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Bought Intercourse isn't Real Love


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The female police said, "I've seen her at the hospital, she seems to be a very good doctor."

Later at Mc Donald's, I told Carina about the police visit and as I don't have anything to hide, I had told the truth. After eating, we had a long walk in a park. The Carina told me that her ex would be visiting her the next weekend. They had some clearing up of some of their matters. Then she said that he said he would even do his best to get a third chance.

What could I say to that? Not much, only, "You can call me if he is threatening to hit you or anything like that."

Carina replied, "Thanks, but he is not that kind of man. Have you been thinking about giving Lisa a second chance if she's promises to quit that job and be a faithful wife forever?"

"No, I can't, because she got so many warnings before she took that job. She knew exactly what would happen. No sane man takes such humiliation as finding his wife in her boss' bed their first night during a business trip. And especially not after the sex pictures she sent me. It is up to her what she will do after that trip but I'm out of it. It doesn't matter what kind of a saint she might be. She might be fine for somebody, but not for me. However, Lisa will always be the mother of my children and I will never deny her seeing them even if I get full custody." I said.

I wouldn't see Carina during the whole week because she worked an evening shift but she, to my great pleasure, used to call me every evening for a small talk.

Then the shit hit the fan when Lisa came back home again. She hadn't told me when she would be back during our latest connection. The connection when she accused me to be the main suspect for Oliver Janzon's problems. She spent most of the evening with our children, and she and I didn't begin talking until the kids had gone to bed.

First, Lisa tried to give me a bottle of cheap blended whisky from some tax-free shop as "a gift from Oliver". She didn't get happy all when I demanded her to take it back to him and suggested to her to push it up in his African fucked ass.

Lisa's happiness didn't increase when I gave her copies of the divorce papers. I also gave her the good news that it would be final within six months. It didn't matter if she signed any papers or not. Anyways, I suggested she go to the court and sign the documents if she wanted an easier divorce with better terms for her.

Then she asked, "Did you really send Oliver's disgusting pictures to my friend's and relatives?"

I told the truth, "Not yet because I didn't want to get them puking, but I will do that if Oliver Janzon or you make any further problems for me."

"Isn't that some kind of blackmailing?" She asked, now sobbing.

"No, not at all. You might understand that with those pictures, you burned all bridges back to our marriage. I want go further with my life and you are free to join your divorced friends tomorrow and begin the happy single life you dreamt of. Of course, only if your pimp doesn't has other plans for you, but for the time being he might to be busy with his own problems."

Lisa continued sobbing and asked me, "What had happened to Oliver Janzon's house?"

I told her the truth, "I neither know any details nor do I care a shit about his damn house. The police know that I'm innocent to his and your accusations. You ought to know that you are not the only slut-wife in that pimp's stable and probably some other husband cares more about his slut wife than I do about my, soon to be ex."

Now she cried for a while before sobbing, "Dear Glen, I really wish it would be possible for me to turn the time back. I really regret it as hell that I, though all your warnings, took that damn job. It was the most stupid mistake I have done in my whole life. Can you forgive me if I quit that damn job tomorrow morning? Please forgive me so we can remain as a family."

"How could you do that to me and our children?" I asked her.

Lisa's confession.

"I got fed up with my job at the bank when I understood that slut Linda Hallman, who had an affair with the boss, would get my expected promotion to the main office. Then I would be suggested to accept a transfer to some far away office or quit. I couldn't accept that. Janzon Enterprise's ad for an interesting job got my interest and the job was mine after I was sent to the boss, Janzon, who wanted to see me. The only problem was that he, Oliver Janzon demanded a "quickie" once a month, but I thought 'Why not"' because a fuck with a very handsome man could even spice up our sex life. My friends had always praised their affairs, so I thought, why not."

"Then you began your campaign about my job and you even found my new sexy underwear Oliver had paid for and wanted me wear at our sex sessions. You really got me feel as a pile of crap. Then that damn folder got me both ashamed and angry, then I decided to quit. But Oliver gave me a high compensation, increased my salary to be even much better than if I've got that promotion at the bank, and he persuaded me to be strong and keep the job."

"Of course, even that first class South Africa trip was a big bonus that got me deaf for all your arguing against Oliver Janzon; it was what I regarded as pure slander. Of course I knew that he had some affairs now and then, but a discrete coupling once a month would be a cheap price for all my advantages at that job. However, today I have learned the hard way that I was wrong and everything you said was right."

"I got a strange feeling as soon as we came to our first hotel in South Africa and found out that we shared a room with a double bed. My feeling was right because as soon as the piccolo had left the room, Oliver demanded me to strip. I did and he fucked me rough without any foreplay or caring a shit about my feelings. Oliver didn't live up to his reputation as a 'great lover' and I wasn't impressed of his skills in bed but thought, what the hell, it is a whole month to the next fiasco. But it wasn't. In fact, only a few hours later when went to bed, he demanded me to suck him hard and used me for two rough fucks. Afterwards I regretted the damn trip and I couldn't sleep for several hours. Then your phone call woke us up and my world fell to pieces. Oliver had funny and nasty comments about you and fucked me again."

