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Call Her Mommy

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An older woman Doms and pegs a younger submissive dude.
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"You will call me mommy," she holds my face, staring into my eyes through her glasses. At 6'3, she towers over my 5'9 frame. I gulp as she runs her finger down along my lips. I shouldn't be doing this. My bestie thinks I'm at a party with boys. Parties aren't even my thing.

I've been seeing Dr. Sasha Nova for over six months. She found me with a letter on Slowly. Apparently she admired my writing and has been gravitating closer to me.

At first I loved the thrill of an older woman treating me as her baby boy. She took me shopping, overhauled my wardrobe and sent me money out of nowhere. Basic case of me hitting the jackpot.

Our dynamic started to change on my first visit to her place. She invited me as her plus one to a formal ball, bought me a suit and introduced me to her friends in higher places. I gave an impressive poetry performance that night.

After that she took me home and out of nowhere, lifted me and threw me onto her bed. Like a hungry animal, she pounced on me, kissing my brains out and groping my butt. I liked it and fondled her firm breasts. She's seven years older than me. I'm 20 years old and she gave me my first and best kiss.

That was four months ago. Occasionally I stroll to her lab to say hi with a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers and well written poetry. What started as a purely transactional thing for me became intimate with every passing week. I called her every evening and we spoke till midnight. She would occasionally mail me gifts. My life changed after meeting her.

There was just one dent in the otherwise perfect connection for me. It wasn't a relationship. We were literally just flirting around. Sasha saw herself as too much of an established woman and believed no man was worthy of having her as a wife. Plus the dating pool was the trenches to her. Me on the other hand loved being a sugar boy but I needed a partner. And as my 21st birthday edged closer, my parents put pressure on me to find a girlfriend and get married. And things only got harder last month when she decided to travel abroad with no fixed date of return.

I have the most homophobic and conservative parents out there. I'm actually bisexual and had a few guys I liked but I couldn't bring them home. There was no girl I wanted to date. Not on my campus and certainly not from the church I didn't want to attend.

I spoke to Sasha about it before she travelled and she advised me to consider emancipating from them to live my life as I wanted. Running away from home was something I had considered for a long time but it always seemed incredibly scary and I never thought I'd have the guts to pull it off. Eventually I found someone, a girl by the name of Debbie.

Debbie was everything my parents liked in a woman and by contrast, everything I didn't like. She was slightly shorter and conventionally but my issue was with her personality or lack of. Debbie was hyper religious, submissive, dogmatic and couldn't hold a conversation to save her life. She doesn't read, doesn't plan to get a job or even explore. She was the plainest toast I'd seen.

Even my bestie, Samantha, couldn't hide her laughter when I told her about Debbie. My parents liked Debbie since she joined our church and every time I went home from campus, they tried to get the two of us to hang out. It was a total chore at first but with time it dawned on me how wrong I was about her.

Debbie was still a bimbo who thought she didn't need to learn or be intelligent. But what she lacked in brain, she made up for it by being an extremely nice and understanding person. I was scared at first but I was able to confide in her about how I really felt about my parents. In Sasha's absence, she filled the romance void to the best of her ability. Debbie was a decent kisser and liked me writing her poetry. We still weren't dating but it seemed like we were getting there. I accepted my fate. It could always get worse. At least now my parents will be off my back.


And then she returns... Only a month after her trip, Sasha sent me a text with the words "I'm home and I want you with me." My eyes nearly bawl out when I see it. That night, the dilemma chokes me as I contemplate my choices. Do I stay or do I go? School is about to resume so it'll give me a good avenue to speak to her but at the same time, I'm starting to like Debbie.

The next morning before I have a chance to properly process things, I get a credit alert courtesy of Sasha.

"Go shopping. This is how I make up for the month I was out. I'll be expecting a poem from you tonight."

I look out the window when I'm on the bus back to school and then at my phone. I wanna feel happy but there's still a wee bit of guilt in me. With a sigh, I get off the bus after hours of thinking and embrace my bestie/roommate who has been waiting for me. Samantha tells me a package arrived for me this morning courtesy of an anonymous sender. It's a new MacBook. The computer I've always wanted for my writing. Only one person could've gotten it.

Overtime, the intimacy for Sasha that left after she travelled, returns. I'm still avoiding her office because of the commitment I have to Debbie. Samantha notices my confusion and asks what's wrong.

"Sam. Can I ask you something?" She nods and I proceed. "Imagine if you had a guy, one that sends you money, takes care of you. He's basically like a sugar daddy without the old age."

She chuckles and apologizes. I continue. "And there's someone else you're not dating but you two are strongly connected. But the sugar mommy, I mean daddy wants you for themselves and keeps gifting, what do you do?"

After stroking her chin and contemplating, a gesture that gave me anxiety, she replied.

