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Caleb 01 - Awakening

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Rewrite of Chapters 1-2 of Caleb Story.
12.3k words

Part 2 of the 92 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 12/28/2022
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Caleb 1 - Awakening

Scars don't just disappear.

I'd had one since I was little - for as long as I could remember, really. It had been quite the odd one too: almost like a bracelet around my left wrist. At the risk of being grotesque and making it sound worse than it was, I'd come to think of it in later years as what might happen if an actual red-hot bracelet had been put on there for just long enough to leave a rough pattern. One could feel it were they to run their fingers over it, but it hadn't been so noticeable that everybody's eyes had been drawn to it all the time. According to my parents, I'd been born with it. It was in my medical records and everything, and even my schools had been told about it in advance. My parents obviously hadn't wanted anybody calling child protective services, even if the records would have settled the matter quickly thereafter.

Every now and again, it had itched. Over time, I'd stopped thinking about it - even when I'd absentmindedly scratched at it.

So, when did it vanish? I wish I could tell you that I noticed right away when it did; I was a little slow on the uptake. Roundabouts my twentieth birthday, though, strange things started happening, and so that's where this story begins.


We were in the middle of a heat wave and the night had been close and muggy.

Josh, my roommate, had come back to the room late the previous night, in a very confused state. He'd been kind of half-angry, half-frustrated, and yet laughing almost hysterically too. Apparently, he and his girlfriend, Louise, had spent a good part of the evening in her dorm room since her roomie had gone home early. They had been making out and getting ready for the main event when, out of the blue, Louise's older sister had decided to come calling. Josh had hidden under the bed in her room for almost three hours until the sister had left, by which time Louise had lost the mood and kicked him out with nothing more than a good night kiss and a severe case of blue balls.

I awoke to my normal morning wood and was contemplating taking myself into the shower to deal with it. I glanced across at Josh's bed to see if he was awake, and whether it was safe for me to move without him seeing me in that state. I was met with an amazing sight.

At some time during the night, Josh had kicked off his bedclothes, and, since he apparently had decided to sleep naked, was laid on his back on his bed - still asleep, but with a huge erection standing proudly. He had a beautiful cock: easily seven inches long, not overly thick, but with a fat mushroom head that was, at that moment, bobbing gently in time with his heartbeat.

Stunned for a moment, I stared at the image before me. My hand unconsciously closed around my own, slightly smaller cock and squeezed gently. I glanced up at his face, but his eyes were closed and his breathing was regular.

I regarded his cock again and licked my lips. I imagined how it might feel to close my hand around his cock, just as I was currently holding my own. I fantasized that it was, indeed, his cock that I had my hand around, and again gave another gentle squeeze. A bead of clear fluid appeared on his cockhead, glistening in the morning sun that was filtering through the cracks in the blinds.

Another glance confirmed that he was still sleeping; I returned my gaze to his crotch, gently rubbing my own cock. My eyes were fixed on that bead, which had doubled in size and was beginning to head south, dripping in slow motion towards his belly.

I pictured myself stretching out to catch that drip with my tongue, then moving to feel the heat of the fat, throbbing mushroom head. I'd taste his musk and then chase the drip back up until the tip of my tongue lapped gently around his slit.

His prick jerked suddenly. He let out a stifled groan and I looked quickly back at his face. He was apparently having an interesting dream. He was definitely still asleep, but his breathing had started to become heavier, and the pulsing of his tool had become quicker, matching his increasing heart rate. The veins on his shaft were standing out more distinctly, and precum was starting to ooze out, chasing the drip onto his belly and working its way toward his belly button.

I continued to stroke myself, still imagining it was his hardness that I held in my hand. I imagined once again bringing my head towards his groin, inhaling the scent of his maleness, feeling his blood pulsing through his cock. I imagined how it might feel to take the head of his penis into my mouth, run my tongue around the head, and taste the salty musk of his precum. I stroked myself faster as I dreamed of gently cupping and squeezing the balls nestled at its base, then taking him further into my mouth, moving my head slowly up and down, sucking and licking at him.

The imagery was intense - so much so that, after only a few minutes, I could feel my own balls start to tighten and churn. I stroked harder and faster, trying to both satisfy my own craving and not disturb Josh's sleep. I took careful glances at his face periodically to make sure that he had not woken up.

