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Briana Ch. 01

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After the operation, her daughter barged into my office.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/02/2023
Created 07/25/2023
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This is the first in a multi-chapter series. I'll send two chapters at a time.



I was devastated when my wife asked to divorce me. It happened four years ago. She was a fun-loving lady who liked parties, traveling, and sex, not necessarily in that order. She was a part-time secretary in a large company and had too much free time. She used to say that we work to live and not live to work. It was easy for her to say because I was the breadwinner. As a surgeon in a reputable hospital, I earned about $1,000,000 a year, but my vacation time was limited, especially in the year that preceded our divorce. We lost two physicians then, and my workload became much busier. My wife got fed up, and one evening, when I showed up at home at 9 pm, she served my dinner and announced, "Honey, I am sorry, but enough is enough. You are going to kill yourself at work. I am not interested in being there when it happens. I still love you, but this is NOT the life I want to live. I filed for a divorce. We can stay friends, or if we both feel like it, friends with benefits, but I want to share my home with somebody who cares about life more than work."

I was heartbroken. I loved her dearly. Although we couldn't spend much time together, I considered her my partner. She prepared my meals and laundry, was funny, and was great in bed.

We met in the hospital, dated briefly, and married before the year ended. We were young and in love. Much of our together time we spent having sex. We experimented using different positions, on the bed, carpet, or kitchen table. Two years later, we started expanding our horizons, and during our travels were doing it on the open balcony of a hotel, among the trees in national parks, and even behind a sacred statue in Thailand... Then one day, I suggested the possibility of adding another partner. She hesitated... for a week and then agreed to try it with another man. I researched and chose a slightly older man who looked attractive in the pictures he sent me, had prior threesomes experience, showed me negative recent STD tests, and promised to use a condom.

To make it short, the encounter was a success, and we began meeting others. After pleasurable encounters with three different men, we tried a young woman. We both enjoyed our sex with her. Shortly after, we started swinging. During the first several years, we had plenty of time to travel, meet other people and enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately, most good things in life are bound to diminish at one time. For us, it was my work. HMOs began lowering physicians' salaries, and we tried to make up for it by increasing the number of patients we saw and performing more procedures. I maintained my salary, but my free time was cut significantly. As I said, my wife had enough of it and left me. In retrospect, perhaps it was a blessing that we did not have children.

Last I heard from her, she resided in New York and had a boyfriend.


Starting over at 45 was not easy. I was busy in the hospital for long hours. The whole dating scene was new to me. Online services like match.com or eHarmony did not exist when I was young and started going out with girls.

One day, when I was eating lunch in my office, a middle age woman barged in and insisted that she needed to speak to me. With half my meal already consumed, I told her to sit down and tell me the urgent problem.

She seemed upset, "Doctor, my mother is Jane Thompson. You operated on her three days ago. She feels good and wants to go home to care for my father. Why do you still keep her here?"

"Young lady, your mother had a complicated abdominal surgery. I am happy that she feels better. However, according to the medical literature, we must keep her two more days because certain complications may occur between days 3 and 5 following the operation."

She smirked, "Is it really the case, or the hospital wants to charge her more?..."

"Look, lady, I told you what I know, and I have vast experience performing these surgeries. If your mother insists she wants to leave, we won't hold her against her will, but I recommend two more days here."

"OK, doctor. My mother trusts you, so she'll stay, but I still don't see why." And then she left my office, slamming the door behind her. Similar confrontations between medical teams and patients' relatives have become frequent lately, and an hour later, I forgot about it.

The next day, after finishing my second operation, I was called to Mrs Thompson's room on the overhead microphone. Her blood pressure dropped, and she looked pale. The likely diagnosis was post-operative bleeding. I ordered an urgent scan of the operation area since there was no sign of external bleeding. The scan suggested that a few stitches got disconnected, and blood was oozing internally. The patient was on the operating table within 20 minutes. I found the leak, took care of the issue, and gave her two units of blood. Within two hours she felt much better. I had a long talk with her and returned to my office.

The daughter knocked on my door half an hour later. I let her in. Her head was down, and she mumbled, "Thank you for keeping her in the hospital and saving Mom's life."

