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Book Club Orgy - Illustrated

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Three girls and a guy share a Halloween night to remember.
18.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/02/2023
Created 10/21/2020
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Book Club Orgy - Illustrated

Summary: Three girls and a guy share a Halloween night to remember.

Note 1: This is dedicated to Daddy and Babygirl for requesting this story.

Note 2: Thanks to Tex Beethoven for editing this story in 2020, and also for editing it again and illustrating it in 2023. This is a 2023 Halloween Contest story... although it can't win because I won a contest two contests ago. That said, I still think it is worth your perusal.

Tori, Christine, Patrick and Tracy had formed a Book Club together, and they'd been meeting every Thursday evening for the past ten years. In addition to discussing the books they read together, they'd also steadfastly supported each other through the ups and downs of life, since each of them had enjoyed times of happiness, as well as facing periods of anguish and challenges.

Tori's history was quite a common one for a woman who'd just turned forty. She was still very pretty and had been called a MILF more than once, including by some of her college students, and recently quite bluntly, by a hot student who was clearly very attracted to her... and who'd even fleshed out the words of the acronym just last week, by remaining after class for a moment, to quietly tell her point blank that she was the professor he'd most like to fuck, before sauntering out of the classroom, obviously not expecting a reply... yet. She was married, but that spark had died long ago, and they hadn't had sex in years. However, they still lived together while they no longer really loved each other, because their youngest daughter was still living at home... a senior in high school. Tori's husband openly admitted to watching porn to get himself off (not to their daughter, of course), and unbeknownst to him, she did as well.... although she preferred to read some erotica first to get herself close, and then switch to watching some nasty porn to bring herself to her own money shot. Her favourite theme was a younger man seducing an older woman very like herself, and then giving her the hard fucking she so badly longed for.

Christine was thirty-eight, recently divorced (mutually amicable, since she couldn't have kids, and eventually he really wanted some; and no, an adopted child just wouldn't be the same). She worked at a bank, and after years of denying her increasing attraction to women, especially to her boss Maggie... she was coming to accept that she was more than a little curious about 'visiting across the street', so to speak.

Patrick, the lone male of the clique ('clique' in the best sense, they weren't at all snooty), was a forty-five-year-old widower who hadn't dated at all since his wife had passed away from cancer five years ago. The three ladies had been solidly in his corner to help him through the grieving process. He owned a fitness center, and so he was in amazing shape, and was also incredibly dashing for his age... even though he wasn't remotely interested in diving back into the dating pool. The girls had purchased him a fleshlight a couple years ago as a gag birthday present (which he'd found more interesting than humorous, and told them so), and he'd found that online porn combined with his toy, kept him sexually satisfied... for the most part... and although obviously he missed the intimacy of being romantic involved with a woman... he just wasn't sure he could ever go there again.

Fourth and last, Tracy had been substantially overweight when she'd walked in on her husband drilling their slim, younger, hotter college babysitter in the garage. She initially blamed herself for her husband's cheating, even though her three Book Club friends eventually managed to convince her that excuses be damned, an asshole is just an asshole. Regardless, she'd spent the year since the incident (which had culminated in a divorce just three weeks ago) in losing all that extra weight, and now a full hundred pounds lighter, she was an absolute knockout... which she'd never been before... not even back in high school.

Lately, each sexually frustrated club member having spent the past three Book Club meetings reading and discussing some rather edgy sexual books, including the now over-touted Fifty Shades of Grey, first book of a series, they were starting to get much bolder in their discussions.

Patrick asked, having found the relationship depicted in the book rather over the top, "Do women really want to be dominated like that?"

Tori, who was a natural submissive who'd been a wild slut in her younger days, said a little too excitedly, a half bottle of wine having washed away any thoughts of propriety, "Fuck, yeah."

Christine was also submissive, and she'd enjoyed being tied up more than once. In her own words, "Or at least whenever I'm in the mood, I do. Just freely giving in to someone, and allowing my carnal lust to take charge, and giving myself permission to totally ignore those insane moral restrictions of today's society, is pretty liberating."

