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Becoming My Stepmother's Slave

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How I was blackmailed into slavery by my sadistic stepmother.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/09/2017
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--------------CHAPTER ONE------------

My name is Bridget and most of my life I grew up with my dad, Jerry and stepmom, Diana. She was a lot younger than my dad, I mean way younger, it was weird to say the least. Growing up with her I learned that she was a harsh manipulative bitch, and my dad could never see through her little act. I was an only child and we lived in large home, the kind you see on HGTV selling for millions, with no houses in sight thanks to some very big walls and a vast expanse of land all around. My mom left when I was young, my dad said she was selfish and she didn't want to be a mother, she wanted to live her own life, and that she also had some problems but he never said anything more on the subject no matter how hard I pressed.

My dad had a really successful import/export business and he made a lot of money. But he worked hard for it and wasn't the type to flaunt it, in fact we lived a very simple life. He was pretty religious actually, we were Christian, born again, but he only found religion late in life. But he wasn't very active in the church besides being a big donor.

He was always too busy working to do anything else, he never even took a vacation, the closest thing would be his trips abroad for business which could last for weeks to even months long, but they seemed more stressful to him than anything. I felt like I didn't really know him, all I knew is he was a bit strict, overly protective and paranoid, a control freak to say the least, but he had a good heart. Too bad he was never around. I wish he was, just so he could see how Diana treated me on the daily.

I never thought it had genuinely evil people in the world until her. She was in control of everything home related and it seemed like that included my dad, no matter what she demanded, however stupid or unreasonable it was, he would make sure she got it. She would insult me, quarrel and yell at me for making mistakes but he always thought I exaggerated or that I was lying to get him to spend more time home. But it was clear that his priorities were Diana, his business, his colleagues, then me, in that exact order.

Diana made sure I grew up earning whatever I had because she wanted me to get a taste of what it was like to grow up poor like she did, she said she didn't want me to become spoilt. So I did chores to earn my allowance each day and if I didn't complete every single chore, I didn't get any allowance for that day, and my allowance was actually less that most of my friends, by like a lot.

My stepmother would always give my dad stories of how she grew up, having to make do with little to nothing, and boasting that it made her a better person, which is why she insisted to my dad that she raise me the same way. At least she succeeded in one aspect, no one in my school would have ever guessed I came from money, and no one ever thought I was spoilt, at least no one besides her.

She definitely wore the pants in the relationship and controlled basically all the spending but she actually was very careful about wasting money, well when it came to everything but herself. She would buy me cheap clothes, things that didn't even fit properly. I was a petite girl about 5'1'' but I was very curvy with a big butt and 32DD boobs, but she only ever bought me cheap unflattering clothes, she even bought me bras that were too big or too small, knowing they never fit right, making excusing like I would grow into them or they would stretch out. I mean seriously, did she really think I believed her for one second. Thanks to that the only thing that stretched out were my boobs which got really saggy thanks to that evil cunt.

She kept tabs on me all the fucking time. I felt like I was constantly being watched. But I could never tell my dad, I tried when I was younger so many time but he always took her side and believed her, while she always made me out to be a jealous spoiled brat.

The only spoiled brat in that house, was her. I felt so helpless growing up, like a prisoner in my own home. I went through all the motions until I found a way to vent and keep what little sanity I had left.

A diary I wrote to keep my sanity where I could vent and get rid of my frustrations and anger, it was basically just a big F U to my stepmom, she could never find it, but part of me wished she would. There was so any things I wanted to say to her face, but writing down every single thing I wanted to say still gave me some relief.

During the weekends, I barely ever got to go out because she always gave me such a long list of chores the weekend was barely enough time to complete them. She said I needed to learn the value of hard work. Ironic since she never let me get a summer job because she insisted she needed my help to take care of the house work, while objecting at ever getting an actual maid because that was wasting money. How my dad went for that I'll never know, since he could afford ten maids and not blink an eye.

She would make me iron, vacuum, do the dishes, wash all the clothes in the house, I even cooked for her. While she lay down on the couch and watched television, shouting for me to fetch her that or bring her this. She began to pack on the pounds as the years went by too, at 5'6'' she was about 200lbs, most of which was in her fat ass, she was curvier than actually fat but to me she was a disgusting cow.

She made me give her foot massages and pedicures which would take an hour or two at times. Her feet smelled pretty bad on top of that. She always waited till the evening when they were sticky and sweaty for me to give her a massage. I wasn't sure if that was just to spite me. But I did it anyway because it wasn't worth the fight, I just had to do what she said to get permission to go out and to get my meager allowance. Given everything this meant I lived a very sheltered and a pretty abnormal life I would say.

