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Camp Natural


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"Consent is the most important rule here. We have had some before who think just because everyone is walking around naked, that means that you can just go touching whoever you want and that this whole place will be one big orgy. Don't get me wrong; sex is permitted anywhere at any time, and no one will break up two or more willing partners, but everyone must respect one another. Use your best discretion everyone." Cameron was glad that she had said this, he did have his reservations about coming here because he had been worried that this place would be exactly that. Yeah, Cameron would love to lose his virginity, but he didn't think it would be best for his first time to be in a mass of writhing bodies. Plus, he had trouble even peeing in a urinal next to someone else, so he was sure he would have difficulty performing with a crowd gathered around him.

"Well, sorry to make it so serious for a moment. Now let me introduce the heads of the camp who will quickly describe their role here and the fun camp activities and classes that they oversee." It all reminded Cameron of the beginning grand hall scene in the Harry Potter movies, where the staff all sat at the head table, and Dumbledore made the start of year announcements.

The head of the camp store mentioned that while most of the products had a price attached to them, there were several items deemed necessities that the camp gave out free of charge. Condoms and sunscreen were the first two items that they mentioned. Cameron hadn't thought to pack either, but he had a feeling the only one that he would be making use of was the latter.

After the introductions and a little more information, Alison said she would be in her cabin, which was next to this building, and was also where her office was. She told them to feel free to drop in anytime or set an appointment if they needed to talk to her.

The head of camp activities, a busty Hispanic girl named Lyn, told all the new campers to follow her so that she could give the new group a tour of the grounds. There were about 50 campers in their group, with another three groups scheduled to come in later during the day. Most of what Lyn showed them Cameron had already seen in the digital tour when he had browsed their website. The beauty of the camp been another one of the things that had drawn Cameron to Camp Natural. The pictures were nothing compared to the real thing. The buildings were old but well cared for, and the forest was breathtaking. Cameron had never seen so much green in his life. He was used to how back home the landscape and buildings were constant muted browns and tans. The camp had a private strip of land along a sparkling lake, and there were hiking trails that wound their way through the valleys and hills that the camp was situated in. Haley was awed by the beauty of the camp too. Cameron paid more attention to the innocent look of joy on her face then his surroundings. The tour took almost an hour, and then they were back at the main building and were given the rest of the day to explore on their own and get situated.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Haley asked Cameron. Once again, Cameron was pleasantly surprised that she had once again seemed to latch onto him and wanted to continue spending time together. Cameron told himself to stop questioning when a good thing was happening and just to enjoy the fact that a girl like her would give him the time of day.

"Some of those hiking trails looked kind of nice," Cameron said.

"Ok, let's go," Haley said with a smile and started to lead the way. Cameron had only gone hiking a few times on the trails around his home city. It was nice to have the shade of large trees and their fresh green smell in the air, which is good, because with the brisk pace Haley set and the fact that he wasn't used to the elevation, Cameron spent a good amount of their hike trying to silently catch his breath as he got winded. Almost the whole walk Haley talked, telling Cameron about this or that species of plant or the occasional animal that they would spot. Once again, Haley seemed to take an interest in Cameron's life outside of the camp, and she asked him plenty of questions. Cameron was ecstatic that she was taking such an interest in him, but he only wished that she would focus on talking about herself or the trees around them a little bit more so that he didn't have to try and gasp answers to her open questions.

After an hour of walking up a steep incline, they came upon a split from the main trail and took it. The path wasn't traveled on as much as the other ones, so the footing was more difficult. Cameron's legs and lungs must have been pyromaniac enemies because they seemed to be fighting fire with fire as they competed to see which one could burn with exertion more. Haley was a few steps ahead of Cameron, and she suddenly stopped. Cameron caught up to her, and his breath was taken away too. They were on the far side of the lake now, with the camp across from. The sun was setting to their left, its dark reds and purples from the skyline reflected on the water. The lights from the camp could be seen through the shadows of the trees, but the main building's lights were seen since it was in a clearing.