"The next morning and all mornings after that I had to suck him off and swallow. An 'extra breakfast, as he called it. I was alone in a far away country where I didn't know anybody. Oliver kept passports and tickets in the safe, so my only choice was obey to all his demands.

There was more to come. That picture you sent me made Oliver almost crazy and he spent a long time calling home to his lawyers and getting them to take action about it. Then he took my phone, demanded me to suck him and sent the picture. He wasn't caring that it would hurt me much more than it hurt you if you had spread it to my friends and relatives."

"You called Oliver a pimp and how right you were. One day we had several hour long negotiations with three directors from a company that bought machines from Janzon Enterprises. After signing the contract, we went to a small hotel for lunch and after the lunch Oliver told his guests that I was their signing bonus. He had booked a room at that hotel, gave each of them a three-pack of condoms and told them to send me back to our hotel not later than seven o clock. I regret to say that they used all their condoms and I could only thank the God Lord that none of them was as big as those black men use to be in porn films. I was surprised about their gentle and polite behavior with only doggy style and missionary position or that damn terrible day could have been much worse."

"South Africa is a very interesting country and really I regret that I didn't accepted your offer going there together with you instead of with Oliver Janzon. Sucking and fucking that creep and loosing a good husband and my family wasn't worth business class flights, five star hotels and the extra money I'm earning today. Therefore I keep asking you, please forgive me?"

Lisa's confession surprised me because it was her own idea and related to the terrible shame she must been feeling. I had not asked her about any confession.

Then Lisa asked me, "What are your plans for the future? The kids say that you are seeing a single mom. Is that serious?"

"Our divorce and splitting our belongings as soon as possible is the first thing on my agenda. I hope that you and I can remain on talking terms and can co-operate about our children. Yes, I've met a female friend but it is still in the beginning."

"Do I know her?" she asked.

No, it is not any of your divorced friends whom you've envied for a long time, but it wouldn't surprise me if I got very serious offers from several of them. You ought to be happy now when you are free to join them in their great pleasures, if your pimp allows you to do that." I said

Then I continued, "What makes me most disappointed about you Lisa, is how much of a damn cheap whore you really are. You're a real bargain for Janzon. His only real expense for you as company whore, is that small extra salary on top. He gets a great whore for a whole month for less what an escort from the county capital would charge him for one night. "

Lisa began to cry.

The next Monday Carina rang me at my job. She told me that her ex and she had made the final decisions about what they still had in common. No third chance for him. She invited me to her house that the evening because she thought we needed to talk. I was curious and asked her, "Please give a clue?"

"Don't forget your tooth brush." She said with a laugh and hung up.

Lisa promised to be home with the kids, so I went alone to Carina's with two dozen red roses and a big box of chocolate. She thanked me with kiss, so hot that it really gave me something to look forward at.

During the evening she said it was very important for her to know the whole truth about my part and what I knew about the actions against Oliver Janzon.

My true reply was, "I rang Janzon's hotel room three in the morning and accused Lisa, who slept in his bed, to be a shameless whore. T hen I sent Janzon's gay picture to Lisa's cell phone. I'm not responsible for anything else but a hundred percent sure there has been several different people, probably without any connections with each other, involved in these actions. I guess that neither the Ferrari damage nor the house damage has any connection to Lisa nor any other cheating wife. It seems to have been professionally done by experts and related to some kind of business with much money involved. The gay picture of Janzon on the web can be done by any of the cheated husbands who got the idea from the faked folder. Yes, some of my friends were involved. But nobody has told me any details about who did what about that folder."

Carina accepted my explanation and we agreed that we would work for a serious relationship but let it work and take all the time needed before moving in together and if everything went well get married soon after that.

With a sweet smile on her face and a hard grip on my stone hard cock, Carina agreed that it would be a good idea to use the time before a wedding to do some practicing of important matters involved in a marriage.

We undressed each others and as she was wet and I stone hard, we didn't waste any time before she spread her legs and I entered her rather tight pussy. After our orgasms, we had a long 'after and foreplay that got us ready for the next great sex romp.

Carina told me that I was the one and only in her mind since her husband and she split up. She could not explain why she had gotten such very strong feelings for an average guy like me so soon after we had met. During that evening in my house, when all five of us fixed the dinner together, I had gotten her laughing and forgetting her problems. That's when she had understood that I was the kind of man she needed and she wanted to know me much better. After that evening, her feelings for me had increased each time we talked. She said, "It sounds funny, but we must be meant for each other."

I confessed that even I been dreaming about her since our first evening together and lost all interest to be a 'wild single' though my friends would be teasing me for been falling in love with the first woman I met after skipping Lisa. I told Carina that her bright eyes and sweet smile had gotten me hoping, on some kind of miracle which should get me to forget the humiliation my wife had given me by surrendering as a whore to Oliver Janzon.

