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Betting and Baring It Pt. 02

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Wives serve the guests in every way possible.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/17/2022
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It had been several months since my wife Karen and her frenemy Linda had each bet their clothes on a college football game and things got out of control. Since then, every time we saw Linda and her husband Alex, the wives would start things up again, trash talking each other's alma mater and talking about another bet. Linda just couldn't let their rivalry go. Karen thought the bet would've put an end to Linda's taunting and attitude, while Linda blamed Karen for what had transpired.

Among our other friends who had been at the party, the men would occasionally ask me if I thought this kind of thing might happen again.

Their schools weren't in the same conference, so the odds of them playing against each other again that year were nil. We reached a point where it looked like each team might make it to one of the bowl games, though they wouldn't be playing against each other.

We were all at Jack's place one night, playing board games. There were three other couples there: Rick and Angela, Frank and Nancy, Alex and Linda. When Linda started in on Karen again. Jack finally lost his temper and said it was time for the two of them to put up or shut up. They asked what he meant.

"Look, ever since you two made that bet you've been a real pain to deal with and I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say we're tired of it," Jack said.

The rest of us nodded in agreement. Jack suggested that Karen and Linda make another bet. Whichever of their teams gets a bowl game, the other one has to host the party as a servant. The winner would choose the costume and they would each put up a small fortune that they would forfeit if they failed to comply. Karen and Linda didn't say anything, but they both seem intrigued.

Jack said that if each of their schools were in bowl game, he would cover both bets in cash and he would host a party. While Karen and Linda's schools wouldn't play against each other, if Karen's school won and Linda's lost, Jack would pay Karen in cash and Linda would be servant for a Super Bowl party that he would throw. If Linda won and Karen lost, the situation would reverse. Either way, Jack would choose the costume that they would wear to pay off the bet, and he would set the rules.

"How much do we bet?" Karen asked without hesitating.

Linda was more reluctant and looked to her husband Alex for guidance. He thought for a moment and suggested $500.

"You really think I would go through with something like that?" Linda asked.

Karen proceeded to goad Linda about not supporting her team and noting that Linda had been talking for months about a "rematch" on their previous bet.

"If we're really going to make sure that someone honors a bet, it ought to be more than $500," I said.

The others joined in and it looked like this would really happen.

"Tell you what," Jack said. "Make it $5,000."

Linda nearly choked on her beer, noting that it was a lot of money to bet on.

"If one of you fails to honor the bet and act as our servant, you have to pay $5,000," Jack said. "I'll also make a side bet with each of you. If each of your teams makes it to a bowl game, I'll give you double or nothing if your team wins. If your team wins a bowl game, a cut you a check for $10,000. If you lose, I'll have a sexy costume for you to wear for the Super Bowl. If you renege, you cough up the $5,000."

There were plenty of mouths hanging open at this suggestion. I asked what would happen if each school makes a bowl game, but loses.

"Then we'll have two servants for the party," Jack said with a shrug. "Tell you what, if we make it that far and one of you reneges I'll give double to the other one for honoring the bet. That's $20,000."

Jack was really well-off and we knew he could cover the bet, but this was a lot to process. Jack suggested we take a break and each couple should discuss it privately before we continued.

Karen and I retreated to one of the bedrooms, but I was pretty sure we knew the answer.

"You going to go through with this, aren't you?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Karen said. "If I win, I could finally put that bitch in her place. Oh, I'd love to see what kind of costume Jack would make her wear."

I asked Karen what would happen if she lost, and she replied that it would be impossible. I didn't understand, considering that she didn't follow sports and actually had no idea how good her school's team was that year.

"Well, wouldn't it be a shame if I had to wear some sort of sexy maid outfit in front of.... who knows how many people?" She said with a grin. "If anyone complains, I'm just honoring a bet."

I wasn't the least bit surprised, considering that Karen loves to show off and enjoys finding excuses to do so.

Karen and I returned to living room to find Jack sipping a beer by himself. Karen said she was going to go for it, which didn't surprise him a bit. When the others returned, Karen jumped up and got right in Linda's face.

"Do we have a bet?" Karen said as she reached out her hand.

