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Bondage Babes Ch. 01

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Naomi sets off to collect all the Bondage Babes.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/16/2023
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Today was finally the day. After two long years of waiting, Naomi was ready to set out on her adventure. Today was the day she was able to enter the portal and travel to the world of Bondage Babes.

The rays of sunlight beaming into her room only filled her with encouragement. It was a sign, an omen of good fortune for things to come. Naomi yawned and got out of bed, an excited smile on her face. The previous two years she'd spent at the academy were all for the adventure that she was about to begin.

"Honey? Are you almost ready to head out?" Her mother's warm voice called up from the kitchen. "I made your favourite breakfast for your big day." Sarina was a kind woman, and she'd always been rather doting towards her daughter. Not that Naomi minded. With the smell of freshly made waffles with strawberries and whipped cream drifting upwards into her room, Naomi couldn't imagine a better start to her journey. "Coming Mama! I'll be there in a minute!" She did a few stretches to get rid of her morning wood before heading down for her birthday breakfast.

The meal looked just as good as it smelled. Sarina was hardly an expert chef, but the love she put into her food more than made up for it. Naomi pulled sat down and began digging in, putting little thought into etiquette or manners. After all, this would be the last home-cooked meal she'd get for a while. "Are you sure you're all packed? Is there anything you've forgotten? You would hate to leave only to realise you forgot your toothbrush."

Naomi rolled her eyes. Her mother was well intentioned, but she had a bad habit of worrying too much. "Yes Mama, I'm sure I packed everything. I double checked last night." She scarfed down the remains of her waffles and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "I'm going to be heading out right away. It wouldn't do well to keep Professor Pussywillow waiting."

Her mother leaned in and gave her a gigantic bear hug. "I know you'll do great, honey. Remember to drink lots of water. And don't fall for any of the traps. And make sure you have your hand book, and..." she continued spouting reminders while Naomi finished getting ready.

Ten minutes later, she had her backpack and was heading out the door, an extra large spring in her step. Naomi knew that her mother meant well. After all, Sarina had previously been a Bondage Babe Trainer many years ago. It was something many young adults wanted to try. Nobody knew exactly where the portals had come from, or exactly how they worked. What people did know was that anyone past the age of twenty could freely travel through them, back and forth to another dimension.

The other world was mostly wild and untamed. There were several villages and settlements around, but it was still mostly a new frontier. The sense of wanderlust and adventure was a strong draw itself, but that wasn't what most people were interested in. Most people were intrigued by the Bondage Babes, the creatures native to the realm. They looked like human women, at least for the most part. But they also had strange powers. Most of which involved restraining the target in an erotic fashion, hence the name.

The Bondage Babes loved to fight with each other. Not only that, but some of them would bond with humans, and would fight on their behalf. As a result, the other world built up a unique culture around "trainers" who would capture the Bondage Babes and do battle with each other. Naomi was looking forward to being one of these trainers, and she couldn't wait to see what Professor Pussywillow was going to give her to start her adventure.

Naomi took a deep breath as she entered the science lab. She'd been here several times before, but never before had her heart been fluttering with this much excitement. This time the portal would finally take her to the other world. While the building was mostly empty, Naomi knew that was hardly an indicator of activity in the lab. Professor Pussywillow spent most of her time on the other side of the portal, although she kept a base on both ends for research purposes.

Sure enough, the portal itself began to whir and glow less than a minute after she arrived. Naomi stood in fascination as a silhouette began to form, rapidly becoming more and more solid. The slender figure of a mature woman in a lab coat stepped forwards. Professor Pussywillow looked to be somewhat flushed, a tinge of red on her cheeks and an unkempt hairdo. "Naomi, you're here!" She clapped her hands upon seeing the younger adventurer. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, there were just a few things I had to tie up over there."

Naomi shook her head. "Not at all, Professor. I just arrived. Although I am ready to get started as soon as possible."

Professor Pussywillow grinned at her. "Ah, the wondrous excitement of youth. I'd ask if you're certain you're ready, but I already know the answer to that." She stepped aside, gesturing for Naomi to enter the portal. "Well, let's get to it then. Are you ready to start your new adventure?" There wasn't the slightest hint of hesitation as Naomi stepped forwards.

A part of her was worried the portal wouldn't work. Everyone had told her it was a simple and automatic process, but that didn't stop her mind from spiralling with possibilities. It'd be terribly awkward if she was just stuck here, unable to reach the realm of the Bondage Babes. Thankfully, her worries proved unfounded, and the portal eagerly sucked her away to the other realm.

It was a strange sensation. Everyone described it as slightly different, with some comparing it to falling while others felt it was more like an elevator. Naomi felt like she was floating on air, with an almost ticklish sensation coming from all sides. It didn't last long, however. She had expected some dramatic mystical journey, but it only took a few seconds of bright lights and weightlessness.

Soon she found herself standing on proper ground again. Once again, Naomi was standing in a lab, and it looked rather similar to where she had just been. For a moment, she wondered if the portal had left her on the other side after all. Before she could fully process the situation, a firm hand clasped her shoulder, seemingly out of nowhere. "A bit underwhelming, isn't it?"

