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Birthday Surprise


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"Really?" The notion of it made her want to laugh. Daniel Cornwell had been Marco's best friend since preschool. Yet despite their friendship, they were as different as Gold and Onyx; Marco was wiry, pale, and utterly beyond reproach while Danny was been broad, dark, sly and as prone to mischief as a chimpanzee. Any time Marco had gotten into trouble it was always a sure thing that little Danny Cornwell would be at the root of it. It was difficult to imagine a soldier's life appealing to the boy she'd known. "Well... congratulations. Just don't forget to take the safety off before you fire, and make sure to pack your toothbrush."

"Thanks, I'll do that. I'm actually hoping to join the engineers. So hopefully the only guns I'll be firing will be artillery pieces. Oh congratulations, by the way, on your blossoming carrier; I've seen all your movies. Marco tells me you're doing very well -"

"So this is the famous sister we've all heard so much about." An unfamiliar, or at least to Milla anyway, voice interrupted, cutting Daniel off and causing them both to turn towards the living room to find a four youths blocking the kitchen door. They were all grinning wickedly as the one on the far left took an extra step forward. Recognising his flaming Mohawk, Milla realised they were the boys who she'd seen standing on the doorstep. "Well come on Daniel, Introduce us. Or are you afraid she'll prefer our company to yours?"

His smile final faltering, Daniel flashed a nervous glance towards her but before she could ask what was wrong, he stepped forward and extended a gesturing hand towards the boy with the Mohawk. "Milla, this is Sean." Despite his broad grin and runner's build, Milla couldn't help thinking that his beady eyes, flaming red hair and stubby nose gave Sean the face of a weasel. Oblivious to her thoughts, Daniel was already gesturing to the redhead's fellows. "Eric," he pointed towards a round faced, pockmarked boy with listless brown hair, skin the colour of curdled milk, and dull green eyes; standing at least a foot shorter than the rest. "Charlie;" a lean figured male who appeared older than his years due to shoulder length, silver-blonde hair, stubble roughened chin, and piercing grey eyes. "And this imposing brute is Victor," a broad, heavily muscled bruiser that dwarfed anyone in his shadow, who must have spent five hours a day in the gym and gone to hair dressers once a week to have his hair shaved off as smooth as rock. Together they made an imposing, yet comical band of misfits. "They were in mine and Marco's class at school."

Daniel waved his hand back towards her. "Gentleman, this is Marco's half-sister Milla Jovovich."

Their grins grew, spreading almost ear to ear, sending an icy chill up her spine. Forcing a friendly smile, Milla raised a hand as if to wave; "Hi." None of them made any move to respond, and instead they just watched her, their eyes gleaming with predatory delight. Her smile faded. "I don't suppose any of you have seen Marco have you? I missed him earlier, and as I knew he was having this party tonight I-I dropped in to say happy birthday; but I can't find him..."

At her question, Charlee could barely contain his sniggers and gestured back over his shoulder towards the stair in the foyer. "Yeah," he added with a sly smile, "he went up to his room about ten-minutes ago."

"Thanks," nodding in gratitude, she twisted back to Daniel and gave him a genuine smile. "It was good to see you again Danny." Leaning up on tiptoes, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before spinning on her heel, darting between the Victor and Eric, walking briskly down the hall and narrowly avoiding barrelling into a startled boy carrying two cups of beer in each hand; then bolting up the sweeping stairs, taking the shallow steps three at a time.

Despite the hive of activity and commotion below, the house's second floor hallway was utterly deserted. Turning left at the top of the stair, the soft carpet underfoot and the deep thunder of the party below muffling her steps, she followed the passage passed the shut door of her old room and the two after it further on, until she came her brother's bedroom. The door was shut tight. Raising a hand, the two unshaded bulbs hanging overhead giving it a dual shadow across the wall and floor, she was about to knock when a wicked idea struck her and she reached out to try the handle. Finding it unlocked, she bit her lower lip and prayed the old squeak was gone before giving it a firm nudge.

The door slid open without a sound.

A sly smile playing across her lips, she sunk to her knees and peered into the darkened interior. Her smile spread from ear to ear as eyes adjusted to the gloom.

