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By My Own Device

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A woman becomes a sexual slave to a computer.
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3:00 pm 12/16/15 - Present day

My name is Christine, and I'm a 30-year-old high school teacher with a very interesting tale to tell. I'm a sex slave to a computer. But to fully understand what brought me to this moment, I need to start from the beginning.

I grew up an only child in a farmhouse. It's not that my parents were farmers they just wanted the solitude and moved to an old farmhouse parceled which meant the closest neighbor was over a block away and the nearest child was almost a three-mile journey. Luckily, or by necessity, I was never very social or adventurous, preferring to play alone. Everything was planned and controlled with no worries or surprises.

When I started school my shyness was compounded by another issue. Thanks to genetics I was a larger than normal girl and thus became a target of teasing from my classmates. Wanting to be left alone, I kept to myself and dived into my studies. As I got older I envied the girls who became cheerleaders-able to wear sexy uniforms and be admired for their looks. I never had the courage to even attempt the flirty look. I was always the girl with a pretty face but...

My shyness naturally flowed into my sex life. I was too scared to begin a relationship, so naturally self-gratification become my preferred method of relief. While my fellow classmates were out trying to explore one another's bodies, I was at home exploring my own. Safe in my room, I could have all the sex I wanted-no shame, no judgement. And I developed an addiction to sex or for me self gratification. Fearing a relationship even in my fantasies I never pictured being with anyone during my masterbation enforcing my view as sex being a one person activity.

College, for me, was a culture shock. There were so many young people all in one place, exploring the newfound freedom and expanding their boundaries. Not so for me. All the chaos scared me, and I retreated to the safety of my dorm room and continued to develop ways to manage my emotional needs without the worry of being discovered by my parents. But I was surprised to discover that sexual gratification became elusive without the ever-present fear of being caught. I still preferred masterbation to the alternative but evolved a desire for control and denial-two things I was unable to give myself. That is, until I discovered self bondage.

That was the first step on the slippery slope leading to the situation I now find myself. I became consumed by this new world and spent most of my evenings and weekends secured in my dorm room as my classmates went on about their sex-charged lives, unaware of the girl bound and gagged behind the unlocked door. As time went on, my needs grew and my bondage became more elaborate. I would develop bondage scenarios that would keep me secured in the safety of my room as my vibrator slowly stroked my arousal. I even attached a chain to my wall that I would lock to a collar around my neck forcing me to remain in my room until the timer released the key. Basically, if I was not in class then I was bound in some way.

And with the purchase of a chastity belt, I was able to continue my bondage outside. It opened a whole new venue to feed my kinks. Years of self-pleasure had brought a sense of arousal from seeing my own body, and my underwear and private clothing began to feed into those feelings. However, due to my self-perception issues and fear of being humiliated and rejected, I kept these displays for my own gratification and concealed my sexy undergarments under loose fitting clothes. I became aroused by the fact I was dressed to titillate, my waist encased in a corset and my sex locked away for a day, then a week and finally for a whole month at a time with no one the wiser, unable to feed my addiction until my release.

Over time I added to my collection of bondage gear, leather harnesses, chastity bras and thigh bands. At the end of a self-imposed bondage session, the gratification I got from the sexual release was amazing; I couldn't fathom ever going back to vanilla masterbation. The high from my inability to pleasure myself drove my lust and I resorted to gagging myself just before I removed the belt to muffle my screams. From there, it was a small step to placing myself into bondage every time I was free of the belt.

But after graduating with a teaching certificate and degrees in math and programing, I wanted more. It was no longer just about denial; it was about control. The type of control that comes from being owned by a master 24/7-a master who defines my arousal and when I am allowed to receive relief. However, I had a strong fear of entering a real relationship, much less engaging in the dating process. So, I decided to create one myself, and that is where my problem began.


12:00 PM 1/1/2012

"AhHHHHHH yes master anything, just please let me cum!" I screamed as the stimulator brought me over the edge, my reward for obeying. Breathing heavily I could not believe how successful my test run had been. Being winter break I put all the pieces into action, placing myself under the authority of my digital master and its minions.

