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Breaking Out Bk. 01 Ch. 07

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Assimilation Begins.
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Part 8 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/24/2021
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"Hi honey, how is my sexy man this morning?"

"Hi Helen, it is so good to hear your voice, are you OK?"

"I am so fucked Greg," she laughed and ran her right hand down between her legs... yep, her pussy was tender.

"What's wrong babe? Are you in trouble? Are you hurt?"

"No Greg," Helen giggled, "I just mean that I've had so much sex since yesterday afternoon."

"Oh I thought you meant..."

"No my love, I'm fine. Did you like your present?"

Greg groaned, "God she can fuck."

"Was she too much for you darling? Maybe next time I should look to see if there is an old granny on the payroll here?"

"Ah no," he laughed, "Carrie will do fine for next time... whenever that might be." That little bit that Greg added at the end rang some alarm bells for Helen. Was he hinting that he didn't want there to be a next time?

"So is she still there?"

"Yeah, she's in the kitchen making breakfast... do you want to speak to her?"

"No my love... I don't need to do that... what I actually rang for was to check to see if you were OK and to see if you could take most of the day off. I've got a couple of things to do here but I should be home by 10 or 11 and it's really important that we talk about a couple of business things today."

That sent a cold shiver through Greg, what did she want to talk about that they couldn't discuss at the lumber yard? "I can do that my love... as I mentioned yesterday I've got some news about our business that we need to talk about. I'll go in early and be home by 11."

"Sounds good my darling man but don't go in too early."

"Why?" Helen laughed and began thinking of going back to bed for a few minutes with Alex.

"Because you have Carrie till you go to work so why not take her back to bed for another session?"

"What a great idea... but I'll have to take it easy so that I've got something for you when I get home."

"Yes, I definitely want you to reclaim me when you get home. I'm so full of another man's cum that I'm leaking everywhere but I want yours in there too... I'll see you around 11... love you lots," and she ended the call.

She walked quietly back into the bedroom and was delighted to see that Alex was still asleep but his morning glory was alive and well and obviously ready for some fun.

Alex coughed and cleared his throat, "I just want to formally thank you Helen and you Adele for being here this morning."

All four of them were sitting in Alex's office back on the seventh floor. Helen had retrieved her top from the studio and had put it on, Adele was fully dressed and even Serge was behaving himself and not molesting Adele. The guys were obviously in business mode.

"Helen, regardless of what is said here today and what decisions are made we definitely want you as one of our contract girls. We were both blown away by the way you threw yourself into the action during the screen test and we think that you are going to go a long way in that part of the industry... but that's not what this is meeting is about.

"And before I go any further I need you to sign this Non-disclosure Agreement. It's a standard NDA that prevents you from telling anyone else... even Greg... any of the details that you will learn here.

"Hopefully Greg will also sign an NDA so you guys can talk... but until he does I'm afraid your lips will be legally sealed." He beckoned Helen over to his desk and she scanned the document he gave her and then leaned down and signed it.

When she stood up she glanced at Adele and noticed that she was sitting with one knee over the other and that gave Alex a great view of her bare and shapely leg... right up to her hip. Perhaps it was time that Helen learned to sit a little less demurely.

"I should also remind you Adele that you and Dave have already signed an NDA and that is still in force."

"Understood Alex," and Helen saw the dazzling smile that Adele gave him. Was she going to have to compete with Adele for Alex?

"OK, now that's out of the way I can tell you that we are here today to offer you girls some positions within the management group at Kalya. These are senior positions and come with substantial salary and benefits packages that will be in line with the way you two will help Serge and me take this company into the future.

"And before you both try to tell us that you're not qualified for these positions let me tell you this. The only qualifications that we see as important for someone to hold the position that we want you to fill Adele is a lot of experience in the talent side of the porn industry... the ability to manage people, communicate with them and even lead them and we think that you are ideal for this position.

"Helen, the position we have in mind for you needs someone who is experienced in running a business, who understands the need for data-based decision making and a willingness to try new things.

"And the fact that you are both very attractive and totally uninhibited is a real advantage too." He smirked, "And I think that Serge and I will be enjoying many more wine and pizza evenings like we had last night."

Helen glanced across at Adele and was surprised to see that her friend was just as surprised as what she was. She then looked across at Alex to see if he might have been joking. He smiled softly at her and flicked his eyes up and down to let her know that, just for a moment, he had been looking straight up her skirt.

Helen winked at him and made a little gesture with one finger that told him that he was a very naughty boy and he brought one hand up to his mouth to hide his smile.

That little interplay had almost made her forget that she already had a fulltime job/business plus a growing side hustle with Greg. She had been wondering if she could fit porn shoots in around that work... and now they were offering her a fulltime executive position?

"But Alex I already have a business that keeps me busy and while I might be able to find the time to do all the scenes you want I really don't have time for anything else."

"Helen, we understand that you like challenges and this will give you plenty of challenges for years to come so please, don't tune out just yet."

Surely it wouldn't hurt to at least listen to what they were going to offer would it? She and Greg did have their business up for sale and if it sold she would definitely be looking for something else to do.

