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This is a "first-timer" story for both wife and husband!
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Foreword: Dear Reader, this is a story mostly about wife sharing and/or the "voyeur hubby" syndrome. While some "Loving Wives" tales are about a committed, monogamous relationship, most are about the erotic nature of opening a marriage, infidelity, or some other variation - which are not "pure." In fact, Literotica states that Loving Wives' stories are about " Married, extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing, & more." I realized after the original's being published, that I had forgotten to include a very important segment which is now added herewith! This story also contains some bi-sexual exploration in the last chapter. So, while not looking to lecture anybody, if any of these offends you, please do not bother to read this story - there are hundreds of others for you - and for heaven's sakes, don't vote. Voting on Literotica should be based on literary quality and erotic appeal, not moralization! © 2022 All rights reserved. -- S.L.


Chapter 1:

Sean and Michelle had been married for about 20 years, were in their early 50's and pretty content with their circumstances. To describe them, Michelle was 5'1" tall, 110 lbs., with pert 32B breasts with nice pink nipples, and a little patch of black pubic hair above her mons which belied the blond hair on her head. Sean was 5'8", 160 lbs., brown hair, fairly muscular, but not as in shape as he had been in his youth.

However, to be candid, their sex life had waned... become infrequent...and more and more, they were relying on fantasies and toys. Sean bought a rather large vibrating dildo to fuck her tight little pussy while they engaged in 69. He enjoyed seeing the dildo go in and out of her as he nibbled on her pink clit - as Michelle sucked his ample (6"), thick cock. Over time, this practice led to fantasizing about another guy joining them to enact such a scenario for real.

Initially, Michelle was very apprehensive - concerned that this might lead to a weakening of their marital relationship. However, Sean continued to reassure her that he would not only be alright with such a development -- but thought it might spark their sex life to new heights. Michelle wondered where and how they would find such a male to join them and not have it be something they'd regret when it could not be undone?

As it happened, Sean was an avid porno aficionado, including the new online options that did not exist when they started dating. Perusing the offered listings one night after Michelle had gone to bed, he found an enticing listing by a bachelor named Brice who not only lived in their town but also offered experience with married couples and brought a 7.5" thick cock to the festivities. Sean thought that one that was somewhat bigger than his but not big enough to scare her (or stretch her out too much for his own turn) sounded like a good option.

Sean responded to Brice's listing and requested some pics to be emailed for their approval. Brice was happy to oblige and sent some full body shots (erect) including a close-ups of his handsome face and cock. Sean thought Brice looked like a good candidate and at an opportune moment when they were getting ready to have sex, showed her the pics suggesting that Brice might be the one to replace her dildo!

Initially, Michelle was shocked and somewhat annoyed at her husband for taking such steps without her knowledge or approval. However, Sean assured her that he had not revealed their identities, let alone shown any pics of them to Brice. Reassured, Michelle contemplated what it might feel like to invite Brice to join them and realized the fantasy that had been a favorite for months - had frankly become less erotic with time. After careful consideration, she said, "OK... let's meet him for a drink near where he lives and see if we hit it off before taking the next step like going home with him."

Sean was excited to inform Brice that he had passed the first test and a date was set to meet at a local bar near Brice's home. Sean also made sure to inform Brice that the first meet might not pan out - and that when/if it did, his place needed to be inviting, i.e., tidy, clean sheets, etc. Brice was delighted to hear about this potential playdate and gave assurances that his place with be fine.

During the week that went by, Sean's and Michelle's fantasy life took off - with his naming their dildo, "Brice" and whispering "how does it feel to take Brice's cock inside you - the first new cock in 20 years fucking you?" Michelle responded powerfully - gasping that it felt great and having the strongest orgasms in years calling out Brice's name - telling him to cum with (and inside) her!

Chapter 2:

Finally, the date happened; and when they rendezvoused with Brice at his favorite bar, Michelle was quite taken with his good looks, physique, and the fact that he was a good deal younger than they. She found herself wondering if Brice was getting hard under the table - hoping that was so -- and that the thought of getting to fuck her would be the cause!

