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Birthday Surprise

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Travis's dad and uncles take him to a brothel.
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The whole place smelled like sex, booze, and smoke. It was one of those places that seemed like it shouldn't be legal but were; Men, women, and all those in-between were buying and selling bodies for a night of fun. Travis had been brought to the bordello by his dad and two uncles for his eighteenth birthday- to make a man out of him, they said. It would be his first real time to have sex and he was a little nervous.

Having always been on the larger and chubbier side, like his dad and uncles, most of the girls at school had been a little intimidated by him. It didn't help that he had inherited his biker dad's mean mug. All of them were tattooed- Travis having gotten his first in the basement of one of the biker's houses. His beard was coming in scruffy and he tended to keep his dark hair longer to emulate the guitarists of his favorite metal bands.

The other men were either shaved bald or kept their dark hair cut close. His uncle Rod had a long greying beard that Travis envied. It hung down to his chest, and when he wore sunglasses, he looked like he could be part of the band ZZ Top. Uncle Henry, who they called 'Hog' due to him being so large, had a prominent handlebar mustache with shorter stubble and messy black hair that he always said was 'styled by the road'. In truth, he just never bothered to brush it. His dad, 'Rooster' among the gang, was the best groomed of the bunch. Perfectly combed and styled hair, hot combed beard with a curled mustache, he earned the name by being a true ladies' man.

The older men took him to the basement where they said he would have "An easier time." Rather than paying for one of the girls and a room. When they got to the basement, Travis nearly shat himself with nerves at what he saw.

All along the walls were rows of legs and genitals of every shape and color sticking out of holes. Penises and vaginas splayed out for all the world to see, and legs strapped into stirrups to keep the areas open. Above the holes were live feed videos of the person on the other side of the wall as they were being pleasured. People of all genders were lined up to take a ride on their chosen hole.

They had to present medical cards at the door to show they were free of diseases before being let in. The man at the door check them and read the rules. "We catch you violating any, you'll be tossed out and banned. Are we clear?" He gave Travis a pointed look as if he expected the younger man to do something wrong.

"Yes sir," he said with a nod.

The large man grimaced then unhooked the velvet rope to let them in. Once inside, the men took a look around. Travis steered away from the anal and oral sections of the area but found himself discouraged by all the people waiting in line for each of the girls. Most of them were older and knew what they were doing. How was he supposed to perform around this, especially if the girls were already dripping with another man's spunk?

"Well hey, big guy," a woman's voice said to him. Travis jumped and blushed as he faced the voluptuous blonde before him. She smiled politely and continued, "You look lost. Is this your first time here?"

"Uh... Yeah."

"We brought my boy here to have his first taste of woman, ma'am," Rooster jumped in, wrapping an arm around Travis's shoulders.

The woman's smile brightened, "Oh it's your first time? How special! Okay, my name's Trisha, allow me to help you get started!"

She led them to a father section of the room where fewer people were congregated. "Not many people like to come to the back. The men see the front as a competition and like to show off." She winked to the older men. "But since this is a momentous occasion, I think a more private section will work better for you-- And we're in luck! It looks like Jerome is setting up a new station so this one will be fresh."

"This is mighty kind of you, Ms. Trisha," Hog complimented the hostess. "Is there a way we can get a round of drinks as well?"

Trisha pulled out her tablet and took everyone's order, informing them that a tab could be set up for them to pay at the end of their visit. They thanked her and made their way over to the station where a muscular young man was strapping in a set of shapely, tanned legs. He greeted the men and flipped on a monitor to show the rules.

"Here's her info, gents. She likes oral, fingering, and of course vaginal penetration. Strictly no anal, don't lick or do anything weird with her feet, but you can do as you will with her thighs- she like that a lot." He demonstrated this by stroking a hand along one of her legs and the hips flexed. Almost immediately, the men could see the inner walls of her labia moisten, and Travis felt himself stiffen at the sight.

"You're free to go without protection and finish off inside or on her. You hear her say stop, you stop. If you don't she has a button on the other side that will call security and you will be removed and banned." He then pointed to a button to another monitor, "You gentlemen want to see the lady's face?"

Travis wanted to wait but the others gave an enthusiastic, "Hell yeah!"

With a nod, the man turned on the monitor and wished the dumbstruck men a good evening. All four of them had their jaws hanging open as they stared at the screen. Resting on her back on the other side of the wall, was Travis's older sister, Olivia. She was only barely older than him, nineteen years old, and yet here she was on the receiving end of the services he and his family were paying for.

No one could say anything as the four of them continued to glance between the supple flesh of Olivia's splayed sex and her casual yet expectant face on the monitor. Her full breasts bounced as she rearranged the pillow beneath her head. When she laid back, her long, dark hair fanned out in a way that reminded Travis of a seductive vampire drawing he had seen on the internet. The look was enhanced by her smoky black and blue eyeshadow and red lipstick.

