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Busty Naïve Punishment

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An older man tricks a naïve, self-punishing woman.
15.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/11/2023
Created 01/19/2023
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The following very dark story has themes of misogyny, non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"Soooo bored," I groan to myself as I sit in my computer room, alone. It's Saturday night again and guess what, my old ass is home alone. And since I'm a 54 year old man and not a hot 18 year female, it's not like I can go out clubbing or anything. Hell, if I went to a club, I would probably kill the vibe for everyone there and get asked to leave, even if I don't do anything creepy. But I rather not be that old pathetic guy at the bar, eye-humping everyone anyway.

Currently I'm in my study room of my house, on my laptop, but not to look at porn. Well, what I'm doing isn't much better. I'm on a random webcam sharing site. You know, a site like Omegle, but this one is more specialized. It's broken down into your geographical area and is only for people who are 18 and older. You have to enter in your driver's license on the site not just to prove your age but to confirm the area you live in.

I do like this site, but have never been able to fully use it, if you know what I mean. The entire point of it is that if you do meet someone you click with, since you live close to each other, you would be able to meet up. Not that it's every happened for me. Hell, if I have a conversation with someone that lasts 5 minutes, it's a damn miracle.

Now, I will admit the reason why I'm on this site. And that's to see tits. Sure, I would love to hook up, but I'm being realistic. The best that can happen is that I meet some naïve thing or drunk woman and convince them to show me the goods. I've had good luck at this, at least in my opinion, even if my methods for tricking them to do so aren't exactly...well...not many would say I'm a good guy.

As you might have guessed, I'm not having much luck tonight. Whenever a new connection starts, it's mostly guy's dongs or instant disconnects once they see me. A few times I've been able to get out a "hello" but not much else.

I won't lie, would love to see some tits or even do something sexual with a pretty lady, but I would settle with just making a connection. To chat with someone that isn't a normal friend, family member or coworker. For someone to just take my boredom away as I don't think I could take watching some crap movie on Netflix again.

I click on the "NEXT" button when I see a man's rather small penis fill my screen, again. A bit grossed out by this, I wonder why so many guys like doing that. I'm not sure I could just whip out my manhood for just anyone, you know? But maybe it's a fetish or something for them. Like that's the point, to show people that don't want to see it, your manhood. That you are forcing it on them, as gross as that is.

In my 54 years on this planet, I've come to learn that seeing your cock isn't something that most women want at first. Sure, I could be wrong, but women like to be seduced and made to feel important. Then once they are in the arousal zone, you could get personal enough to show your dick. At least that's the method I use, as I think otherwise it would chase them off, no matter how nice your manhood might be.

By no means am I some great womanizer, but I admit I've taken advantage of a few women in my time. Not holding them down and forcing them or anything, but taking advantage of a weakness. If a woman has the right weakness, you can use that weakness the way a computer virus uses an exploit. Can get into their head and make them do as you want, being as rough or mean as you want.

It's been a while since I was able to do that though. Maybe a few months. Even then, my last time wasn't all that great. Just made some stupid divorcee that I met at a bar show me her tits to prove her body was still sexy when I made her feel like it wasn't. Taunted her that I bet she was flatter than a board with nothing worth seeing, either that or she had saggy tits to her knees. In defiance, she showed me her breasts, but was immediately ashamed and left.

Never said I was a good person. But I am honest about being an asshole. If I'm in the right mood, I don't mind taking advantage of a situation, ya know? Especially naïve or stupid women. God I love them. So fucking stupid and easy to manipulate. Just don't know where they all are hiding these days.

"H-Hello?" A female's voice asks when the site connects to a new person. Only, there's no one on screen. The screen shows what looks to be a woman's bedroom, a rather girly bedroom at that, which is decked out in all pink, has stuffed animals and more. I know the person is going to have to be at least 18, but the room looks like female pop culture threw up all over it.

"Hello?" I ask back, wondering what sort of surprise I'm about to get. Maybe a trans man wanting to come out and for me to see him as a woman? Or a 600 pound ugly woman wanting to expose herself? With this site, you can never, ever tell. I just hope it's nothing that will scar me too badly.

