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Big Bang Theory Gang Bang Orgy Ch. 14

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Leonard & Bernadette finally connect & an Orgy ensues.
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Part 14 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/25/2012
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After the fantastic night Penny and Leonard had experienced, morning came early and Penny was up before Leonard and when he got up, he found her on the phone; "Sounds great Bernadette, we'll expect you and Glen over her Friday evening around six. One other thing, I promised Alex, our next party, we'd let her attend. Do you have any problem if she's here too" Great I'll let her know, see you then, bye!"

She hung up the phone and Leonard was behind her; "Okay Penny, what kind of trouble are you cooking up now?"

"Me? Trouble, never meeeeee! I just wanted to make it up to you, all of the problems I caused a couple of nights ago. I invited Bernie and Glen over and made it clear, Bernie was for you and I'd try out Glen, but mainly I was inviting him for Alex. After missing the party last week, she felt a little left out."

"Oh that was nice of you, but Glen all for Alex?"

"Don't you worry Leonard, I will partake in the Glen express, but his primary escort for the evening will be Alex."

"I knew you wanted another shot at him."

"Listen Leonard, after last night and all that you said and done, I'm not interested in other men. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going cold turkey, but you're enough man for me now!"

"Well thank you Penny, that means a lot and whenever you want to go cold turkey for good, let me know and I'll do the same, until then, Friday night huh? Bernadette better rest up, because after the way she teased me a couple of nights ago, she's going to be in trouble."

"Yeah sure, get your ass out of here or you'll be late for work" She kissed him goodbye and he headed out, he hoped Alex would be there, he had another busy day and didn't need her running off.

She was seated at her desk when he arrived and he stopped at her desk; "We have a surprise for you on Friday, if you're good today at work and get me through the day without killing Sheldon, I'll tell you about it on the way home."

"Aw come on Leonard, tell me now, I promise to work my tail off today for you."

"Sorry Alex, I'll tell you on the way home. I wouldn't want you to work your tail off, I like it too much and would miss it. Now please get me a large coffee and confirm my first appointment."

The day flew by and as soon as Alex got into the car, even before Leonard started the car, she turned to him; "Okay Leonard, we're heading home; tell me what's happening Friday?"

He started the car and pulled out into traffic; "Okay Alex, Penny was feeling bad you weren't around last week-end for our party, she set-up an intimate party for Friday. It will be Penny, me, Bernadette, Glen and you. What do you think about that?"

"That sounds fantastic, I can't wait to get together, but just to let you know, I already knew and was just playing along."

"How did you find out?"

"Just before lunch Raj called and told me he called Penny and that he asked her if he could come over on Friday. He wanted to bring Siri over, it seems she loved hooking up with Penny and wanted some alone time with her. He was also going to bring Emily, that gorgeous redhead friend of his."

He slowed the car, he was laughing so hard; "I can't believe Penny got that gorgeous redhead hooked on women, but if I was a woman, I'd love to get between those luscious thighs of hers. So why did Raj call you?"

"Penny didn't want to expand the group for Friday without having Raj check with me first. It seems Penny was thinking about me, she told Raj it was okay with her, as a matter of fact Raj said Penny was ecstatic about getting another shot at Siri. She told Raj to ask me and if it was okay with me, she would check with you when you got home and let him know tonight."

"Oooookay Alex, so what did you tell him?"

"I told him I'd love it, the more the merrier. I told him I'd tell Penny yes, but the ultimate decision would be yours, seeing it's your place and your party. So Leonard, what do you think, would you mind having two more redheads in your place on Friday. What is with you nerds, you like redheads, and blondes. No brunettes or black haired women."

"Not true Alex, I like Janine and she has raven hair. Then there is Amy and she's a brunette. As far as Raj and his two friends joining us, I'll discuss it with Penny when we get back, but I don't see a problem." Just then they pulled into the parking garage and rode up in the elevator to the penthouse.

He discussed the party on Friday with Penny and they all agreed more the merrier and Alex rushed to call Raj with the good news.

Friday Leonard and Alex left work an hour early and stopped and picked up a bunch of appetizers and extra liquor that they were running low on.

Once back at the condo, they popped the appetizers in the oven and both went their separate ways to shower and get ready for the party.

