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Best Of Blue Bloods Pt. 12

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Nicky loses her Virginity to the Reagans.
11.9k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 12 of the 20 part series

Updated 05/30/2024
Created 04/02/2023
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In this episode, Nicky is having one of her classmates over to study. Time and time again, she has him in her bedroom to study. At the end of the episode, Nicky came out of the bedroom with Ben, her boyfriend. They hug and she gives him a kiss on the lips.

Erin is in the living room and watches her and she feels she may be losing her little girl. Her little girl who turned eighteen just a few short weeks ago.

Nicky stands over her and waits, but her mother refuses to look at her.

Nicky finally speaks up, "Are you going to ask me?"

Erin looks up from her laptop, "Ask you what?"

"If I'm having sex with Ben." She waited, but Erin never asks and Nicky replied, "We are not, but a lot of girls in my class have already and Ben and I have talked about it."

Erin looked to her, "Do you love him?'

She shrugged, "I don't know, I like him a lot." She flopped down on the sofa beside her

Erin put down her laptop and turned to her, "Okay. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not going to yell or scream. Do I wish you would wait until you are sure you are in love, yes. But we both know that is not up to me. You are a beautiful, smart young woman with good judgment. When the time is right, you will make the right decision. And if you need to talk about anything, I am here."

"Nicky looked back at her, "Thank you."

"Now, having said that, this is still my house and in it we have boundaries. I do not want you two in that bedroom and keep the PDA down to a minimum. Deal?"

She nodded, "Deal."


"Did you and grandma have this discussion?"

"Yes, the day before I was going to marry your father. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was a little late. My brothers were there... Let's leave it at that."

"What, tell me!"

"Sorry, but if you want, I can have Jamie over here and he can let you in on our little family secret."

She nodded, "Okay, please call him and have him over. I wanna know what I'm in for."

Erin chuckled, "Oh, Nicky, be careful what you wish for, now get ready for bed. I have a very busy day tomorrow.

The next day, Erin called Jamie, "Remember what happened to me with your brothers when I turned eighteen?"

"Aw, yeah, what about it?"

She let out a deep breath, "Well, as you know, Nicky turned eighteen last month and we had the talk about sex and waiting. I sort of mentioned you and your brothers. I left it at that. I thought it might be good if you came over and talked to her, and you know, maybe usher her into the life of womanhood. But and I mean BUT, only if she is willing and okay with it."

He groaned, "Come on Erin, they gave you the same option and you jumped at it. I only wished I was eighteen before you. I heard from Joe, Danny and Dad what you experienced. Yes, only of she is okay with it. Oh and one other thing Erin, thank you."

She giggled, "You got it, lots of luck, she'll be expecting you there tonight, good luck. Just to let you know, I'll be at Jack's place so you will be alone the entire night".

After his tour, Jamie went home, showered, shaved and put on a dress shirt and tailored pants. He left without boxers and socks, just to make it easier if Nicky decided to go all the way.

He arrived at Erin and Nicky's place. He knocked on the door and Nicky opened it. She, just like Jamie made sure to look especially nice. She put on just a hint of makeup and she had her short hair moist and combed back, making her look more sophisticated. She was wearing a frilly white blouse that was sheer and below she was wearing a pleated skirt that ended a few inches above the knees. She was grinning from ear to ear and she greeting him with a hug. She made sure to plaster her tiny curves to his.

Jamie kept it PG for the time being. He rested his hands on her hips and stared into her dark eyes, "My Nicky, you sure look grown up. How about going into the living room where we can talk?"

She followed him and sat on the same sofa. She took the middle cushion, placing her one leg up the seat and turned towards him, "I ordered a pizza. It should be here pretty soon."

"Great, I rushed home to change, but didn't get to eat. So what do you want to know about the Reagan initiation for one of the family members turning eighteen?"

She jumped and moved even closer to him, "Tell me everything? How come I never heard about this before?"

He chuckled, "You haven't heard about it because you were not of age yet. It isn't something to parade and tell the world about. It is a closely held secret and if I tell you, you have to swear to keep it within the family. Not Sean or Jack, at least not until they turn eighteen."

She giggled, "Okay, okay I promise, now tell me. Why is it such a secret?

He took a deep breath and suddenly there was a buzzing.

Nicky hopped up and answered the call button. She buzzed him up and opening the door a couple minutes later. She paid for the pizza and returned to the living room with a pizza and a couple plates and beers for the two of them, "Mom said I could have a beer or even wine, just tonight."