Even with the curtains drawn, she could see the room was much the same as she remembered it; movie posters upon the walls, the desk strewn with piles of graphic novels and textbooks, and a warped entertainment centre about ready to collapse beneath the sheer weight of DVDs and Games. It was the typical lair of an adolescent male. At the back of the room, Marco was lying upon his single divan bed, lean and lanky as ever, and utterly naked with his head reclining back in the mound of pillows so that his floppy mop of chestnut hair fell across his eyes. He was cradling something in his left hand, it appeared to be a square of glossy paper but it was too dark for her to discern clearly, but he was clearly fixated upon it. His lips were parted and, despite the now slightly smothered music from the party going on blow their feet, she could hear him uttering low, barely audible, pants while his right hand was feverously stroking the length of his fully engorged manhood.

The sight awoke a fire in her core; a delicious shiver tingled down her spine and she could feel desire's liquid heat running molten through her veins as her eyes dank in the splendour of his rampant masculinity. Though this certainly wasn't the first time she'd seen him naked, the fact that she had caught him masturbating added an additional element of spice that had her own hand slipping beneath the waistline of her jeans entirely of its own accord and it took all her willpower to resist the impulse. It certainly wouldn't do for her to be caught in such a compromising condition.

Her heart quickening, she watched, enthralled, as his hand rose up and down the length of his arousal, its mushroom shaped crown glistening with precum while the ropy veins bulged along his shaft. His hand was almost a blur, roughly squeezing and pumping the engorged flesh from base to tip with such fierce passion she was amazed it hadn't already burst beneath his attentions. He must have been in a hurry, perhaps hoping to reach his peak and be back at the party before his presence was missed.

"Ughhh...so tight..." he grunted out, his breathing growing laboured as he drew near his peak. "Ohhh-fffuck...Milla!"

Caught off guard by the strangled cry, her eyes darted up towards his gaze but saw that his attention was avidly fixed upon the glossy article clutched in his palm. Suddenly suspicious, she tried to peer at it more closely. Unfortunately, she was in the wrong position to see it clearly but as she peered at it, discerning details that would have otherwise been easy to miss, she realised it was an old photo of her. The realisation sent a hot shiver down her sine and she grinned wickedly. The little weasel was jerking off to a picture of her. Well, she'd have to put a stop to that...

Rising to her feet, she took a deep calming breath before boldly throwing open the door and stepping inside, flicking the light switch as she did.

"Well...well...well...what have we here?" Blindingly bright light flooded the room, startling Marco out of his fantasy as much as her sudden declaration.

Bolting upright, Marco immediately seized one of the pillows to cover himself. He looked like a rabbit caught in headlights. Upon seeing it was Milla who'd discovered him he relaxed slightly, but couldn't meet her gaze as his normally pale complexion turned a lived shade of pink. He was panting slightly. "Milla...what are you...no...how did you...I...I swear...this...this isn't what it looks like..."

How Original. "Oh? Isn't it?" She asked coyly, her smile turning playful as she cocked her head to the side and fixed him with a pondering stare. Then, with all the predatory grace of a lioness stalking a mouse, she shut the door and advanced towards the bed before snatching the photo from his grasp. Panicking, he tried to grab it back but the motion proved too difficult while still pressing the pillow to his person and instead he almost toppled to the floor while she raised the snapshot to look at it more closely.

It was indeed an old photo of her; one that had been taken two years before when she'd treated Marco to a week's holiday in Cyprus, and showed her reclining back on a deserted stretch of sandy beach in nothing but a close fitting white Bikini with her skin glittering gold in the warm sun light. By its poor quality, she guessed it had been taken on a camera phone when she wasn't looking. "Well, at least this means you're no longer stealing my panties," she said matter-of-factly. Marco's face burned so red she wondered if he might cry through sheer embarrassment. Deciding to take pity on him, she casually threw the photo over her shoulder. "Now, little brother..." she shrugged her jacket off and let it fall around her feet before carefully stepping out of her boots; "do you remember what I told you the last time I caught jacking off while fantasying about me?"

As if hearing her for the first time, Marco slowly turned his sights up to meet her gaze, his big hazel eyes as wide and innocent, like a puppy begging for his ball. "If you need to cum," she said in a low sensuous tone, "just ask."

