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Wife seals the deal.
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Joy was engrossed in her work and it took a second or two for her to realise the phone was ringing. Answering it, it was her boss, Mike.

"Joy, I want you to come up to London for a series of meetings tomorrow and the day after. Yes! Before you give me an ear bashing, I know it's short notice but it is madly important." Mike waited for a second or two for the expected explosion and was surprised when it never came.

My wife sighed, "Ok Mike, I'll get the 7:50am train and be with you by 10:30. Have you sorted the overnight stay? Husband shouldn't mind too much if I explain why."

"Oh, the hotel is no problem for both nights." He said guardedly. He held his breath.

"Both nights? What do you mean both nights Mike?" Now she was reacting.

Ah, well yes, the 7:30am train is a bit late. I need you here for 8am tomorrow." He waited.


"How the hell can I get there for 8am? The first train is too late!"

"Come up this afternoon?" He timidly asked.

Well that's how my wife was travelling across London at 7:30am in a foul mood heading for a meeting she had had little time to prepare for. On the train journey, she had worked on the stuff she needed and after a short dinner in the hotel, well into the night to get ready. She was tired and irritable.

Arriving at the offices just off the Strand, she started to calm in the plush surroundings. Things moved easily as Mike had prepared everything and the meeting started on time, always a good sign.

Progress was good, the other delegates were lead by Sir Peter Straker, a well know business man who had a reputation for being rather ruthless at times. Joy took to him instantly; he was very decisive and clear about what he wanted. He seemed to warm to her as well and she caught him glancing in her direction on more than one occasion. The looks he was giving her seemed to be a bit more than business, and mainly directed toward her long legs, he was inspecting her body! Looking back at him, she felt herself wondering what he was like in bed, he was good looking and with a good body... and soon lunch was just around the corner.

"Well" said Mike, "lunch?"

"Hmmmm, yes but if we work during it, we should be able to close today early," said Sir Peter. Mike and Joy could see no reason to disagree and Hal and Liz, Sir Peter's people, were happy too. Hal was in his thirties and well dressed, while Liz, a slim attractive blonde, looked to be a similar age with a wedding ring on her finger.

The five of them left the offices for the short walk to lunch in Sir Peter's hotel. It was a good atmosphere and the work was quickly done. Sir Peter was in an exceptional mood and soon he had ordered champagne to follow the wine at lunch. Everyone seemed to think it was a good idea and soon one bottle turned to two...

Joy had not been involved at this level before and felt a bit uncomfortable drinking at this time of the day. Sir Peter made her feel at ease and spent a lot of time engaging her in the conversation. Soon they were all chatting like old friends and as the afternoon moved on and the wine flowed freely.

Mike was the first to excuse himself but insisted that Joy stayed and keep Sir Peter company with Liz and Hal. My wife was by now "merry" to say the least and didn't object at all. In fact, she was enjoying the company. Sir Peter was becoming rather forward toward her and well, she was enjoying his attention. Every so often he would touch her bare arm or shoulder lightly and each time she felt a little electric charge run through her body.

Another bottle later and Liz and Hal took their leave. Joy was quite surprised but as they left Sir Peter leant over and resting a hand on her exposed knee said, "They are going to bed. They think I don't know they are lovers"

Joy was quite shocked but just giggled and made no attempt to remove his hand from her knee, it felt nice.

Taking her acceptance of his hand on her leg as an invitation, Sir Peter slipped it higher. When she didn't resist, he pushed higher still and smiled when he discovered her stocking tops. He smiled again when my wife gently opened her legs wider allowing his hand onto her soft inner thigh.

As he lightly brushed the soft materiel of her knickers Joy felt a shiver of pleasure run through her, she sighed and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Call me Peter please Joy," he said softly, leaning forward, he kissed her. She willingly responded to his kiss by letting him explore her mouth with his tongue. The champagne had done its job and her defences were down. Her pussy was responding to his soft touch under the table and he could feel the wet patch as she became more and more turned on. He knew she was ready. Fingers found their way under the elastic of her knickers and onto her swollen clit. She shuddered and nearly came in the restaurant.