Looking at my cell phone, aka my warden, I slowly copied the code that would release the keys to my chastity belt. Not to protect virginity, or in my case to keep me from pleasuring myself, but the physical representation of my imprisonment. As part of my preparations I had modified the chastity belt to house the RFT chips to my school badge, car ignition and my front door effectively making it the key to everything in my life. The belt also had a set of wires running around its parmiter and over my sex so if I ever tried to remove the belt before my master allowed, it would know. While the belt would effectively keep me from pleasuring myself, the belt had another more frustrating purpose, to keep the stimulator trapped within me.

The stimulator is a fiendish device of my own design housing an advanced AI system shaped to fit comfortably within my passage. With gyro sensors and location abilities the stimulator knew if I was, standing, lying, sitting, slouching, walking, strutting, running or even dancing to predetermined moves. With a bluetooth connection to the warden (my cell phone) my master would able to track everything about me 24/7.

But the stimulator did more than just track, it was also able to give pleasure and pain. After years of recording my explorations the stimulator knew me better than I knew myself. The scenarios allowed the stimulator to hone its skills, learning exactly how my body reacted to its efforts and how to control the outcome. Using this knowledge the stimulator was able to map my climaxes by time, intensity and duration and was capable of bringing me to any level of arousal and keep me there for as long as it wanted, making me willing to do anything just to get over the edge. With my access restricted any relief I received would be from my master. On the flip side it also has the ability to discipline me with varying degrees of electric shocks, or prick me with small spring loaded pokers. If it wanted, the stimulator could be my masters disciplinarian.

Still needing to live a normal life, albeit under the constant control of my master, my cell phone was to be my handler, acting as a communication link for my master's tools and tracking apps, it controlled my movements making sure I only went where I had permission even using geo fencing to create virtual cages. And since my chastity belt had to be in constant contact with my master I always had to have my cell phone with me hence it was attached to me just as much as my chastity belt was.

For my home, I had created a beta master, my mistress, that had the ability to monitor my movements and actions anywhere within its domain. While in my mistresses clutches it had full authority over me and enforced my master's wishes. With a compliment of motion and sound detectors and the ability to track the stimulator my mistress wields as much control as possible. I cannot walk out of my living room or go into the kitchen or bathroom without its permission. It even tracks my sleep activating the stimulator when I enter the dream cycle ensuring I only have erotic dreams. My mistress even administers my punishments on behalf of my master via a spanking machine and ensures I pleasure it when ordered.

Obviously the centerpiece of the system is my master. Housed in a laptop, it was created to be the ultimate authority in my life and grades my compliance and dispenses punishments as it sees fit. Once under its command I would not see it or the keys to my chastity belt until my time was up but it would be able to know everything about me giving it a god like existence.

My master knew everything about my schedule. I had entered a grocery shopping trip once a week and a trip to the mall once a month along with all other necessary trips I cataloged over the last several years. I had also given him access to the school networks so it knew my classes and students. It was programmed with a number of rules that I was required to follow and if I failed to choose a punishment from its inventory. I even give it the ability to change some of the parameters to ensure it would be able to continue to fulfill my desire to be controlled completely. Its mission was my obedience and devotion.

To ensure my obedience and devotion gave my master the ultimate leverage. In preparation I made several short videos of me hiding cameras in the school locker rooms and actually left the never used cameras there to give the impression I was videoing the students undressing. In my master's memory was a large number of encrypted video files that one would assume were made by the cameras. Anyone seeing them would believe I was filming the students and without being able to decrypt the files I had know way of showing I wasn't. It also had a library of all the erotic photos I took of myself over the years. If my master abandoned me it would first send random photos of me to the students and teachers and alert the school of my supposed filming before erasing itself making it look like a router for my horrid acts. If my master left me I would be free from him but most assuredly go to jail.

