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Brooke Claims Her Prize Pt. 01

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Sex worker steals her client in the cruelest of fashions.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/13/2017
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Part 1. Just a little harmless phone sex

I met Brooke on a phone sex line five years ago. She is a school teacher that moonlights on a phone sex line. Partly for a little extra money, but mostly to fulfill the dark, naughty side that she has to hide from her employer, friends, and family.

For five years i'd been calling her on a monthly basis, but over the past six months something changed. There was no doubt we had a connection, but what could we do about it? Nothing it seemed, I was married, she was thousands of miles away. It seemed like this would have to remain a fantasy.

Earlier this year, fate played it's cards and tempted both of us with the opportunity to turn fantasy into reality. I'm in the military, and was stationed to Panama City, Florida. Brooke, who was from Florida originally, decided a change of pace was needed and took a job in Tallahassee. Less than two hours away. I don't know if my move had any influence on her decision to take a job in Tallahassee, regardless, we were now going to be within a short drive of each other.

What are the chances of that? Was this fate drawing us together? Did I have it in me to turn my back on ten years of marriage and act on this?

"How can we take this to the next level Brooke?" I asked.

"Next time you're fucking your wife I want you to say my name when you're cumming". Brooke replied.

"Out loud, so she can hear?" I asked.

Brooke snickered, "Of course. I want her to hear you. You can make up any excuse you want, but I want you to say my name. And I want her to wonder why you said Brooke."

"Okay." I replied. "Are we really going to do this?"

"That's really up to you Jeremy." Brooke answered." "I'm ready, but i'm not just going to wait for you to sneak away from your little wifey for a discreet affair. You need to commit Jeremy. You need to show me that you're the freak that i've come to know over the past five years."

"And I want you to call me more often." Brooke demanded.

"Anything you say Brooke." I replied obediently.

"It's late, I should call it a night." I told Brooke.

"Okay sweetie." She said softly. "You be sure and call me next week, and I want to hear how your little wifey responded to you saying my name. And you better be thinking about me and only me when you fuck her."

"I promise" I told her "Good night."

"Good night love" She said softly before hanging up. That made my heart race.

The following weekend when I finally had sex with Jill my mind raced as I wondered if I was really going to say Brooke's name.

The sex was typical. Not bad, but knowing that Brooke was out there was really the only thing that motivated me to get really into the sex. When I flipped Jill over to take her from behind I visualized pounding into Brooke. I imagined how different she would feel. That was just enough.

"Fuck, I'm cumming. Fuck." I moaned out loud. And as I was just finishing I mumbled just loud enough for Jill to hear. "OhBrooke".

"What did you just say.!" Jill turned quickly around and asked very pointedly.

"I smiled at her. "I think i got mixed up between saying Oh boy and fuck and it came out as a mix of the two." I lied to her.

She gave me an odd look, and then smiled. "Weirdo. it almost sounded like you said Oh Brooke. Do you have a girlfriend I don't know about?" She asked jokingly.

I smiled and winked at her. "Yeah, right". Phew, I pulled it off.

The next few days I couldn't stop thinking about my next call to Brooke. I had to wait for Jill to be at work to call. As soon as I knew she would be on, I called the line. "Is Libby available?" I asked. She had to use an alias for the sex line.

"Just a moment. I'll connect you" The operator replied.

"Hey there." Brooke said warmly.

"Hello Brooke." I responded excitedly.

We exchanged the usual pleasantries. We talked about how our weeks had been. Once we got through that, it was on to what I really wanted to talk about. But before I could even bring it up Brooke chimed in.

"Did you do as I asked." She inquired.

"I did." I answered back.

"Good boy, how did she respond?" Brooke asked.

"I told her I was trying to say oh boy and fuck. and that it came out mixed up." I told Brooke.

She laughed. "Poor dumb girl. It's only two weeks until we're both in Florida. Once i'm able to get my hands on you she's going to have to do everything she can to try and keep you. But it won't be enough. I'm going to have fun toying with her as I make you mine."

The confidence and cruelty in her voice and in her declaration was intense, and brought me to arousal immediately.

"Oh, so you're going to make me yours huh." I asked Brooke playfully.