After an hour and a half, she surprised both men by saying, "So how far away is your apartment?" When Brice said, "5 minutes," she said, "Well, how about we settle the bar tab and get going?" Naturally, both men were more than happy to hear this confirmation of what was now likely to be a most memorable night!

Brice insisted on picking up the tab and escorted the couple out the door - taking Michelle' hand as he did so. Michelle was surprised to feel his hand grab hers; but she was happy to allow it - especially when she felt the tip of his middle finger caressing the inside of her palm unbeknownst to Sean.

When they arrived at Brice's apartment, Sean and Michelle were pleased to see that it was nice-sized and clean. Brice gave them a quick tour which ended in the bedroom which had a nice queen-sized bed big enough for the fun and action all three now anticipated. Sean also noticed a nice, comfy armchair at the foot of the bed which would afford him a terrific spectator's P.O.V.!

Chapter 3:

Michelle now turned towards Brice, lifted her face, and silently asked to be kissed - which Brice obliged in a heartbeat. And speaking of heartbeats, hers was getting faster and faster - as was Sean's watching another man kiss and embrace his wife after more than two decades! Brice's tongue invaded her welcoming mouth as they "dueled" for a while. In the meantime, Brice's hand wandered from her shoulders... to her back... and finally gripped her ass - pulling her firmly pressed against his body. Michelle could feel the flattering hardness of Brice's cock pressing against her belly - proof positive that this younger hunk was turned on by her despite her age!

Eventually, she started swaying from side-to-side to further stimulate the cock of this new man who was about to become her lover. Brice enjoyed her rubbing on him - proof positive that her married body was about to become his latest conquest! Stepping back from her, Brice pulled at her sweater - lifting it up and over her breasts and shoulders, removing and tossing it to Sean who was happy to catch the proof that his fantasy was about to happen! Next, Brice unbuttoned her skirt and let it drop to the carpet. Michelle happily stepped out of it and kicked it towards her husband sitting in the chair. Impatient to have more fun, she reached behind and unsnapped her bra, letting it slide off her arms and tossing it to her husband without even looking at him to gauge his reaction - because she was preoccupied with sliding her bikini panties down her legs to finally totally bare her naked body to another man as she kicked her panties aside -- with a tell-tale wet spot in the crotch! Sean picked up the panties and gleefully sniffed and then licked the wet spot - proof that his wife was totally with the program.

As Brice caressed her tits, being sure to rub her erect, pink nipples, Michelle unbuttoned his shirt and removed it so she could caress his hairy pecs and ripped belly. Next, she undid his belt, opened the snap, and pulled down the zipper, letting his pants slide down his legs. As Brice stepped out of his pants, she wasted no time grabbing the waistband of his jockey briefs to tug them down - gasping when she saw it catch on and then off his erect cock as it slapped up against his stomach. She did not wait for him to step out of them before she reached out to grab and caress his hard cock - the first new one she had even seen in person, let alone touched in over 20 years.

Chapter 4:

Pausing for another deep and soulful kiss, she continued to stroke his cock as though she wanted to make sure it was ready for her body - as he rubbed one tit with his left hand and squeezed her ass with the other. Lifting her bodily, Brice tossed her onto the bed and before she might have a say in the matter, pried her legs wide open and proceeded to kiss his way up her inner thighs until he reached her gaping and obviously very wet pussy licking her clit while probing with his finger to find and rub her "g-spot" as she pulled his head closer. Seth could hardly believe his eyes seeing how his wife was obviously totally on-board with this new chapter in their erotic lives!

Brice did not relent until Michelle yelled, "I'm coming!!!" After which, he allowed her to catch her breath and lay down next to her—cuddling while she recuperated from one of the most powerful orgasms she'd had in a long time. Eventually, she reached down and found Brice's cock - still quite erect and stroking it - and said, "well now it's your turn!" At which point, she kissed him - tasting her juices on his lips and tongue - and worked her way down his body until she was facing the first new cock in two decades. Michelle looked at her husband to see if he had any reservations? When Sean winked at her, she kissed the tip, then licked it, then licked the shaft right down to his testicles - and when she returned to the tip, opened wide and took this new cock into her mouth - determined to return the pleasure. Brice looked down and enjoyed the sight of another new, sexy woman sucking his "wife pleaser."