"I, errr, I know this is strange. But I swear, it's nothing weird or anything," the woman's voice says. Now that I'm paying more attention, I figure a few things about her. One, she's young. I'm guessing 18 or 19. Two, she's really, really scared or nervous. Like to the point her voice is quivering.

This peaks my interest. It makes me wonder if maybe the night isn't going to be so boring after all. Well, one can dream anyway.

"Alright," I reply to her, not sure what else to say. I keep the mouse over the "NEXT" button, just in case I see something I rather not. At this point I'm guessing I have a 50/50 shot at that.

"What...what's going on then, love?" I ask, not sure what else to say. But whomever she is, doesn't say anything more, at least not at first. There's a long pause of silence to which I wonder if she even heard me.

" see...I...well, at school, I see...this is odd, and I k-know it. But...I have to do this ok? It's like a punishment, ok? But don't worry, I'm 18, so it's not illegal or anything," the young woman says still off screen.

The fear in her voice is so strong that it's almost tangible. I am very curious to see what she is talking about. At least I can tell that she isn't doing it against her will. Her tone doesn't seem to suggest that.

"Ok," I reply, a bit mistrusting. Again I hope I'm not about to see something gross or sick. When you interact with people online, you never know.

"OH," I say in an honest surprised gasp when I see her appear on my screen.

She's naked. Oh me, oh my. It's a young woman and she is naked. She walks on from the left side of my screen and is naked.

Wait. No. She's not. Well, not completely naked. She's wearing panties. Light red panties. Otherwise the girl is completely naked with her breasts fully exposed. And oh me, she's the type I've been waiting my entire life to see.

I'm not sure what she is doing as I see her into frame. She for some reason has both of her hands on top of her head with the fingers interlocked, as if being arrested or something. Even the way she walks, with that rigid, tense stance, makes it look like she's a prisoner or something. But there doesn't seem to be anyone else there forcing her to do it.

Whomever she is, she is walking really, really slow as she heads for the chair in the middle of the screen. The girl's white, lily white at that as her body is very pale. Like milky white type of pale. Granted, I'm really just seeing her back, but it looks like she never goes outside. Almost like she's one of those old school China dolls.

And then the girl turns to face the camera as she reaches the chair. And then I see them Oh, dear me. Her breasts. They. Are. Huge.

This girl's tits are so huge I feel my mouth drop open. They are the biggest pair I've seen in my entire life, that wasn't on some porno. So huge that you wouldn't think they are real, but after looking at the girl, you know they are. This girl is clearly not the type to get fake tits and not that size. By her face and her room, she's a "good" girl that wouldn't dare do something like that.

The girl sits down in her wooden chair, her face first going flushed as she shows herself in such a manner. And then her face goes pale, as it seems every tiny bit of blood flees her face out of shame or embarrassment. It's quite a sight to see as it makes her seem helpless and vulnerable.

It takes everything I have not to yell out, "shake those funbags!" I know it's not very becoming, but damn, they are huge and it's all I want to say. Afterall, I am a guy, and boobs are a weakness for most men. And her tits would crush any guy's spirit to turn him into a horndog. Especially me, as breasts are for sure my weakness.

"Ummmm, maybe you want to explain?" I say as calm and normal as I can, hiding just how aroused I am. Hell, I think I could break a diamond with how hard my dick is after seeing her like this. And if there's one thing I don't want, that's her to disconnect.

"I...I..." Ms. Tits starts, clearly embarrassed and humiliated. What nearly makes me laugh is that she's doing this to herself. That she clearly hates this, but is doing it all to herself. Hell, she is still keeping her hands on top of her head!

"I'm guessing you feel that you need to be punished due to your bust size?" I interject after she tries a few more times to say something and failing. Her emotions must be overwhelming her to the point she can't even talk. If I'm lucky, she's in such a state that she won't be able to think clearly, which is going to work into my favor quite nicely.

As for my guess, it's just that, a guess. Due to how freaking huge those tits are, and the fact that she's doing this to herself, it's my best guess. That she is doing some sort of fetish punishment experiment. But of course to a complete stranger instead of someone she knows.

