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Becoming Victoria


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"See?" She cooed as she began to slide her hand up and down. "I knew that you wouldn't let me down. You like this, don't you? Boys always like it when girls take them in hand because we know how to please you."

Up and down and up and down she pumped my manhood which showed its appreciation by swelling and hardening more than it usually did.

"This is much better than me straddling you, isn't it, darling? I can be firm and gentle and can get up to a decent speed this way, can't I?" She smiled and I tried to answer but my words of appreciation were muffled by the gag.

"Hush, my sweet darling boy, hush and enjoy." She cooed as she began to role my organ between her fingers and thumb.

A minute or so more of her insistent pumping, which she timed to perfection, and I was ready. She took my glans into her mouth and began to suck while rubbing her tongue against the sensitive spot that is just underneath. I exploded there and then, shooting my load into her warm and willing mouth. I naturally expected her to stop there and then... She didn't, she just swallowed it all and continued. Licking and sucking and sliding her gorgeous maroon lips up and down my softening member.

She was gentle, but insistent and by the time that she was through with me I felt as if I was floating on air. She managed to bring me off three times in quick succession which was more than I thought possible... Her gentle, encouraging words really had worked their magic although the last load was meagre. I was happy, I was relaxed I really was floating but the midst of a warm post-coital glow.

"Wow!" Melinda exclaimed, clearly impressed by her Mother's gentle skills. I doubt if she had ever seen a man being masturbated before that day and it had clearly moved her.

Anika straightened up and grabbed my penis once again, she worked it and managed to keep some semblance of an erection. Then she began to masturbate me again only this time there was no semblance or pretence of gentleness. She pounded me: pulling up and pushing down as hard and as fast as she could manage. On and on she went working and battering at my now-abused genitals with a violence and determination that I had never thought possible. Up! - Down! - Up! - Down! - Up! - Down! - Pull! - Push! - Pull! - Push! - Pump! - Pump! - Pump! - Slam!

I groaned into my gag but it did no good. I tried to plead with her to stop, but no words came out - then she looked into my eyes. Her expression was now hard and triumphant as she carried on and on and on tirelessly. My body began to buck as one last pathetic tortured orgasm ran through it and a tiny sticky trickle emerged from the eye at the end of my rapidly softening cock.

Anika's expression changed from one of triumph to one of loathing.

"Pathetic!" She spat then spun around and grabbed her shocked daughter kissing the surprised child roughly and dominantly. When the kiss finally ended I heard her mutter. "We're doing this so that you'll never have too put up his unwanted leering!"

Oh my tortured genitals! They ached after what must have been over an hour's abuse. It was a deep burning ache totally unlike the pain that Lakshmi's knee had delivered. Different, but in its own way, equally unpleasant none the less.

Without warning Dr Gupta jabbed a needle into my thigh and was none too gentle as she forced some drug or other into my unresisting leg.

"Very good, you've drained him, no doubt about that. Now if you'll both assist me I'll make a start as soon as the tranquillizer begins to work..."

The girls applied antiseptic gel to their hands while Anika worked the same stuff into my abused genitals. This was followed by shaving soap and the application of a razor.

"I think I'll keep him like that permanently." My wife said gently.

"What? Tied up?" Melinda enquired.

"No, silly, smooth and hairless like little boy. He looks kind of cute, doesn't he?" Anika cooed.

As the tranquillizer kicked in, Lakshmi went to work with her needles again only this time I received several doses of local anaesthetic.

"This will stop him jumping around when I start cutting." She said by way of reassurance. For a doctor, her bedside manner really stank.

Then a minute or two later, with the chair flattened into a bed and a couple more turns of rope applied around my belly, the good doctor began to snip and slice. I'll give her her due, she worked quickly... Really quickly, and clearly knew her stuff. Although perhaps one of the flourishes was unnecessary. Did she really have to show me the two fleshy spheroids that she had extracted from my scrotum and ask me if I'd ever seen them before?

Within fifteen minutes she was stitching me up and painting the wound with antiseptic. "Try to keep your hands off it until the cuts have healed. I'll stop by next week and take the stitches out. By then everything will have healed up nicely."