When it became apparent that he was about to cum, he warned Michelle in case that might be problematic. However, this only encouraged her to redouble her efforts to return the favor and provide this man she had just met with the best blowjob she knew how to give. Brice understood and appreciated her intention; and as he looked down his body and at her husband beyond, enjoyed the sight as he allowed himself to ejaculate a nice big load of cum into her welcoming mouth. Michelle then licked her lips and moved up Brice's body to see if he'd be willing to kiss her - which he was - as their tongues shared each other's flavors.

Michelle was then shocked to see that Brice had not lost his erection despite cumming in her mouth minutes before. Brice moved down the bed spreading her legs again and started teasing her labia and clit with the head of his cock. Once again becoming aroused by the novelty of a new man... a new, hard, and bigger cock...she implored him to slot his cock inside her yearning pussy. Brice was more than happy to comply with her wishes - and winking at her husband over his shoulder, slowly, teasingly, slid his 7.5" inside Michelle's totally welcoming pussy. Once he was fully inserted, he teased her some more —flexing his cock repeatedly until she begged him to fuck her! Brice complied and started fucking with a nice steady rhythm - pushing her legs back against her shoulders to gain the deepest possible access to this wife who had succumbed to his looks, charm, and now ample cock! Michelle put her hands on Brice's ass encouraging him to pound her even more forcefully. She was determined to fully enjoy her first new lover in over 20 years ... who might well be the last depending on how Sean reacted -to be determined when they had a chance to discuss this development in their marital status. Brice stared into her eyes looking for a sign that she was about to orgasm again and when she responded with, "I'm going to cum again!", he redoubled his efforts, speeding up and pounding her little pussy even harder. And as she yelled, "I'm cummmminggg!", Brice joined her in an earth-shattering orgasm - pumping his seed inside this new conquest. Collapsing next to her, spooning on their sides and breathing deeply, they made quite the portrait of sexual satisfaction.

At this point, Sean got up and quickly removed his clothes and joined this momentarily satiated couple on the bed. He rolled Michelle onto her back, and seeing no objection, spread her legs, eager to feel for the first time ever what "sloppy seconds" would feel like? Sliding inside her, Sean was overjoyed to feel that not only was she more slippery, she was also a bit looser - giving credence to Brice's being a bit larger. But Sean did not care about her not being as tight as he was used to feeling - the cause of such was a much stronger aphrodisiac. In fact, given all the stimulation of watching his wife suck another man's cock and then get fucked by it, Sean could not last nearly as long as usual and added his cum to Brice's in her sopping wet pussy in short order.

Meanwhile, watching Sean enjoy his wife's cum-filled pussy and given his youth, Brice was now ready to have another go. Brice, being aware of some of Sean's fantasies from their conversations and emails, urged him to get into a 69 position with her while he took yet another turn fucking her. Sean loved the idea of seeing the action so much closer and happily complied, moving around and commencing to lick her clit - not minding the mixed cum flavor. Brice then decided to test this groom a bit and said, "How about you put my cock inside her?" Sean was somewhat shocked - but truth be told, that had been a part of his fantasies he never communicated to anybody. Tentatively, he reached out and grabbed Brice's slippery cock - practically unable to avoid stroking it a little -- to be helpful of course - and slotted the head in his wife's pussy. He then watched closely as each inch disappeared inside her. Brice, aware of Sean's fantasies, pushed Sean's head down and said "lick her clit as I fuck your wife!" Sean did not need any more encouragement and resumed licking her clit clamping his lips on it and flicking his tongue over and over hoping to drive her wild as she experienced being eaten and fucked -- simultaneously for the very first time! Michelle was moaning and groaning on her husband's cock which by now was in her mouth again as they 69'd and she got fucked - enjoying being penetrated at both ends with real cocks for the first time instead of Sean's and the dildo.