"Would you like to come to my suite? " He asked softly.

"I'm married Peter," she said breathlessly. My wife knew she shouldn't but she wanted him inside her so badly.

"You need to be fucked Joy," he continued.

Dropping her eyes, she nodded sheepishly and let him take her hand. Peter led her willingly from the dining room and off to be fucked.

As she entered Peter's hotel suite her head felt woozy from the wine and her need to be screwed. Peter took her straight to the bedroom and kissed her fiercely. His tongue was ravaging her mouth and she responded willingly.

As they kissed, his hands were all over her body and expertly her unzipped her dress and allowed it to fall to the floor. Joy realised she was acting like a slut but she was now beyond redemption. She needed fucking and she was going to do it with this man, now!

Her bra followed her dress and Peter, holding her at arms length, paused to look at her. My wife was stood before him in just her stockings, suspender belt and small knickers with a look of total longing on her face. He smiled at her and as he pulled her to him again, cupped her pussy with his hand. Joy melted against him and moaned as his hot hand closed over her raging pussy.

Busy fingers entered her body and she began to sag. Peter eased her back toward the bed and laid her gently down. He pulled his tie off and opened his shirt. Joy moaned again and reached for him, she wanted him inside her quickly.

With strong hands, Peter eased her legs together and deftly removed her knickers. She moaned again as he now opened her up and she got ready for his cock to ravage her. A slight pause followed and she nearly screamed as his hot mouth closed over her dripping pussy.

My wife writhed on the bed as Peter, holding her hips with strong hands, tormented her swollen clit with his tongue and lips. In no time at all he had her sobbing for him to stop as he drove her wild with pleasure. Try as she might she couldn't get his head from her cunt and truth be told, she didn't want too!

Sobbing and moaning Joy laid back and started to cum. Peter took her higher and higher time and again and she lost track of everything but her pleasure. She never knew how he had managed to get his cloths off but when he stood between her trembling legs, naked, she looked at his body.

Peter's body was well toned even for a man ten years younger but my wife's eyes soon fixed on the erect cock protruding from his groin. He was rubbing it gently and it continued to grow and thicken. It seemed to be a reasonable length but surprisingly thick. A big, fat purple knob with a silver drop of pre-cum was pointing straight at her cunt and she wanted it badly.

"So, what do you want, married lady?" Peter asked quietly.

"Fucking Peter, fucking now" she gasped.

My wife opened her long legs as wide as she could as her lover began to cover her body with his. Strong arms wrapped around her and she felt his weight covering her. He was naked and the heat from his body felt like a fire on her's.

Her arms went round him as she felt his stiff cock probing at her groin. Peter was having difficulty entering her without using his hands but with a quick movement of her hips my wife managed to line his slick cock up on her dripping pussy lips. Feeling her help him, Peter felt his cock penetrating her outer lips and he thrust hard into her welcoming body.

As the scorching hot cock sank into her sodden cunt my wife had a fleeting sense of guilt but it went as fast as it came and she screamed with pleasure as Peter's cock rammed all the way into her compliant body.

There was no gentleness in the way her lover used her body. He started a vigorous assault on her cunt and was thrusting his full, thick length in and out of her without mercy. Joy was like a rag doll under him as he kept up the pace and she felt him drilling her into the bed.

Wrapping herself tighter to him, she began to rake his back with her long nails. Lights were flashing behind her eyes and cries of "Oh god! Oh god yessss" were escaping from between her clenched teeth. He kept fucking her, hard.

Still he continued is rhythm as she felt her head explode in a shattering orgasm. She screamed again and as she began to come down realised, he was still relentlessly screwing her. My wife tried to cling on but the constant fucking was weakening her and she clung to his neck and just let him use her body.

Sobbing now, she felt a second orgasm building in her and she began to fuck him back again. He had never slowed and she wanted him to pump her full of his cum soon. Peter felt her responding again and moaned as her felt her cunt tighten on his cock. He fucked her harder.