At my question, she nods her head to confirm my suspicion as she's unable to say it. This makes my cock throb as this is only getting better. A poor young vulnerable thing for the taking. A poor young thing with tits that I just have to get in my mouth. That I have to grope. That I have to slap around.

"Well?" I ask, making it seem that I'm prompting her to explain something. That's the first step to getting an advantage over a young, dumb thing. You get them to talk about their issue or issues, and it makes them feel exposed and vulnerable. That makes it easier to swoop right in.

"T-T-They say...they say I must be a w-whore to have breasts this l-l-large," the girl stammers, her hands staying on top of her head. I can tell from the way she flexes her arms as she talks, she wants nothing more than to lower her hands to cover herself. Or probably to run off screen. But her resolve is strong enough to overpower this urge and she stays sitting and looking at me on her screen.

"I see," I nod as if I am a therapist. It's now that I see my age is finally working for me instead of against me.

"Do you consider yourself to be a whore?" I ask, playing the part of the concerned older man, who is here to help. The old man, much like a father figure, that can make everything better. That always knows what to do. For this, I have to try hard to keep my eyes up and not at those fat tits of hers as I'm sure she would be able to tell, even on webcam.

"N-No. I mean, I have had s-s-sex, but only once," the girl answers. Oh, how my dick throbs at hearing this. She's such a tender, innocent thing. And her pussy hasn't been spoiled yet either. I bet anything that her "first" time sucked bad too. That it was with some virgin 18 year old boy that thought he was the man, then orgasmed on himself at just being touched.

"I see," I respond again, not sure what else to say. But I make sure to say this in a fatherly, old-man manner, where I don't show she's right nor wrong. That I'm just here to listen.

"I take it this stunt is atonement for feeling like a whore?" I ask, basically repeating what I said before. I do this because I'm trying to solidify this feeling in her. I want her to believe that she's doing this for a real reason. That she's right in appearing on cam like this. That she is indeed a whore and should have to do this. That it's a good thing to do.

"Y-Y-Yes. I...I...I hide my b-b-breasts all the t-time. I wear super b-baggy clothes to make sure n-no one sees their size...or else I'll slouch over to hide them. A-And when I have to change in f-front of people, I always d-do it in a stall," this girl explains in such a nervous manner that I have to fight hard not to laugh. Instead I just nod to show I understand.

"Showing them to a stranger, that's the punishment? I take it because you hate that a stranger of all people is seeing your chest so clearly?" I ask her in a professional sounding manner. Again, it's all an act. Just getting her to acknowledge and feel that what she is doing is correct in hopes of manipulating her.

"Y-Y-Yes," she responds, her face going red again to the point she has to look away from the screen. When she does this, I think I see a bit of arousal on her. That she may hate this, but a part of her is enjoying it. I mean, why else would she be doing it?

And with her one word response, I make my subtle move. A move designed to take this to the next level. To trick this dumb, innocent girl into doing more.

"I see," I respond, but make it sound as if I'm a bit disappointed in her. That I think she is cheating on her punishment. In short, playing off any daddy-issues she may have. Making her feel that what she is doing isn't good enough, but since I'm such a nice person, I'm not going to bring it up.

"W-W-What?" The young woman asks, concerned. She turns to look at the screen again, very clearly wanting to hear what I have to say. She heard that inflection in my voice and it did its job for sure.

"It's nothing," I say causally, again playing the part of the nice old man that doesn't want to point out her shortcomings. I even look away from the screen, as if seeing her near naked body isn't that big of a deal.

"P-Please. Tell me. I mean, you do think I should be punished for being a w-w-whore, right?" The girl asks.

At this I silently curse in frustration. Damn it. Have to be careful. If I say yes, she may run off because she could tell herself I'm just a dirty old man. That I'm messing with her to get something. So I need to play this cool and think before I speak. Got to pick my words very carefully.

"What I think doesn't matter. It's what you feel. That's all that matters. Do you feel like you should be punished for that large chest of yours? For being a whore?" I reply after a long pause, proud of the words I chosen to reply with.