Penny was already dressed; she was wearing a pretty blue dress that hugged her every curve. Her shoulders were bare, except for the two tiny straps holding it up. It was obvious she wasn't wearing panties or a bra. Her fat nipples were poking through the tight top of the dress. The full skirt shifted about her bare thighs and his suspicions were validated when she giggled and flashed him by raising the skirt as she bent over and showed him her naked ass and pussy from behind. She giggled again and ran from the bedroom when Leonard made a move to catch her.

Her hair was pulled back and was in a ponytail and wrapped up in a tight bun atop her head.

Just then Alex came out of the bedroom and she looked hot. She was wearing very tiny hot pants. They were red, satin and hugged her tiny ass and shapely hips perfectly. Above that she was wearing a cropped top and her bare midriff drew his eyes to her sexy belly button. The top was loose and if he was sitting and she stood before him, her lower half of her firm, tight tits would be visible.

Leonard was wearing a pullover golf shirt and tan Dockers, his feet were bare. He stood before Alex, "Mmmmm if you can't find someone to hook-up with this evening, look me up, I'd gladly explore this luscious body of yours."

She giggled and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

Penny came over; "Hey watch it Alex, are you trying to move in on my man?"

"Oh yeah Penny, you have a problem with that, bitch?"

Penny laughed and went in for a hug, but the doorbell buzzed and Penny hurried over to the intercom, it was Bernie and Glen and she buzzed them up. Even before they made it all the way up, Raj and the two redheads were buzzing too. Alex buzzed them up and within a couple of minutes, all of their guests had arrived.

Leonard and Penny got all of their guest's drinks and pulled all of the appetizers out and served them. Over the next hour or so everyone ate, drank and were laughing and having a good time.

Leonard took in the other women in the room and started to get hard just imaging them getting naked.

Siri surprised him; she was wearing exactly what she wore last time. She was in the two piece black business suit. The tight black skirt rose halfway up her thighs, the jacket was extra-long and ended at the tops of her thighs. About her waist was a wide black belt, it was pulled tight, accenting her shapely hips and ass. It showed just how tiny her waist was and how large her tits were. The top of the jacket was unbuttoned; it showed the tops of her full breasts and deep cleavage. Her extremely long dark red hair hung down covering her breasts and hung halfway down her back. It flowed down her back in thick waves and curls.

Beside her, the petite Emily was wearing a silky emerald green wrap-around dress. It also had a belt around her waist and it showed how tiny her waist was. Leonard wondered if he could grab her waist and if his fingers would touch. Her shapely hips were perfect and her firm B sized breasts threatened to leap free from the loose fitting top of her dress. Her bright red hair was draped over her shoulders and was nearly as long as Siri, but being smaller in stature , it was considerably shorter Her bright blue eyes made him shiver when she caught him looking at her.

Sitting beside Glen was Bernadette and she looked amazing. She was wearing a black print dress that buttoned to the waist. Her ample breasts were covered, but it was evident what was under that dress. The dress had yellow and white flowers over it and the yellow nearly matched her light golden locks. Her golden locks hung down past her full breasts and the layers of spun gold made Leonard's fingers itch. He just wanted to go over to her and bring her to her feet and run his fingers through the mass of silk.

The dress had a full skirt so when she was sitting, only half of her shapely calves were visible, but he damn well what was under that dress. His mind drifted back to stuffing his fat cock in her ass and his hands caressing those luscious thighs. He looked up and saw her watching him. Her full red lips were dripping wet as she licked them, her gorgeous blue eyes searched his through those adorable red framed glasses. He let out a tiny shiver as he imaging panting her glasses and beautiful face with his cum.

He couldn't stand it any longer. While the conversation continued he stepped across the room and standing before Bernadette, he put out his hand and she took it. He guided her to her feet and the room went silent. He raised his hands and slowly slid his fingers through her silky golden hair. They both let out a tiny moan and he cupped her head and tilting it to one side, he lowered his lips to hers and before the entire group, their kiss grew more passionate and she crushed her lush body against his and wrapping her slender arms around his, her tongue darted out and slid into his mouth. They danced back and forth and he could feel her nipples boring into his chest, through her dress and his shirt.