"It's beautiful," Haley said.

"It is," Cameron agreed.

There was a large rock beside the trail that overlooked the view. Haley walked over and sat down. Cameron followed her example. They didn't say anything else as they sat side by side, so close that their hands were almost touching. As the sun sank behind the trees, the stars and the full moon shone overhead. Cameron couldn't get enough of how clear the sky was and that he could see the stars. Back home, because of the light pollution, regular pollution, and all the dust in the air, only the brightest of stars could be seen. Haley noticed Cameron looking up.

"Do you know any of the constellations?" Haley asked.

"No," Cameron said.

"I know a few of them. Over there is the big dipper and the little dipper, and right there is Orion's belt," Haley said as she pointed them out.

Cameron followed the path of her finger and was able to see the dippers, but he couldn't see the last constellation. "Where is Orion's belt?" He asked.

She scooted closer, grabbed his hand, and guided him along to where all the stars were that made up the constellation. "You start here, and follow these stars, here, to here, and finally right there." Cameron couldn't believe that she was holding his hand, it was such a small thing, but it gave him goosebumps and made him hyperaware of how close she was to him. He prayed that his hand wouldn't get too clammy for her. It took Cameron a moment longer until finally, he was able to see the pattern in the stars. It did kind of look like the image Haley was describing, but it also reminded him of those Rorschach inkblots. Haley pointed out a few more constellations for Cameron, but he had equal, if not more, difficulty seeing the patterns, so she had to keep on pointing out the stars for him. Haley seemed to get closer as she kept on helping him see the constellations, but the closer she got, the more help he needed because he became so aware of her. The way her scent of mint and flowers combined with the earthy smell of the pine trees around them, how soft her skin was, and how warm her touch was, how the heat from her body conducted through his until his whole body seemed to tingle with the energy from her.

While he still thought the constellations were mostly stretching the shapes that they were being described as Cameron was able to at least start to see when the stars were making some sort of pattern even if he couldn't make out their images right away. Cameron saw a few constellations without Haley having to point them out to him. Cameron started to give them his own names based on what he saw. Haley laughed and said she could kind of see those things but then gave him the correct names for them.

"I think I like my names better," Cameron said. He pointed to another cluster of stars and asked Haley what that one was.

"I don't know," Haley said.

"Well, if you don't know the name for it, and I don't know the name for it, why can't we name it?" Cameron asked.

"Ok," Haley agreed.

"What does it look like?" Cameron asked. They both stared up at it, trying to figure it out.

"I see a flower,"

"Ok, so it's our flower constellation," Cameron said.

"I like the sound of that." Haley was still holding Cameron's hand after pointing out the last constellation for him. Cameron was intensely aware of this, and he froze up, afraid that if he moved, he would break the spell of this perfect moment.

"Ready to head back?" Haley asked.

"What happens if I say no?" Cameron joked.

Haley gently let go of Cameron's hand, stood up, and started to slowly walk away. "Then, you're going to be sitting out here alone because I am starving, and I don't want to miss dinner."

"Ok, I'm coming," Cameron said. His body protested as he stood, and he did his best to ignore his aching muscles.

Getting back to camp took them a little longer because of how dark it was when they were under the canopy of the trees. Cameron had a moment of fear that they might get lost out in the woods. Even if it was with Haley, that was something that he did not want to happen. Luckily, most of the time, they were able to see the lights from the camp and use those to guide them. Haley pointed out the north star to him and how they could use that to navigate when they couldn't see the camp, and the trail became hard to view, even with the moonlight. They made it back to camp towards the end of the first dinner. The dining hall was packed with all of the campers who showed up after their group.

Cameron was embarrassed as some campers and counselors noticed how they arrived so late together to dinner, but most seemed not to notice or care. Cameron wondered if they had missed any essential announcements while they were out in the woods. They walked down the buffet-like spread, grabbed their food, and managed to find seats together. Even being a little older and the last pickings of the night, the food was still delicious.