His precum had turned into a river by then, drooling constantly from his piss slit and pooling in his navel. I imagined pulling back, allowing the head of that magnificent organ to pop out of my mouth, before running my tongue down the length of his shaft, licking around his balls and then back up. I dreamed of running the tip of my tongue under the head of his cock before once more sucking his cockhead into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it as I bobbed up and down. I'd take more and more of his delicious meat into my mouth until I had pushed my face all the way down, so that the head of his cock was throbbing and drooling in my throat. I imagined that I could feel his cock becoming even harder in my mouth, the head swelling in the back of my throat - that I could feel his pulse as his meat throbbed and jumped in my mouth.

I was wanking my own cock like crazy; it was slick from my own precum, which was drooling from my cock at a similar rate to Josh's.

With a last glance at his sleeping face, I once again immersed myself in the fantasy of feeling the hardness and heat of his straining cock in my hand as I slurped and licked at his circumcised head, lapping up the precum as fast as it came out. I imagined sucking harder, waiting and hoping for him to shoot a load of his cum into my mouth.

With that thought, I reached my own climax. With a quiet grunt, I felt my cock pulse, and the first spurt of spunk jetted from it, soaking my belly under my covers.

At the exact same instant, Josh let out a long, low moan, and his cock throbbed massively. I was amazed to see a huge gout of cum launch itself from his slit, and arc, almost in slow motion, through the air before splattering itself on his upper belly. In time with my own orgasm, his second spurt was even bigger than the first, rocketing out of him and splattering onto his chest and throat.

Jet after jet of hot, thick, creamy whiteness spewed from his cock, covering his chest and belly in a pool. In the frenzy of my own straining cumshot, I longed to lap it all up; to feel the sweet, salty stickiness of it on my tongue; to taste his musk; to wrap my lips around the head of his still-throbbing member and catch the final spurts of his emission.

Finally, both our orgasms tailed off, and Josh groaned. I snapped my eyes closed, knowing he was waking, and tried to control my breathing to make him think I was still asleep.

"Fuck me!" I heard him whisper. "What the hell was that?"

Through slitted eyes, I saw him glance over at me almost guiltily. Apparently satisfied I was still asleep, he ran his hand down his belly, feeling the sticky wetness there before grabbing his cock and squeezing it, forcing out the last pearls of cum.

I wished that I could have been close enough to stretch out my tongue and clean off those pearls.

Josh shuddered again.

Glancing at me once again, he quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom, where I heard the shower start up.

The room smelled of cum, heavy and musky. Whether it was his cum, mine, or both I wasn't sure, but my softening cock started to stiffen again at the scent. I grabbed a towel from my sports kit, and, after a quick wipe-down, pushed it under my bed for disposal later. I threw on some boxers, shorts, and a tee shirt, and opened the window to let in some air. By the time Josh was finished in the bathroom I was sitting back on my bed, waiting for my turn - and hopefully looking perfectly innocent. I stood up as he walked back into the room, also wearing shorts and a tee shirt.

"Hey," he said.

"Morning," I replied, feigning a yawn.

He looked at me sidelong. "Did I wake you?"

"Yeah," I said, and he stiffened slightly. "Next time, don't slam the bathroom door."

He relaxed and grinned at me a little sheepishly. "Sorry!" he said, "Oh hey, happy birthday!"

I grinned back at him. "Thanks," I said before turning into the bathroom. My only thought was that that had been a very interesting way to start my birthday. It been a little pervy, and very hot, but it hadn't been strange.

Well, okay. It hadn't been strange strange.


I don't want to give too much away too soon, so let's leave it here: as I was scrubbing my arms, wrists, and hands that morning, I simply did not notice whether my scar was still there or not. I'd just finished stealthily jerking off while gawking at my naked, sleeping roommate - and while seeing him have the mother of all wet dreams. My mindset was anything but attentive.

Josh had left the room by the time I had gotten out of the shower.

I dressed, then realized I was hungry, and so I headed down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. As I was walking down the corridor I spotted Angela, a girl I had always admired from afar, walking towards me.