Leonard's hands slid up and down her slender back and gripping her by the hips, he pulled her hard against his stiff cock.

Bernadette groaned into his mouth and breaking the kiss, she turned to Penny and whispered; "Thank you Penny, you have no idea how many nights lately I've laid awake just dreaming of this!" She looked down at Glen and smiled briefly; "Sorry Glen, but I really need this!"

He gripped her hand and squeezed; "No regrets Bernie, we had a great time together, no strings attached. Don't you worry your little head, as you can see; there is a bevy of ladies here and I'm sure I won't be alone tonight!"

Leonard looked towards Penny and she smiled at him, she nodded and he blew her a kiss and mouthed the words; "Thank you Penny!" He turned back to Bernadette and entwining his fingers in hers, he led the way into their bedroom and closed the door behind him.

He had spoken earlier with Penny and she agreed to give him some privacy with Bernadette, if he wanted company, it would be up to him to open the door later and invite her and others into the room.

Out in the livingroom, things heated up quickly. Penny who was standing by the bar, slid over to Siri and putting out her hand, she invited her to join her. Without saying a word the two gorgeous women moved quickly to the vacant bedroom, which used to be Alice's. Penny closed the door behind her and when she turned back to Siri, they were immediately in each other's arms.

In the livingroom, Emily scooted over and planted her body on Glen's knee. She leaned in and gave him a wet kiss. Pulling back she smiled up at the huge black man and giggled; "Last week while Raj was fucking me, I glanced over and watched your huge black cock sliding in and out of Penny's cunt. She was squirming and groaning non-stop and I made it a vow, I was going to get some of that cock. I just hope I can fit that monster of yours in my pretty little pussy."

"Don't you worry Emily, I will have so fucking hot and wet, by the time I slide it into your little pussy, and you'll be begging me to fuck it!"

She let out a growl and throwing her slender arms around his neck, she plastered her slender, tight body against him and locked her mouth over his.

On the other side of the room, that left Alex and Raj and she stood before him and he leaned forward and planted a wet kiss on her bare belly. His hands came up and gripped her tight, tiny ass that was poured into the pair of hot pants. His hands squeezed hard and he felt her hands on his head and she ran her slender fingers though his dark hair. He looked up at her; "You have no idea Alex, I had such a crush on you a couple of years ago when you first started at CalTech. I wanted to ask you our so bad, but that was when I couldn't speak to woman without drinking alcohol. Now my dream is coming true. Come sit beside me, I want to take it slow, but don't get me wrong; I want you more than you'll ever know."

She smiled and leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips, she straighten up. Looking up, Raj sucked in his breath when he looked at the swell of the underside of her full, firm breasts. He let out a groan; "Ah fuck it Alex, we can talk later!" He stood up and he pulled Alex behind him as he nearly ran into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.

Back in the master bedroom Leonard and Bernadette stood beside the bed, he was looking into her baby blues; "My god Bernadette, do you have any idea just how beautiful you are?"

A huge smile broke out and she wet her bright red lips while she lowered her head and rested her forehead on his shoulder. She snuggled against him when he gently ran his hands up and down her arms, from wrists, to the bottom of her dress sleeves. He couldn't stop touching her, he ached a couple days ago, he wanted to do this so bad then, and he wasn't going to stop tonight.

Bernadette leaned against him harder and his hands left her arms and encircled her body and he began massaging the muscles on her back and she wiggled her shoulder, pressing her breasts even harder against his chest. She pulled back slightly, tipping her head back; she parted her lips in anticipation of his lips on hers. "Please Leonard, kiss me. I need to feel your lips on my, everywhere, I ache for you!"

He smiled and whispered back; "Now that is freaky, I was just thinking the same thing, now let's rid both of us of this ache!" His lips met hers, it was feather-like, their lips brushed against one another's and the kiss grew more heated and suddenly it became urgent and their heads twisted back and forth as they tried to climb into each other's mouth. When the kiss ended briefly, they were both breathing heavily. He felt her vibrate and shake when his mouth descended on her neck after sweeping her silky hair from that spot. His tongue ran upward to her ear and nipping at the lobe and running his tongue-tip along the folds of her ear, he heard her sigh and her hands clutch at his back and felt her crush her body even harder against his.

