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Camping Trip - Pt. 01

Story Info
Wife goes camping and ends up in a compromised position.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/27/2022
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Disclaimer: Everyone in the story is 18 years old or older at all points. Any resemblance to any actual person, alive or dead, is happenstance.

I had been praying for rain. My husband wanted everyone to go camping this weekend at a lake about fifty miles from our home. Don't get me wrong, I usually love camping, but I had hoped to relax in the comfort of our house this weekend. Unfortunately, the last week was brutal, with my crazy work schedule and all the extra things the kids were involved in.

But, camping meant having to walk to the restroom in the middle of the night. You also know where the shower and bathroom are; no stumbling around in the middle of the night. Sharing showers with people I don't know, and did I mention that I just wanted to stay home?

So when my idiot husband woke me up and sat there smiling at me, I wasn't pleased to see the clear sunny sky through the window behind him.

"Good morning, sweetheart! Time to get up if we are going to make the lake by noon," my husband Don said as he shook my shoulder.

I almost told him what he could do with his smiling face but decided against it. So for now, instead, I asked, "What time is it?"

"It's 7 am, dear. If we want to beat the traffic, we need to get on the road soon."

"Wake me up in an hour," I told him and promptly pulled the covers over my head.

Don pulled down the covers in what felt like seconds, exposing my body from the waist up.

I opened my eyes and glared at him. He didn't take the hint, though, and held the covers as I tried to pull them up again.

"Come on, sleepyhead, I have finished loading the car, and the kids are up," he told me, smiling that same damn smile.

"I want to sleep in. It's my day off. There is nothing important enough to make me want to get out of this bed," I said, rolling away from him. I slide a pillow over my face, trying to hide from the sunlight.

"Come on, Carol, I have coffee," Don said, sounding so confident his bribe would work.

"I don't care what you have," I told him, mumbling under the pillow that was keeping out the light in the room.

"Not even a double espresso from Coffee Heaven?" he asked, all innocent.

Damn, he knows that is my favorite. "Dolce?"

"Yep, the big cup too."

I peered out from under the pillow and saw he had it in his hands. I tried to grab it, but the asshole pulled it just out of reach.

Sigh, I knew I would have to get out of bed if I wanted that coffee. I debated for a few seconds, but the smell of the coffee decided for me. So I sat up and took the coffee from Don, launching the pillow I had been lying on at his head.

"You need to get moving, Carol. We need to be on the road by 8," he told me as he caught the pillow and put it back on the bed.

I eyed the pillow he had placed just out of reach. Don knew I had to move from my spot to get it back, so the odds were low for the pillow to be relaunched at his head. But, after twenty years of marriage, you figure out a few things about your partner.

He left the room, and after savoring about half the cup, I got out of bed and got ready. After a quick shower, I walked into the bedroom. Seeing my husband finishing packing and no rugrats, I locked the door and dropped the robe.

Walking around the room nude caught Don's attention. While I was approaching forty, I still turned heads with my large breasts and slight athletic build. I gathered my clothes for today, hot shorts and tee-shirt, along with a sports bra and matching panties, and tossed the clothes on the bed.

I knew I had Don's full attention as I leaned forward to pick up the panties. I slowly pulled them up one leg, then the other, sticking my ass towards him as I finished putting them on. My antics had the desired effect as I felt Don warp his arm around me, cupping my breasts.

Pushing back against him, rubbing my pantie-covered ass against his shorts, I felt his cock start to get hard. I dropped my hand down and, reaching between my ass and his shorts, grabbed his cock and squeezed.

Don moaned into my ear as he licked and placed small kisses on my neck. Finally, I turned around and unzipped his shorts, pulling his hard cock out of his boxers. Don was about average at seven inches hard.

I stroked his cock as we kissed. Then, pulling away and bending down, I took the tip of the cock in my mouth. Then, licking under the head, I got the moan out of him I wanted, so I stood back up and pushed him away.

"We don't have time for this, Don. Remember, we have to be out of here in about 20 minutes," I told him with a smirk as I picked up my bra.

"Fuck, Carrol. Are you going to leave me hanging?" Don demanded, looking hurt.

"I don't want to, babe, but we have a schedule, remember?" I innocently asked him.