"What do we do, pops?" Travis whispered, unable to take his eyes off the screen. He only got harder when he saw the elbow-length fingerless gloves she wore. It was like his every fantasy was being presented to him in the worst possible way.

"I- I don't know. Maybe we-- Rod! Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Travis looked down to see his uncle rubbing an obvious erection through his jeans. It made him glad he wasn't the only one to have had this reaction. Then he peeked and saw Hog and his dad were also sporting hard-on's, though they were trying to hide it.

"Piss off, Rooster," Rod grumbled. "We're all thinking it; Liv's lookin' hot."

"That's my kid and your niece, you dumb fuck," Rooster snapped, though with less venom. He turned back to the screen and grimaced.

Soon all four of them were massaging their cocks through their jeans. It was true, they were all thinking the same thing about the girl on screen. Family or not, at this moment Olivia looked unbelievably sexy.

"It's not like she would know," Rod muttered. Hog grumbled in agreement. "I won't tell if you boys won't."

Rooster and Travis shared a look, and they both came to a silent agreement. "Alright, boy, this is your day. Go and get her started."

Travis nodded. The drinks were brought out and he slugged back a glass of whiskey before striding to the hole. She must have felt his presence because Liv glanced down then smiled and waved at the camera. Taking a quick glance over his shoulder for support from the others, he turned back to his sister's waiting pussy.

He read over her likes and dislikes one more time. Travis liked his sister, so part of him wanted to make her enjoy this too. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he ran a tentative hand down her inner thigh. She gasped and rested back on the pillow. A blush was forming on her cheeks; The sight made his cock throb in his jeans.

His hands continued to massage her thighs before venturing down to her folds. Slick natural lubricant coated his fingers as he opened her. She smelled sweet, and the skin around it was so smooth.

"You're nervous," he heard her say over the speaker. When he looked up, he saw her looking into the camera again, smiling sweetly. "I can feel you shaking. First time? Tap twice for yes, once for no."

He hesitated then tapped twice.

"Don't be scared, I'll help you out. Just follow along."

He swallowed then listened as his sister guided him through the process of pleasuring her. Taking her leg in one hand, Travis used his other to massage her pussy. His fingers splayed along her lips and teased around her entrance. The pads of his palm pressed into her clit, making her hips press into him.

Each moan he earned fueled him. He could feel his confidence groaning with every caress and soon he had Olivia trembling. Looking at the screen, he saw her playing with one breast while her other hand clutched her hair. She had stopped instructing him at some point, now she was enjoying his touches. Then he heard her give a small high-pitched moan and felt her grow wetter.

She looked at him through the screen and between heavy breaths said, "Congratulations, you gave me my first orgasm of the night. Now I think it's your turn."

Travis's heart went to his throat. He knew what she was asking for but part of him hesitated; This was his sister after all. Then he looked down at the dripping hole that willingly waited for him and immediately cast all doubts aside.

He quickly unzipped his pants and pulled his aching hard on from his shorts. As he lined it up with her entrance he heard her hum, and say, "Whoa, you're ready, huh?" She settled back on her arms and arched toward him. "Nice and easy, big boy."

Travis took his sister's hips in his hands and eased himself inside. Her insides were hot and wrapped around his cock in a way that almost made his knees buckle. The way she held him so snugly and so perfectly, he almost lost himself then and there. Not wanting to embarrass himself, Travis closed his eyes and took in the sensation of his tip stroking along her inner walls. He maintained a steady rhythm and reveled in the sounds of pleasure she was making in response.

Building up more force, he caressed what he could see of her belly and gripped her thigh with his other hand. He turned his gaze up to the monitor and watched as Olivia writhed on her bed. Moans and cries of excitement encouraged him. His thumb reached down to rub her clit in hopes of receiving more.

Her eyes opened wide and she gasped. "Oh yeah! Yes, keep doing that! Oh, you feel so good, baby!"

He wasn't going to last much longer watching her but he couldn't look away. Perky breasts bounced with each thrust, and she licked her fingers before pinching her nipples. Olivia was enchanting, and he couldn't take his eyes from her. The way her eyes sparkled, the shape of her mouth when she moaned, even the way she bit her lip were all combining to send him over the edge.

One of the largest loads he had ever experienced shot from him before he even knew what was going on. Travis held her and grunted as he emptied himself inside her. She gave a startled moan as her back arched and hips pressed into him. When his body finally relaxed, he finished with a couple of small strokes. He received a soft hum of satisfaction, and smiled knowing he had done a good job.

"Thanks for the ride, big boy," she panted through the speaker. "Come back and see me some time."

Travis smirked, then pulled himself out and zipped up his pants. He walked back to the table as Rod took his place almost immediately. Sitting back with the others, Travis saw his dad and Hog were panting and holding their flaccid cocks. Streams of white cum ran down their hands and streaked the floor.

"Where did she learn all this," Rooster asked as he took another drink.

Hog drank straight from the bottle and rubbed his balls. "Who gives a shit?" He turned to Travis, "How was it?"

