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Britnee Busted XXX Ch. 03

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Britnee's medical consult erupts into a big tit orgy!
8.2k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 11/28/2018
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Britnee was dreaming. Dreaming she was the red rubber ball on the end of a rubber band attached to a paddleboard. She was slapping against the paddle thwapapapap. She didn't mind the slapping, she did mind the air raid siren blaring in her ears. It sounded like the end of the world. "Shut Up!" she screamed.

She jerked awake. It took a moment to realize the air raid siren was her phone's alarm. She flung her arm out and beat on the phone until it stopped. It took another moment for her to realize the paddleboard was a pair of hips slamming against her ass. Britnee looked back over her shoulder and saw Larry. Then she felt his fat, ten-inch cock sliding in and out of her wet cunt.

"Larry!" Britnee groaned. "What the fuck?"

Larry grunted. "Sorry. Couldn't sleep".

"Jesus, stop!" Britnee rolled over, pushing Larry's throbbing prick out. "I ain't got time fer this! Ima be late as fuck!"

She jumped off the bed leaving Larry's cock flopping in the breeze. Larry shrugged and rolled over and proceeded to slide his heavy prick into Tina's cunt. Tina was half asleep and moaned with pleasure at the invasion.

Britnee watched for a second, trying to figure out how she ended up in bed with Larry and Tina. Then, she remembered the little orgy that had broken out after Tina's video audition the night before.

"Shit, I ain't got time for this," Britnee swore. She grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom. She returned freshly showered and dressed to grab her phone and purse. Tina was fully awake now and riding Larry's big dick. "Larry, you make sure she gets home safe now!" Britnee called as she left the room before her horny pussy changed her mind for her.

Getting through the living room and out the door proved even more difficult. As she came up the hallway, Britnee was greeted with the sight of her mother, Brandee, on her knees in front of an easy chair licking the enormous cock of Frank Maple. Frank appeared to be asleep which had no effect on his gigantic, twelve-inch prick.

Britnee groaned and headed out the door.


"Yes. Yes, sir. Everything is set up. Ms. Julia is bringing in the new test subject this very morning... Yes, sir. I understand. No, I don't think there will be any problems. I'm quite sure when the subject sees what I have to offer, she will be more than willing. Yes. And compliant. Yes, sir. I will call you with a report this afternoon. Good day to you as well."

Dr. Gustav Ritter put down the phone and rose from his desk. He was quite tall and thin. He was a man in his fifties with thinning hair around his ears, a large beak of a nose and eyes that required a pair of thick glasses for him to see. He stepped from behind his desk and took off his lab coat before walking over to a large mirror that covered one wall of his spacious office. He smiled at his reflection as he began to disrobe knowing there was a camera on the other side of the mirror recording everything that happened in the office, including the doctor's 'therapy sessions" as he liked to call them. He was ready for one of these sessions now.

He stood admiring himself in the mirror for a moment. Dr. Ritter wasn't very attractive, he had been thin and bony his entire life. Women, he had found, weren't attracted to thin and bony. They were, however, attracted to the heavy, nine-inch cock he was slowly pumping in his hand. He loved to see the look on a girl's face when he pulled it out for the first time. The thought made his cock flex and he shook his head.

As a consultant to Shroud Chemical, he was part of the research team responsible for the recent increase in genital size among men living in Hootertonville and its neighboring communities. Testing the product on himself had transformed his cock from thin and puny to fat and extra-long.

'Enough daydreaming." Ritter stepped over to his desk and pressed the intercom. "Miss Tahtaz? Please come to my office. I need a consult on today's first patient."

The good doctor turned towards the door and leaned against his desk, feeling his long, hard prick throb and pulse. A moment later the door opened and a tall, statuesque, buxom woman with long, thick, flowing brown hair stepped in. She was wearing a very short, very tight, white mini-dress with a red cross over one breast and a name tag over the other. Her nurses uniform looked like something out of a porn film as it stretched over her exaggerated curves. The look was completed by a nurse's cap pinned to her luscious curls.

To say Miss Tahtaz was busty would be an understatement. The front of her uniform stuck out a full 8 inches from her chest. She was a former patient of Dr. Ritter and her breast implants were in the bowling ball category. Her huge tits threatened to break the buttons straining to keep her tight dress on.

"Yes, Doctuh?" Miss Tahtaz asked in a heavy, almost cartoonish Brooklyn accent. She looked at the doctor's raging hardon. "Oh! I see ya have yuh probe ready."

"Yes, Miss Tahtaz. We have two very important clients coming today for a special consultation." the doctor replied. "Once again I will need your assistance in preparing for the meeting. If you will assume the position, please."