"O baby, you're already mine." She responded. "But once you have a taste of this pussy, and once i show you how a real woman fucks, there will be no going back." She informed me.

"I hope so." I told her.

"Is your cock out Jeremy?" Brooke asked.

"Not yet, i'm just kind of stroking it through my shorts." I told her.

"Well pull your dick...wait, I mean my dick out. I want you to stroke it while I tell you what we are going to do next." Brooke instructed.

I happily obliged her. Pulling out my already hard cock.

"So, what now." I asked her.

"I want you to go grab a pair of your soon to be ex-wife's favorite panties, and wrap them around your cock". She demanded.

I went and grabbed a pair of red panties that Jill had bought just for me and wrapped them over my cock as i laid back on the bed.

"What now baby." I asked.

"Start stroking your cock while I tell you how things are going to play out." Brooke instructed.

"You know, in two weeks we'll both be in Florida. It's getting so close." Brooke began. " i haven't decided yet if I'm going to confront that bitch wife of yours and tell her in person that you are leaving her to be with me, or if i'm going to have you hand the phone over to your wife while we're talking. Both sound fun."

Hearing her talk like this had me so hard. I'm stroking my cock while she describes to me how she's going to confront my wife.

"I kind of want to drag this out for as long as possible." Brooke continued. "When you cum I want you to cum in those panties. Then just put them back in her drawer. I want her to find your hardened cum when she goes to put them on."

"When she asks you about it, I want you to tell her that you were jerking off and needed something to clean up with, and just tell her that you grabbed her panties.." Brooke said.

"Anytihng you say baby." I replied.

"I know, your a good boy Jeremy. I'm going to love having such an obedient, willing lover. Brooke tells me. "If Jill asks what you were thinking about, you WILL tell her that you were thinking about this girl you know, but you don't have to tell her it's me yet." Do you understand Brooke asked.

"Yes" I told her.

"Good boy. Brooke said. "I also have a little chore for you." Brooke continued. "Tomorrow I want you to go to Bath and Body Works and buy a bottle of Cashmere Glow. It's my favorite scent."

"When you get home I want you to spray your sheets with it. That way when you lay down, no matter what your doing you'll be thinking of me. And, if i decide to fuck you in your bed, it'll already smell like my favorite scent." Brooke instructed me.

"Your pathetic wifey will be wondering why you would suddenly be interested in the how the sheets smell. She might ask you. You can tell her whatever you want, of course it would please me most if you told her that this girl you know named Brooke told you about it, and that you checked it out and really liked it. I don't know if that silly dumb wife of yours will put together my name with what you said when you came, and i don't really care. Brooke said with cruelty.

I smile, looking forward to the idea of going shopping for the Cashmere Glow. I'm becoming immersed in the idea of giving myself to Brooke. She's naughty in a way that Jill could never be. She's such an extrovert when it comes to anything sexual. On top of that she is so much smarter, She's a teacher, she can hold a conversation about anything and it just feels natural and at the same time fulfilling on a more intellectual level. She has strong opinions about things that matter. And it just seems that we share the same ideas about what matters.

My mind has wandered completely while stroking my cock thinking about Brooke. She snaps me out of my daze with more cruel instructions. "I want you to cum now so we can get on to other matters." Brooke instructed me.

"You realize Jeremy that while I do really like you, and I think we will be an amazing match, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, and I will be fucking other guys." Brooke tells me.

"Brooke, I know exactly what i'm getting into. Of course i would expect nothing less from you." I responded.

"Oh you are just the prefect catch Jeremy." Brooke tells me. My heart flutters at that.

"I can't wait to come home from a date night with one of my lovers and coming home to find you waiting there for me like a good boy with dinner and a bath ready for me." Brooke said. "Of course I won't be bathing until after you have got down between my legs and licked my pussy and panties clean from all the cum from my lovers big black cock." Brooke explained.

At that i am cumming inside Jill's panties. I moan.

"Oh did i just make you cum Jeremy?" Brooke asked. But she knows the answer.

"Yes." I told her.

"Oh I know you did. I know you love hearing that, and i know you'll love cleaning me up while I tell you about having just been fucked and filled by my bull lover." Brooke continued.