"You welcome. Next time, perhaps it's better to accept the doctor's advice without argument."

She gazed at me momentarily and smirked, "Look, I am no expert, but I thought that stitches only disconnect after surgery due to a bad operation."

I looked at her half-smiling face and was impressed. She was not very young but was pretty. I debated how to answer her challenge and decided that the truth was best, "It was not a technical failure if this is what you are trying to say. By the way, did anybody tell you what the surgery was for?"

"I heard she had a tumor in her tummy."

"Lady, the tumor extended beyond the borders of the stomach, and I had to resect certain parts of adjacent organs. In some areas, the tissue was frail, and the risk of bleeding was higher than usual. I explained it to your mother before the operation. After the surgery, I limited her activity and specifically instructed her to call a nurse whenever she needed to go to the bathroom or dress up. Your mother didn't listen, and 48 hours after the complicated operation, she dressed up by herself and then went to the bathroom. She didn't tell us she had constipation and worked hard on number 2 in the bathroom. Your mother ripped her sutures by not listening to my advice. Now go back to your mother, and you'll find out I explained everything to her already. She promised to behave from now on. Have a good day, ma'am."

She blushed and left the office without saying a word.

I didn't have time to finish my lunch and had to rush to perform two other procedures. When I was done, my secretary texted me that somebody was waiting to see me. I went back and saw the same lady again. I was hungry and tired. I blurted, "Lady, what can I do for you now?"

I saw tears in her eyes, "Doctor, I am so sorry... You were an angel, and I doubted and even offended you. Please forgive me."

"Lady, I forgave you already. Having a mother in the hospital is traumatic, and relatives get emotional. Take care."

She didn't move, "Please, doctor, I was a complete jerk. Can I make it up to you?"

I smiled, "Look, it's OK. You don't have to do anything. You apologized, and it was enough."

"Doctor, please... because of me, you didn't have time to finish your meal. The minimum I can do is invite you to a good restaurant."

I glanced at her. She seemed so grateful and vulnerable... I couldn't refuse. "If you insist, there is a Burger King a block away. We can get a burger and coffee."

She laughed, "Doctor, my name is Briana. Briana Thompson. I am not going to take an angel to Burger King. I can afford to take you to a GOOD restaurant. What kind of food do you like?"

"I am not very selective. Steaks, fish, Italian... Almost everything goes. And out of the hospital, my name is Morton Gold..."

"Doctor Gold... sorry, Morton, I think you are too exhausted now, so I'll let you go to your family. Will it be OK if I reserve a table in a great seafood restaurant tomorrow between 6 and 7 pm?"

"Briana, I am not married and have no children. When I am done here, I go home, eat my take-out dinner, and sit in front of my TV... Once you have reserved a table, text me the place and time, and I'll meet you there."

"She grinned, "Doctor, THANK YOU again. I felt so bad after what I did to you that if you hadn't agreed to my invitation, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!"

Now it was my turn to smile, "Briana, as I said, everything is forgiven and forgotten. Tomorrow, I may not even recognize you..."

She chuckled and left.


Later I got her text, 'Morton, see you at 6:30 at Neptune's.'

At home, thoughts crossed my mind - What am I doing? This is the first time eating with my patient's family member... Is it a good idea? What if something happens to her mother a week from now? Will she try to press me for a discount on the subsequent follow-ups?... If we went to a cheap restaurant on the same evening of the misunderstanding, these issues would never arise. Oh, well, I'll go, be polite, and after that dinner, I won't see her ever again.

I arrived five minutes late. I asked the receptionist about Briana Thompson's reservation. The receptionist gave me an admiring look. Did she like my clothes? My deodorant? I followed her, and saw Briana at a slightly dark corner table. She noticed me almost at the same time and stood up. I came closer and was impressed by her appearance. She looked... noble! She was dressed elegantly in a cream-color suit, 2' heel shoes, light red lipstick, and very little makeup.

I bowed and kissed her hand, "Briana, you look fantastic. But why did you bother? It's only dinner, and I want you to feel comfortable!"

She grinned, "Morton, I feel very comfortable."

"Listen, lady, I checked online, and you chose a costly restaurant. As a surgeon, I make a ton of money. Let ME pay for both of us."