Miss Tahtaz Knelt in front of Dr. Ritter's fat prick and took a deep breath. The buttons of her dress could take no more and popped, exploding from the fabric of her dress, exposing her massive, enhanced tits!

Dr. Ritter smiled a he looked down at the huge, round breasts he had created. "No matter how many times you pop those buttons, I never grow tired of watching."

"Gee, thanks, Doctuh! You're swell! But, da linen bill is through da roof! The delivery man is here tree times a week!"

"Oh," the doctor replied, "I'm sure he doesn't mind. Now, if we could get started..."

"Of course, doctuh." Miss Tahtaz leaned forward and pressed her massive, fake tits around Dr. Ritter' equally massive, nine-inch cock and squeezed them tight with her hands.

Dr. Ritter began slowly pumping his hips, sliding his throbbing hardon between the soft flesh balloons. "Oh, that's good..." he sighed.

Miss Tahtaz smiled up at him. "Oh, Doctuh..."


"This ride is taking forever!" Britnee groaned, slurping on her cold mocha latte.

"Relax, we're almost there," Julie replied, glancing over at her diminutive passenger. "I thought you said it was your mom who got cranky. I mean, we've only been on the road a half hour or so."

"That's all?" Britnee frowned. "Feels like all damn day- Sorry. Tina came over for a video shoot an' well..."

"Ya gots a hangover..." Julie chuckled.

"I feel like a freight train keeps runnin' me over."

Julie took a hand off the steering wheel and rummaged through her purse. "Ah yes. Here, help yourself." She handed a small vial to Britnee who grinned.

"Thanks, boss!" Britnee tapped a small amount of white powder onto the flesh between her thumb and forefinger and inhaled quickly. She repeated the act and then offered a snort to Julie. Julie snorted the cocaine without taking her eyes off the road and smiled.

"Feel better?" She asked Britnee.

"Starting to," Britnee replied, then giggled. "Cocaine: The quicker picker-upper!"

The two busty beauties laughed and relaxed as the cocaine drained down their sinuses.

Britnee adjusted her sunglasses. "Better, now. And horny! Real horny! What'd you put in that stuff?"

Julie chuckled. "Nah, that's just my big, fake tits makin' you horny. "You know you can't resist them!"

Julie grabbed her right tit and hefted it in her hand. She was wearing an open, short-sleeved shirt over a grey tank-top that did little to hide her enormous, over-inflated tits. A pair of old, faded, ripped up jeans clung to her hips and legs like body paint.

Britnee sipped her drink. "Ima thinkin' we needs ta pull over an' have us a little lezzie lickfest." She replaced Julie's hand with her own and massaged the round, supple, fabric covered tit flesh.

Julie brought Britnee's hand to her mouth and kissed her fingertips. "Not, now, dear, we're almost there. Look! We've reached the state line!"

Britnee bounced in her seat, nearly splashing her coffee all over the dashboard. "There's the fireworks barn!" she shouted. "We just gotta stop, Julie! They got


Julie fished a roach out of the car's ashtray and lit it, taking a deep drag of smoke before offering it to Britnee. "Here, smoke this. You are way too excited. Remind me not to give you any coke before noon in the future."

'Thanks," Britnee replied as the marijuana took effect. "Yeah, I'm just nervous about this meeting. But, seriously! We could use some pyrotechnics at the club. Nothin' heavy, just some sparkly stuff. Besides, it's not like you can buy the stuff in Ohio."

Julie nodded. It was true. Fireworks sales were illegal in Ohio which was one reason Richmond Indiana was home to one of the largest fireworks stores in the country. "Okay, we'll stop back on the way home. But only for twenty minutes! Twenty! Understand?"

"'Kay, boss!' Britnee giggled and toked on the joint.

Ten minutes later they parked in front of an ordinary, white building situated at one end of a business park. Brinee shouldered her purse and looked at Julie.

"Shit!" she said, "I'm so nervous..."

Julie grinned. "It's okay. It's just a consultation. Besides, Dr. Ritter is a hoot! C'mon."

A minute later, Britnee's jaw dropped open as she saw the massively enhanced brunette in a stretched out nurse's uniform sitting behind the reception desk. Julie saw her look of shock and stifled a giggle.

"Hi, Deb," she grinned stepping up to the desk. "This is Britnee. We're here for her consult."

"And yuh're right on time!" exclaimed Miss Tahtaz. "I'll let the doctor know."

Miss Tahtaz rose from her chair and adjusted her dress. As she did so, the buttons popped and her huge, inflated tits busted loose from their fabric prison.