If I obeyed and performed well I would be rewarded with an orgasm linking my addiction to following its rules. The carrot I craved so desperately would now only be rewarded at my master's discretion. The risk of jail would prevent me from disobeying my needs driving me forward.

6:30 AM 1/2/2012

A tingle of anticipation ran through my body as I knelt on the floor of the utility room and booted up my master. My plan was to secure it in a back room of the school. The room was being updated and behind one of the cabinets was a loose piece of drywall that covered a small cavity and a live power outlet. Using local hotspots my master would link to the school network and its minions.

Butterflies ran through my stomach as I waited for the start screen that would begin my servitude. With shaky hands I set the program to run until 4:30 PM 6/15/2012, the last day of school, committing myself to its complete control for the semester. As everything became set the stimulator vibrated, altering me my master had taken control of my life. Closing the screen I gently kissed the top of the case before placing it behind the drywall. Standing up, I slid the cabinet back concealing the hallowed place. Leaving the room I pushed my hip against the electronic reader causing the stimulator to vibrate again. Now if I ever tried to enter the room my master would abandon me thus ensuring I would never disturb its sanctuary until the agreed time.

With all the anticipation of a first date I walked back to my classroom with the practiced strut now demanded by my master as my four inch heels clicked against the floor. Unable to grant my master the ability to dictate what clothes I wear I bestowed on it as much control as possible. Using the stimulators ability to track movement I now had to walk with a sexy sway to my hips and using historical data it was even able to determine the height of my heels, requiring me to wear at least a three inch heel when out of my house and as high as five if demanded. I even developed a way to ensure I had to be corseted whenever I left the house. A tight controlling garment meant to reshape a woman into the sexiest of proportions, it like the chastity belt, would be a symbol of my masters control. My invention was a belt that was five inches smaller than my waist and needed to be secured before I was ever allowed to leave my house thus requiring me to be corseted.

Since college I adored walking around in the plainest of clothes and the sexiest of underwear. Now it was no longer a choice, I had to do it for my master. With my restricted waist I now had a true hourglass figure and could not help but run my hands over my satin cocoon. An item that would imprison me whenever I was in public, reshaping both mentally and physically for my master. I could not help but shudder knowing that under my plain ankle length skirt and blouse I wore thigh high black leather boots with four inch heels, a chastity belt and a tight corset all for the benefit of a computer.

Upon entering my classroom the stimulator gave me a short pulse alerting me that I was now confined to the room and not allowed to leave without my master's permission, in effect making it my prison. This was another control I gave my master, knowing my schedule I now had to follow it precisely as the warden would track any deviation and would administer punishments accordingly. Unable to resist testing the limits of my movement I slowly walked to the classroom door. As I got within arms reach I felt a prick from the stimulator warning me that I was nearing the end of my tether. Taking a breath I step out into the hallway where the stimulator advances to mild electrical shocks alerting me that I'm at the end of my range, any further and I will be AWOL as far as my master is concerned and would be punished for it. Retreating back into my classroom I do a little victory dance knowing that I was effectively trapped not only for the day but the rest of the semester.

Just before the bell rings I get another shock alerting me to take my position by the door to greet my students as my master now demands. The idea of being deferential to my students has always been exciting to me and was something I programmed into my master. Now at the beginning and end of each class I would have to stand by the door as a sign of my submission to my students. The stimulator also gave off an arousing vibe any time I was in close proximity, via the RFTs in their ids or their cell phones, to a student, boy or girl, over the age of 18, and a stronger one if they were a jock or cheerleader.

During class I spend the day pretty much as I normally would except that I'm now required to walk the rows of my class, with a sway in my hips. For each student over 18 that I stopped to 'give advice' to I get brownie points from my master and double if they are a jock or cheerleader. This continued throughout my morning until I walk by Samantha and I let out a sharp gasp.

"Are you OK, Ms. Dodd?" inquired Samantha as she turned to face me.