With a shout, Peter went rigid on top of my wife. His thick cock was buried to the hilt in her raging pussy and suddenly he began to empty his balls into her. In a series of short, sharp thrusts he pumped his cum deep inside my wife.

The first load made her cunt spasm and she came again. Moaning, she clung on to his tight ass, her nails raked his skin as she held him as deep as she could inside her. Her body felt warm and wonderful as load after load of this extraordinary man's cum was emptied inside her ravaged body.

It was semi-dark as Joy opened her eyes. At first she didn't know where she was but as her senses returned she remembered the fabulous fucking she had been subjected to that afternoon.

As she surfaced, she felt her knees being eased apart by warm hands. With her eyes closed, she offered little resistance. Her purred "Noooooo, not again" held no conviction, she was quite willing to be fucked silly again.

Moaning softly, she felt the heat from the body between her legs moving down onto her pussy. Hot lips closed over her still swollen clit and the mouth and tongue began to work their magic again.

Joy writhed on the bed as wave after wave of pleasure engulfed her again. She loves being eaten and today she was really being eaten!

As a small climax went through her cunt, she reached down to pull Peter up onto her body so he could fuck her with his thick cock again.

When her hands made contact with the head between her legs she stopped surprised. The head was much smaller and had long hair! I wasn't Peter!

Startled, she began to sit up but her lover licked her clit again and she sank back in ecstasy. The expert tongue was making her cum again.

Coming round again she looked down at the person still eating her pussy. In the gloom she could see a blonde head between her white legs and Peter visible just beyond. Joy could feel the steady rhythm of sex through the bed and realised that Peter was fucking the other person as they ate her pussy. Her mind exploded again.

My wife heard Peter grunt and shortly after felt the person between her legs move slowly up her body. She waited as she felt the soft body covering her's and realised it must be a woman. When she looked she saw it was Liz, the blonde from the meeting.

Liz took Joy's head in her hands and kissed her long and deep. At first Joy didn't know what to do, she had never had a woman before but Liz's kiss was working on her and soon she was kissing back as she had with Peter.

It was so different with this woman and Joy started to enjoy it as the exploration of each other's bodies continued. Liz never took her lips from Joy's and her soft hands never missed an inch of her flesh.

Eventually, Liz worked herself under Joy and stopping the kisses, slowly moved her into a 69 position. Joy lowered her pussy onto Liz's busy mouth and looked down at the freshly fucked pussy just inches from her eyes.

My wife could clearly see the swollen clit and red lips surrounding Liz's sex. She was totally shaved and Peter's cum was still running out of her. She had a sudden urge to go down on Liz, it seemed so right.

Joy's first taste of woman was mixed with the familiar salty, tart taste of cum and soon she was engrossed in a wonderful 69 with Liz.

As they pleasured each other, Joy heard Peter re-enter the room. He was speaking but my wife couldn't hear, Liz had closed her legs round her head as she had a small climax!

Joy looked up at him as soon as she could and saw with a smirk that he was hard again. He was moving behind Joy and climbing on the bed as he spoke.

"I see you and my wife are getting on well again Joy." Without stopping, Peter got behind my wife and as his wife licked her clit, started to push his erect cock up Joy's sopping cunt again.

Easily, very easily, Peter sank his thick cock passed his wife's busy tongue and up inside my wife again. Loy moaned and her head sank back between Liz's soft legs as the husband and wife team pleasured her. The surprise at discovering that Liz was Peter's wife flew from her as the fucking of her willing body continued.

They timed their licks and thrusts expertly as she was driven crazy by their lovemaking. Never before had she felt like this and time suddenly stopped. All that was important was the pleasure zone that was her body and what Peter and Liz did with her.

Trying to do anything but enjoy the experience was a waste so Joy abandoned herself to their lovemaking.

At one time she whimpered as Peter eased his rampant cock out of her burning pussy and Liz eased from under her. She let herself flop down onto the bed but didn't resist as Peter gripped her hips and pulled her to her knees again.