Her lips curling, she seized the pillow and tossed it aside before climbing up onto the bed, straddling his waist and, bending down to cover his skinny frame with her own, taking him in a firm kiss. Gladly accepting the embrace, his arms encircled her narrow waist to paw wantonly at her full rump, trying desperately to draw her closer whilst she cradled his head in her palms, kissing him all the harder as her tongue slid across his thin lips, demanding entry. He yielded without a struggle, their tongues thrusting, twisting, swirling round and round in a passionate dance before a low moan rumbled through her as she felt his renewed erection prodding her thigh through her jeans. Feeling her core growing moist at the touch, she snaked her hand down his neck, her nails scrapping over his flat nipples and down his hairless torso before moving lower, the warm flesh of his stomach trembling beneath her fingers as she reached between their bodies. Coiling her digits around the base of his manhood while rubbing her palm across the glistening tip, she gave him a testing stroke. His hips bucked into her hand and he broke their burning embrace to drag in a ragged breath.

"Mmm...such a naughty boy..." she purred, slightly breathless from the kiss but smirking playfully nonetheless as she leaned back, settling herself above him. Within her grasp, his shaft was like a column of steel wrapped in molten silk and though he was well within average parameters, in her small hand he felt huge. She could feel him throbbing with excitement as blood surged through the bulging veins and she gave it a shake before stroking along the length from base to heap, stretching the velvety skin tight before completing each stroke with a firm squeeze just beneath the swollen lip of his corona that made the bulbous head swell. "Getting this hard from thinking about your sister; so how about it? Do you want big sis to make you cum?"

"Yesss..." he hissed through gritted teeth, his eyes wide and breathing shallow as her talented hand continued it ministrations; his hips jumping in sheer delight as she pressed the pad of her thumb upon the sensitised head. Enjoying the look of desperation upon her brother's face, Milla smirked wickedly before releasing his shaft. With his relief nearing, Marco made a furious sound of protest but she paid it no mind as she got to her feet, turning around to face the foot of the bed and sat back down. Kneeling over his waist, she then shuffled back until she was literally crouching over the length of his body with her head just above his abdomen and presenting him with her denim-clad buttocks.

Placing her hands on his inner thighs, massaging the supple muscles with her palms, she cast her gaze down to see his erection standing to attention. Up this close, it seemed even bigger than she remembered and the musky scent of his arousal made her mouth water as she dipped her head and brought her lips close enough for the warmth of her breath to wash over his jutting arousal.

"Ahhh..." he gasped and she could feel him trembling with pleasure, his engorged shaft twitching in excitement. Encouraged by his display, she reached out with her tongue and used the tip to skilfully scribble her signature across the organ's glands before dragging it up to the weeping point; dousing her taste buds in his flavour. Relishing the familiar salty tang of male excitement, she flicked her tongue over the slick summit before almost wrapping it around the bulbous head as she slowly took him into the damp cavern of her mouth. Closing her lips over the head, she began earnestly suckling the slick rubbery flesh while her tongue continued swirling round and round, down to the sensitised ridges along its rim, making him shudder with pleasure.

With every sweeping crease and wanton suckle his flesh pulsed within her grasp and she half heard him groan something incomprehensible, his voice low and laboured as her tongue danced. Noticing the tension gathering in his thighs as he resisted the urge to buck, she decided to take pity on him and slowly took him deeper, her pouting lips stretching and forming a tight seal around his shaft as she leisurely leant forward, enveloping all but the last inch of him in her mouth. It was a necessary evil to avoid her persistent gag reflex, even so, he filled her tiny orifice completely and she was forced to breathe through her nose as she held him in her mouth.

"Ooohh...fuck...fuck...Millaaa!" gasped Marco, his breath catching in his throat as she eagerly began suckling the length of his arousal while drawing back, rising up at a tortuously slow pace until she held just the bulbous crown between her pearly whites. The salty taste of his arousal flooding her senses, she repeated the motion, dipping down while gently scraping her teeth along his engorged length before rising up again, all the while sucking vigorously as the sounds of his pleasure sent hot shivers rushing all the way down her spine to spark deliciously within her molten sheath. She had always loved performing oral sex; she relished the power it gave her, the control she could wield over another person with just the tiniest motion of her mouth and tongue. It was so empowering and utterly addictive, but for all her bravado there was something she wanted even more.