Bernadette's breathing was labored and she was moaning constantly as she felt his mouth leave her ear and kiss along her jawline and suck her lower lip in-between his lips. He darted into her mouth and before she could react, he moved back to her chin and down to her neck.

Sweeping the silky hair from the other side of her neck, he attacked the sensitive flesh there and up to the other lobe. He had her shaking and her knees could hardly keep her steady on her feet. He had her groaning continually and tugging at her lobe; he nibbled at it and stabbed at the canal of her ear and along the folds of her other ear. His hands drifted down to her gorgeous bubble butt and squeezing her ass firmly, he lifted her slightly and sliding his hands under her dress found her bare, naked ass. He separated her cheeks and his index finger tickled her puckered hole. Wiggling it around and around, he sank his finger in it up to the first knuckle.

Bernadette turned her head and now she began to rain kisses all over his neck and the side of his face. Her hands clutched at him and tearing his mouth from her ear, she pressed hers hard against his and began fucking his mouth with her tongue.

Leonard took the bait and gave as good as she did and the two of them began dueling with each other's tongue, sucking, nipping and flicking their tongues all over each other's lips, tongues and mouths.

She pulled back and looked deep into his eyes; "My god Leonard, if you can make me feel this way with just your mouth, I can only imagine how great the rest of you is going to make me feel!"

He moved to her neck again, but began to move lower. His fingers found the buttons holding the bodice of her dress secure. He plucked them open one at a time and didn't stop until he reached her waist. The material parted and her large breasts began to peak out at Leonard. His mouth continued south and when his teeth grabbed hold of her sexy dress, he let out an animal-like growl. Tugged at the dress and he heard her giggle. He did the same to the other side of the dress and the dress barely stayed up on her shoulders. His hands slipped beneath the thick material and skimmed it off her shoulders. Tugging at the sleeves he heard Bernadette sigh and the dress settled about her waist. He grabbed her by the waist and lifting her, he placed her gently on the bed. He slipped between her wide-spread thighs and placing his hands on her knees, he slid up her legs and the higher he went, the wider she spread her legs.

Bernadette slowly lowered herself to the bed and lying there, she looked up with anticipation of what he was going to do next. She bit her lower lip and let out a gasp when he drew her skirt up and gazed at her glistening pussy lips, he lowered his head and before he planted a kiss on her core, he inhaled her intoxicating scent. His head was swimming with an intense rush of excitement. With a loud groan, he dove in and began licking her pussy as if it was the last one he would ever lick.

He pulled back and lowered her skirt and she had a befuddled look on her face and she reached out for him; "Oh please Leonard, why did you stop, I was in heaven and when you stopped, I felt like I fell into hell!"

He smiled up at her; "I just wanted you to see what was coming, a lot more, but not yet." He stepped back and pulled off his shirt, removed his shorts and naked he crawled up onto the bed and had Bernadette climb higher onto the bed. He scooted down and tugged at her full skirt and freeing it from her hips and bubble butt, it slid off her legs and he tossed it to the floor.

They were both naked now and hovering over her, he planted several kisses on her belly; she was hoping he was going south, but he went north. He placed several kisses on the underside of her huge breasts and goose-bumps broke out all over her skin and she gripped his head in her tiny hands and was conflicted. She wanted more attention on her breasts, but after feeling how great he felt when he briefly sucked on her pussy, she wanted that too.

Leonard took the decision out of her hands as he began raining kisses all over her alabaster tits, he painted a line of saliva along the blue veins running across her tits and he was suddenly surrounding her aching buds. He teased her by placing his lips over one stiff nipple, but refused to close his lips over it, nor use his tongue on it.

She crushed his head against her one large mound and she let out a loud groan when he finally closed his lips around it and began to suck, he sucked harder and harder and she arched her back and fell back to the bed as she came from his intense sucking. Letting up on her nipple, he began to flick his tongue all about the tip, from side to side and up and down. He alternated from using his tongue and then sucking wildly at it.

Bernadette was moaning constantly as she rolled her head from side to side. She was making sounds as she tried to talk, but all that came out was babbling. She arched her back and clawed at his head as he moved from the one tit, to the other. She didn't think she could stand all of the attention on the second tit, like he did to the first one.

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