He took a slice and bit into it. He sipped his beer and sat back, "Okay Nicky, we Reagans, as you know are very, very close. It began with Joe and after that, Danny, then your mother Erin and finally me. You're next in line and after that will be Jack and Sean."

She let out a deep breath, "Okay, you named the family by age, now what happens?"

"Well when Joe turned eighteen, my mother, your grandmother took Joe to a hotel and with her sister they had sex with him."

Nicky spit out her beer she was just sipping, "OK MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

He laughed out loud and went and got a few paper towels. He cleaned up the mess she made. He sat back and took another bite of pizza. He nodded, "Yeah, sort of bringing him into the world of adult sex and manhood. When Danny turned eighteen, she did the same to him. As I said, both Joe and Danny kept it quiet because Erin and I were not eighteen yet. When your mother turned eighteen, she was a lot luckier. She spent the night with Dad, Pop, Joe and Danny. She loved every moment, from what I heard after I turned eighteen. When I turned eighteen, I had the company of your grandmother, Erin and Linda. I also found out later that Linda sorta had the same initiation. When Danny announced he was marrying Linda he gave her up to Joe, Dad, Pop, and even Erin joined in. When I told the family I was marrying Sydney, I persuaded her to have sex with Pop, Dad, Danny and I was there too. Linda and your mother were there too, but they decided to forego her and they spent the night together in your mother's old room."

Nicky's mouth was gaping open, "I can't believe how perverted this family is."

He put his hand up, "Sorry Nicky, not perverted, just very, very close and we protect our newest adult. We make sure they are taken care of and nothing is forced and as of today, not a single Reagan has declined the right of adulthood. I heard that even your father, who was more than happy, he spent a night with Linda and my mother. He told me after I turned eighteen that my mother was one of the hottest women he had ever been with. You were too young to realize it, but she was incredible, both in bed and out."

Nicky finished off her beer and opened another one, "So, you're here to...?"

He shrugged, "That is up to you. I'd be honored to be the one who took your virginity. I spoke with Danny and Linda and they would love to invite you over for a sleepover, so to speak. Your grandfather wants a shot at you too, but just like the rest of us, it's all up to you. I talked to Pop, and he said he didn't feel comfortable with the idea of having sex with someone so much younger than he was. He didn't know if his heart could take it."

Nicky let out a nervous giggle and took a deep breath, "Well tell me, Uncle Jamie, do you find me attractive. Do you really want to have sex with me?"

He rolled his eyes, "I was talking with Danny and Linda, and just like me, they are very. very eager to usher you into adulthood. Over the past year or so, knowing you were going to be eighteen soon, I had a difficult time sitting beside you at Sunday dinner. Sometimes you wore a short skirt and I was just itching to run my hand up your naked thighs." He looked down and stared at the skirt that she was wearing. It just so happened to drift halfway up her thighs. She saw where he was looking and she giggled and closed her legs.

She sat there and stared at him, "I've always thought you and Uncle Danny were hot, but never thought about something as kinky as this. Not ever thought about Aunt Linda, but just like my Mom, she too is very, very attractive. Do you think my Mom would like to try it with me too?"

He snickered, "Is the pope catholic?" Nicky let out a gasp, "You're shitting me?"

He shook his head, "No, she told me as much a few weeks ago, but didn't act upon it, as of now, who knows late?"

She shook her head, "Wow, this is a lot to absorb. I don't know what to think."

Jamie reached out and patted her knee and he felt her jump. He pulled his hand away, but Nicky stopped him. "No, Uncle Jamie, leave it there, It feels good. You just startled me, but no, leave it there."

He returned his hand to her knee and slowly slid it up and down. Each time his hand drifted a little higher. He heard her let out a tiny moan and she leaned forward. Jamie took his other hand and placed it at the nape of her neck. He slowly drew her towards him and suddenly their lips met in a chaise kiss. They held it there and slowly her lips parted. She moaned louder when she felt his tongue dart out and flick across her pouty lips.

Nicky slid closer to him and suddenly she felt his arms wrapped around her. She groaned louder as she opened her lips and accepted his tongue into her mouth. She pulled back and stared at him and smiled.

He feathered his fingers though her hair, "Do you have any idea how many times I've looked at you with those full pouty lips and imagined how they would feel on mine?"

She blushed and looked down. She felt his fingers on her chin, drawing her head up and their lips met again, this time it was a lot more passionate and they were soon pressed against one another. He drew back and stared into her dark brown eyes, ":Are you sure you want this, Nicky?"