She could feel the need burning deep within her, a fire that seemed to originate within her clit and rage outward along her nerves to keep her ever on edge. Fidgeting restlessly as a slick bead of her dew rolled down her thighs and knowing she needed her own release, she suddenly ceased her attentions. Pulling her mouth off his now glistening shaft, she flashed a look back over her shoulder at him, a sly smirk pulling at her lips as she saw his eyes squeeze tightly shut and a pleasurable grimace contorting his handsome features. His hands had a white knuckled death grip on the sheets and she could hear his breathing was coming in short ragged gasps...perfect. "Hey Squirt, instead of just lying there, gibbering like a codfish; why don't you put that mouth to proper use and eat me. Sucking your dick is making me so wet..."

Unscrewing his eyes, he stared at her incredulously as she wigged her butt provocatively, clearly not daring to believe what she was suggesting, before nodding excitedly, reaching up and fumbling with the button of her jeans. For a moment he was all thumbs, but then managed to release the fasting and, hooking his fingers under the waistband, drag the denim down to her knees.

She shivered as the cool air touched her most sensitive spots, contrasting so deliciously with the heat of her desire, before the warmth of Marco's breath was suddenly washing over her folds, his hands seizing the full globes of her buttocks and dragging her down to his waiting jaws, his tongue slithering out to lap along her core. Parting but never entering her folds, he teased her with three long, gentle licks before finally thrusting into her depths. Her skin prickled with goose flesh and a low, sensuous moan echoed from her lips as she felt the thick muscle, slick from a manic lust, writhing inside her, swirling round and round, thrashing her quivering walls and feasting upon her syrupy dew. He was devouring her with such a ravenous frenzy that she could not help tightening her grip on his thighs and rolling her hips against his tongue.

"Mmm...you naughty boy...ohhhhh...yes you dirty, naughty boy..." she moaned as the thick muscle lavished her folds with attention, but avoided any contact with her sensitised clitoris, before beginning to withdraw and then thrusting back into her tight passage; greedily lapping up her flowing nectar while orally fucking her. Although the pleasure this treat provided wasn't spectacular, he was doing so much better than the last time that she knew he must have been practising. Strangely, the thought of him doing this to some other girl filled her with a momentary surge of anger but a sudden, and very delightful, swirl of his tongue quickly buried the emotion in such a rush of pleasure that seemed to set every nerve in her body ablaze.

Exhaling hot panting breaths but determined not to be outdone, Milla wasted no time getting back to work on him. Taking him in her mouth, she swirled her tongue around his crown, synchronizing her motions with his assault as she resumed bobbing back and forth, sliding her lips along his hard length while continuing to use her teeth to apply a gentle pressure. It was difficult work for his wicked tongue was stirring up a storm within her and it took all her concentration to push the feeling of him writhing within her to the back of her mind, ignoring it as she would that itch you could never quite scratch.

Vaguely she heard him drag in a ragged breath and she could feel his muscles flexing excitedly beneath her palms until he suddenly started to buck and roll beneath her, forcing his rampant arousal a little deeper down her throat as he moved to meet her descent. Anticipating the kick of her gag reflex, fear blossomed in her heart and she panicked, trying desperately to withdraw and breathe only to feel a sudden scorching bolt of white-hot ecstasy rip through her, stilling her as Marco's devious techniques altered.

With a supreme confidence unsuitable for a boy who had been caught masturbating to a picture of his sister, he began worshiping the core of her erogenous being with swift licks and prods. Frozen in a wash of tiny climactic aftershocks, her world shrank to just the sensation of his tongue swirling round her engorged clit, her every sense focused entirely on that single point, making every tiny contact into the brush of fire. In such a delirious state as this, the sensation seemed to last for an eternity, but was then shattered as a barrage of fireworks burst behind her eyes as his lips closed on her sensitised nub.

Fire ran through her veins and her body jumped in involuntary muscle spasms, yet his fingers held her firm against him as he pressed the tip of his nose inside her while fiercely suckling the tiny bud. Pulse after pulse of insidious bliss surged along her nerves, throwing her into such a state of delirium that she couldn't hold back a wanton chorus of delight, the vibrations reverberating through his shaft in such a way that she felt him shudder in pleasure and growl around her bud. The sensations were so divine that her back arched on its own accord, yanking her suddenly clear of his cock and she moaned her pleasure without thought or care, heedless of anyone who might overhear them at that very moment; "ohhh-right there Right-ughhh yesss suck that clit-ughh holy fuckkk! Oh-my-god-oh-my-god..."


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