Both Carina and I knew very well that a well working relation had to contain much more than good sex, even if that it is important. To our great relief we found out that we shared many common interests and opinions. We even had a few totally different interests, just as Carina's great interest for ballet. When I told her that I never would be going with her to see such things, she only gave me a bright smile and said, "We'll see." That's why living together ought to be a funny experience. I promised myself that even a good guy ought to have some limits. Ballet is mine.

Oliver Janzon's wife said she didn't dare to live in our town until Oliver had solved his problems. She preferred to stay in Paris with her lover. The rumors said that Oliver had begun to suspect her lover to be in some way involved in his problems. When he told that to his wife, she had immediately filed for divorce.

Back from South Africa Lisa had decided not to have any further sex with Oliver Janzon. When he demanded it after a couple of weeks at home, she had told him that they had an agreement about one quickie a month and he already had got it in advance for more than two and a half years. He fired her and as Lisa still was a Union member since her bank job, she complained to them and her Union sued Janzon Enterprise for a huge amount that ended in a settlement with two-year salary for Lisa.

I was glad for Lisa because she had gotten back her common sense and courage enough to get rid of that rat Oliver Janzon. Now she had her freedom and within two weeks she would be moving in to her own three-room apartment. Living as a happy single woman with an opportunity to catch and dump men at her own choice. At least her friends had convinced her they were very happy with that lifestyle. I doubted it and was sure she regretted the whole shitting mess after a short time but that wasn't my business.

Carina's and my main interest nowadays was a happy and active family life with our children. We had found a perfect house for our needs. We would be moving in within three months time and planned for a small wedding when my divorce was final. Most people in our situation are living together without marriage for a few years. But it was important for Carina to be married when moving together with a man with a new family and I had no objections to that. Our children were promised to come with us on our honeymoon. A Caribbean cruise on a new huge ship they had seen on TV. They wanted us to get married as soon as possible. Carina began giving me hints that she wanted much more than a wedding; she dreamed about joining the baby boom along with several nurses at the hospital where she worked.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Hard to believe any married woman woukd accept such a side agreement for her employment. Then in South Africa, she thought it would be only once and instead got used like a whore multiple times. What a delusional, execrable bitch. Meh.

Ocker53Ocker535 months ago

No way possible could any man, who called himself a man be able to talk rationally with his wife, after she came back from a trip that he had proof that she was cheating on after he had warned her repeatedly about what he knew was planned. Human emotions being as they are no one would be able to be on friendly terms with someone ever again after such a betrayal. Most literotica authors fail to realise that once human emotions become involved all reason goes out of the window, doesn’t matter if it’s male or female.⭐️⭐️⭐️

FantasyTrainFantasyTrainabout 2 years ago

Pussy & Money. Always leads to TROUBLE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

When a wife is quoted

“I was wrong, and everything you said was right”

You know you are in the world of fiction 😉

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

a stupid collection of cliches worth of JPB

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

One of the things these BTB imbeciles writing comments do not understand is that when a woman gets into cheating she has already valued her marriage low. This is what lousy BTB writers do not understand and keep on writing about women that cheat and then cry to high heaven and keep on begging to get back in the marriage. That is not a reality, women do not try to go back because they, before the cheating, have decided that the marriage is not worth much.

The woman that cheated will not beg for reconciliation - get that in your thick BTB skull.

The problem with BTB imbeciles is that they think there is something special about themselves and cannot believe that there is nothing they possess of any value.

I think Winterfrog is more realistic than 99% of lousy BTB writers. If a woman decided to cheat, it is hard to stop it and afterwards she has not intention to beg the cuck, as hard it is for some of you cucks to believe that. She is already on her own way and won't come back. When you have kids then it is better to keep friendly relations after the divorce, if you can.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
All your stories are the same

Wife does everything in her power to cheat, does so blatantly and openly, without a care. Then they get divorced, he keeps the kids, she gets money, and they remain best friends. Garbage. Anyone with a lick of sanity would have nothing to do with her ever again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This women was almost as stupid as My ex is ..

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago

I agree that she was too stupid to be believable. However, when she admits that she agreed to do her boss once each month when she was hired, that cast her into a truly disgusting role.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Sorry, she was too over the top stupid, was truly fine with everything and then all of a sudden we get ""Dear Glen, I really wish it would be possible for me to turn the time back. I really regret it as hell that I, though all your warnings, took that damn job"

There was never any indication she gave a shit about her marriage an d she didnt suddenly have an epiphany after she got home.

Your writing would be far better if you dropped the LW stupid woman template.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 5 years ago
Hold passport etc can't go to consulate etc report him for everything under the sun

Make your bed you lie in it

How can treat her as other than slut

Knew she was fucking for money and went ahead

No sympathy

Scandinavia must not like much punishment for cheaters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I agree with the epilogue comment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

shove the dildo back into your ass you wimpy faggot. I'm pretty sure you are a troll fishing for this kind of comments but I have fun writing them any way. You are a truly disgusting person. I hope you suffer in your own life, in your own flesh every stupid comment you wrote. Rot in hell pathetic cuckold.

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