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Canada 2128 - Ch. 02 Slavery Begins

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Her first lesbian experiences bring Darla tears.
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Darla, a prisoner of Canada, and sex slave owned by Haley Marshal, daughter of General Marshal of the Canadian Rangers, sat on her sleeping bag by a fireplace. Haley's residence was a wing on the Marshal family compound. Her windows and doors were electronically locked at all times.

She wondered, 'Is this the most gorgeous prison cell in Canada?'

One of the General Marshal's male slaves attended to the fire place and brought Haley her mail. A female slave of his brought Darla her meals. The same every time; bannock bread, sliced carrots and celery, and shelled walnuts.

Darla had been here for 3 days but had only seen Haley once. That second evening Haley burst in, dropped her slacks, and had Darla eat her pussy before she grabbed some clothes and left again.

Haley, in a rush, ordered Darla to kneel, "Tongue my clit hard and fast." Haley held her face tight to her pussy, nearly smothering her.

"Faster damn it," Haley barked twice.

Darla succeeded, getting her off in under two minutes. Haley pulled up her slacks and left without saying a word.

Eating pussy was horrible for Darla as she wasn't interested in girls. Pussy was not something she would ever get used to, or enjoy. Had Gary the Field Director out bud Haley at least she'd be sucking cock. She liked cock.


Tonight, Haley arrived at midnight. Darla stood up from her sleeping bag, trying to ignore the anxiety she felt from knowing she'd probably be eating her pussy soon.

"Darla," Haley called from office. "Come here."

"Good evening Mistress," Darla greeted her as she entered the room.

"Kneel!" Haley sounded aggravated. "When you come to me, you kneel."

Darla got down on her knees.

Haley stepped over to Darla and placed a hand on her head, running her fingers through her hair.

"I'm tired from this conference that's kept me away. But it is over," Haley spoke softly. "I have not had time to start your training yet. That starts tomorrow. All weekend it will be just you and me. Get some rest. Go!"


After breakfast and a shower Darla was summoned to Haley's office.

"Good morning Mistress," Darla greeted her, kneeling beside her desk.

Haley stood by the window. She wore a red athletic bra and red yoga pants. Perspiration coated her arms and midriff. Her outfit was sexy in contrast to Darla's. The only clothes Darla had been provided were white t-shirts and ordinary underwear, each a size too tight.

"We will start your training with a three-part conversation?" Haley spoke, walking behind Darla.

"Part one, you will listen. I will describe your new life here. Part two, you will ask questions to better understand your life here. Part three, will be a rare opportunity for you to speak freely. Ask me anything. Tell me anything. Whatever is on your mind. You will not be punished for what you say during your free speech time. Understand?"

"Yes Mistress," Darla answered.

"We are a military family," Haley began. "As such, you will have to earn your way up the slave ranks. Today, your rank is Slave Trainee. The clothes you wear now represent this rank. Very plain, basic, as you have yet to prove yourself worthy."

Haley paced the room as she continued.

"Going forward, I will no longer use your name, Darla. On rare occasion perhaps. You will be addressed by your rank, Slave Trainee. Training the first month or more will focus only on sexual duties. Afterwords, you will be trained on domestic duties."

"Obedience is everything. It is how you get promoted, it is how you avoid punishment and demotion. You acknowledge orders. Otherwise you only speak when told to. You execute every order without hesitation. You'll get an alarm clock, and a schedule. Follow it precisely."

"The obedience disorder stabilizer mesh implanted in your brain, for now it remains turned off. Perform as expected and I won't turn it on. If I must, I'll adjust one degree at a time until you perform. Your self discipline will determine whether I keep it turned off and you avoid its severe side effects."

"Ask your questions, Slave Trainee," Haley sat down behind her desk.

Darla looked at the floor. She was dumbfounded as to how she ended up here, kneeling in front of a lesbian master. Play it cool, earn their trust, find a way to escape. Escape became her only goal.