"I don't know," Tracy said, having never been comfortable about her body, and even though she was now enjoying the attention of many men (which she'd never experienced before)... she wasn't really interested in taking any of them up on their offers. Or at least she wasn't until these naughty stories had rekindled her long-neglected, and almost completely forgotten sex drive... which when she was younger, had been very intense.

Tori teased, "You just need to get laid by some young stud who can rekindle that fire inside you."

"Yeah, there must be some hot guys at the gym who'd be more than willing to set you on fire," Christine added, her own pussy on fire right now, while she unobtrusively admired Tracy's new look. (Unobtrusively, because she hadn't yet admitted her burgeoning across-the-street leanings to anyone but herself.)

"Well, I do get a lot of looks now," Tracy admitted, and she'd be lying if she claimed that after her entire life of being largely ignored not just by her husband, but by most men, she didn't find her new appeal at all exciting.

"So for instance, you'd let a man tie you up?" Patrick asked nobody in particular, just the room. He'd found the novel hot, but incredibly far-fetched. No woman he'd ever met had even remotely hinted at wanting anything even a tiny bit like that! He'd loved his wife and she him, but their sex life had been entirely missionary, except on a few crazy nights, usually when she'd had a bit to drink, when she would ride him. Big Whoop. He would never have dreamed of even suggesting they try any of those things described in that book.

"Not only that, but I'd also let the right man collar me and lead me around on my hands and knees, like his pet," Tori said, finishing off the wine. The idea of being treated like that (especially by that sexy student with all his wicked tattoos... who still hadn't received any kind of answer from her) really turned her on. It would be the polar opposite to her usual personas of a professor, a wife, or a parent.

"Been there, done that," Christine said, with a wicked smile.

"No way you've done anything like that!" Tracy objected. Christine seemed way too opinionated and controlling to willingly submit herself to any kind of humiliation.

"Oh, sweet innocent Tracy," Christine drawled, hinting at her own curiosity to explore some same sex playing, "appearances can be very deceiving."

This discussion was really turning Patrick on, but he still couldn't figure out how these women... or any women... could be countenancing any such treatment, especially in 2023. He said, shaking his head in bewilderment as he slyly adjusted his dick, "I just can't believe that women today would ever allow a guy to do stuff like that to them."

"Yet the idea is turning you on isn't it, Mr. Grey?" Tori teased, having noticed Patrick adjusting himself. She'd always wondered what kind of package he was concealing beneath his clothes... and in her private fantasies, it was a big one.

"What? No!" Patrick denied. But his knee-jerk response only made it obvious he was lying... he'd always been a terrible liar.

"Yeah, yeah," Tori stood up and said with a pointed finger, knowing Patrick too well... possibly better than he himself did. Some of her fantasies included discovering firsthand... literally... what he was packing down below, and then using it in her long-neglected pussy, or even in her never-been-plundered asshole.

"I'm surprised to hear all this sexy talk coming from you lovely ladies," he said, trying to change the subject, embarrassed about getting caught.

"It's 2023," Christine pointed out. "If we want to, women can be just as wicked and kinky as men these days... and we can even have our fun without being forced into wearing a scarlet letter."

"Hey, I'm all for women exploring their fantasies," he said. "I'm just surprised to read about them doing it in such submissive male-dominated ways."

"Very much like Anastasia in the book, whenever we're in the mood, we just want a man who takes charge," Tori said, gazing directly at Patrick, as if challenging him to do exactly that.

"Think you could do that for us, if we asked?" Tracy asked him, stepping way out of her usual character, but drawn into the conversation, and wanting to look less like a prude.

"I plead the Fifth," Patrick said, raising both hands in the air in surrender.

"What I plead is to be taken charge of and dominated," Tori said wickedly, the wine and the conversation having gone to her head... and to her loins.

"Is that bad boy at school still flirting with you?" Christine asked.