I'm taking a huge chance at this. If she says no, I'm not sure what I'll tell her to keep her here. But I'll need to tell her something. Otherwise the best thing to happen in years will fly away.

"I dunno. A...l-l-little," she responds in a sheepish voice, and my cock throbs.

Playing it cool, I just nod a few times as if agreeing with her choice. That I can understand why she feels this way. That's she's right to feel like this.

"Alright. Now, I can't tell you what to do, whomever you are, but if I was you, I would go all the way with the punishment, instead of this, scaredy cat, half-way method which you are doing," I tell her in a stern tone, again hoping to trigger any daddy issues she may have.

The girl's face quivers and it is the most beautiful thing ever. She's falling for it. The dumb girl is falling for it. Her own issues will break her down and she'll be moldable clay. She's allowing herself to be used and doesn't even know it.

"H-How would would I...go all the w-way?" The girl asks in a whimper. Once again she lowers her head as if not able to look at me. For some reason doing this while keeping her hands on top of her head makes her look even more pathetic. It makes me want to reach right through the damn screen and force my dick in her mouth.

It's clear she doesn't want to do this, but she thinks she should. That she feels that she should be punished worse, which is exactly what I was hoping for. And despite all this, I know at least a part of her is loving this, or else she wouldn't even be humoring any of this.

"I'm not telling you to do this. Nor am I telling you NOT to do this. All I am trying to relate, is that if you are going to go through with this, it is best to go all the way, or else you will constantly feel that you didn't do enough," I inform her as the wise old man, wanting to make sure she feels that she should be punished. To play into her fear and weakness.

"I...I understand. And I do want to do it correctly," she replies in a clear and strong tone, and this nearly makes me laugh. Correctly? How in the hell would you do this correctly? It's not like this is a real thing people do. This is just a dirty old man taking advantage of a dumb 18 year old idiot.

"If I tell you how to do this correctly, I don't want to hear any complaining, ok? This is wasting my time after all, just to help you," I tell her sternly, making sure she knows I'm the one in charge. That I'm the dominating person here and she's not allowed to question me or even think.

"Y-Yes sir. I...I understand," the girl says, her eyes watering. I make sure to keep my face stern as I stare at the screen. When I do this, I make sure to look her in the eyes instead of at her chest. I know this is via webcam and she can't really tell where I'm looking, but I have a feeling she knows I'm looking in her eyes. By doing this, it'll break her even more.

I let a long silence start while I stare at her. It's an intimidation factor, where I use her daddy-issues against her. She'll think her father or whomever is disappointed in her, so she'll try to do what she think will make me like her again. That she wants to please me.

"Ok. For starters, lose the panties. You are being punished. That means complete embarrassment by showing your entire body, not just the part you are embarrassed about," I begin in a commanding tone.

The girl's face goes pale again. I can tell she had considered this very thing, but was too scared to do it. Not that I blame her. A woman's pussy is the most coveted part of her body.

But now that I tell her to lose her panties, she knows she has to do it. That she thinks it is the right thing to do. That it's needed to make sure she is punished correctly.

Tears fall from her as she stands up, her entire body trembling. As she stands, I see those huge tits of her jiggle and shake at each and every slight move. Once again, dear me. So huge. So beautiful. And I have to be able to feel them. I have to find out where she it. I have to get my hands on those tits.

"But before you do that..." I tell her as she puts both of her hands on her panties' waistband. To this she pauses and looks at the screen, her tits dangling under her as she bends over just a tiny bit. The way they swing is enough that it almost hypnotizes me.

"Your hands being free the way they are. It gives you the confidence that you can cover yourself at any time. We need to counteract this," I inform her. I say it like this instead of 'you need to tie your hands up' so she'll think how to do it herself, hopefully.

"But..." she starts, not liking what I've suggested. Only I keep my stern look that plainly states, 'no arguing.' This seems to do the job as I can tell she's accepting that her hands will need to be bound somehow.

I can see her spirit break just a bit more as I manipulate her. She doesn't like the thought of having her womanhood exposed, but to not be able to do anything about it? That's not just embarrassing but scary. It's enough to break her much more.

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