Angela was simply gorgeous. She wasn't one of the 'cheerleader' crowd, but she had an amazing body. Most importantly, she had that ass.

I have to admit, I'm an ass man. If someone's butt is hot, they immediately jump up several notches in my book, and I've spent years learning how to discretely ogle hot butts whenever I think can get away with it. Angela's was firm, tight, and well-rounded, just the way I like them.

As well as having a hind end to die for, Angela also had a great personality. She was kind, generous, and fun to be around. Unfortunately for me, she was also in a relationship with a friend of mine, Bob, so she was off-limits. That didn't prevent me from looking, though.

I decided to deploy one of my many well-practiced butt-ogling techniques. I stopped and turned, pretending to look around for something. It was perfectly innocent; after all, I was looking away from Angela, not toward her. Then I waited for her to pass by, and, what a coincidence, there was her ass, right in my eye-line. Sadly, although she was wearing jeans tight enough to have been painted on, I couldn't see much of her ass; she had a shirt on which was untucked and fell almost to the top of her thighs. I could just see the bottom of her ass cheeks, though, and that was still pretty awesome.

I imagined what it would be like if she were to pull up her shirt to reveal that gorgeous butt of hers, letting me appreciate her full beauty.

Suddenly she stopped walking, and, for absolutely no reason I could see, grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up. My jaw dropped. The sight of her beautiful rear end didn't do anything to break the spell. I was so stunned that I didn't even notice her turn slightly to look at me.

She laughed, then shouted, "Busted!"

I blushed, but also grinned.

"Sorry," I said, and turned to continue my trek to the cafeteria, hearing her laughter fading as we parted ways.

Angela's shout had distracted me from the strangeness of what had just transpired, but not for long. I walked down the halls on autopilot. My mind raced. I thought back to the event earlier with Josh. I had originally thought he had had a wet dream, but I was reconsidering. I'd imagined him having a fantastic sexual encounter - with me - and he'd shot off like someone who indeed had just had one. I asked myself if I'd imagined him coming. I remembered very distinctly that I'd hoped for it. That seemed very close, conceptually.

The idea that was percolating in my mind seemed far-fetched, but I did what one does: I pinched myself, making sure I wasn't dreaming. It hurt, and I didn't wake up in my bed. I had just briefly fantasized about Angela lifting up her shirt to show me her ass, and then she'd done exactly that. What she'd done afterwards hadn't been a part of my little fantasy, though. I didn't know what that meant.

I needed to run tests.

I looked up at the ceiling and fixed my attention on a light. I imagined the bulb exploding in a shower of sparks and glass shards.

Nothing happened.

I huffed. The test didn't prove anything except that I couldn't make a light explode just by imagining it, but it would've been a lot cooler if I could. It didn't prove that I didn't have any powers at all.

I arrived at the cafeteria and joined the queue for breakfast.

There were a number of people in front of me, and once again I was presented with a cornucopia of butts to observe. None were as good as Angela's, but a few were worth watching. There was another girl with a rather shapely behind in the queue about three people in front of me. The view, however, was marred a little, as she had her phone in her back pocket, spoiling the curve of her cheek.

I imagined that she reached back and extricated the phone, thus clearing the view.

Within thirty seconds, the phone was in her hand. She was texting someone.

"Hmm," I thought to myself, "that's encouraging, but it could have been pure coincidence. I need something more definitive."

I looked around the cafeteria and spotted Kyle and Jennifer. I'd known both of them since I'd started at Portland State University. They were a year head of me and the best of friends; they both wanted to be more, but neither of them had had the courage to make the first move. They'd both confided that in me, and sworn me to absolute secrecy. I'd tried my best to convince them to make that move, creeping up to the very edge of breaking my oath. It had been so frustrating. With Kyle, especially, I'd laid it on thick.

"Dude," I'd said, "she so obviously wants you. She wants your dick. She wants you to man up and ask her on a real date. Her panties will fucking melt when you do, I'm so sure of it."

Still, nothing. I decided that I suddenly had the perfect opportunity to help my two friends out, without breaking any promises - well, if I actually had powers.