She turned towards Anika. "Keep him drained but be gentle. Twice a day should be enough, may be Melinda can take a turn? After all she'll be looking after Victoria while you are at work."

She looked up at the bemused eighteen year old. "It'll be okay to use your mouth on him... Less chance of bursting the stitches. Oh, don't worry, I super-glued the incisions together before I put the stitches in. Better safe than sorry!"

So here was me I'd gone from man to eunuch in less than an afternoon and had oral sex with my step-daughter to look forward to as the only method of relief that was now available. Needless to say, I shuddered.

Then after another couple of injections, female hormones, this time. Dr Lakshmi Gupta departed leaving me to the ministrations of my loving wife and her perverted daughter.

Day Two: Friday

I woke up in what had until yesterday, been my step-daughter's bedroom. Said step-daughter had taken my place in the marital king-sized bed from which I had recently been surgically demoted. She was clearly making the most of it if her moans of ecstasy were anything to go by.

After the doctor's departure, the two of them had untied me, removed the gag and helped me up. I was woozy after the massive dose of tranquillizer that Dr Frankenstein had pumped into me so was cooperative but more than a little unsteady.

Gently, Anika had concealed my naked embarrassment by wrapping me in a girly-pink towelling bathrobe being careful that nothing could irritate my now empty scrotum. "Oh my poor baby. I take better care of you from now on. Still it is own fault! Fancy threatening Dr Lakshmi like that. What were you thinking? This is all for the best, you'll see! You'll be beautiful when we've finished with you."

She stroked my flat chest and smiled. "You always liked tits now my little girl can have some all of her very own."

Little girl? Victoria? Her own? The finality of it struck me but I was past caring. Tomorrow would bring what tomorrow would bring.

That night, for the very first time, I slept in one of Melinda's night-dresses although without the frilly panties that normally went with it. Anika had decided that they might rub and prevent me from sleeping. Actually, the good doctor had thought of that one and had left me with a supply of sleeping pills. The net result was that I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

'Tomorrow' brought some swelling and a little soreness and very little else so at least I had some small mercies to be thankful for. That and a whole load of unaccustomed pampering!

Just after breakfast, when Anika had left for work, Melinda proved just how serious she was when it came to looking after me. No sooner where we on our own than she knelt down between my knees and gently took my flaccid member into her mouth and rolled it with her tongue until it began to stiffen so that she could give me the first of the twice-daily blow-jobs that Dr Gupta had prescribed. She seemed disappointed that I didn't get really hard but she persisted none the less until I came ratter weakly, squirting a miniscule load into her mouth that she swallowed theatrically.

As the day progressed she never let me out of her sight and even accompanied me to the toilet where she insisted that I performed while seated. Everywhere that I went saw her trotting along behind me just like a faithful and enthusiastic puppy. Thinking back, it is obvious that she was trying to set up a working routine.

Over coffee, which we took at the large kitchen table, I asked her about this and was rewarded with one of her beaming smiles. Melinda really was a beautiful and confidant young woman: a taller, slimmer version of her mother. And a more considerate one to boot.

She had dressed me in some of her older clothes: she obviously wasn't prepared to share her newer ones with me. We were about the same height and build: I had never been a 'macho' kind of man with muscles and a confident swagger and never could be now. So here I was dressed in a soft cotton summer skirt and blouse in attractive pastel shades. She had also eased me into a pair of her panties which were slightly loose because I lacked her girl-hips. I was wearing them mainly because she wanted me too and thought that they would stop the skirt rubbing against my operation site. As I slipped into them I couldn't help but notice how well they conformed to my new contours down below and helped smooth out any remaining man-bulge. I was actually secretly pleased with the results but was a little too embarrassed to say so,

Instead, over coffee I asked her about her motives: why was she helping me like this?

I received the reward of a warm smile. "Because we can help each other, Vicky. While I help you through a difficult transition and you'll be able to help me become established as an IT consultant."

I was struck by her sincerity but felt compelled to point out the snags. "That will take about five years, Melinda, you'll need a good degree and a load of experience before you can hope to become established."

She frowned. "And you'll become an acceptable shemale over night will you?"