"Look Karen, I support my school, really, but," Linda said.

Karen goaded her relentlessly, saying that Linda actually didn't support her team and if her school was as great as she claimed, she would have no problem making the bet. I was surprised when the other wives joined in, though I figured they were tired of Linda's attitude. If she backed down, maybe that would temper her for a while.

Eventually, Linda relented and shook Karen's hand as Alex gasped.

Jack, being a lawyer, suggest we set out the details of the bet on paper so that everyone was clear on the terms. He typed it out on the computer and printed it so we could all have a look. It seemed pretty straightforward, though a bit convoluted. At Jack's suggestion, we all agreed that if either school failed to make a bowl game, that would also count as a loss.

I didn't say anything, but I realized this would dramatically increase the odds that between Karen and Linda, at least one of them would lose. I started to think that Jack had plotted this whole scheme out in advance.

Jack also added a list of rules that the servants would have to follow. Jack would decide what his servants would at each moment of the party. They would have to serve food, drinks and entertain the guests. They would do his bidding without question, and failure to comply at any moment would mean a forfeit of the money.

Linda asked what he meant by "entertain the guests," and what exactly would they wear.

"It's not for a servant to question her master," Jack replied as he handed her a pen. "You either honor the bet, or you don't. If one of you backs out, the other one wins."

Karen took the pen from Linda and signed the agreement. Linda let out a heavy sigh and signed it as well. The rest of us signed as witnesses. To make sure we covered the bet, Jack insisted that each couple send him a check that he would either cash or destroy, depending on how everything worked out.

"So, are you hoping to win, or to lose?" I asked Karen on the way home. She just giggled and said she couldn't wait to find out.

Well, Linda's school made a bowl game, but Karen's didn't. Linda called Karen and said she couldn't wait to see what sort of costume Jack had in store for her. The next time we all got together, Linda asked Jack if he had Karen's costume yet and said she couldn't wait to see Karen in it.

"Maybe I'll invite some friends to the party," Linda said with a giggle. "That is okay, right Jack?"

"Well not too many, I already have a guest list in mind," Jack replied.

Karen wanted to know how many people would be at the party, but Jack just shrugged and told her to wait and see. When the others asked if Karen would be going through with this, she just shook her head and replied that $5,000 would be a lot of money to cough up.

Fortune turned in our favor, however, when Linda's school lost their bowl game. We all gathered to watch it at Jack's place. Linda became more and more nervous, yelling at the TV and complaining about the referees. Karen just sipped her wine and giggled.

"I'm not going through with this," Linda said to her husband.

"We don't have $5,000!" Alex replied. "Not in cash, anyway."

"You'd really pay that?" Linda replied.

"Look, honey I'm tired of this!" Alex replied as he slapped his forehead and stood to face her. "You and Karen have been driving all of us crazy with your constant griping at each other, and you're the one who made the bet. You made the bet, and you're going to cover it. He's already got our check, for crying out loud!"

Linda was shocked and her face turned red.

By the time the big game rolled around, word had spread among our friends, they knew that Karen and Linda would be our servants for the evening as the result of a bet. Jack let people know that this was not a party to be missed.

The invitation left no doubt as to what would happen at the party. It mentioned that "two very sexy wives will be our servants for the party. Photography is NOT allowed."

Karen, Alex, Linda and myself were all pretty nervous when we arrived early at Jack's the day of the big game. He had a catering company arrive early and get the food and drinks ready to go, but they soon left and it would be up to Karen and Linda to serve.

Jack took us into one of the bedrooms and showed us the costumes: dresses in the style of sexy maid costumes, tiny g-strings, small aprons, braless corsets and tiny bras that would barely do the job.

"That's it?" Linda complained. "I'm not wearing that!"

Jack replied that she would forfeit the bet.

"That's fine with me," Karen replied. She looked at Linda. "Everyone who shows up to this party is going to know that you welched on a bet and besides, I could use that $20,000. Hell, I was a waitress in school. What's the difference?"

Alex grabbed Linda by the chin and looked into her eyes.