"Now clean yourself up and put those panties back in Jill's panty drawer. I have another chore for you." Brooke demanded.

I clean up and throw the panties back in the drawer.

"What now my love?" I asked Brooke.

"Well for this we're going to have to get off this line." Brooke said. "Go grab a pen and paper."

I do as she says, mind wandering about what she has in mind.

"Write this down." Brooke says then pauses. The next words that come out of her mouth make my heart about jump out of my chest.

"That's my phone number baby. This is the point of no return. If you contact me we are doing this. You are leaving your wife, i'm going to steal you from her and make sure she knows it, and we are going to have the time of our lives together." Brooke says to me with a confidence that is mesmerizing.

"So are you going to do it?" She asked.

"YES." I declare with excitement.

"Good, i'm going to hang up now. Don't call, I want you to FaceTime me." Brooke demands. Then the line goes dead.

I dial the numbers she gave me. The standard high pitch dialing sound. Seconds later I see on the phone screen an image that is exactly as i she had explained. Brooke had told me she looked very much like Robyn Meade from Headline News. She wasn't lying. I cannot stop smiling.

"Hello baby." She says to me. I'm at a loss for words. This is really happening.

"Um, high Brooke. You are beautiful." I tell her

She smiles, it's a confident smile. "You are so handsome." She says back to me. "While looks aren't everything, it's good to know that neither of us were lying about our appearances." She continues.

"I couldn't agree more." I tell her.

"Now, on to your chore Jeremy." Brooke says. I want you to pan the phone around and show me some of your wife's favorite Jewelry."

I do as instructed.

"Oh, that necklace with the heart charm, grab that." Brooke tells me. "Wait, pan back to that top drawer."

As always, I follow her instructions.

"Is that an anklet?" Brooke asks.

"Yes, it is" I respond.

"Grab that too. She says. "then I want you to choose two more pieces. One that is one of her favorites, and one that is one of your favorites "

Again, I do as told.

"Good boy. Put those aside. When I show up to Florida you are going to give them to me." Brooke says. "I've decided that i'm going to confront your wife in person. I don't want you to do anything else to give away our plans. I just want to show up at her work one day, with you on my arm, wearing her Jewelry, and maybe one of her favorite outfits, and tell her that i'm Brooke, and i'm here to claim what's mine"

I can't believe the cruel words coming out of this beauty's mouth.

"Of course that won't happen until i've already claimed you in front of all your friends and co-workers." Brooke goes on. "Jill might have heard rumblings about me from mutual friends, but then again, maybe not. I think when your friends see us together, see how perfect we are together, they'll realize that we're a better fit than the two of you ever were. And, from what you've said about your wife, she doesn't sound so smart, or so charming, so i'm confident that your friends will quickly come to prefer me over that bitch wifey of yours."

"This is happening soon, Jeremy. In fact, the next time we talk, it's going to be in person." Brooke says.

We're staring into each other's eyes. I'm completely smitten, or maybe a better description is, I belong to her. Everything i have, all that i am, is hers. She sees that.

A smirk on her face, a piercing look in her eyes.

"Now pan the phone down, I want to see what kind of cock i'm working with." She demands.

I do as told.

"That'll do just fine." Brooke says. "It's no big black cock, but that's what my black lovers are for."

Part 2, We finally meet coming soon.

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26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

Story sucks, that is why the scores are low. No other reason needed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

fag cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
This story is so low and waste of time

What a garbage and trash of story.....complete nonsense and waste of time.

There is no purpose on the story, completely dump and poor written.

Perhaps the author need to do a much better job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Carry on

Not sure where the low ratings are coming from but this is a great story and I hope to read part 2 soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Despite all the hate from the other comments, this is an extremely hot story and I can't wait to see where this goes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Probably would get a better reception in a more appropriate category.

Or maybe not. Maybe its just a cruel harsh story that sucks, no matter what you call it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
It seems the author has some mental illness!

What ugly and trash of story!....waste of time reading this nonsense and garbage!

It seems the author has some serious mental illness mixed with some cuckold issues with gay issues that were transported to this pathetic and ugly story.

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