Tori nodded, thinking of Kevin, a bad boy with tattoos, whom she'd heard while accidentally eavesdropping on a couple of cheerleaders, was very well endowed. "Yeah, he's getting more blatant every time he speaks to me. I'm just relieved that so far he's restricted his come-ons to times and places where nobody else can listen in."

"I bet he'd know how to make you beg," Christine speculated, as she imagined her buxom boss Maggie, who was quite a bitch (but a hot bitch), dominating her... she'd eagerly allow herself to be collared and ordered to crawl around on her hands and knees, wearing nothing else but stockings and stilettos.

Tori blushed, but she speculated, "The way I'm feeling right now, if he ordered me to, I'd strip down, lean against my desk, and let him pound me however he wanted me." (That was easily the most outrageous thing she'd ever said at these Book Club meetings.

"Tori!" Tracy gasped.

"Tracy! You'd do the same in a heartbeat, with that personal trainer of yours," Tori countered.

Christine added, "I bet he could personally train you, all right."

"Is that how you lost all that weight, tight buns?" Tori teased.

"You two are so bad," Tracy blushed. For even though the friendly accusation wasn't true, the image of that fit young trainer Rodrigo fucking her, was something she'd been fantasizing about off and on, ever since she started working out with him. At the beginning, he hadn't shown her much interest, except for doing his job training a fat person, although he'd always been sweet to her. But recently she'd noticed he now found her attractive. But fuckable? Unlikely, but perhaps.

"Notice she's not denying it," Tori mentioned.

"Okay, I admit I wouldn't be against the idea, but that kind of workout is only wishful thinking," Tracy said, feeling her cheeks burning from getting drawn into the group's naughtiness. "But I wouldn't reject his advances, if he ever did make any."

"You slut," Tori teased.

"Takes one to know one," Tracy countered.

"Sorry, I'm not one, actually. But I wish this old married lady could be a slut," Tori sighed.

"And don't think we've forgotten about you," Christine said, turning to the very silent (and awestruck) Patrick... who was currently living vicariously through his lady friends' wild fantasies.

"Yeah, stud. Have you put any moves on that hot new neighbour of yours yet?" Tori asked.

"I bet she'd show you some pretty crazy moves," Christine speculated.

"The stripper?" Tracy asked.

"The lady in question is an exotic dancer," Patrick corrected stiffly, which was how Erica, his beautiful, friendly, black neighbour had described her occupation, when they'd first met.

"No, she's an erotic dancer, even if she behaves like a lady with her next door neighbour," Tori said as if she knew, and deliberately getting it wrong. "Made any headway?" She then giggled, clearly tipsy, "Headway, get it?"

"Yeah, you're punny," Christine said, shaking her head in mock dismay.

"I know I am," Tori quipped in return, continuing to giggle.

"Erica and I have only been chatting whenever we encounter each other on the sidewalk," Patrick downplayed, for even though he found Erica incredibly attractive, she was twenty years younger than he was. Unaware of the effect she was having on him, she always wore Patrick's kryptonite... nylon stockings... which too few women did these days... although his late wife had worn them almost every day they'd been together.

"I think it's high time you got back on that horse," Christine advised.

"And went for a good ride," Tori added.

"Just Ignore them, Patrick. But I do think you're ready to at least dip your toes back into that dating pool," Tracy said.

"I don't know, just the thought of it exhausts me," he said. "I don't know if this is true for you ladies, but for a man, it can be very unsettling... you never know where you stand, and there are all these unwritten rules I've never figured out."

"That's true for me too," Tori agreed, understanding completely. And she hadn't even had her spouse up and die on her. Although she sometimes wished he would. Which is why she never wore her wedding ring, unless he was with her. "So it's decided: you two will get back into the game," she declared.

"No, the three of us," Christine said, gesturing back at Tori.

"All right, I don't really have much of a marriage anymore, so if you two will, then I will too," Tori agreed.