---------------CHAPTER TWO-------------

Which brings us to now after years of putting up with their shit I was finally seeing my way out. I got great test scores and all I had to do was convince my dad to let me go to college and I would be free. Able to live my own life and never have to see that woman again. Unfortunately, for being as successful and well-traveled as my dad was he was very backward thinking. Only worried that I would become some party girl, drinking all the time, or worse that I would get pregnant, basically that I would become some huge slut fucking every guy I see.

Which was funny because I wasn't even attracted to guys, I was always more attracted to girls, but I never had to chance to experiment but I don't know there was this feeling I had looking at really fit beautiful girls that I didn't have with guys, no matter how supposedly hot they were.

This was just another reason I had to leave. I could never be myself and I could never experience anything. If my dad even suspected me of being a lesbian, he would go crazy and make me go to therapy to become straight or worse make me get an exorcism to get rid of whatever demon was in me. He would be that upset. The people who surrounded him didn't help either because they all thought the say way he did. I could never get how he went from never mentioning the word God to becoming a religious nut seemingly overnight.

He also wanted me to work under him in the business so that one day I could take over. But I hated that idea, I desperately wanted to get out of there, and get away from them, to be free and live my own life. It was the whole reason I studied hard to try and get a scholarship and leave, unfortunately I didn't get any of the scholarships I applied for but with my test scores and I was already provisionally accepted at four different universities all far away and I had a couple months to get back to them.

The only good thing is I knew my stepmother wanted me gone, she hated the thought of me inheriting my father's company, and I overheard her talking about having kids in the future, so I knew she would want her future children to get his money. And they could have it, all I wanted was my freedom.

I told my dad I need to speak with him and I had already planned out everything I was going to say. When the time came and I poured my heart out and tried everything, promising to be studious and reminding him how I never got in trouble my whole life, I even suggested maybe I could work with him after, even though that was a lie and I knew he saw through that. But instead of giving me an answered her turned to Diana and asked her what she thought. I was feeling good still though, I knew the bitch wanted me out so I crossed my fingers.

She pondered for a short moment and said "You know what the more the think about it, I think she should stay home here and work for you, I mean nowadays even with a degree you can't get any good jobs, and she would gain invaluable experience working for you, hmm, and all those bad influences in college, uhuh, I would really need to sit down and think about it some more and pray about it before I make up my mind Honey."

Why would she possible want me to stay? and pray about it, really?! She couldn't care less about religion, I thought to myself.

My dad looked back at me and responded "Well maybe give us some time to discuss it and we can talk about it after I come back from my trip." Then he kissed me on my forehead and said goodbye as he left to pack his things for his flight for the business trip he was taking that summer. But I knew what that meant all too well.

I looked over at my step mother and she had the biggest smile on her face. Such a devious look and I just thought how could he listen to this fat cow, instead of his own daughter, why was he letting her decide my entire life, MINE! I confronted her right then, "why did you say that? I thought you wanted me to go".

She then replied "Maybe I do and maybe I don't, I'm not sure anymore. What's in it for me if I help you, and believe me, you need my help, this decision is really not up to your dad, you and I both know he'll rely on me to make it. So I suppose it's me you should be trying to convince."

"What'd you mean what's in it for you?" I asked, "I'll be gone and you can have everything, and you won't ever have to worry about me getting anything he has, because you won't ever have to see me again. Isn't that enough?" Pleading with all my might.

She just sat there thinking, while I waited in anticipation feeling like the ground beneath me was beginning to crumble. This was my way out and I had no plan b. I couldn't run away and live on the streets and I had no real friends that would ever consider letting me stay by them, I had no money, nothing. No one really knew how terrible my life was, how terrible she was. But was too afraid to run away.

I was frustrated and I protested, "why, why are you doing this? Why do you hate me?"

To which she responded "I think it's you that hates me, you see I found your diary on your laptop, and read every single word. I think your dad would love to see how you refer to the love of his life. I believe you called me fat ass cow in one entry or was it a gold digging bitch?"

I couldn't believe it. It was hidden so well on my laptop, how could she find it. I knew she wasn't bluffing too, she looked like she was on cloud fucking nine.

I started to cold sweat, my face red hot, I just stood there dumbfounded, I couldn't think, and seconds felt like minutes, I just couldn't think, what did this mean for me. I didn't even have time to be angry at her invading my privacy like that.

My stepmother broke the silence "Contrary to what you believe I'm not the witch you think I am, I' much worse, but even with everything you said about me I still want to help you, but you're going to have to earn it. Everything you wrote about me in this diary is about to look like child's play in comparison to what you're going to have to do for me, if you want to get to leave this house that is."