He had no words but gave them a look that said it all. The two other men groaned as their erections returned to life. They all watched Rod take his turn. He was not as gentle as Travis had been; He had Olivia writhing and crying out in pleasure as he drove into her. It wasn't long before each of them was hard again. Travis pulled his cock back out and joined Rooster and Hog as they jerked off to Rod's performance.

Olivia had a great o-face. Their uncle was able to bring her to climax at least three times before he finished. It must have been intense because she was clutching her pillow to her chest by the time it was over. Hog was next- he rubbed her legs until she came down enough for his liking. Then he surprised the group by going down to one knee and giving her head.

She must not have expected it either by the way she jumped. Hog had her swearing and crying his praises as he worked. By the time he had his cock in her, her cries had turned to silent croaks and she was all but limp as his thrusts rocked her.

In his mind, Travis was the one between her legs. He could feel her legs around his head, almost taste her on his tongue. His hands squeezed her tits making her cry out his name. The dark lipstick smeared across her face from him kissing her. It was on his lips, his chest, her chest, on his balls, and his cock as she sucked him off.

When he chanced a glance at his dad and Rod, he could see they were imagining themselves in similar situations. His balls squeezed as he came again. Hog came almost at the same time but unlike those who had gone before him, he pulled out and sprayed his load on her pussy.

Hog gave Olivia a tender kiss on her inner thigh before heading back to the group. He didn't bother tucking his shrinking penis back into his pants. As he took the offered glass of whiskey from his brother, Hog slumped into his seat and sighed.

"Alright, Rooster," he said, "go take care of your girl."

"You two animals made a mess of her," Rooster groaned to his brothers. His curved cock already standing ready as he made his way to Olivia's station.

"Fucking amazing pussy," Rod commented when Rooster was far enough away. "God damn." He slid a drink to Travis who gulped it down readily.

Dad was really giving it to Liv; Her arms were over her head keeping her from being slammed into the headboard of her setup. He wasn't even giving her a chance to speak or make any other noises outside of squeaks. Even his balls were swinging hard enough for the three men in the back to hear them slap her ass.

"How are we supposed to look her in the eye now?" Hog grunted as he stroked his cock.

"How's Rooster and Travis supposed to live with her?"

Travis didn't respond. Instead he watched as his sister pressed her hands against the wall as if to avoid being pulled through. He wondered what was going through her mind at this moment. Did she wonder who the people on the other side were? Was she wondering why this current man was plowing into her as if he was trying to punish her?

Rooster finished with a loud grunt and Olivia collapsed on the other side, completely spent. He pulled out, his chest heaving as he attempted to catch his breath. Hog passed him a glass when he returned to the table and the men drank in silence while watching Olivia recover on the monitor.

The hostess returned with a new bottle and smiled, "You boys enjoy yourself?" They nodded and mumbled compliments. "Wonderful! Would you like to try some of our other selections?"

The family looked at each other and each one came to a quiet agreement. Rooster pulled out his wallet, "How much is it to close off this space for the rest of the night?"

After paying and two new bottles of whiskey, each man several more turns with Olivia with no interruptions from anyone else. At one point, they called to have her position changed so they could take her from behind. They drank, filled her, covered her with their spunk, and didn't give her a moment of rest until they were completely spent.

By the time they were done, the same man who had strapped her in came to unhook her legs. The men caught sight of another person helping Olivia out of the hole before the monitor was turned off.

"You gents did a number on her," Jerome said as he sanitized the outside. "Never seen a girl wrung dry like that."

He asked if they wanted to know the days she would be scheduled, but they declined. The four of them remained at the club until one of them sobered up enough to drive Rooster and Travis home. Everyone was silent up until they pulled up to the house. Then father and son bid Hog and Rod a good night then went inside.

They stayed up a while longer, drinking beers and watching late-night television in silence. A car pulled up about an hour later and Olivia stumbled into the house. She jumped seeing Travis and Rooster awake.

"Still up?" She stepped to her dad and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Oof, you smell like a brewery. I'm sorry I couldn't spend time with you on your birthday, Travis; Work was killer. Did you have a good time, at least?"

Travis gave her a quick smile and took a drink, "Yeah, Liv. I had an amazing time tonight. You should go to bed, you look exhausted."

She gave him a tired nod and bid them good night. They listened as she went upstairs and finally closed her bedroom door. Travis and Rooster glanced at each other, and in the flashing lights of the T.V., Travis could see an erection forming in his dad's pajama pants. He sighed, feeling better that he wasn't the only one whose desire had been reawakened. As quietly as possible, father and son found release to the evening's events one last time.

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TransguycharlieTransguycharlieabout 1 year ago

This is my new favourite story. Let’s just say I enjoyed is as much as all the characters combined

BambileebeeBambileebeeabout 3 years ago

I need a part two! I've read this over and over!

DocWordsDocWordsabout 3 years ago

Fun story! Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I hope part 2 is in the works & keep up the good work.

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