"Aww, nuts!" she whined. "T'ats da t'ird one this moirnin'!" I'll be right back."

Britnee blinked and shook her head. She looked around the lobby before sitting next to Julie on an overstuffed, leather sofa. "Nice digs. This guy must be makin' some real money. And, Holy Shit! Didja see the tits on that nurse? I mean, Holy Shit! Those are fucking huge!"

Julie chuckled. "Yeah, they are nice. Almost as nice as mine." She gave her own inflated chest a little squeeze. "Debra was one of Dr. Ritter' first patients. She's been here ever since her first procedure."

Britnee was incredulous. "First?"

"Yup." Julie massaged Britnee's thigh. "Some people like body enhancement so much, they get addicted. Hell, this is my third set of implants. I'm thinking about an upgrade, too. Maybe."

"Damn, Julie! You're fuckin' beautiful! Just like this." Britnee lay her head on the older woman's gigantic chest. "Mmm..."

Julie stroked the young woman's hair. "So, do you think you're making the right choice?"

"Shit, boss, If I don't get a fat fuckin' set of jumbo juggs soon, Ima gonna bust!"

Julie smiled and continued stroking Britnee's hair. "Good girl..."

Britnee raised her head and looked around. The office looked more like a spa than a medical suite. Plush armchairs and couches were placed near modern, glass and steel tables. Lush, tropical plants dotted the empty spaces and corners. The floor was done in elegant hardwood and the walls were painted in warm reds and oranges. She noticed a few other women sitting, reading the magazines or looking at their phones. The women all had big, even huge chests and Britnee felt a bit self-conscience.

"I feel so small," she whispered to Julie.

Julie smiled. "Don't worry, soon you'll be as big as them or, bigger."

"Yeah..." Britnee grabbed her phone. "Shit!"

Julie frowned, "What's wrong?"

Britnee shook her head and typed furiously. "Nothin, I mean, Nomi was supposed to stop over tonight for a video audition shoot but, she's there now and Lara's not sure what to do."

Julie chuckled. "Audition?"

Britnee sighed and put her phone down. "Yeah, it's this idea I had. We bring in a new girl and do a little interview, you know, kinda a "Hi! Why do you wanna suck cock on camera for?" thing then, have a couple of my guys fuck the hell outta her n if she's still got a pulse at the end, we sign 'em up."

Julie smiled and rubbed a fat tit. "I like it. So, what's the problem?"

Britnee frowned. "So, Nomi's so horny, she says she can't wait. So, I'm tellin Lara to go ahead and do a scene with her an' she'll just have ta wait till I get back for the real audition. I told Lara to make sure that crazy Mexican comes back tonight cuz Ima bust her ass but good!"

Julie teased a nipple absentmindedly. "You know Nomi's Brazilian, not Mexican."

"Whatever. I just wanna get that hot fuckin' ass makin' money for me. Speakin' of which... When you gonna come over an' get them big, fat titties covered in spunk by my stud team? I pay good."

Julie leaned and kissed Britnee long and deep. "How's next week sound? All this talk about studs and auditions is getting me excited."

Britnee blinked and shook her head. "An' a kiss like that is gonna make me fuck you right here n now if you're not careful!"

"Let's do it! Let's be bad!" Julie slipped her arm around Britnee's shoulders and stuffed her tongue down the younger woman's throat.

Britnee groaned and grabbed a massive fake tit in her hand. Her other hand found Julie's crotch and began rubbing the older woman's cunt through her jeans. The two groped and fondled and kissed each other as the other women in the room looked on. Several of them started massaging their own tits and pussies as they watched. After several minutes, Julie was about to slip a third finger up Britnee's sopping pussy when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She blinked and looked up to see Miss Tahtaz standing and holding a small tray with two champagne glasses. The doctor's assistant had a look of shock mixed with sexual fervor on her face.

"I doesn't mean ta interrupt yuhz but, The doctor wanted me ta offer yuhz some refreshments while youz waits fer him." She handed a glasse\ to Britnee then Julie as they tried to compose themselves. Miss Tahtaz bent low and whispered, "Youz girls need ta be careful like. The cops could walk in an' shut the whole place down if dey was ta see what you twoz were doin'!" She winked and walked back to her desk.

"Thank you, Debra," Julie replied.

They sat sipping their champagne and adjusting their clothes and makeup. Soon, a light on Miss Tahtaz phone blinked.

"The doctor will see youz now." Miss Tahtaz called and stood to lead them back to the office.

As they followed Miss Tahtaz to the doctor's office, Britnee couldn't help staring at the woman's inflated chest. She felt slightly dizzy from the champagne and weed and the makeout session with Julie had made her ultra-horny. Being so close to four of the largest tits she had ever seen almost pushed her over the edge of sanity!