She bit her lower lip and nodded, "I've kissed my boyfriend, but nothing as hot or as passionate as with you. I have to know what else we can do."

He chuckled, "We can do it all. Erin told me she already had you at the OB/GYN and have you on the pill. So there isn't anything that is holding us back, that is unless you want to hold off."

She shook her head, "Oh no, Uncle Jamie, nothing, nothing at all holding me back."

He stood up and pulled her to her feet, "One thing, while we are doing things, no need to call me Uncle, okay?"

She giggled, "Okay Jamie, shall we go to my bedroom where we can be more comfortable?"

He chuckled, "My thoughts exactly." He followed her to the bedroom. He couldn't take his eyes off her tight tiny ass. Once there he turned her in his arms, "One thing you may want to know before we begin."

She stared up at him with those large eyes and pouty lips, "What is it Jamie?"

Um, well, the Reagan men sort of have an issue with size and girth, you know what I mean?"

She shook her head, "No, tell me?"

"Well, unlike a lot of men, well most men as a matter of fact, we sorta have larger than normal size for you know, penis size."

She giggled, "You mean the Reagan men have big cocks?"

He nearly choked when he heard say that. He recovered and nodded, Yeah, that's us, are you still okay with going forward?"

She nodded, "As long as you take it slow with me and don't rush me."

He nodded, "That is one of the things that make what we do special. We take it slow and make you so ready, well, you'll see. If you are with an inexperienced guy or gal, they may not be as gentle or willing to take it slow. That is one of the reasons all of this began."

She nodded, "Wow, never thought of that. Now that I think of it, you;re right. My boyfriend tried to paw me and he gets too excited and doesn't let me get going, if you know what I mean."

He nodded, "Exactly why we do what we do. Even later, if you need more lessons or want to try things again, we are there for you."

She stepped closer, "I feel a lot better after this talk. I'm ready,really, really ready." She leaned in and tipped her head for another kiss.

Over the next several minutes, they explored each other's mouths with their lips and tongues. Nicky had a difficult time breathing through her nose and she pulled back to get air into her lungs. She bit her lower lip and reached down and fumbled with the belt buckle and finally getting it open, she lowered the zipper and Jamie's dress slacks fell to the floor. She looked down and let out a gasp. "Oh my God Jamie, how the hell will that even fit inside of me?"

He chuckled, "Oh don't you worry Nicky, by the time I'm getting ready to stick this in you, you will be so excited and so ready, you'll be begging me to fuck you."

She let out a gasp, hearing how she was going to be fucked tonight and by her uncle, none the less. She gently reached down and wrapped her tiny, soft fingers around his already stiff shaft. She moaned, "Oh Jamie, it feels so hard, yet it feels so soft to the touch. I'm already getting excited. So now what?"

Jamie reached up and removed his shirt and toed off his shoes. After he kicked his pants aside, he stood naked before her. I believe it would be nice if I got to see what I'm going to be working with." Without waiting for a reply, He reached up and slowly unbuttoned her frilly blouse. Beneath that she was wearing a simple, white lace bra. He wrapped his arms around her and unclipped her bra. She drew the straps off her shoulders and as he lowered the cups, Nicky raised her hands up and cupped her tiny breasts.

Nicky blushed, "Aw, sorry Jamie, I know they are small. So many of the girls in school are so well endowed compared to me. Sometimes I feel like a guy."

He reached out and drew her hands away, "You know you mother was a slow bloomer too. When we had sex the first time, she was just as small as you are now. Don't you worry, I think they are beautiful. Remember what they say?"

She shook her head, No, what?"

He chuckled, "More than a mouthful, is wasteful."

She blushed again and shook her head, "You are so nasty, Jamie. Do you really like them?"

He nodded, "And I bet they are super sensitive and very responsive."

She nodded, "How did you know?"

He snickered, "Past experience with ladies who were well-endowed and some who were not as much. It was the smaller ones that were the most sensitive." He reached out and cupped them both. He lightly ran his thumbs around the stiffened nipples and he saw they perk up and she groaned and wiggled her shoulders. He smiled down at her, "See, just as I thought."