"Honestly if I'm not dating then it's not cheating. Plus I'm getting a good bag. I'm sure the person will understand."

"I guess." I scratch the back of my head. "What about if you start liking the sugar daddy more than the person you're connected to."

She shrugs. "I'd just follow my heart honestly. Things shouldn't be too complicated."

If only it was that easy for me. I don't know what my heart even wants. Does it want a monogamous partner to fully commit to or a woman that takes care of me? Everytime Debbie calls me, I hold the guilt in my heart that I don't like her as much as I thought I did. It didn't help matters that Sasha resumed her culture of late night calls.

But this time they felt different. Sasha started to sprinkle little bits of sexiness into the calls. We'd be talking about her trips when out of nowhere she'd mention how she wished I was there to serve her properly. And it turned me on. One night during a call, she asked me if I had left my parents and when I said no, she threatened to bend me over and give me a hard spanking. This almost made me ejaculate all over the floor. She knew it and played further into it.

Okay about right now, I should give a little insight into the state of my sex life. I'm not a virgin but I wish I was. I've had sex three times and all three times were vanilla and wooden. No kissing even occurred. Just nothing but mindless thrusting. It was exhausting. Compared to my dull sex life, I loved masturbating so much. Whether it was with my hands or with Samantha's anal sex toys, it was a ride. But I was ashamed which was why only Samantha knew and not just that she knew but we regularly masturbated together. We are besties after all.

Yet, I always felt like it could be more. I know I sound entitled but I know I deserve more than plain sex. Sadly it feels like that's all I'll ever get.


On the last Friday night of our sixth month knowing each other, she brought up sex again in a call where she said I'd look good in a skirt so she can rip it off. I went and put on a skirt then showed her on video. She swooned and then asked about the state of my sex life. I was transparent with her and even told her about Debbie. She wanted to know if we'd do a sex call with her in the lead and I agreed. That call gave me an amazing orgasm.

Her voice when she bossed me through the call, telling me when to jerk off and cum while she moaned as she fingered her pussy was mind-blowing. She then asked me to lube up and finger myself. I did that and she said she loved my moans. When we both came, she told me to come over to her place the next day. It would be the first time for me to go there since she kissed me into paradise. I didn't hesitate.

That night, I lied to Debbie that I was going for a vigil and to Sam that I was going to a party. Sam had a hard time buying it because of my introversion but I convinced her. And just like that, with no cares, I went to Sasha's place.


And that brings me to where I am as I sit on her lap while she sits on her large bed. I'm wearing a short plaid skirt and a white crop top with a round neck. She rubs my back all the way down to my ass as I bury my face in her shirt, feeling the softness of her tits.

And as soon as she reaches my ass, she pulls my skirt up and gives it a soft slap. I moan and she hums, slapping the other cheek. "That's my boy."

"Yes." I breathe faster as she rubs my buttocks, cupping it firm in her hand as she jiggles it. She kisses my neck softly and I twist my body with every touch of her lips. "Oh yes Sasha!" She spanks me again and I get the memo. "I mean, yes mommy."

She lifts me from her laps and drops me back first onto the bed, I stand up and witness her take her glasses off, unveiling her full glory.

"You're on my bed, baby." She unbuttons her white shirt, biting her bright red lips. The aura with which she faces me alone while she tugs on her pink bra is enough to make me fold. She grins at me. "I make the rules around here. And first rule, no clothes!"

"Yes mommy," I smile as I take my crop top off. As she said before, she ripped away my skirt and undressed me totally. Then looked at me, taking off her bra and kneeling down to the same level as my open penis.

She places her tongue on it and swirls her tongue around it. "Do you want that, baby boy?" I nod, my whole body vibrating as she holds it firmly in her hands. And just like that, she plunges my penis into her throat, bobbing her head into it with full precision. I scream but she stretches her other hand and covers my mouth as she snatches my soul with her tongue. She lets go and I moan out.

"Oh my god, mommy. Yes!" She removes her hands from my phallus and uses them near my balls and towards my prostate area. As she sucks, she stimulates my hole with her fingers. I roll my eyes backwards, flinging my hands and jerking my head as she does double duty. It genuinely feels like I'm having an exorcism.

She removes her mouth and smiles at me devilishly. "I think you need to be tied up."

I nod as she gets up and picks up a piece of cloth from her wardrobe, pushes me to the end of the bed and ties my arms and legs to the wooden bed frame. She continues sucking like there's no tomorrow, wasting me totally till it feels like I might cum. I scream but she pulls her hands back, leans forward and kisses my forehead.

"Not so fast, baby boy!" She smiles, takes her underwear off and mounts me, sitting on my dick while facing me. "I think it's time I went on a ride." And ride she did, bouncing up and down with top notch speed and velocity. She twerks, she bounces. She even pauses to grind before bouncing all over again. It's crazy. She moves so fast that I was shocked I didn't cum.