They had just finished eating when the camp head Allison announced that there were campfire rings set up outside of the cabin for those who wished to use them, and she wished them good night and that she would see them tomorrow. Cameron and Haley were some of the last campers to leave the hall since they started eating late. A few of the camp counselors were cleaning up and putting the chairs and tables back along the walls. Haley walked up to one of the counselors and asked if they needed help since there were so many tables and chairs to put away. The counselor thanked her but halfheartedly said they could manage. Haley nicely insisted, and the counselor gave in and let her help. While they worked, Haley chatted with the female counselor, and after a few minutes, they were talking and laughing as if they were old friends.

Cameron thought it was kind of Haley to volunteer to help, even if he now had to help her help them. They finished up in fifteen minutes, and the counselors asked them for their names and introduced themselves. The chairs and tables were not heavy, but after the hike and now lifting so many times, Cameron knew that he was going to be sore tomorrow.

The counselors invited them to hang out with them at the fire that they were going to set up. They agreed and followed the counselors over. Cameron felt a little out of place when Haley and he took a seat because they were the only campers there. They were introduced, and Cameron tried his best to remember everyone's names. He wondered if it would be harder to remember them tomorrow once he saw these people without their clothes on, and then he wondered if meeting someone when they were naked would somehow help with remembering names. Cameron made a mental note to see if there was such a study when he had the opportunity to look up such a random fact.

Haley seemed to fit right in with the camp counselors. Cameron couldn't believe how fast she made friends, but she was a beautiful person who seemed to radiate with her good nature. Cameron had to realize too that he had only just met her that morning, yet they already spent an entire day hanging out together and getting to know one another. Cameron looked around at the guys around him, thinking that they were all better looking than him. If Haley could make friends so fast, she probably wouldn't let Cameron stay latched onto her, and perhaps by the end of the camp session, they would be walking past one another without even saying a word.

Even though Haley was doing most of the talking, she made sure to keep including Cameron in the conversation. She would also occasionally bump her knee against his in a friendly way.

As Cameron was drawing within himself, Haley bumped her knee into his again and smiled at him. Haley looked stunning in the warm glow of the campfire. Her red hair and freckles were more pronounced on her pale skin that also had some shadows on it. With the help from that warm smile, Cameron pulled himself out of these self-deprecating thoughts. He couldn't allow himself to get possessive of Haley's friendship. It was thinking like this that often pushed girls he liked away from him and lead to Cameron alienating himself and then, in a self-fulfilling destructive prophecy, would cause his fears to become a reality.

Cameron started to make more of an effort to talk to the camp counselors, he realized just how nice and cool they were. He enjoyed their company more now that he wasn't looking at them as competition for Haley's attention. It wasn't like Haley was viewing the other girls around the campfire as rivals to her and Cameron. The thought of Haley being jealous of these other girls seemed absurd to Cameron, so he didn't see a reason he should be jealous either.

As it got later, the camp counselors started to turn in for the night as they had to get enough rest for whatever jobs they oversaw in the morning. Eventually, it was just Cameron, Haley, and the first camp counselor that Haley had talked to, Elena. Elena's counselor cabin was next to Haley's, so when they all decided it was time to call it a night, they put out the fire, and Cameron walked them to their cabins. They made it to Elena's cabin first and said their goodbyes and how they will see each other tomorrow. When they then made it to Haley's cabin, they seemed unable to say goodbye and kept on talking.

"So, will I see you tomorrow?" Haley asked. This was the first time that she had sounded not her usual confident self.

"Yeah, I will see you tomorrow," Cameron said. Cameron couldn't think of any reason why he wouldn't see her tomorrow. Haley said she would meet him at his cabin, and to his surprise, Haley gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. Cameron stood rooted to the ground after Haley turned and left. Yes, it was just on his cheek, but he still couldn't believe that she kissed him. It was a moment that barely lasted a second, yet it was something that he knew was going to be on his mind all night. As Cameron walked back to his cabin, he realized that he had overlooked a significant fact about tomorrow; it was the first day that they were supposed to be naked. Cameron had been so focused on Haley, that he hadn't thought about what tomorrow was going to bring. He was so tired, sore, and overjoyed by the fact that Haley wanted to see him again and had kissed him on the cheek that he forgot.