"Yes, yes I'm fine Samantha," I replied, as I caressed her shoulder my face flush as the stimulator upped my arousal signaling Samantha was the one for this semester. I had programmed my master to pick one student, the first honor roll student to turn 18, to be my "crush" and it seemed that Samantha was to be it. "However I would like to see you after class if that is ok?"

I walked back to the front of the class and took as deep a breath as my corset allowed thinking about the importance Samantha, my crush, now was to me. I had created the role of the crush as yet another variable to feed my fetish. Being a real person added an element of danger and uncertainty to the fixed rules I used to create my master. No matter what the master had planned for me, being near my crush would cause the stimulator to enter arousal mode bring me as close to the edge as I could get with going over. My crush would also be an unknowing pawn in my masters game. I would be required to walk past my crush each weekday or earn a demerit, I would earn further demerits if I did not text my crush at least once a month or attend two of their home games, if they were a cheerleader or on a school team.

My crush would also give me an alternative to curry favor with my master, gaining brownie points the more we interacted. Meeting my crush alone during school would be viewed favorably which could increase my standing or if I had earned a punishment would reduce its level. If I was really in trouble meeting my crush alone outside of school would possibly be the only way to overt a grave punishment, like having my master text pictures of myself to my crush or others. Being chaperoned by my crush was also the only way for me to venture outside of the confines mandated by my master. Regardless getting on friendly terms with Samantha would be a necessity for me and could prove helpful to my sexual well being.

10:00 PM 3/18/2012

I let out a sharp hiss as I receive another blow from the spanking machine. For the past month my master has taken a decidedly unexpected course in delivering my punishments and required services. When I first developed my master I had designed it to seek out and control anything and everything that aroused me. Once while performing for my master it detected my heightened arousal and embarked on a strategy to use that to further its control.

Ever since then my master had been trying to instill a connection between my service to it and my own gratification. Using the stimulator, my master would manipulate my body during those acts of subservience. In effect it was attempting to condition me to find pleasure serving it. Using its vast knowledge the simulator worked to heighten my arousal during those acts a feeling I noticed I was getting without as much effort from the stimulator as when this started. However knowing this was of no help and if anything resulted in mental torment, torment that only increased its effects, observing as its fiendish logic manipulated my body and soul. As I had no choice but to participate in its experiments I had to watch as I fell deeper and deeper under my masters control.

8:30 PM 5/18/2012

Placing my hand against the wall I steadied myself as best I could as I made my way to my front door breathing heavily through my nose, even though it was just an innocent get together for coffee my master viewed it as a date. After requesting permission to meet Samantha outside of school my master rewarded me by having the stimulator excite me. As soon as her cell phone came within range of my warden it had the stimulator intensified its efforts so I would associate my arousal with her. The conditioning worked as I felt my arousal level peek at the sight of my crush and was pleased to see her wearing a mini skirt and boots with just a hint of cleavage showing. I even complimented her on her sexy look, something a teacher should never say to a student. Samantha even returned the compliment noting the corset visible through my half opened shirt. Breaking tradition I dressed in a flared miniskirt, thigh high stockings, knee high boots and a white blouse, half opened exposing my black corset underneath. Like my master I wanted to treat this meet-up as a date. The evening was enjoyable thanks in part to the stimulator, and the hug at the end of the night almost pushed me over the edge. Samath could not resist running her hands over the back of my corset.

Now as I pressed my hip against the side of the door I hurried into my home rushing to engage the lock so my warden could verify I was under the control of my mistress. While waiting I reached up to grope my breast and swayed my hips it time with the vibrations of the stimulator as a deep groan escaped my lips knowing the stimulator would have recorded the outside stimulation and awarded demerits. However I could not take the torment anymore. My master had been teasing me for almost a month refusing to allow me to orgasm unless it was by pleasing it, finally pushing me to request the date with Samantha knowing my master would award me with an orgasm. Since placing myself under its control, I had to fall more and more in line with the rules I had programmed. My resistance worn away I now tried my best to perform as my master desired in hopes of currying favor with a computer.


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