While riding, she leans in and plants a kiss on my forehead before placing her breasts in my mouth. I can't touch those firm oranges because I'm tied up but this adds to the insane experience. She raises her body then stretches her hands to my neck as we moan together.

"Choke me mommy, please." I beg as she laughs and slightly tightens the pressure, all while using me as her personal motorcycle dildo. I might as well be a sex toy to her. I'm tied up totally, I can't move. I'm shocked I'm not gagged and all while she has the time of her life. But I'm loving it too. She has the aura of a Goddess, the body of an Olympian and the confidence of a white billionaire. It's crazy how she's the one being penetrated and yet she takes charge.

Eventually she rides so much that she ends up standing up when she has to squirt all over my face. I open my mouth to receive her heavenly juices as she giggles. She comes closer to me, slaps my face softly then licks my neck, all the way down to my chest and my nipples. My body continues to vibrate as she reaches for my dick again. "Did you love that, baby boy? Did you like the way I rode you?"

I nod as she gives me a blowjob for the second time. This time I simply moan and try to catch my breath. I've still not cum yet. One big thing about my sex life is that I struggle to orgasm. While I still lie there tied, she goes to bring out a bottle of baby oil and a strap-on that makes my eyes widen. I open my mouth wide as she grins, stroking her purple plastic cock.

She lifts my legs up and after a brief moment of lubing and fingering where I struggled to kick, she slides the head of the dildo into my ass. My breath immediately stops.

"Breathe in, baby boy. Don't struggle with me," she says as she kneels closer, slowly thrusting her hips. This time I moan again, biting my lips and clawing with my hands. "Yeah, that's right. I know what you like. I know you enjoy being fucked like the bitch you are."

"Yes mommy, I do." I whimper as she starts to speed up her thrusts, taking broader strokes while filling me up with her silicone machine. She gazes at me and holds my neck while she penetrates me deeper and deeper till I can feel it in my stomach. It feels amazing like I'm having an orgasm every second. I scream in pure ecstasy as she drills me harder like any man can. Then she stops and leans in, kissing my lips. She unties me and spanks my ass.

"Come and clean up yourself." She points to her strapon and I crawl to suck it while she stands. "Yes, what a sweet boy. Keep going, lick it up." She pushes my head into the base of the dildo and I gag, spitting on it. It hurts but it's also amazing. "Good boy. No teeth, just your tongue." After sucking, I turn around and get on all fours. She hurries to grab a mirror, places it in front of me then slides it in. "I want you to see your face while I fuck you." She spanks me and directs me to push my ass into it. Which I do.

"Yes, mommy yes. I like the way you do it. I love your dick so much." I moan and cry as she hums behind me. I can see her smug smile, the image of her flexing her muscles behind me as she grabs my hips and rams inside me. She pounds me like a predator and my mouth goes wide. My whole body is trembling as she drills me deeper and deeper. I claw into the bed, my hair. She notices that and holds my hands behind my back, keeping me firm while I receive my fucking.

"What will your parents say about this?" She asks as she drives the full length of it into my ass while stroking me. As I cry that I don't know, she bursts out into laughter and picks up her phone, recording the mirror and the absolute show I'm giving her. "Now I want you to send this video to your parents and make sure they see this. If they don't, I'll punish you."

I agree as drool from my mouth wets the bed. My brain has been turned to mush from this banging that I can't help but agree with her. She pulls out and I genuinely feel my ass leaking. She fingers me, holding the fluid in her hands and rubbing it in my face as she spanks me. "Okay cowboy, I want you to ride me."

I get on her and we hold hands as I bounce on it. While I ride, I stroke my penis then I turn around and she firmly places me on her lap similar to how I'd sit if I was in a chair, she then strokes my penis as she takes her hips up and rams into me. I scream and scream while she grabs me tight.

I fall off her and after taking the strap off, she flings me onto the bed with relative ease. No surprise with the amount of muscle she has. She whispers into my ear "let's finish this." I nod as my whole body is still shaking. She then places her fingers to my p-spot as she strokes ferociously. I actually feel my soul leaving my body as she blocks it out.

Her multitasking is perfect. I feel tears well up in my eyes as my body gives in. I splatter all over my stomach as I close my eyes. She kisses my nose.

"Good night baby boy. Mommy's going to take care of you in the morning."

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Gch01Gch016 months ago

Definitely needs a second part.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Who wanna have a slave?

DinatagailDinatagail7 months ago

Wow. I owe you a blowjob after that.

DinatagailDinatagail7 months ago

Wow.. I owe you a blowjob after that.

ilikeskin69ilikeskin697 months ago

Oh how I wish I was young

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