"You made a bet and you're going to honor it," Alex said, firmly. "No more complaining. When you step out of this room, I expect to see you wearing that." He pointed to the clothes on the bed.

Linda looked like she was going to cry. Karen told us all to leave the room so she could get dressed, or undressed, as the case may be.

Karen looked sexy as hell when she stepped out of the bedroom. The dress showed plenty of cleavage and sideboob. Her large breasts jiggled as she walked. My dick began to stir as I thought about all the people who would be ogling her. I wondered how much of that costume she'd be wearing by the end of the night.

Alex had to go and fetch Linda from the bedroom. Her face flushed red as he brought her into the living room. He had her turn around for us. I think he was enjoying the idea of showing off his wife.

Linda was a bit shorter and smaller than Karen. Her perky breasts fit her body well and my dick stirred even more. Jack took Linda and Karen aside and told them what the rules would be for the evening. From what I could hear, Linda complained while Karen giggled.

Karen and Linda took turns answering the door and taking people's coats. It was easy to tell when someone new had arrived, as we heard whistles, gasps and cheers coming from the entryway.

There are about 30 people at the party, most of whom we knew. Jack also invited a couple of his neighbors.

People could barely contain themselves, ogling Karen and Linda. Linda seemed embarrassed every time she handed someone a drink. Karen was loving it. One of her nipples slipped into view and Karen let it stay that way, until one of the wives pointed out to her. She feigned embarrassment and tucked her breast back in. When she served someone who was sitting down, she would bend over at the waist so they got a good look at her cleavage.

Even though the guests had some idea of what to expect, they all seemed surprised to find the two wives so exposed.

Before the kickoff, Jack got everyone's attention. He reminded them that Karen and Linda had lost a bet, that they would be our servants for the evening, as well as our entertainment. People looked at each other, not sure what to make of this.

Jack called Karen and Linda forward. He announced that at the start of each quarter, our servants would have to move an article of clothing. Some of the guys whistled, a few people gasped. Linda's face turned red and she looked to her husband for help, but he just shrugged. Jack directed them into the next room to discard their dresses.

People whistled and cheered when they returned. Karen strutted into the room. The bra covered about half of her breasts and held them up like a shelf, with part of her nipples exposed. The tiny apron covered her front, but left her bare ass exposed.

Karen relished the attention and put an extra swing in her step as she made her way around the party, making sure her ass cheeks jiggled as she walked. She also enjoyed the comments. Guys told her how hot she was and told her it took a lot of guts to honor a bet like this. Some of the wives commented as well. I enjoyed watching people's reactions, especially those who were sitting down. Karen bent over at the waist to hand them snacks or a beer, letting her ample chest dangle before their faces.

Linda seemed to loosen up a bit. I think the complements started to put her at ease.

When the first quarter ended, our servants lost another article of clothing. They removed their corsets, leaving them only in their bras, g-strings and tiny aprons.

When the halftime show began, Jack had our two servants remove their bras. More whistles and cheers came from the crowd. Jack reminded everyone that Karen and Linda weren't just our servants, they were entertainment for the night. He produced two bottles of tequila, some limes and shot glasses. It was time for nipple shots.

Jack went first, then invited Alex and I to join in. I went to Linda and sucked on her perky breasts while Alex feasted upon Karen's ample chest. Jack then insisted that Linda and Karen each do a nipple shot with each other. Karen didn't wait for Linda's response and dove right in. The crowd went wild and Linda did the same with Karen.

The single guys in the crowd and leapt at the chance to do a nipple shot. Karen loves having her breasts played with and sucked on, so I knew she was getting turned on. It was a turn on for me as well, watching everyone feast upon her chest.

"Don't you think this has gone far enough," one of the wives scolded Karen as Karen offered her a shot. "Just call it off, this is ridiculous!"

"Do you have $10,000?" Karen replied. "I either cough up 10 grand, or I serve the party. It was a stupid bet but don't blame me, it was Linda's idea."

Linda was telling people that Karen had gotten her into this. At one point Alex and I called our wives over to us for another round. I did a nipple shot with Linda and he did the same with Karen. When I stood up, he was still eagerly feasting upon her breasts. He'd obviously been drinking, but who could blame him?