Naomi jumped at the sound of Professor Pussywillow's voice. She turned around, and sure enough the older woman was right behind her, a confidant smile on her face. "Sorry if you were expecting fancy bells and whistles. I know it doesn't look that different yet, but you'll soon see what this world is like."

Although the Professor sounded certain, Naomi still had some lingering doubts. It made sense that it would look the same, but for travelling to a different world, nothing had really blown her away yet. "I guess that makes sense. Still, I was expecting something, I don't know, a littlemore."

Instead of reprimanding her, Professor Pussywillow just grinned. "You're not the first person to think that. Follow me, I'll show you something that'll change your mind." She began walking at a brisk pace, and Naomi followed her as best as she could with her large backpack.

"I'm sure you've heard of how this works," the Professor began. "It would be unfair to send you off into the untamed wilds on your own. So I've got three special Bondage Babes here in the lab, and you can take your pick for which one you want to join you." She pulled open a door, revealing her personal study. Naomi was hit by a wave of cool air as she stepped inside.

This room wasmuch different from any part of the lab from her own world. There were a number of high tech gadgets, with a couple computers and some display monitors against the walls. However, it was the centrepiece that really caught Naomi's attention. Standing upright were what appeared to be a set of three buttplugs, each standing upright on its base. Naomi knew that these were no ordinary plugs. These were the technological marvels known as Bond-plugs, a unique capsule device that was able to carry a Bondage Babe inside.

"Take a look, if you will." The Professor hit a button on the table, and a set of holographic projections shot up, each showing a figure above the plugs. "These three lovely Babes are who you'll be choosing from today." She walked over to the first one. It appeared to be a muscular woman, with a lithe body but well toned abs. She was wearing a thin bikini and tight booty shorts. "This one is called Tombuoyant. It's a talented swimmer and is an athlete type, which is pretty versatile in most situations."

Naomi nodded in silence as Professor Pussywillow moved on to the next plug. "This one is a bit of a vixen. Simmera is a Punk/Sadist, which gives it a lot of strengths. However, its defences are pretty low, and it's extra vulnerable to cute types." Simmera was a tough looking gal, with fiery red hair and torn leather clothes. Sadist types were good against a lot of things, but there were quite a few Babes immune to their attacks.

Professor Pussywillow motioned towards the last one. "Finally, we have Chastice, an Innocent/Femme." Naomi winced upon hearing the type combination. Femme's were weak to a lot of things - butches, tops, riggers, and bimbo's to name a few. Innocent Babes were vulnerable to bullies and sadists as well. It was a combination that left a lot to be desired. "I know what you're thinking," the Professor commented, "but this one is a lot stronger than it sounds. Thanks to its special ability, Chastice is permanently in a steel chastity belt, which makes her unable to be taken out by a lot of attacks."

Even with that knowledge, Chastice looked like the weakest of the trio. She was a blonde in a full nun's outfit, although her generous curves were visible beneath the fabric. Naomi had a difficult time imagining herself fighting other trainers and taking on challenges with a Bondage Babe like that. But somehow, almost inexplicably, she found herself drawn towards it. Chastice was tough. It was an underdog, but it was a survivor. Naomi knew she didn't just want to take the best Babes, she wanted to take the one that suited herself as well.

"I'll take Chastice." She moved towards the table, putting her hand on the plug. It was then that she noticed something else. There was another plug on the floor behind the table, although it had a very different shape. It was much larger, with a number of rigid bulbs stacked on top of each other instead of a smooth surface. "Hang on, what's this one? Is it another starter?"

Professor Pussywillow's cheeks turned a bright red. "Oh! That's... that's not supposed to be there." She hurried over snatch the plug away from Naomi. "It's, um, a special project. Super secret and rare Bondage Babe inside, and it's best if you just forget you saw it." She cleared her throat in an attempt to maintain her composure. "Now, you said you wanted Chastice? An excellent choice, if I do say so myself. Why don't you let her out here, so you can say hello?"

Naomi turned over the plug in her hands. This was the moment she was going to meet her first companion for her journey. Without any hesitation, she pressed a button on the end of the base.

Immediately a flash of light filled the room. A humanoid form began materialising from the plug, and after a brief moment, Chastice was standing in the room with them. Naomi's eyes widened at the sight of her. Even though she looked just like the hologram, it was different seeing her in person. "Hi there, I'm Naomi," she began. "I'm going to be your new trainer."

Chastice gave a light hearted giggle. "Chastice, Chastice!" She gave a deep bow towards Naomi, showing off the plunging neckline and generous cleavage beneath her robes.

Naomi furrowed her brow. "Why is she only saying her name? I thought all bondage babes were able to talk normally?"

"Oh we can," Chastice replied. I just like saying my name. It's nice to meet you! I hope you'll be a wonderful trainer."

She wasn't the only one who hoped that. Although she felt nervous, Naomi knew it was time to step up. She was in charge of their adventure. "Right, I guess we should head out. The nearest town is Dildopolis, right?"