He put his cock back into his shorts. "That was mean," he said, pouting as he walked back to the suitcase he had been packing.

"Maybe, next time, let me sleep in an hour," I told him with a grin.

Don smiled back, and we finished getting our stuff ready. I did a walkthrough of what the kids had packed to make sure they had their stuff ready.

I guess I should stop calling them kids. God had blessed us with a set of twins, who turned eighteen six weeks ago. Alex was the older twin by ten minutes. His sister, Lexi, was always one to make an entrance and even took her sweet time being born.

While they have some similar features, both were blonde with blue eyes. Their looks had diverged as they got older. Alex is muscular and almost six feet tall, like his father, while his sister took after me. She is petite, five foot six, with large breasts for her frame.

Their personalities are entirely different as well. Alex was engaging and outgoing, while Lexi was more reserved. She often had to parent her older sibling after he did something stupid.

I found the twins at the table finishing up their breakfast. I grabbed a bagel, and while it was toasting, I turned to them.

"So, are you both ready to go camping?"

"Sure, Mom," they replied at the same time, causing them both to laugh.

I smiled and turned back to the bagel. The toasted bagel popped up, and I put cream cheese on it before putting another one in for Don. He had gotten me coffee; I rationalized as I fixed him something to eat as well.

We packed up the car and took off to the lake. Since we had left early, the drive wasn't too bad, and shortly before lunch, we arrived at the lake. We checked in at the office and went to our site. In short order, we had everything unpacked, and the tents were set up.

We had brought two tents for the trip, big enough to sleep four people each. That gave everyone a little room to move around inside. The kids got one tent while Don and I took the other.

Alex looked annoyed when he realized that there were only two tents. "Mom, why didn't we bring another tent? I am too old to share a tent with my sister."

I looked over at him, "I didn't want your sister alone while we are here, and it's not like you haven't shared a room before. It's only for a couple of days; I am sure you can make do."

Alex gave me a sour look, sighed, and walked off to see if his dad needed anything.

After he walked away, Lexi spoke up. "It's ok mom, I'm old enough to take care of myself without Alex babysitting me," Lexi also sounded annoyed with the arrangement.

I hugged her. "You are my baby girl, and I don't want low-lives hurting you."

"You know how these campgrounds get. Most people are wonderful, but there is always one or two that shouldn't be here. Remember that girl that went missing south of here?"

"Mom, that was six years ago, and they found her. She ran off with a boy, no big deal."

"She was still missing, young lady," I smiled to soften my words. "Besides, you and Alex will be leaving for separate colleges in a few weeks."

I pulled her into a hug. Lexi resisted at first but gave in.

"Spend some time with your brother before you both go your own ways," I told her, stroking her hair. I still could not believe that my baby girl was all grown up.

"Fine," she huffed before pulling away and going into the tent, zipping the door behind her.

I shook my head and walked away from the tent, getting my gear ready for hiking.

The rest of the day was a blur of trails and hiking until it was almost dark. Back at the campsite, we cooked dinner and ate around the campfire. It wasn't long before the hiking caught up to us, and we all turned in.

Don had not forgotten what I had started at the house, and as soon as I took my bra off, he pounced on me. Grabbing two hands full of my breasts, he pushed me backward onto the sleeping bag and started kissing me.

I kissed him back as I felt him push down my shorts and panties, leaving me completely naked. I broke the kiss. My hands went under his shirt, and I pulled it over his head. Now that we were topless, I pressed my breasts into his chest and started kissing again.

His hands were all over my ass, pulling my cheeks apart as he pulled me against his shorts. Rolling him over, I knelt above his body, working to undo his belt and pull his shorts and boxers down to his feet.

I wanted his cock, so I lay down between his legs and put the head into my mouth. There wasn't a lot of light, but I could see the outline of his body. I first licked, then drove my mouth down on his cock, taking him to his balls.

"Oh, fuck, that feels good," Don moaned as I deep throated his cock.

I pulled back until just the head was in my mouth before driving forward again. Don loved it when I deep-throated him, and I felt a little guilty about this morning, so I wanted to make it up to him.

Several minutes of this was getting Don to the point where he would cum. Finally, I let his cock out of my mouth with a popping sound.