I recoiled at her pointed question. Me, a shemale? I hadn't even considered that option. If Anika intended me to become a shemale, why had she agreed to my castration? Then it struck me... To speed things up, why else? Unless... Unless she hoped that it would make me less aggressive and easier to handle.

Melinda broke into my reverie. "I'll help train you while you help support me into a new career. Besides I'll have your experience to draw on: you'll be at the end of my mobile phone day and night... You'll help me, won't you?"

I nodded. "We'll help each other: we both need to transition after all, me into femininity and you into employment so it makes sense that we help each other doesn't it?"

Melinda surprised me with her thoughtfulness. She had a clear handle on what was needed so I guess that I let her take the lead. She obviously knew more about being a girl than I did so I it was obvious that I should learn from her.

As I was finishing my coffee she leaned over and kissed me on top of my head which was the first time that she had ever shown me any affection. I smiled - it was good to know that I was wanted.

The day progressed and after a light lunch, a courier delivered a package from the local pharmacy. Melinda unpacked it in front of me and revealed that it contained a large number of high-dose oestrogen pills. Clearly I didn't need male hormone blockers as I no longer had anything to produce them: but oestrogen meant that I would undergo HRT!

Melinda again took charge and fed me a double dose which I swallowed as she read out the long list of the symptoms that I could reasonably expect. The swollen and sensitive nipples; the re-distribution of body fat from shoulders and belly to hips and, everyone's favourite: the classic mood swings...

Transition... Feminine... Shemale...

Yes! I knew that I had a lot to go through as we settled into our routine.

Victor would cease to exist and Victoria would take her place in the family only if she could make one.

Transition... Feminine... Shemale...

I was kept hidden inside the house and only allowed out under supervision so that I didn't draw attention too myself, although I must admit that the long blonde wig and the padded bra helped me blend in. However, I must admit that the high heels took more mastering than I had thought.

Transition... Feminine... Shemale...

Friday moved on and my beautiful lady returned after a had day's pampering (of other people). She greeted me with a warm smile and complimented me on my appearance. Melinda took me in hand, or rather, mouth again and performed her duties against the background of her mother's encouragement and advice. I must admit that I was still able to achieve some sort of erection, although no doubt the HRT would soon put an end to that.

The orgasm, when it arrived, was more intense than this morning's but was still pathetic when compared with yesterday's: although I'm not complaining and you wouldn't deny a girl her little pleasures, would you?

Transition... Feminine... Shemale...

The day's routine stretched out into weeks and then months. The only break in the monotony being my Thursday visit to my wife's beauty parlour where I underwent regular treatment. The first being depilation; hair removal had made major advances but was still unpleasant: the only thing that made it bearable was the knowledge that it was permanent and would not need to be repeated.

Anika, assisted by Melinda and occasionally by Lakshmi, worked on me using a variety of techniques: laser, and electrolysis being the main ones. After a fortnight I heaved a sigh of relief when I realised that I would never have to shave again. There was another one after a month because the torture was over and reported to be successful. Body hair? Gone: all that was left was on my head!

Transition... Feminine... Shemale...

I didn't want to transition, I didn't want to become feminine, but what choice did I have?

Epilogue: Two Years Later

I am seated behind my little desk in the reception area at Anika's Health and Beauty Salon where I am the receptionist. I am dressed in a tight white satin blouse, which emphasises my expertly enhanced double 'D' breasts, and a short black skirt that reveals most of my long, shapely and toned legs. Strangely I am proud of my new body and have become almost fanatical about maintaining it.

My face is a woman's face, even without the expertly applied make-up which I now do myself. Dr Gupta was right, apart from a slight re-contouring of my jaw and brow line and cartilage removal from my nose and Adam's apple I required very little facial feminization. Melinda says that I'm beautiful and I'm certainly not going to argue with her.

I can't wait for my hair to grow long, I currently wear it in a shoulder length bob that is shaped at least once a week. In my job I don't dare let it get straggly because besides being the receptionist I am the face of my husband's Salon. That's right, Anika has revised our roles and I am now her wife. We even sleep together, usually once a month when Melinda is having her period and that is when I can expect to be arse-fucked.