"Shit! Then I'll be the only one of us not getting fucked," Patrick complained.

"Don't be so pessimistic, you never know," Christine said. "So Iet's broaden our book discussion tonight. Each of us needs to share something personal that we've never shared with anyone else before. Something that turns us on," she proposed.

"Cool," Tori said, jealous that these three could all play the field if they felt up to it... even though the idea of cheating had been getting more and more appealing with each neglected day, extending into months.

"I'll go first," Christine said. "I'll even give you three of my turn-ons. One: getting my ear kissed and licked. Two: having someone look me in the eyes, place their hands on my shoulders, and seductively guide me down to my knees. Three, and this is a pretty new one: licking someone's pussy."

"Oh my," Tori said, and joked, "I might have one of those available for you."

"Perhaps someday," Christine smiled, thinking that Tori would likely be a wild one in the bedroom.

"I may cash in that raincheck someday," Tori said. It had been too long since someone had licked her pussy, and she'd likely spread her legs in a heartbeat, if she was told to.

"You two!" Tracy said, shaking her head at the two brazen women... or at least brazen in theory.

"Then what's yours?" Tori asked her.

"I plead the Fifth," Tracy said, picking up on Patrick's earlier cue.

"Denied," Tori refuted.


"You're not in court, and there aren't any paparazzi present. So just answer the question," Tori ordered.

"I don't know," Tracy said, squirmingly uncomfortable about the idea of talking about it.

"Tell us," Christine said.

"Yeah, just spit it out," Tori added.

"Well that's ironic of you to say, because..." long pause... "I love cum," Tracy admitted.

"Who doesn't?" Tori scoffed, although she was surprised Tracy had said that.

"Not a big fan," Patrick chuckled. He was enjoying this chance to be privy to these gals' heretofore hush-hush revelations.

Tracy clarified, "I mean I love swallowing cum."

"And then jerk-face went and banged the babysitter," Tori said, shaking her head. "Talk about shooting himself in the foot!"

"You're right, actually. He still wanted blow jobs, but for several years, he wouldn't go down on me, or even fuck me," she said, having learned in high school that the way to get boys interested in you when you're a chubby girl, was to do the things the other girls refused. So she'd sucked a lot of cock, swallowed a lot of cum, gotten double teamed a few times, and taken it in the ass. She still enjoyed anal sex, at least in theory, but she wasn't about to share that tidbit of information, even with these close friends. It sounded too slutty!

"Harold isn't even a proper man," Patrick accused. "I always made sure Jill got off before I did."

"What a gentleman!" Christine said, honestly impressed.

"And your secret turn on, Patrick?" Tori asked.

"I'm not sure it's much of a secret. I really have a thing for women wearing nylons."

"I thought you might," Christine said, having noticed the few times she came here from work wearing nylons, he'd taken more than a casual interest in her legs and her feet. But not when she was wearing socks or was barefoot.

"And you, Tori?" Patrick asked.

"Well, since we're all being unusually frank tonight," she said, "I love getting fisted."

"Shit!" Christine said.

"Nope, wrong hole," Tori joked.

"Well... I was holding back one of my biggest ones because it sounds so slutty, but it's no freakier than getting fisted, so now I will. I love taking it in the butt," Tracy admitted, surprised and pleased to hear that she wasn't the only one here who enjoyed doing something really kinky, but then she wished she hadn't impetuously blurted that out.

"Well, aren't you full of surprises!" Tori exclaimed.

"When you're the fat girl, you have to get used to doing things that the skinny or pretty girls won't," she said.

"Huh!" Christine huffed. There was some truth to that.

"So I have an idea. Is everyone free on Saturday?" Tori asked.

"This coming Saturday?" Patrick asked.

"Yes," Tori confirmed.

"That's Halloween," Christine pointed out.

"Yes it is," Tori nodded again.

"Why?" Christine asked.

"I want to assign tasks to all of us," Tori said.

"I'm almost afraid to ask what they are," Christine said, "but you've already gotten me curious."

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