another round while Victoria and I danced together out on the dance floor.

She pulled me in close and fended off any guys that approached, including Jake, who seemed more than just a little peeved that he was being cockblocked by my wife. Holly, however was happy to swoop in and take his mind off of his missed opportunity with me. All I could think was that she was doing him a huge favor.

Teddy returned with our drinks, and the three of us downed them while letting our hands explore each other's bodies. I grabbed Teddy by the wrist and guided his hand to Victoria's ass. He was hesitant at first, but seemed to relax after I gave him a reaffirming nod.

Having successfully built up a good sweat dancing, Victoria and I excused ourselves to the ladies' room once again.

"Well, that was a little awkward at first, but I think Teddy's warming up to it." Victoria joked.

"I wasn't worried about him. How are you doing?"

"You definitely came out of the blue with that...but he's cute. If you weren't involved with him, I definitely would have asked you if I could have him for a night, so I guess I'm not complaining." Victoria shrugged.

"I want to take him home."

I cut straight to the point. Fucking Victoria as Ashley was hot, but I needed a real dick in me and bad. I couldn't believe how horny I was for Teddy.

"Ok...just you...or both of us?"

"Both of us. I actually kinda want to see you fuck him." I admitted.

"Alright, because I kinda want to watch you suck a dick. That would be so hot."

I pulled Victoria close and gave her a deep kiss. We then freshened up and made our way back to Holly and Kate at the table. We explained that we were going to head home and wished them a good night. Holly seemed like she was intent on going home with Jake, so the timing worked out.

I grabbed Victoria's hand and we strutted over to where Teddy was standing at the bar. We each joined him on opposite sides and placed a hand on his shoulder, crossing our arms behind his back.

At the same time, Victoria and I whispered into his ears, "Take us home."

He didn't require any further convincing. Teddy downed his drink, called us an Uber, and escorted us outside.

The Uber driver was more than likely doing a few miles per hour over the speed limit, but to me it felt like he was driving as slow as physically possible. I sat between Victoria and Teddy, who were not shy about feeling up my stockinged legs, causing my already short skirt to ride up even higher. I'm certain our driver could see everything in his rear view mirror and that is why he was in no hurry to get us home.

By the time we arrived, the sexual tension between the three of us was unbearable. Victoria and I headed inside while Teddy tipped the driver with cash.

We had barely stepped through the threshold and Victoria was already pawing at my chest to remove my jacket. She quickly kicked off her boots and wriggled out of her leather pants, leaving her standing there in just a g-string and her leather bralette top.

"Damn, you girls work fast. Were you planning on waiting for me?" Teddy joked as he walked in the door.

I looked at him and laughed.

"You're overdressed. You better catch up quick." I said.

I hiked up my skirt so he could see both Victoria's and my ass, grabbed my wife by her hand and led her up the stairs to our bedroom.

"Don't be far behind...wouldn't want you to miss anything." Victoria called out to Teddy as we disappeared up the stairs.

In the bedroom I shimmied out of my skirt, removed Victoria's top and laid her back on the bed, where I straddled her and began to make out with my wife.

Teddy finally caught up and stopped at the door.

"That is so fucking hot. I don't know if I'd rather watch or join."

I pulled myself off of Victoria, sat upright beside her, and gave Teddy a come hither motion with my index finger. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor, revealing his bare chest that I had missed so dearly.

Teddy sat down opposite me on the other side of Victoria. As we met in the middle for a brief kiss, I grabbed his hand and guided it to Victoria's exposed left breast. I then grabbed her right breast and squeezed, eliciting a soft moan from my wife.

Together, our hands slowly made their way down her body until we each grabbed ahold of the waistband to her g-string and pulled it down past her feet, letting it fall to the floor.

"Go ahead," I said to Teddy, motioning to Victoria's wet vagina. "Eat it."

Teddy wasted no time diving face first into her crotch. I watched for a few moments before I returned my attention to Victoria's breasts and neck. In a few short minutes, my wife was white knuckle gripping the bedsheets and thrusting her hips to match Teddy's rhythm. I grabbed ahold of both her breasts, taking a nipple in my mouth as Victoria exploded with an orgasm. Her legs quivered as Teddy continued to push his tongue inside my wife's vagina.

Once recovered, she grabbed Teddy by the hair and pulled his mouth up to hers. She kissed him deeply, tasting her own juices from his mouth.

"That was amazing!" Victoria said through bated breaths. "There were so many hands and tongues."

"Just wait until you see how many other parts there are." I said with a giggle.

While Victoria composed herself, I crawled my way over to Teddy and started to remove his belt and pants. I couldn't wait to see his dick again. I wanted to feel his warmth and hardness inside of me. I wanted to taste him and share him with Victoria. I wanted Victoria to see that I too knew how to please a man. I wanted her to be impressed by how much I had truly become a woman.

I got on my knees and took Teddy's dick in my hands and stroked it gently while looking him in the eyes. Victoria watched intently as she laid on the bed, her eyes were locked on my every move. As I moved my head closer to his dick, my wife sat up to make sure she had an unobstructed view of the action. Slowly, I brought my lips to the head of Teddy's penis and gently kissed the tip.

I ran my mouth up and down the shaft, giving the entire length the attention it deserved. Teddy leaned back on his elbows to watch. Finally, I parted my lips and allowed him to slide into my mouth.

Victoria ran her hand through my hair and moved it from my face. "Good girl," she said. "Worship that big cock."

I didn't need the motivation, but I certainly appreciated it. Hearing my wife encourage me to suck Teddy's dick was mind numbingly sexy.

Victoria kept a hand on my head as I used both hands to lube up Teddy's cock with my spit. Once I had him to my liking, I was ready to give my wife a show she'dnever forget.

I gripped Teddy's hips with my hands and angled the head of his dick towards the back of my mouth. I locked eyes with Teddy as I slowly engulfed his eight inches and took all of him down my throat. I pressed my lips to his pelvis and teased his balls with my tongue.

"Holy fuck!" Teddy moaned as he held my head in place with his hands.

Victoria stroked my back in support as I kept him buried in my throat for as long as I could.

Eventually I tired and ran out of air. As I pulled my mouth free of Teddy's cock, a long rope of drool fell from my lip and coated my chin. Unable to just watch, Victoria grabbed my face with both of her hands and took my bottom lip into her mouth. I'm sure she could taste Teddy on my lips as she probed my mouth with her tongue.

I pulled away and motioned to Teddy. "Your turn!" I panted.

She didn't hesitate. I watched as Victoria repeated my actions, only a little more aggressively. With experience comes confidence. She easily deep-throated Teddy's big cock and bobbed her head up and down the entire shaft. I could only watch in amazement as his dick stretched her throat repeatedly. It was truly a beautiful sight to behold. I hoped I looked just as sexy with Teddy in my mouth.

I knew Victoria was experienced with other men, but I had never gotten the pleasure of watching her in the act. She truly was a sight to behold as she expertly worked Teddy's dick with her mouth. I was transfixed with how she didn't just give a blowjob. She made love to Teddy's cock. Her facial expressions showed pure adulterous lust for his manhood, occasionally giving loving looks back up to Teddy as he moved her hair out of the way.


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