"Thank you Mistress," Darla looked up at Haley. "Knowing will inspire me. Please tell me how I get promoted."

"Each day I will record your performance as a 1 or zero," Haley explained. "When you reach 50 points, you'll become a Slave Parvus. That's Latin for small. There are five slave ranks: trainee, parvus, centrum at 150 points, summus at 300 points, magna at 600 points. With promotions come new privileges, of which I will not describe now."

"Next question," Haley had a slight grin on her face. And her hands were out of sight behind her desk.

"Thank you Mistress," Darla decided to give power back to Haley. "No further questions, that is all I need to understand my new life here."

"Good," Haley looked at the clock displayed on her forearm's derma-screen. "You may now speak freely. You get 10 minutes, no more. So speak your most important thoughts first. Begin."

"Thank you Mistress," Darla looked to the ceiling, thought. "Mistress, is there a way for me to earn my freedom?"

"No, not under current law. Foreigners of conquered nations who are denied citizenship become prisoners of Canada for life. They are not seen as trustworthy to freely live in Canada. Since the United States of America no longer exists, we cannot deport you. Therefore, you will remain a prisoner until the day you die."

"Thank you Mistress," Darla's stomach sank. "Can I get some meat with my meals? I really miss savory food."

Haley laughed for a few seconds. Then she sat up, taking a serious posture. "As you get promoted, you will be provided a wider variety of food. However, I am a vegetarian. Almost vegan. Therefore, so are you. You will never eat meat again."

"Thank you Mistress," Darla stomach sank further. She found the nerve to ask a sensitive question. "Not eating meat really sucks. But not as much as slavery. Slavery has been a scar on human history for centuries. Before the war it was almost eradicated. But now, Canada, the greatest of nations, is supported on the backs of slaves. Why?"

Haley stared at Darla for several long seconds. Her slave was not wrong in her criticism.

"As a result of the third world war, we are the only superpower. Russia, China, the EU, and the United States, no longer exist. Canada is by far the most powerful country that has ever existed. We have implemented a number of social reconstruction programs to lift the world up from the last war, and also prepare for the next war. That war, will eliminate the India-Brazil-Australia Axis, leaving Earth under Canadian control. Slavery will be limited, but will be an important part of our social construct."

"You may have one last question," Haley stood. "Do you?"

"Thank you Mistress," Darla said politely. "I must say your answer while sincere, sincerely dooms humanity. No further questions Mistress."

"Ok Slave Trainee," Haley pointed to the bedroom. "On the bed, naked, lay face up."

"Yes Mistress," Darla did as commanded.

Haley put on some music. Something really old stuff from when rock and roll was born.

"Buddy Holly," Haley said as she kneeled beside Darla on the bed. "I love music when I fuck."

Haley took her time, kissing and licking Darla wherever she wanted. Darla just kept her eyes shut. Sucking her breasts lasted for several long minutes, squeezing them, twisting her nipples. Haley was obviously a breast girl. That explained why Darla's t-shirt was one size too small.

Hoping off the bed, Haley disappeared into the closet. When she came out, she was naked, with the exception of a lubricated red strap on dildo. To Darla, that dildo looked to be 7, maybe 8 inches.

Seeing Haley fully naked for the first time, Darla saw how physically fit she really was. She had weightlifter muscles but not to a gross or excessive manner. Her look was all woman. A ripped abdomen, round breasts slightly tight against her strong frame. Powerful legs, maybe they were too muscular. Darla had a feeling she was in for some rough sex.

Haley spread Darla's legs and mounted her. Lifting her knees up she positioned the dildo at her pussy and very slowly slid it in. Darla kept her eyes closed and tried to show no emotion, however, her pussy liked the feeling.

"I like to fuck," Haley said as she picked up the pace. "I like to be on top. I like to watch my slave enjoy being fucked. Your job is to enjoy being fucked. I want to hear your orgasm."