Her face was buried in the pillow when she realised her was rubbing a mixture of cum and pussy juice into her puckered asshole. A fleeting thought that she was about to be ass fucked flashed across her brain and she relaxed to enjoy it. Anything, they could do anything to her now and she didn't are at all.

Gently, Peter began to insert his thick cock in her ass. At first the pain sharpened her senses and she cried out softly. The plundering cock withdrew and was replaced by a finger. Joy didn't know if it was Peter's or Liz's and frankly didn't care.

After the wonderful finger had loosened her up a little Peter reintroduced his slickened cock. This time Joy's ass muscles offered little resistance and he slipped his full length right up her ass.

An involuntary Ohhhhh! Escaped from her lips as his thick cock filled her. Never before had she taken such a thick one up her ass and she began to whimper with the mixture of pain and pleasure.

Slowly at first and then with more vigour Peter fucked her ass. Joy's head was exploding again and again as he ravaged her but she didn't want him to stop. Peter's strong hands held her hips to the right height for the penetration to be as deep as possible and slowly and surely she began to ram her ass back at him as he plundered her ass.

The two of them seemed to be in some sort of competition to see who would cum first and with a final squeeze of her ass muscles Joy won.

Peter shouted out loudly as he froze momentarily before pumping a full load of cum deep inside my wife's asshole. This set her off and her body convulsed on his pumping cock as she came yet again. Joy screamed.

She came too to feel the soft luscious body of Liz cuddled up to her on the bed. Both women were leaking cum and Liz kissed Joy tenderly when she realised she was awake again.

"God Joy", she said quietly, "Peter really likes you, he thinks your one of the best fucks he has ever had."

Joy smiled and purred, "Your both a hell of a fuck yourselves Liz!"

The both giggled uncontrollably.

The following morning Mike met Joy as she entered the building right on time.

"Where have you been? I tried your hotel last night for dinner but they said you were out."

"Yes, I was, shall we get on?" She answered with a smirk.

When Sir Peter and his party arrived they went straight in and sat down. Almost immediately Sir Peter announced that he and his team were satisfied with the work done yesterday and during the evening session and they would sign the contract immediately.

Afterwards Mike said to Joy, "what work last night? Sir Peter wants to work with you again. Whatever you two did he liked it!"

My wife smirked, "don't ask and I won't have to tell you. As for working with him again, well it might be nice. Now, lets go home."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
You wrote a nice story of a prostitute.

As long as the husband knows and has no problem with it or the risk in it, I enjoy the stories. But women who sneak around on their husbands to fuck as prostitutes or sluts are nothing but trash.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Whores are whores, nothing more.

She fucked as a part of her work, she is a whore. This is a loving wife story? Not in any way!

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 17 years ago
For those of you in the USA

Okay anyone who thinks that every male in the UK is like this so called writer the answer is NO and yes people like this writer do give us a bad name and me for one do not want my wife to engage in any other sex than with me and god help anyone who even tried to do what was done to the wife in the story to my wife their death would be slow and painful and to MAX this is a free country and unless someone has changed the rules of this site WE can say and do what we like and if we dont like the story after reading it we let the writer know he does not care what we think he just wants to write about his slut wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
No Talent Writers

...should find something else to do with their time. Writers from the UK should take steps to recover their lost manhood before composing their first paragraphs. Has anyone counted how many wimp-husband writers there are from the UK? LOL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
A shame

Although the plot was good and your story telling was ok, I will always knock a story down when a writer does not have enough respect for the readers to bother with proof reading and editing the story.

Her boss wants her to come that afternoon. She's on the 7:30 A.M. train??? There were other places where words were omitted. Not even proofed once. As a result -50 percent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Great stuff and I enjoyed every well crafted and erotic word; it truly was a 'Joy' to behold!

Please don't stop writing and ignore the flaming bigots; they do make me laugh with their predictable Neo-Christian (AKA Nazi) views.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
A Note to Max47

I gave up on this story after the first 3 or 4 paragraphs because it was not my cup of tea. Apparently,you feel everyone should like every story or else not read it. I hate to be dense, but how do you know whether you like a story until you read it?

60 year old George

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