Melinda never did go to University to study IT and now works in the Salon alongside her mother and about ten other beauticians and hair stylists: business is growing and expanding.

I'm glad that Melinda didn't leave home: she's a lot more considerate than my husband and she taught me a great deal of things about being a woman, including the best ways to eat pussy. I extend this service to the clients where it appears on their bill as a "Special Massage".

I am now legally a woman: my birth certificate, marriage certificate and passport have all been amended to record my new status. I still have my rather useless little cock which is no longer prominent enough to be difficult to hide. Anika insists that I wear the briefest of panties which she says serve to remind me of just how insignificant it is. Melinda still sucks it occasionally for me. It may be shrunken but it still has all of its nerve endings so it has Kept its sensitivity.

Although Anika and myself are still married and she still fucks me at least a couple of times a month, it is her daughter that receives most of her affection as they are still conducting the same torrid affair that they where two years ago, the one whose discovery led to my castration.

Dr Gupta is still a regular presence in our lives and sometimes I have to provide her with a "Special Massage" too. She is still an evil, sadistic bitch and it was her idea to humiliate me by making me use a strap-on to fuck Melinda. It kind of backfired on her as we both orgasmed while she was gleefully watching. My little pinky (Anika's name for it) might no longer work but Lakshmi had made sure that it was trapped between the base of the strap-on and my pubic bone. The rhythmic pressure from the fucking was enough to eventually make me cum, much to her disgust.

Although she never made me fuck that way again, Melinda and I still do occasionally though always when Anika is out! Daft as it sounds I receive more affection now and am more sexually active than I was before I was forcibly neutered so I am not complaining.

I was once an insignificant, weedy, shy and geeky man and would have stayed that way if a certain vicious dyke of doctor hadn't forced me to become a statuesque, beautiful and confident lesbian woman. I intend to thank her thank her sometime... Now that will really spoil her day!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You should have stayed single but he was not thinking straight

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wish this were me. I am a sissy faggot.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was okay ......to much missing

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really bad. The women would be in prison and he'd be living on a tropical island for the rest of his life.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 3 years ago

I like the story-line. I'm left a bit confused, thought. This is a fiction story, so I'm ok with some of the medical details others have mentioned. What I wanted more of was him explaining more of his acceptance & attraction to being what he's become. That never came through in a convincing way.

I still liked the story, and hope you write more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Thats nit how castrations works

Ok the whole idea of becoming docile from castration comes purely from one study into rats in humans our best idea comes from detransition oatients or others who had acidents the hormonal imbalance caused by such an issue alone can lead to depression loathing and emotional outbursts in recent years since who knew the rat study was like 30+ years ago we now know testostirone is a minor hormone in fight or flight nit a dominent one adrenalin plays a far larger role in agression aswell as it would flip how fight or flight readts at most.

Studies of agression find females are more likely to preform social agression than physical or verbal social agression is a term for sorrading rumours or going behind peoples back add that to spite and hate having no link to testostrione in the first place its like the whole turture so one who has info you cant actualy kill them or you lose info castration would realisticaly led to somone telling police killing h8 mwuld of been the only logical answer the docter is dumb how did she get a phd

mattenwmattenwover 4 years ago
Unbelievable and therefore idiotic!

No normal person would react like this! Off to the police and the sluts are in jail! One lawyer and the slut wife is divorced and the other is sued! But it is your imagination and you wanted to satisfy your preference! Alright!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

This was so hot! I could only get through 2 paragraphs before cumming again.

graymangazergraymangazerover 6 years ago

Wonderful concept but like a previous story I though it could be much more.

Castration aside, being dominated and feminized by not one, but three women, is a lovely fantasy.

I think Victor might have resisted a little more; having his balls chopped off didn't seem to bother him overmuch, and there was never a mention that he might try to escape. Again, a little characterization could explain a lot.

Good story but could have been longer, and personally I would have enjoyed seeing the women dominating him a bit more, in the conventional sense.

Dr Gupta is a wonderful character by the way, if it wasn't for her love of forced surgery she'd be perfect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Wouldn't want it to happen to me but enjoyed the story

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