"That's enough honey," Linda whispered.

"The night is young, you little servant," Alex said. She jumped as he gave her a quick swat on the ass.

At the end of the third quarter, they lost their aprons. This left them with just tiny g-strings covering their pussies. Other than that, they were completely naked.

The party began to thin a little as a few couples left, with the wives dragging their very disappointed husbands from the party.

The tequila was gone and many of us were pretty drunk at this point, although Linda and Karen weren't allowed to drink anything but nipple shots. Jack didn't want them getting sick or passing out.

People became more and more brazen, tweaking Karen and Linda's nipples and groping their backsides. Karen, always an exhibitionist, loved the attention. At one point one of the guys, who was really drunk, asked Karen to shake her tits for us.

She laughed and shook her head, but he reminded her that she was our servant. Karen shrugged and shook her breasts at him. She laughed and asked if anyone else wanted a look. A guy on the couch raised his hand so she marched over to him, bent over and shook her breasts in his face. She got plenty of requests from the guys, and even some of the wives and girlfriends.

Some of the wives and girlfriends became more brazen. I noticed two of them groping Karen's breasts and ass, complementing her on her body.

At one point a couple had Karen bend over a table so they could get a good look at her ass. She complied and people took turns caressing and groping her backside while complementing her on her amazing ass. One of the wives asked her for exercise advice. The rest of the crowd stared at Karen's dangling breasts, enjoying the view from the front and sides.

I went to the bathroom and when I returned, I noticed Karen standing in the corner, facing away from the crowd. Angela whispered in her ear while her finger reached into Karen's g-string and fingered her pussy lips. Karen's ass tightened and she put a hand on Angela's shoulder to steady herself.

Jack called Karen over and had her sit on his lap while he sucked on and played with her breasts. His finger reached into her g-string and everyone knew what was happening as she let out a gasp. After a minute or so, Karen stood and Linda took her place. Karen seemed a bit unsteady on her feet as she looked around in a daze.

Two of the single guys called her over to them and they groped her, running their hands all over her mostly naked body. One of them reached inside her g-string. Everyone looked as Karen let out a loud, guttural moan.

"What is going on here?" One of the wives complained to me. "Did you put her up to this? Putting your wife on display? Some sort of game? You going to pass her around, or something?"

"She lost a bet," I said with a shrug. "I told her not to make it. It was a stupid bet, but here we are. She and Linda got each other into this, if you really want to know. Neither one of them would back down."

I notice that people were groping Linda as well. They marveled at her tight ass and tweaked her perky breasts. Every now and then one of the guys would ask for another drink and whichever of our servants brought it, he would suck on her breasts and grope her ass. By the look of things, Linda had shed her inhibitions and seemed really turned on by all the attention.

When the third quarter ended, we all knew what that meant. Karen and Linda each lost their g-strings, leaving them completely naked. They each put their hands on their hips and spread their legs, putting their shaved pussies on display.

Everyone cheered and nearly everyone decided they need a refill, more of the couples left, with a wife or two grumbling that things had gone too far. "I didn't come here for an orgy," our friend Sheila said as she left.

"Where do you usually go?" I replied with a laugh. "Hey, don't blame me. A bet is a bet!"

I turned around to see Jack sitting in a chair. Karen and Linda stood facing him. He grabbed Karen by the ass and pulled her to him. He kissed her stomach and quickly made his way down to her pussy. Karen let out a moan and nearly bit her lip. He gave Linda the same treatment and she was really panting by the time he stopped.

"That's all you get, for now, my servants," Jack said. He had them turn around and he gave each of them a couple of swats with his hand.

Another couple left after that.

People's inhibitions seemed to disappear at this point, and many of us were pretty drunk. I had a few drinks, but wanted to hold back so I could remember everything. Most of the guests eagerly groped, caressed and sucked on various parts of our servant's bodies. A couple of the wives joined in the festivities, blatantly groping our naked servants.

I didn't even realize the game was still on until it was over. About half the remaining guests were ready to leave, so Karen and Linda helped them with their coats. Every guest took a long look at them, and a few of the laides tweaked their breasts.


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