Upon entering the office, Miss Tahtaz asked them to sit and, picking up a champagne bottle on the doctor's desk, offered to refill their glasses. She bent low over Britnee, giving the young slut a closeup view of her amazing cleavage. "Here ya go, kid!" Miss Tahtaz smiled. Before replacing the bottle. The doctor will be right in."

Britnee blinked and muttered "Thank you" as she watched the huge chested brunette walk out the door.

Julie sipped her drink. "Pick up your jaw, dear."

Britnee came to her senses and showed Julie a middle finger as she looked around the room. The wall behind the desk had the usual framed diplomas and certificates. Behind the chairs, they were sitting in was an exam table and various medical equipment. But what Britnee noticed most of all, was a pair of glass display cases that contained actual breast implant of various sizes and shapes. Each implant was labeled with type and size, from 250 mils up to 10000 mils.

"They look like water balloons," Britnee said, taking a long sip of her champagne.

"Yeah... well, they basically are." Julie replied. "Big water balloons that make big, beautiful breasts!" She grabbed her huge tits and gave them a squeeze.

The door opened and the doctor walked in.

"Well, Good morning, ladies!" Dr. Ritter beamed. He extended his arms towards Julie who stood up and took his hands in hers before embracing him and giving him a deep kiss. A kiss Britnee found surprising for a medical consultation.

"Mmm, " the doctor moaned softly. "My my, Julie. You taste divine. And you look even sexier than the last time I saw you." Julie blushed and sat down. "And you must be Britnee! I've heard so much about you!"

"I must be," Britnee replied and stood to shake the doctor's hand.

"You are a very beautiful, young woman." Dr. Ritter smiled, taking her hand in both of his.

"Umm, uhh, thanks." Britnee smiled, a bit confused.

Please, sit. Sit. May I refill your glasses?" Dr. Ritter poured them each a new glass of champagne before sitting behind his desk.

"So," He started, looking at Britnee. "Julie tells me you want to get breast implants. I must say, you already possess a rather generous pair."

Britnee blushed. "Yeah, I know... it's just, well..."

"You'd like them to be bigger. Fuller. Rounder. You want people to notice you when you walk down the street."

Britnee sipped her champagne and grinned. "Doc, I ain't got no problems getting noticed. Believe me. People notice me."

Dr. Ritter grinned back. 'I'm sure you don't, Ms. Lain. You have been quite blessed naturally, and on such a small frame as yours..."

"Doctor!" Julie interrupted. "Maybe you could explain the various types of implants and procedures you use. Britnee is a little shy about surgery."

"Yeah," Britnee said, finishing her champagne. "I was noticin' your display cases before you walked in. Those are what implants look like?"

"Yes! Yes, let me show you." Dr. Ritter stood and indicated Britnee should follow. "These are all the different types and sizes of implants available... " the doctor continued with a long-winded, technical explanation of implants and procedures, "...over the muscle... under the muscle..." that Britnee only half listened to.

She was feeling somewhat light-headed and a little dizzy from the champagne, she thought. She was also feeling very horny. She barely noticed when the doctor moved behind her and brushed against her. She did feel a rather large bulge bump against her ass but, she was too lost in her own thoughts to acknowledge it.

"Wait! Did you just say Gummi Bear?" Britnee couldn't help but giggle.

Dr. Ritter grinned. "Yes! Yes, gummi bear is industry slang for silicone gel implants. It's a thick gel not unlike the popular candy in texture and viscosity... Julie? I believe you have them, no?"

Julie smiled and thrust out her chest. "Yes. Yes, I do. Silicon gel expanders inside 4000 mil saline shells overfilled to 7000 mils." She stated proudly. "Soon to be 8000, I hope."

The doctor clapped his hands with joy. "Yes, so they are! And your wishes are my commands, dear lady."

Britnee shook her head. "Expanders? Overfilled?"

Dr. Ritter smiled. "Yes, as I was saying earlier, by placing one implant inside a larger one, I am able to create the desired size and shape as well as the desired feel and firmness. If the outer shell is an expander, I can increase, over time, the size of the implant by injecting more saline into the shell by means of a small port built into the shell."

"Sounds kinda complicated." Britnee frowned.

"Oh, honey," Julie grinned. It's the simplest thing in the world. I've had several fillups since Dr. Ritter stuffed these babies in my chest."

Dr. Ritter beamed. "Very true. Very true. And they look magnificent!"

Britnee turned and pointed at the last display case. "Is that an expander?" indicating the implant labeled "10000cc".

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