She stared at my face for a long time, "You don't know anything about me, do you?"

"You are Jane Thompson's daughter. Is there anything else I need to know?"

She sighed, "You doctors are buried all day long in your work and never bother to read or see the world around you. I do not want to brag, but I can afford our dinner. My father is Melvin Thompson, who retired two years ago as the owner and CEO of Thompson Industries. I think that even he has no clue how many billions he has in his bank... I am his only child. I am also a vice president at Bloomingdale's. I decide on what we sell in all of Bloomingdale's stores in the USA. So I think I can pay for dinner..."

"Geez, Briana, I had no clue..."

"Morton, that is fine. I'd hate to think you joined me for dinner because of my family's fame or money. I would have never mentioned it. But then you felt sorry for me needing to pay for your dinner..."

"Girl, I am very embarrassed now..."

Briana chortled, "Morton, don't be. I don't want to ruin your dinner by talking about Mom, but I'd like to ask a single question. What is the likelihood that a similar bleeding event will happen again?"

"The more time passes, the area becomes scarred and more stable, but I'll appreciate it if you remind her to take it easy for at least one more month. She is no longer 25. And if I understood you well, when she needs to lift something heavy, she can afford to pay others to do it..."

Briana laughed, "Morton, after her last episode, I told Mom that if she doesn't listen to you again, I send her to a group home. I think she learned her lesson and is scared enough to be more compliant now."

"Good. Briana, tell me more about your life, interests, and hobbies."

"I grew up as a spoiled rich heiress. Only in 12th grade I realized that I needed to grow up and become my own person. I left my family and studied fashion at Central Saint Martins in London, England. Then I returned, started at the bottom in Nordstrom, and eventually became what I am now. Interests, you ask. I'd love to travel, but my free time is limited. That is partly the reason that I never got married. I was too busy with my carrier. I didn't let any man get too close to 'waste my time' on less important things like travel or long-term relationship."

"Briana, we have a common denominator. I was happily married for several years before I had to work more hours. One day it was too much for my wife, who said she needed a mate to spend more time with. So she left me. Since then, our medical group hired two more surgeons and I have more free time."

Briana gazed at me with a bitter smile, "We both learned the hard way that work was not the most important thing in life. These days we are both middle-aged and alone..."

Our meal arrived, and we concentrated on the excellent food. We didn't talk, but we now and then sneaked peeks at each other and smiled.

This lady intrigued me. She was intelligent, witty, down to earth, and... looked good. Neither one had a partner. Age-wise, we matched well. Should I try to make a pass at her?...

It took me several minutes to make up my mind, but then I decided to give it a chance, "Briana, you took me to a great restaurant. I loved the food! May I return the favor and take you to my favorite Italian restaurant one evening?"

"Doctor, are you sure you want to do it? I owed you an apology; this was the minimum I could do to feel better about my inexcusable behavior following my mother's surgery. But you have no obligation to do anything."

"Briana, before our dinner, I thought I was destined to suffer joining a grumpy woman for dinner so she'd feel better about herself. However, this lady became much more interesting than I thought."

"Morton, are you offering a reciprocation gesture or a date?..."

"Does it matter what we call it? We are not teenagers anymore, so I find labels less relevant. The question is whether we can both enjoy an evening together."

Briana grinned, "I may be wrong, but I think you start to like me and are scared to admit it even to yourself..."

"Briana dear, you are wrong. I DID admit it to myself, but I was reluctant to tell you."

"Accepted. Unlike you, I am not that shy. I like you too. Please reserve a table and let me know the time. But I need to know at least 48 hours in advance. And please, not on a Tuesday, because I work late, or Friday because that's when I visit my parents."

She extended her hand to me when we separated. I ignored it and kissed her cheek. She smiled and mumbled, "You are naughty."


I called Giacomo and reserved a table for Saturday at 6 pm. I told the person on the other line that I'll add a 50% tip If I got the best table in the house.

I parked my BMW around the corner. Briana insisted on driving herself and showed up in a Lexus. She had on a light color blouse and a simple skirt. She looked much younger this time!

The other side of the restaurant became noisy, probably because it was somebody's birthday. I laughed and told Briana that most Italian people I'd met were loud and happy. The wine had something to do with it.