He drew her to him and as her A cup tits pressed against his chest, he kissed her again. This time he took the lead and ran his fingers through her short, sexy hair. His tongue danced over hers as his hand slid down her tapered back and cupped her tight tiny ass. He pulled her against his stiff cock and he heard her moan again. He broke the kiss and began running his tongue along her ear, nipping at her earlobe. He felt her shiver as he moved to her neck. He feasted on the sensitive flesh of her neck and over the next few minutes, he marked her entire neck, both sides and both ears. He peppered her shoulders with kisses and then moved down and closed his lips around one of her incredible stiff nipples.

Nicky let out a shriek as she felt his suck it into his mouth. Her hands came up and clutched at his head as she felt his teeth nip at the tip and his tongue flicked all over the rapidly hardening point. He moved to the other tit and gave it the same treatment.

Nicky's head was rolling about. Her mouth was gaping open and she was moaning loudly as she felt her entire body stiffen. She experienced her first orgasm that wasn't self-induced. She was shocked and amazed she could cum from just having her breasts sucked on.

She was so turned on, she pushed Jamie away, "Oh fuck, Jamie, I believe I just experienced my first orgasm and you haven't even fucked me yet."

He chuckled, "Such talk from a Catholic School Girl." He watched her blush and she bit her lip, "You keep doing that, and I just may fuck you before you're ready."

She looked confused, "Do what Jamie?"

He pulled her to him again and she gasped when she felt his stiff cock poking against her belly. He ran his thumb across her swollen bottom lip, "Biting that lip, I want to do that, and I don't want you doing it." He pulled her tighter to his firm body and ravished her mouth and bit and sucked at her bottom lip.

Nicky was squealing and she ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him back.

He continued kissing her and then his hands ran down her back and found the zipper on the back of her skirt. He lowered it and slipped the pleated skirt from her quivering body. It crumpled about her feet and he lifted her off her feet and planted her tiny body firmly on the bed behind her. He watched as she stared down at his swaying cock, "Don't worry Nicky, we are no where ready to do that."

He stepped between her legs and ran his hands up and down her short, but very shapely legs. He ran them up and down, over and over again and he saw her shaking from the intense pleasure that raced through her limbs. He ran his hands upward again and his thumbs grazed her swollen mound.

Nicky jerked and fell back to the bed. He did this several times, getting the same results. He grabbed hold of her plain white cotton, panties and slowly drew them off her body. He stared down at her pussy and smiled, "Like mother, like daughter. Nearly identical in shape and color."

Nicky bit her lip and he shook his head. She released it and just licked them, "Is it okay if I lick them?"

He chuckled, "There is one thing I have I think you may want to lick. I know I'd love for you to lick it."

She gasped, "You mean, your cock?"

He chuckled, "Oh yes, my dear, I mean my cock. What do you say? Would you like to suck on my cock?"

She licked her lips and nodded and in barely a whisper she replied, "Oh yes, Jamie, yes I'd love to try that."

He smiled, "Sure, but not before I to that to you. Is that okay with you?"

She giggled, "Oh hell yeah, I was hoping you'd want to."

"Oh Nicky, you have no idea how much I've wanted this. Not only me, but Danny and Linda too."

She gasped once again, "This is all too much to take in, but I'm thinking I'm glad I'm a Reagan."

He ran his hands up and down her trembling legs. He stared up at her, "What did I tell you about biting that lip?"

She gasped out," Sorry, but you got me so turned-on, I don't know what I'm doing."

He winked at her," Okay, but you need to lay back and try to relax. I'm going to savor my dessert." He chuckled when he heard her gasp and flop down on the bed.

Jamie began planting soft wet kisses on her inner thighs. Every third or fourth kiss, he'd nip at her flesh and he heard her groan. He finally reached her pussy. He paused to inspect her glistening pussy. The lips were swollen, just like her bottom lip. Only these lips were darker and the scent made his cock stiffen even more. Just knowing before long his fantasy of fucking her would be coming true.

Jamie licked his lips and lightly let a deep breath of cool air bathe her pussy. He had to hold her down with his forearm as she wiggled about. He lowered his head and as his tongue flicked out, he let the tip of his tongue part her thick lips. He swept it from the base of her pussy and as he slid it upward, he sank deeper and deeper. By the time he reached her hooded clit, he had his tongue completely covered in her milky cream. He drew it onto his mouth, "Mmm, just as I imagined Nicky. You taste as good as you look and smell. He cupped her ass in his hands as she arched her butt of the bed. He dipped his tongue and darted in and out several times. He slowly used the tip of his tongue to uncover her hidden clit. He drew it gently in-between his lips. He slowly began to suck harder.

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