Luckily for Cameron, his room was the closest of the six small rooms to the front door. Cameron struggled to wrap his head around the fact that tomorrow everyone in the camp was supposed to walk around naked. He had a moment of panic and thought about how hard it would be to just leave tomorrow. Cameron might have left until he thought again about Haley. She seemed to like him and wanted to see him tomorrow. If Cameron woke up early and left the camp, then he would be leaving Haley, and she would be looking for him. Cameron didn't want to do anything to make her worry.

Thinking about Haley helped Cameron work his way through his nerves. Now that Cameron's panic died down, he was able to continue to think about all of the positive things if he stayed. He would get to see all of the girls in the camp naked, including Haley. Cameron would be seeing a girl he liked naked tomorrow, on the second day that he knew her. Cameron started to get hard as he imagined what Haley would look like naked. He began to stroke himself, combining his fantasies of Haley with his memory of how it had felt to have her pressed against him in a hug and the softness of her lips on his cheek. Cameron quickly reached his climax, calling out Haley's name as he came. He came so quickly that he hadn't been able to hold back his cum to make it easier to clean up. Cameron's cum shot up and landed on his chest. He slipped out of his boxers and used them to wipe the cum off his chest. Once he was somewhat cleaned up, Cameron drifted off to sleep in the nude.


The next morning Cameron heard knocking at the cabin door, and Haley called out for him. It seemed Cameron was the only non-early bird in his cabin because when he woke, he was the only one still in the cabin. Cameron had been up late last night talking to Haley by the campfire, so he cut himself a little slack on sleeping in. This was supposed to be a vacation, after all.

"I will be right out," Cameron shouted groggily. It seemed just about every muscle in his body was on fire as he struggled to get out of bed. Cameron realized he was naked and started to walk towards his luggage to grab clothes. As Cameron began to pull clothes out, he remembered where he was and laughed at himself. He put the clothing away except for a pair of socks. Once he had his shoes on, Cameron walked out of his room into the small common area. It was easier for Cameron to step out into the common room since he knew that the five other guys who stayed in the cabin were not there. Cameron was excited about seeing girls naked, but not so much about seeing other guys.

Cameron walked to the door and stood there for a moment to compose himself. With a sigh, he thought, I can do this. Cameron opened the door. Haley smiled at him. "Good morning," she said. Cameron couldn't believe how beautiful Haley's body was. Her tits were small and perky, with reddish-pink nipples. Her body was pale with occasional patches of freckles. Cameron instinctively covered himself up, even though Haley was standing confidently in the nude. Haley held eye contact with Cameron and said, "It's about time you are awake, we are late for breakfast now, too."

"Good morning, and sorry, I had trouble sleeping last night," Cameron said.

Haley seemed to come more alive somehow once she was no longer wearing clothes. She stood up taller and with more confidence, which made a noticeable difference since she was so petite. It seemed the less clothing she had on, the more comfortable she got.

Cameron couldn't stop covering himself up around her. Her body was so beautiful and perfect. The occasional freckle on her pale skin served as focal points that drew his eyes along her body. She had a light tuft of reddish-brown pubic hair that was well-kempt. Cameron could just make out the cleft of her womanhood. From behind, her ass was well-toned, and she had a thigh gap that allowed him to see a hint of the pink flesh of her lips. Cameron made sure not to stare, but even with just glancing at her body, he got an erection. Everywhere he looked were other girls with varying body types who were also nude, so unless Cameron closed his eyes, then there was always some sort of stimulus to keep him hard. Cameron was so embarrassed, and he wanted to run back into his cabin, grab his stuff, and beg the bus driver to take him back to where things made more sense.


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