She continued, "You say I treat you like a slave, well if you want me to help you then you're going to be my actual slave. For the entire summer you will do EVERYTHING I tell you, and if you say no to ANYTHING, the deal is off and I WILL convince your dad not to let you go to university and you can spend the next few years living with me, although after he reads these journal entries I think you can forget about an allowance, or even working with him, maybe he'll kick you out on the streets or maybe he'll lock you up in this house and ground you for the next year, who knows what I can convince him to do. Given your options do we have a deal...Bridget?" She asked with the smuggest expression I had ever seen.

After being quiet for the next few minutes and processing everything she said, I knew she was right. She was my only way out. If my dad saw the diary he would be furious and my dreams of going to college would be gone, and even if he didn't see it, once Diana said no then I could kiss college goodbye. As much as I hated her and her deal, I needed her to help me.

"One more minute to decide otherwise the deal is off and I'll show your father the diary...?" she said basking in her victory

I took a deep breath, cleared my head and replied "OK," in a shaky voice. But I wasn't going to be cowering in fear, that's what she wanted, I composed myself some more and said it louder "OK I'll do it."

"Smart move Bridgey, how about we seal the deal, shall we," she said, lifting both her feet in the air. "kiss the bottom of my feet, both of them, now, I recall reading about how much you LOVE the smell of me feet in your diary, so what better way to prove that you can be my slave than giving each one a nice big kiss, and I like my kisses wet... slave."

I could see the seriousness in her face, I knew she really expected me to kiss them, I felt so little, so powerless, like I was a child all over again.

Out of options I dropped to my knees and planted two big wet *gags* kisses on each of her large, sweaty, sticky feet, holding back my gagging even though I could taste the bitter, sour taste in my mouth.

She smirked "good slave, looks like we have a deal, now go upstairs and get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow, and I promise, it will be worst that you can imagine. By the way don't brush your teeth I want you to enjoy the taste of my feet."

Then she walked upstairs to help my dad pack and I went to my room shocked. I couldn't believe she made me do it. I didn't think she was capable of that. I drank two glasses of chocolate milk just to get the taste out of my mouth. Then I started thinking of all the things that I had written in my diary, how bad they really were, and what other things she could use against me. Unfortunately for me they were so much worse than I realized when I wrote them. I wrote about her being fat, lazy, a whore, a gold digger, I said she was disgusting and I called her so many terrible names I couldn't list them all if i tried.

My dad would never forgive me if he saw those things, he would hate me, and my life would get so much worse. "URGHHH," i grunted, how could I be so stupid. I just lay down in bed thinking of possible ways out, but nothing came to mind, even if I found where she had my diary, I would still need her to convince him to let me go.

As I lay in bed, I resigned myself to being her slave for the next couple months. I was strong, I mean I dealt with her for most of my life and I was basically always treated like a slave. I would get through it no matter what, my freedom depended on it, plus I mean what could she do to me that was worse than today.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This is one of my favorite stories on here. I read it years and years ago and I keep coming back to it

GayKatGayKatalmost 2 years ago

Yes, Now This One's Promising, 😜!


Hallo Author, or fdomfet!

Wow!... Now your story, "Becoming My Stepmother's Slave", is more like we were looking for, and Bridget's Sadistic Stepmother, Diana, is fucking kinky, hot and sexy... I'm already soaking-wet and the Black Queen hasn't even caned my white ass yet!

[I mean what could she do to me that was worse than today.] _ My answer to Bridget's naive question!... There is many many-things that you'd find much worse, how about, licking her large, sweaty, sticky feet clean, or tongue bathing Diana's entire body... but if she is anything like me, soon as Bridget's daddy leaves, Diana will have her handcuffed in the toilet and using Bridget's tongue as toilet-paper lick wiping her shitty asshole and wet-pussy, after each time she uses the toilet untill Diana's had several orgasms,,, yes!

Thank-You, 5-Stars and 5-Yummy Wet Orgasms!

The Black Queen and Gay Kat..

NurekNurekabout 2 years ago
Humble estimations upcoming as far as what Bridget is going to discover.

I'm guessing most humbly that her stepmom also owns her mom, and is forcing her to pay *her* child-support, as well as having stolen the other woman's family, owning their daughter, and also tricked their man into giving herself her predessor's claims, financially-speaking at that.

I don't really know, you do, my neighbor, but that's my guess, based on the personality of the evil stepmom in this work of yours.

I'm guessing that not only did Diana steal Bridget's mother's man and family, and kick her out onto the street, but also enslaved her via child-support court-ordered payment bills to work for Diana's benefit, and also turn Bridget's father against Bridget and totally in favor of Diana; but also enslaved both Bridget and Bridget's mom in the meantime- in totally different means... well as the evil stepmom she is; that's a distinct possibility that she'd do exactly that.

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

What a mindless story! Only good for the mindless fans! But they are happy with everything!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Too any naysayers..... If you don't like it there are thousands more out there. I like the setup and I can see many avenues for this to take.

Keep writing ForTheLoveOfFemdom :-)

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