"Now, I think that we should talk about how our businesses are structured. Adele you might have got some hints about this over the last six months but Helen, you won't know anything about this and it will help you see where you will fit in if you take up our job offer.

So, here on the big whiteboard just behind me is a schematic of our main companies and where they touch one another," and a large white panel on the wall to the left of Alex's desk came to live and revealed itself as an electronic white board.

"The companies that Serge and I own that we want to show you now are basically vertically integrated with a few off shoots and they are all in the adult entertainment space. There are more that are not integrated with the others and are not part of our adult entertainment area... and we will talk about those with you Helen..

"Serge and I come from a very small town in the Urals, east of Moscow, called Kalya and so that is what we called the company that sits at the top of the tree, Kalya Inc. Branching off that are two more companies... Kalya Productions and Kalya Services.

"Kalya Productions that has four subsidiaries, Kalya Web, Kalya Video, Kalya Live and Kalya Content.

"Kalya Content produces videos, stills and live content for their offshoots. Kalya Web runs 15 websites that are all slightly different in focus... although all of them have an older Milf or mature age theme running through them.

"Kalya Video runs a number of video-on-demand sites as well as feeding videos back into those 15 sites run by Kalya Web.

"Kalya Live streams live sex shows from studios around the world and feeds back into those 15 websites and Kalya Content sells some of the output of the other three to other websites."

"Kalya Services has three subsidiaries and, to be honest, we would like to reorganise Kalya Services because the three subsidiaries that are there right now don't really fit together.

"Kalya Prime does all the billing and handles all the accounting for all the subsidiary sites so it manages the billing for memberships, it manages all the billing for sites that buy our content, it pays all the salaries, and basically, if it involves money then it goes through Kalya Prime.

"Alongside Kalya Prime we have Kalya Technical Services. The people who work for us in this company manage all our technical gear... our servers, our cameras, our lighting and all the computers we use.

"And then there is Kalya Entertainment. This business definitely does not belong under the umbrella of Kalya Services but, at the time we started it, there was nowhere else that it really fitted so we put it in there.

"KE offers beautiful, intelligent women for senior executives who need some eye candy on their arm for dinners etc... at least that's where we aimed the business but it has gone down market a bit and now offers what could best be described as 'entertainment' for businesses at company retreats and things like that.

"Carrie, the girl who evidently had a lot of fun with Greg last night, was employed by KE for that period and today she is back working for Kayla Productions doing some research. So you will see that there is some staff crossover between the businesses

"We know that what KE does is borderline prostitution, and we are very aware of the problems that could cause, but it was too lucrative an area of the adult industry to ignore and our legal advisors worked with us to make it almost bulletproof when it came to any threat of prosecution.

"So that's basically our adult businesses and, while they all seem to be neatly organised into little boxes, what we want you two to do will actually cut across a number of those boxes.

"KE and all the businesses under Kalya Productions have taken a revenue hit. The problem for Kalya Productions is because the quality of the girls we're recruiting is dropping and the opposition is picking up some really good talent that we have either missed... or ignored.

"Serge and I were too busy with other things and we missed picking up girls like Syren de Mer, Regan Foxx and others when they first came into the industry and now we can't lure them away from the competition... and that's costing us.

"So Adele we want you to become the VP in charge of recruiting talent and we want you to not only target those girls we missed but also make sure that we are the first port of call for any sexy mature woman who wants to work in this industry in the future.

"We know that you have only been back in the business for six months after too long away but the way women come into this industry haven't changed much in the time that you were away so we want you to get out there and find us the next India Summer, Kendra Lust or Brandi Love.

We also want you to foster good relations with the big names in the industry so that they will come and do some work for us when they're not tied to one of the other producers.

"And we want you to start scouting for talent in the UK and Australia and doing a deep dive into some of the hot Euro babes that we don't see here... plus we still want you in front of the camera for us and maybe for some of the content producers overseas so you can build up some contacts with girls and some of the small indie producers over there."

That sounded like a huge amount of work to Helen but when she looked over at her friend Adele was nodding and Helen could see that she was already thinking about it.

"We expect that you will do a lot of travelling across the US, Europe and even Australia and you're going to be spending a lot of time away from home."

Adele laughed, "Yeah and my pussy will get a good workout to if you're going to send me to Europe to work with some of the independent content producers over there."

"We know that you can handle it Adele," Serge laughed, "but Dave is going to have to be weaned off our complimentary girls. This will be part of your job... not some extracurricular fun with Alex or me."

"Hmm... he may not like that but if he can travel with me sometimes..."

"I'm sure we can work something out there but if you take the job we will want you to get started right away and we've already been talking to a couple of the independents in Europe about loaning you to them in exchange for them letting us use some of their girls."

Helen wondered how Adele would take being traded like that but she smiled, "That could be a lot of fun... I've never done anything outside of the US but I have thought about it."

"You will have a PA to help you and she will be someone who doesn't mind getting down and dirty in front of the camera so you can use her as well."