Kyle had finished his breakfast and Jennifer was just finishing up the last of her juice. They would normally combine their trays, which Kyle would then go take care of, dropping off the trash and then the trays. Then he'd come back, and they'd leave the cafeteria together, continuing to suffer in mutual, cowardly silence.

I focused extremely hard, and I imagined something very different for them: as Kyle came back to where Jennifer was standing, she would simply grab the front of his shirt and pull him in for a searing kiss. Initially, he would be stunned, but would quickly get into it, putting his arms around the girl he had adored since they'd met nearly three years ago.[1] He would place his hand on her hips, but she would take hold of his wrists and push them down so that his hands were firmly on her ass. Then she would press herself into him.

I saw Kyle's eyes go wide as she grabbed him and pulled him in for the kiss. At first, he seemed like he might resist and deviate from my script, but he quickly melted into her, and his hands slid down her arms to her waist. Just as I'd imagined, she moved them all the way to her ass.

There was a chorus of catcalls and whistles, mostly good-natured, and they split apart, both blushing fiercely. She grinned up at him and linked her arm in his, pulling him out of the cafeteria. I wondered where they were bound, and hoped that, wherever it was, at least one of them had protection.

I sat at the table, stunned. I had my proof. There was no way in Christendom that Jennifer would ever have done that, and I would have bet money that if she had, Kyle would have panicked and cut and run. I had done all of that, just then, for them. I had no idea how, but it was clear to me that I had.

I had my proof, but I wanted to 'run more tests' immediately. Who wouldn't have?

I spotted Sue walking over to my table.

Sue was one of my best friends. She was intelligent and pretty, with stunning, light-blue eyes. She was also larger than most girls. She had struggled for most of her life with her weight, and had suffered more than a little abuse at the hands of our fellow students.

I liked her a lot, and had had more than one fantasy that had included her. I may be an ass man, but a good personality can get you pretty far in my book too.

Sue and I had never had any kind of physical relationship, but we'd talked to each other about the various boys and girls we fancied or had dallied with. She was also aware I was a virgin. She, I'd learned quite some time ago, was not.

For an instant, I imagined what it would be like for her to kiss me as she sat down - nothing as passionate as the scene I'd constructed between Kyle and Jennifer, just a friendly peck on the lips, with no promise of anything further.

Her lips were soft and tasted of cherry. The kiss was brief, and then she sat in the chair next to me.

"Good morning to you too," I said in an amused voice.

"Oh wow, Caleb," she said, "I have no idea where that came from. Sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I asked. "It was a nice way to start the day."

"I guess Kyle and Jennifer finally overcame their fears," she said. "Maybe that got me a little excited?"

"So, are you going to confess an unrequited desire for me that you have been hiding for years?" I asked with a smile.

She snorted. "Nah!" she said. "You're a good guy, Caleb, but I like bigger men. I'd be willing to help you get rid of one of your V cards though. That might be fun."

We had had this discussion before. She was one of the few people who knew about my being pansexual, which is why she'd referenced multiple V cards. She put it at two: one for men and one for women. It made about as much sense as anything else. I knew a lot of people went hole-by-hole, plus one more for getting your dick into one.

I grinned at her. "I'm not sure I'm enough of a man for you, Sue," I said. "I wouldn't want to disappoint a girl on my first outing."

"Oh, you wouldn't disappoint," she replied with a glint in her eye. "I'd make sure to go in with low expectations."

I laughed. "You know how to flatter a man."

"So, what do you think finally made Jennifer bite the bullet?" she asked, looking toward the door they'd just left through. "Those two have been dancing around each other forever."

"Mind Control," I said. "I decided it was time and took control of the pair. Made them go for it."

She looked at me for a second and then burst out laughing.

"I love the way you kept a straight face through all of that," she said, still chuckling. "Oh, I nearly forgot." She dug into her pocket, pulled out a small, wrapped packet, and handed it to me. "Happy birthday!"

"Dare I open it here?" I asked.

She just smirked. I carefully peeled back the paper and found a box with "Condoms and Lube" written on it. Blushing a little, I hid the box in my pocket.

"I got extra lube in case you decide to go the guy way for your first time," she said. "It's your party tonight; even you can't fail to get lucky on your birthday."

"You really know how to stroke a guy's ego," I said. "Besides, I've already had birthdays..."

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