Professor Pussywillow nodded. "Yup. That's where the first gym is, so make sure you have a few Babes with you by then. You know how the gym challenge works, right?"

"Ofcourse I know how it works," Naomi sighed in an exasperated tone. "The eight gyms are each run by a trainer that's really into a certain type of Bondage Babe. You have to fuck them and their team into submission, and if you beat all of them, you get the title of ultimate lay." She shook her head. "Not that I care about titles, but it's a good way to move forward. Sound good to you, Chastice?"

The Bondage Babe let out a slight moan, her eyes rolling back in her head. "I know those ladies, they're so perverse with their tight bondage and fierce gazes and skilled fingers..." She put her hands over her crotch, pressing against the steel belt beneath. "I have faith in my resolve! One such as I won't be taken down so easily!"

"Hah, what a loser! Go figure you would pick such a weak and pathetic Bondage Babe." The new voice echoed through the lab. Naomi winced, both from the insult and what it implied. She knew that voice and who it belonged to. Unfortunately, she shared her birthday with someone else from her hometown. Someone who was, with as much respect as possible, the most gigantic bitch on the planet.

Naomi slowly turned to face the new arrival. "Hello Mona. I see you decided to come to the lab after all. Didn't you decry it as being for 'nerds and eggheads who won't last a minute in the real world?'"

Mona cackled at her own comment. "I sure did. But hey, if Professor Slutface here is giving away free Babes, I have no problem taking one for the road." She walked up to the table, looking over the two remaining options. "Hmmm. I can't believe you took the stupidest one. Now I get to pick between the buff athlete or the punk bitch to bully you with." She paused for a moment, tapping her finger against her chin in mock contemplation. "Actually, why do I have to choose? Oh Professor, would you be so kind as to let me have both of them?"

The request took Naomi completely by surprise. Mona was just waltzing in, acting like she owned the place, "Wha- Professor, you can't let her talk to you like that. The rules are clear, each new trainer can get one rare Bondage Babe. Why do you think you should get more?"

"Because I'm better than you." Mona didn't have a hint of hesitation in her voice. "Anyway, It's not a problem if I take them, right?"

Professor Pussywillow had gone uncharacteristically pale. What should've been an easy decision appeared to be weighing her down. "Mona, you know I can't give you special treatment like that. My job is to be impartial, and help all new trainers equally. I wouldn't be able to help you even if we were family."

Mona rolled her eyes. "I mean you were calling me 'Mommy' last week when I came over. But fine, I guess you'll just have to say goodbye to these fingers. But hey, I'm sure your imagination will do the trick when you're lonely at night."

Naomi looked back and forth between the two. The realisation of what was happening sunk in, but she was unable to do anything about it. All she could hope for was that the Professor's integrity would win over her horniness. To her dismay, it turned out that was too much to ask for. "Oh alright, you can take them." Her head was cast down in shame, unable to look at Naomi. "Just be nice to them, okay?"

"What, me? Be mean?" Mona gasped and pressed her hand against her chest. "I have no idea where you would get such an assumption." She levelled her gaze towards Naomi and her Chastice. "Although really, your worry is in the wrong place. I'm planning to treat my Bondage Babes with the utmost respect. After all, they're the strong ones. It's the weaker prey you should be concerned about."

It was too much for Naomi to take. Her Chastice was quivering, looking nervous already. "That's it," she began, "I'm not going to let you walk all over people like that. Mona, I challenge you to a Bondage Babe Battle!"

Mona grinned at her. "Good. Someone needs to put you in your place, and it certainly isn't going to be that old hornbag." She didn't even look at the Professor when insulting her. Mona grabbed the two plugs containing Tombuoyant and Simmera. "I'll be waiting for you outside. Don't worry you'll be begging me for mercy soon enough. Or maybe you'll be begging for something else. Smell ya later, losers."

The room was silent as she walked out. Chastice looked up at her trainer. "Are you sure that was a good idea? She did have some really tough Bondage Babes, and it'll be a two on one fight."

The harsh situation fully sunk in for Naomi, but she didn't have any regrets. "You saw how she was. If I didn't challenge her, I bet she would've jumped us anyway. And that's not all." She looked up to Professor Pussywillow, the woman she'd admired. "Don't worry, I'll be fighting in your honour as well. If you've been coerced into giving in to her demands, I'll just show you that my conviction is stronger."

Professor Pussywillow smiled at her. "Aww, thanks dearie. You don't need to, and you might regret it, but you're welcome to try." She quickly checked the time on her watch. "Well, I'd love to watch your battle- I mean I'dreally love to see how it ends for you- but I'm afraid I have to get going. Chastice, make sure to take care of your trainer, okay? She's a good girl and she needs someone to keep her head on straight."

Chastice gave a salute. "You got it, Miss. I'll stick by her no matter what, and I'll prove that we can be the best team there is."

Naomi grinned at her Bondage Babe. "See? We're already a great pair. And we've got the power of friendship on our side. With a strong attitude and belief in ourselves, we're sure to win any challenge. Right?"

Nobody bothered responding to her.

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MigbirdMigbirdover 1 year ago

Love your sense of humor

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