"Helen we want you to take over KE and grow it for us. We want you to find some new income streams for it and do whatever is necessary to make it better than it was... and we think that, with your looks and business knowledge, you should be leading from the front.

"We also want you to lead a new part of the business called Special Projects so you will be the VP in charge of Kalya Entertainment and Special Projects."

"When we say 'lead from the front' with KE we mean that we want you to do what the last person in charge of KE did... attend most of the parties yourself. With your background you could carry on an intelligent conversation with any of the executives, business owners and entrepreneurs that you might encounter at any of the parties our girls attend.

"We are also going to need to grow that business back to where it was a year ago and that will be your major KPI that we expect you to meet. We will give you plenty of contacts and you just have to bring them back to be clients of KE."

"Alex, it sounds very interesting and challenging but, as I said, I already help run a business and what I know about the sort of business you're describing could be written on the back of a postage stamp so I have neither the time nor the experience to do the job."

"Helen, if you take up our offer, we will subsidise the employment of someone to take your place at the lumber yard."

She looked at Alex and he laughed at the surprised look on her face, "Helen stop thinking 'small' here... supplying beautiful and intelligent women to just one three-hour dinner party or private meeting is enough to make subsidising an employee at your wood yard for a week look like chump change.

"When KE was really at its peak we were providing companions for five or six gatherings a week all over the West Coast. We know that the business is still out there and we know that we lost it rather than having a competitor take it from us. So now we want you to get it back... and we want you to take it even further.

"And we don't want you to stop at the East Coast... think how big the potential market is in Europe... and don't think of a stable of 10 girls... think of having 100 girls to service all those potential clients across the globe.

"Adele won't be the only on doing plenty of travelling.

"But that's not all we want you to do. We want you to look at new income streams that we can add to our existing businesses to make the products we sell even more desirable and saleable.

"So, you are going to be just as busy as Adele..."

"... and just as fucked," Adele added with a laugh.

"Yes, that too," Alex smiled at her and she opened her legs a little wider. When he managed to take his eyes off what she was showing him she smiled and licked her lips.

"Helen, you too will have a PA and fortunately we still have one girl here who has done the party work before. Her knowledge will be invaluable so make sure you use her wisely.

"The salary that we will be paying you both for the first six months is $180,000 plus car and running expenses, plus full medical, a clothing allowance of $5,000 a month with any unspent money rolled into the next month, a travel allowance that will cover your costs while you are away from home plus whatever you earn for the videos you appear in."

Helen sat back in her chair and was so lost in thought about the offer that she didn't realise that she gave Alex an ever better view up her skirt.

"Helen, we like to support our own people... our family... and as Adele knows, we are really committed to doing that. We employ Dave and his crews for all the electrical work that needs to be done on the buildings we own throughout California.

"A fuse blows somewhere and Dave gets the call to have the problem fixed. We're turning an old warehouse into a video production site... Dave gets the full wiring job from installing the buzzer that goes off when someone walks in the front door through to the wiring and maintenance of every switch, power point and lightbulb in the place.

"And we don't haggle about the price. We have a fair idea of what is reasonable and if Dave is within a reasonable margin of that price then he gets the job...

"And we want to do something similar for you... we want to hire you and your husband's consulting business." The look of surprise was back on Helen's face.

"Serge and I know what you and Greg do and, while we have absolutely zero interest in anything to do with lumber yards, your involvement in data analysis and helping businesses grow is very important to us.

"We have read every word that you two have written on the blog on your website, we have listened to every podcast that you and Greg have appeared on and we listened to everything you both have ever said from the stage at the business conferences you attend where recordings have been available online.

"We had done that even before we knew that you were going to come in for a screen test and it was our good fortune to discover that Helen was bringing you to us before we had to go looking for you.

"We had read and listened to everything you two have said because we wanted to be sure that you and Greg were the people that could help us manage our adult businesses better and then go on to help us gain better control over our mainstream businesses.

"We weren't very strategic in the way we went about acquiring those businesses and now we have a quite a few small businesses and other interests that have little in common with each other. For example, I own a club down in San Diego, the operating rights for a marina down there and a penthouse suite at one of the local hotels.

"I own a bar not far from here, a club down in the warehouse district and many other small businesses

"Serge has a limo hire business that is beginning to fail, a vineyard up in the Napa Valley and a boat brokerage... and both of us have more like that. We need help to work out which ones to keep and grow and which ones to sell off while they still have some value.

We want to know what other businesses are worth investing in and most of all, we want to become the biggest producer of quality porn in the US... and we think that you guys can help us achieve those goals.

"I'm sure that you have lots of questions about what I have just said and I will be happy to answer them all... but maybe that might save time if we could meet with Greg and you this afternoon and talk about this.

"Perhaps though there's one question that really bothers you and we should answer it right now. You are probably wondering why we would come to someone as small as you and Greg. Why wouldn't we go to the real experts out there... the big guys that have an army of experts that they can turn lose on any problem.

"The answer is simple, some of them don't want to work with us because of the nature of our business. They don't want to have their pristine brand associated with the scum of the earth who do porn.

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