She hesitated and blurted, "I've never drank wine before. My grandfather died of liver failure, and 2 of my uncles were alcoholics. I was told to be careful because I may have some genetic abnormality predisposing everybody in our family to alcoholism."

"Briana, I cannot promise you that you do not carry certain genes that may create a problem, but drinking one glass of wine is unlikely to cause permanent damage. On the other hand, a small amount may loosen the mind and makes people more friendly."

"OK. Since I am with a doctor, I'll try it..."

I ordered a bottle of Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio. I poured it into two glasses and lifted mine, "Cheers!"

She laughed and sipped a little, "It burns my tongue and is slightly sweet... But it's not bad."

"You are not used to alcohol. Let's see how you feel after drinking half a glass."

The food has arrived. Briana ordered the lasagna, and I took Osso Buco. We liked the meal. I noticed Briana continued sipping her wine throughout the dinner, emptying her glass when she finished her lasagna.

Her face became shinier. She started telling me stories about her childhood. During a short break in her talk, I ordered a tiramisu for both of us. Slowly she moved from her childhood to talk about her former boyfriends. Her speech became mildly slurred. It was evident that the alcohol was affecting her.

We were done, and I paid the waitress.

Briana's legs seemed wobbly as we stood up to leave the restaurant. I helped her and said, "Lady, you cannot drive now. I'll take you home; give me your address."

"It's early. I don't want to go home. Take me to your house."

I wasn't convinced it was a good idea, but at least I could offer her coffee. In case she fell asleep, I had spare rooms...

While driving, I noticed her peeking in my direction multiple times. Her gaze was not only directed toward my face. Frequently it was lower. Much lower...

I arrived home and helped her to my living room. She leaned on me with her breasts crushing against my arm. Her hard nipples poked me, and my cock began to throb. She must have noticed because she pointed at my groin and giggled.

"Briana, I'll make strong coffee for both of us. Would you like me to help you go to the bathroom?"

"Noo, I caan dooo it myseeelf."

I put water in the Keurig machine and used a dark roast pod. I arranged a tray with empty mugs, Splenda & sugar, a small milk container, and spoons. Everything was ready ten minutes later. I carried it to the living room and put it on the table.

I turned to Briana and stopped in my tracks. She was completely naked, sitting on the loveseat and grinning at me.

I stuttered, "Briana... what are... you doing?"

"You are horny, and I am too. Can we have sex now?"

She looked amazing! Her C-cup tits protruded forward, begging for my attention! The flat smooth tummy with the concave navel... Her thighs were spread for me to ogle. The hairless cunt was fully exposed to my eyes.

Briana sat comfortably with a smile as if sitting naked in my house was the most natural thing in the world! She oozed sex... My cock reacted by hardening and creating a big tent in my pants.

She whispered sweetly, "Doctor, will you please come closer? I think you have a BIG problem that needs my help. I promise to be gentle..."

She was under the influence, and I knew it. My upper brain told me to stay away and serve her the hot coffee. But my lower brain won...

I approached her and meekly mumbled, "Don't you want your coffee? You'll feel much better afterward."

"Sir, first, I want to touch the big thingy you have in your pants. Later we can talk about the coffee" Her fingers touched the bulge and unzipped me. The free cock, stiff as a rock, jumped out, almost hitting her on the chin. "Your monster is unruly! I'll put him on a leash if it doesn't behave!" She lowered my briefs and exposed my circumcised pecker. "Morton, I didn't know your penis is so huge when excited. I don't know yet if YOU like me, but your cock definitely does! It is my fault that it is very hard. I should take care of it and bring it back to the size it was before it ogled me..."

Unconvincingly, I pleaded, "Briana, I DO like you. You don't have to do it. Let's drink our coffee, and then we'll talk about it."

"Morton, stop talking and enjoy. If you were me, wouldn't you rather have an energy drink than coffee?"

The temptation was too much. I stood still and watched her.

Briana lowered my pants and briefs to my knees. Her small palms enveloped my shaft and bobbed slowly as her eyes focused on the spongy head. A drop of precum appeared on top. She touched it with the tip of her finger and then tasted it, "Good appetizer! More to cum..."


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