"Not yet, big boy, you have something to do first," I told him as I moved up his body and squatted over his face. Don knew what to do and grabbed my ass to pull my cunt to his mouth. Wasting no time, he shoved his tongue into the heart of my cunt.

"Oh fuck," I moaned as he alternated between licking me from my asshole to my clit before driving his tongue deep into my soaked cunt.

"Right there, oh fuck," he sure was good at this, I thought, trying not to cum too fast.

I pulled away from his wet face and moved down his body until I hovered over his hard cock. Looking up at him, I licked my hand and grabbed his hard cock. I stroked it a couple of times to get him wet, and after putting the head inside my soaked cunt, I dropped my entire body down on it, spearing my pussy in one stroke.

I leaned forward, smashing my breasts into his chest, and started licking my juices off his face before shoving my tongue into his mouth. Then, as our tongues struggled with each other, I started riding him hard.

As Don got close to cumming, he flipped me over and started driving his cock into me. I felt him begin to swell right before he exploded, shooting rope after rope of hot cum into my cunt. The feeling of him cumming inside me pushed me over the edge, and I started cumming myself.

He rolled off me a few minutes later, and his softened cock slipped out of me. I grabbed a sock to stop the cum from getting all over the place and threw on a pair of shorts and a top. I leaned over him and kissed him.

"Thanks, I needed that," I told him as I moved to the tent entrance and started unzipping it.

"Want me to go with you?" Don asked, knowing how I feel about going to the restrooms at a park by myself after dark.

"No, I will be ok," I told him and left the tent.

"Can you believe they were fucking right next to us?" I heard Alex ask his sister.

"Language, Alex," Lexi told him, giggling.

"Fine, can you believe that mom and dad were having sex right next to us? Did they think about how loud they were and how everyone could listen to them?"

"Now that you said it, I liked the first way better. It's not as weird," Lexi told him, laughing.

I was embarrassed that we had made so much noise and a little shocked at both the kids with their language. I had never heard either one say fuck before.

Sigh, my babies are growing up, I thought, feeling like I had lost something.

I left them alone and walked quickly to the restroom. At this time of night, the campground was pretty dead. I made it to the bathroom without seeing anyone. Going inside, I checked the stalls for someone hiding, but I didn't find anyone. Relieved, I entered the stall at the end.

I used the toilet, ensuring I cleaned up the mess Don had left before fast walking back to the tent. I didn't see anyone out on the way back either. As I walked past the kid's tent, it seemed that the twins had finished talking. I entered my tent and made my way to the sleeping bag I shared with Don.

The asshole was already asleep! I was instantly pissed. What if something had happened and I needed some help?

"Asshole," I said as I pushed him hard. He grunted and rolled over the other way. It took a while to sleep, primarily due to being pissed at Don, but eventually, I did.

I was having a dream where I was trying to find an open toilet at a busy mall when I realized I did need to go for real.

This woke me up, and as I sat up in bed, I mumbled, "Damn, kids." Before my pregnancy, I had been able to sleep all night without having to get up at all.

I shook Don's shoulder, "Honey, I need to use the restroom. Will you walk over there with me?"

Don raised his body on his elbow, about half awake. "Just go, Carol. You know where it is."

"Yes, Don, I know where it is, but I don't want to go alone."

He mumbled something about no one would bother me before he turned over and started snoring again.

"Some great protector you are," I said, putting flip-flops on. I picked up my phone, then realized we had no service, so there was no reason to take it with me. Sighing, and with one last withering look at my husband, I unzipped the tent.

I looked over at the kid's tent and almost woke Alex up, but I told myself I was being a baby and went alone to the restroom.

The area around the restroom was wide open, but the only lights were around the entrance to the women's part.

I guess lightbulbs were too expensive. I thought as I opened the door and glanced inside.

Not seeing anyone, I walked in and pushed open each stall door until I had checked them all. Then, finding no one hiding, waiting to attack me, I picked one and used it. After I finished, I stood, pulling my shorts up in the process.

Reaching out to flush the toilet, I heard something that caught my attention. It sounded like a woman moaning. As I listened, I could hear bodies slapping together.