Chapter 5 (warning: bi-content ahead ):

Brice decided to try something and pulling his cock, coated with her juices and their cum, partially out of her and whispered to Sean, "how about you try licking her juices off me?" Sean was stunned for a moment - but truth be told, he did harbor some bi-sexual curiosity; and this was an unprecedented opportunity to try something without Michelle's even being aware. So he gingerly moved his tongue from her clit to the hard shaft partially exposed in front of him and for the very first time, tongued a man's cock! Seeing that Sean was "with the program," Brice decided to push the envelope (pardon the pun) -- extracting his cock from her pussy and quickly shoving his entire 7.5" into to Sean's unsuspecting mouth and throat! Sean was shocked but rebounded - going with his fantasy and started to actually suck on another man's hard cock! After a couple of minutes of this, Michelle, now deprived of cock and tongue, voiced protest - yelling, "HEY GUYS -- PUT THAT COCK BACK IN MY PUSSY AND KEEP LICKING MY CLIT!" Both men complied with her demand - having sampled the realization of that fantasy enough for the time being.

After Michelle came again with an unbelievably and unprecedentally powerful orgasm, the men rearranged themselves with Sean rotating around and sliding his cock into his wife's even more saturated and looser pussy - enjoying just how wet she was as proof positive of just how much she evidently enjoyed being fucked by two men including one whom she had just met that evening! Meanwhile, Brice, still hard, enjoyed watching Sean fucking her and, in particular, how her hands were gripping and pulling Seth's ass to encourage him to fuck her harder and harder.

What especially caught Brice's eye however was the tight, little puckered anus now revealed to his eyes as she did so. Quietly moving closer, Brice started rubbing Seth's back.... and eventually Seth's ass.... And grabbing a tube of lube he kept in his night table, carefully applied some to his still erect cock ... then to Sean's rosebud. Feeling Brice's finger rubbing his ass did not immediately feel threatening - in fact, it felt kind of hot... so he didn't protest. Eventually, Brice was sawing his finger in and out of Sean's ass - pulling on the ring to stretch him. Truth be known, Sean actually enjoyed having his ass played with and had tried doing so himself sometimes when masturbating to porn -- so he did not think this would be objectionable.

Eventually, Brice moved into position and looking Michelle in the eye, winked, as he rubbed his cock on Sean's ass crack. Michelle, unbeknownst to her husband, winked back at Brice and waited to see what was now seemed bound to happen. Sean presumed Brice merely intended to cum on his crack and didn't protest until he felt the fat shroom glans push and quickly slot itself inside his lubricated ass! When Sean tried to buck, Michelle wrapped her legs around his waist trapping him inside and spread his ass cheeks wide open to facilitate his experiencing getting his anal cherry plucked as he got fucked as well by this stud they had just met that evening.

Resigned to his fate, Sean groaned as he felt his ass getting pounded by the guy he had trusted to realize his fantasies - but not this one. Eventually, stimulated in more ways than he ever imagined, Sean shot his cum inside his wife's pussy. And, as he unconsciously throbbed, he unwittingly repeatedly gripped Brice's cock with his anus -- causing their new friend to shoot another load of cum inside the husband's ass. Hearing her husband moaning, feeling his cock throbbing inside her pussy, plus seeing what evidently caused that resulted in Michelle's having yet another powerful orgasm; and the three of them collapsed on the bed exhausted from one hell of an orgy!


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Sheep_DogSheep_Dog13 days ago

Very hot! Great bi fun story, too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

First it was Sean then it was Seth! Not getting it.

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Based on literary quality, and erotic appeal, this queer cuck story gets a *1.

WildCrazyFunWildCrazyFunover 1 year ago

Would not have minded being in Sean's "position" as my first wife and I had a very similar experience, which we repeated many times, each receiving immense pleasure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It sounded more like she was looking for another man than a three way with her husband. I'm not sure it was rape. Did he ever say ' no, don't do that's?' I think they were both looking for a way out of the married, not a three way. Also, I think it is understood, most three ways FIRST, are two women and a guy, not two guys. Two guys is a cuckhold. Well writing, but not my kind of story.


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