"Yes Mistress," Darla replied, opening her eyes to the first woman to fuck her.

It had been three years since Darla was fucked. That was her boyfriend, who died with the Florida Militia defending Daytona Beach from a Canadian invasion force. She wondered if she'd ever feel a man's cock in her again.

Haley grabbed a hold of Darla's tits and fucked her harder. In and out, slamming the dildo as deep as it could go, which was the entire 8 inches. Darla's eyes her Mistress know she was enjoying it. She made her eyes soft, she slowly licked her lips, she arched her back. Whatever she could for Haley to believe she enjoying this.

Abruptly Haley pulled out, slid back and slapped Darla on the thigh. "Get up, turnover, on all fours."

"Yes Mistress," Darla obeyed.

She let out a yelp as Haley rammed the dildo back in her pussy from behind. Darla gripped the bedding tightly, trying to keep from falling forward. Haley was very strong, it took everything she had to not fall over.

"Fuck me Mistress," Darla took a chance at verbalizing her enjoyment, fake as it was. "Please may I cum for you?"

Haley ignored her. She heard Darla, but she concentrated on her own orgasm. Grasping Darla's hips harder, she leaned back, pulling Darla's pussy onto the dildo, hard. Darla acknowledged the incredible sensations and screamed loudly, as instructed, unleashing a very real orgasm.

Darla arms buckled, she collapsed on the bed. Her pussy spent, her orgasm superb. Haley, on the other hand was not finished. She pulled Darla's pussy back even harder, forcing the strap on's base nubs to rub her own clit harder. It took another five minutes before Haley collapsed on top of Darla, satisfied.

Neither was in a hurry to move. Haley only got up because she didn't want to fall asleep and waste the day.

"Slave Trainee," Haley commanded. "Get up, unhook this from me."

"Yes Mistress," Darla obeyed.

"Bathroom, clean it up, hang it next to the others in my closet," Haley ordered.

"Yes Mistress," Darla hurried off.

Darla returned, kneeling besides Haley. Haley considered giving her a reward. But instead she felt the opposite may be better training.

"You spoke out of turn when I was fucking you," Haley scolded. "That cannot happen again."

"I am sorry Mistress," Darla apologized.

"Being sorry is never penance for wrongdoing," Haley grabbed Darla by her hair. "However, a very good fuck and orgasm I had. So, you've earned a choice."

Haley pulled Darla's head backwards just enough to add a sense of fear into the moment.

"Receive zero points for today towards promotion. Or," Haley paused for effect. "I have a book of 100 ways to discipline a slave. We can just administer one of those. Decide now, Slave Trainee."

"Discipline Mistress," Darla answered without hesitation. "Please, Mistress."

Haley looked down on Darla with genuine surprise. "I did not expect that. Is it because you are a sadist? Do you enjoy punishment? Pain?"

"No Mistress," Darla answered. Which was true, she was as vanilla as they come with regards to sex. Thinking fast, she figured this answer gave her the best chance to win trust from her vegetarian lesbian master. "I am committed to being promoted as fast as possible. Please, mistress. Discipline me."

"Don't move!" Haley commanded as she walked away.

'I think I may have just made a mistake,' Darla thought. What if Haley is a hard-core sadist. Her punishments may be beyond anything she can handle.

"Pick a number between 1 and 100," Haley ordered, returning to the bedroom with a book in her hand.

"83, Mistress" Darla replied.

"Why 83," Haley asked as she flipped pages.

"Mistress, it was my dad's jersey number when he played football for the Chicago Bears," Darla explained, as sense of excitement in her voice. She hadn't seen her dad since he answered the Presidents call for all men under 60 years old to report for military service.

"Touching," Haley said without emotion. "83. Place slave in a position and make them hold it, without moving at all."

Haley set the book down on her nightstand, "This could be fun."