I quietly opened the stall door and looked around. The restroom was empty, and the sound of sex faded as I walked out of the stall. I realized that whoever it was had to either be close outside or in the men's restroom, on the other side of the cinder block wall.

I should go back to the tent, I thought as I walked outside. I couldn't hear any sounds of sex outside, which meant that the people fucking were in the other restroom.

I had never told anyone, but I have a little bit of a voyeurism fetish. I guess that is why I loved watching porn.

I bit my lip as I argued with myself over going back to the tent.

I had walked in on my sister and her husband fucking once. They didn't know I was there watching them, so I stood in the shadows as he pounded the hell out of my sister's ass. It seemed like hours before he pulled out and shot cum all over her back.

What the hell? I will take a peek, I thought.

I quickly walked around the building and up to the men's room door. Glancing around and not seeing anyone, I pulled the door open about halfway. I was grateful that the hinges didn't squeak and put my head inside to see what was happening.

I was surprised by what I saw. In front of me was a nude woman. She was a petite blonde with medium-sized breasts and looked like she was in her early twenties.

She was also wearing what looked like a dog collar around her neck. The collar had a leash attached, which was in the hands of the older man in front of her.

She was squatting on the floor in front of the urinals facing the stalls at the end. Her legs spread with the back of her head pushed against the side of a urinal.

Directly in front of her was a man whose wide hairy ass was in her face. It looked like she was licking his asshole as she jacked his large dick off.

In his late fifties, the man was older, six feet tall, slightly overweight, but still very muscular.

There was another couple fucking in front of the blonde woman and older man. This woman had dark brown hair and looked like she was in her fifties, slightly overweight, with huge breasts. She was being pounded from behind by a large muscular man with ebony skin. He was bald, in his mid-thirties, six-foot-tall, with an athletic build.

The brunette was clutching the sides of the urinal in front of her for support. The sight of her breasts swinging back and forth was very erotic.

Watching the action got me very excited. Then, glancing around one more time and not seeing any, I moved a hand down into my shorts, fingering my wet pussy.

The older man getting the rim job pulled away from the kneeling woman, turned around, and shot cum all over her face and chest.

She knelt there until the black guy fucking the brunette shot a load of cum into her cunt. Then, when he pulled his giant dick out of her, I could see what looked like a river of cum running down her legs.

The black man took the leash from the older white guy and pulled the blonde woman behind the brunette by her leash. He shoved her face into the messy cunt, holding her there while she licked up the cum leaking out of her cunt and off her legs.

Satisfied, the dark man and brunette switched places. He shoved his semi-hard cock into the blonde woman's mouth, forcing her to clean up the mess on his cock.

While that was going on, the brunette put on a giant strapon. Then, lifting the blonde woman up by her hips, she positioned her onto her hands and knees.

The two men stood together to watch as the brunette pushed the other woman's face inside a urinal and started fucking her hard.

This was too much for me, and I started cumming myself.

I heard someone whistle behind me, and before I could turn around, I felt a hand grip my arm and spin me around. A young man stood watching me as I finished my orgasm.

I didn't know what to do. I hadn't thought about getting caught, yet here I was with my hand in my pants, literally.

"What the fuck do we have here?" he asked.

Looking over my shoulder into the men's room, he raised his voice. "Hey Bob, we got us a fucking peeping Tom. A mighty pretty one at that," he said.

The older guy, who I assumed was Bob, glanced over and saw me for the first time.

I didn't like the way he looked at me. He reminded me of why I check the restroom stalls around me before using a public toilet. "Bring the fucking slut in here, Al. We can always use another piece of ass."

"In a minute, she can take care of a problem I have here first," Al said as he unzipped his shorts and pulled out a semi-hard dick.

His cock must be nine inches when he is hard, I thought, looking at it.

"I don't want.... I mean, I'm not...." I started before Al cut my stammering off.

"I can see that, slut. With your stupid ass standing there playing with your pussy in front of the entire campground. Now, how about you take care of the problem I have? You are the reason for it, after all."

"Or, if you would rather, you can keep standing there while Bob goes over there to get the attendant. She doesn't take kindly to peeping Toms. She might kick you and your family out or call the Sheriff and have you arrested. No telling what will happen."

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