"Stand up, walk around, stretch out," Haley instructed. "I will be back in a few minutes. Trust me, you want to stretch out."

"Thank you Mistress" Darla said as she stood.

Ten minutes later, Darla was moved to Haley's office and set into her position of punishment. Haley handcuffed Darla's hands behind her, stood her a half-meter from the wall, lean her forward until her nose held a large coin against the wall. On the floor directly below the coin a large glass was placed.

"Do not speak. If you do, you will drop the coin. I expect you to hold this position for as long as you can," Haley explained.

"I have a number of minutes in mind which are acceptable. Not for you to know. When I hear that coin hit the glass, I will let you know whether you pass or fail this punishment."

Haley went about her business. Darla could not see what she was doing. She only heard her moving about. Darla's attention was directly on her nose, which held a 2 Canadian dollar coin against the wall.

Clink, clank, clank, went the coin into the glass.

"Just 7 minutes," Haley said disappointingly. "Not my desired 10 minutes. You fail. "

Darla began to cry. She had been sexually, abused, humiliated, punished, and had never experienced such torture before. She was surprised she made it this long without crying.

Haley let her cry. Crying was good for slaves. It reinforced their understanding it was hopeless for them to have hope. Or so said Canada's state training for slave owners.

"Back on your knees, face up," Haley commanded.

"Yes Mistress" Darla complied.

"You'll finish this punishment by licking my sweat and orgasm juices from my asshole."

Darla cried harder.

Haley stood backwards before Darla and bent over and held her own ankles. Looking around at Darla, she spreading her legs. Years of yoga made this position quite easy for her to hold.

"Be sure to lick away any of your tears that get on my ass too," Haley added. "I need to feel that you enjoy this. Begin!"

"Yes Mistress," Darla leaned forward, stuck out her tongue and tasted another woman's asshole for the very first time.

Haley allowed her fifteen minutes to make out with her asshole. Darla put as much feeling and effort into it as she could bring herself to do. Imagining she was making out with a previous boyfriend helped just a bit. She loved kissing him, they made out for hours. Certainly, this was not the same, but it was getting her through it.

When that was over, Darla was told to go clean up and await her lunch.

That afternoon Darla was made to watch hours of videos of lesbians having sex. Haley had her take notes on the various sex acts she observed.

After dinner, Haley had Darla perform various acts she had listed on a blow up doll. This was all meant to humiliate Darla, and also give Haley a sense of what acts she would have her perform on her next.

At 10 pm Darla was sent off to her sleeping with her alarm clock and schedule for tomorrow. Exhausted mentally more so than physically. The alarm set and tomorrow's schedule reviewed, she cried herself to sleep.

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GortmundyGortmundyabout 1 year ago

Your writing skills are fine, its a great story. My comment was more about my personal feelings about such things than your storytelling.

enraged8enraged8about 1 year agoAuthor

Gortmundy, thank you for for sharing your thoughts. Not being an accomplished writer, I’m just going by the seat of my pants in trying to created a state of inner conflict for Darla, the sex slave. Conflict in whether she should be complaint, or, begin to defy her situation and her mistress. Hopefully my writing skills will improve as the story continues where Darla’s inner conflict and their relationship experience peaks and valleys towards a yet to be determined conclusion.

GortmundyGortmundyabout 1 year ago

The Mistress forgets that a hopeless person also has nothing to live for, and might end up doing something desperate. Escape, suicide or murder spring to mind (I'd probably go with murder, but I'm just not very forgiving I guess). As the first commentor intimates, you catch more bees with honey than vinegar.

enraged8enraged8about 1 year agoAuthor

Anonymous, thank you for your thoughts. Rewards and punishment can both be erotic. I’ll certainly incorporate some of both here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Kind of hot, but dire and raw. I'm not sure I like the way she is treated. Maybe some cocaine and heroin will help. If you want a slut, win her over by her wanting to be one, with rewards, not punishment. Just like a dog.

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