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Carrvale Cougar Club Ch. 01

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The football moms want sex. And they know where to get it!
6.4k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 08/17/2024
Created 02/20/2024
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Carrvale Cougar Club -- Ch. 1

* * * * *

There were five of us in the booth, all of us either widowed or divorced, all of us with children. Molly Binns had twin sons, Mark and Jason, Mary Weston had a son, Peter, Jane Wiest had a son, Tony, and a daughter, Natalie, another pair of twins, Eloise Juarez had a son, Juan, and I have a son, Matthew, usually known as Matt. Me? I'm Elizabeth Johansen, usually known as Liz.

The reason we knew each other was the boys. They had all played for the high school football team, were all in the same year so were all 18 or 19, and none of them had a father at home. We five mothers had gravitated together as we were the only single-parent supporters who'd attended most if not all of the boys' games. We had all become friends and started going out together once a month or so a couple of years ago, usually for dinner, occasionally just for drinks. We were all close and our conversations ranged over everything, but sooner or later we always ended up mentioning sex. Or rather, our lack of it. It was early evening, the bar was quiet and there were no other customers anywhere close to us, which is probably what encouraged Jane to ask her question..

"When was the last time any of you got laid?" said Jane. "For me it was almost three years ago, just before my husband was killed in that crash." She grimaced. "I miss having a nice hard cock attached to a warm man in my pussy."

"Me, too," I said. "Jack was a great lover and our sex was regular and satisfying." My husband had been killed in the same accident that claimed Tony Wiest senior, for they worked for the same company and had been traveling home from a conference when the drunk in the stolen Mustang had hit them head on while being chased by the cops.

"I had a one-nighter about a year ago," said Eloise, a slight flush on her face, "when I was at that conference the company sent me to. Enjoyable, but only the once. The guy was married and lives on the other side of the country anyway. Problem is, it just reminded me of what I'm missing.

"Almost five years for me," said Molly, "a couple of years before my divorce when I found out my husband was cheating on me." She turned to Mary, the only one of us who hadn't answered yet. "What about you, Mary? How long for you?"

There was a pause, while Mary studied each of us, then seemed to come to a decision. "I want a promise from each of you that what I'm about to tell you is never repeated to anyone outside this group of us. Nobody, understand?"

I think I'm closest to Mary and I was the first to respond. "I so promise, Mary." One by one the others responded in similar terms, and Mary looked round at us all, then took a deep breath.

"You ask when did I last get laid?" she said. "Well, the answer to that is about a week ago. Before that, about three months, and before that, about another month. You're wondering who, aren't you? In confidence, ladies, they were friends of Peter. Yes, I'm their cougar, and I tell you girls, it's been some of the best sex I've ever had. You can't beat a teen or twenty-something for sheer enthusiasm." She paused, looking round at us, then laughed. "If you could only see your faces! I am encouraged, though, by the fact that I see mostly curiosity on your faces, not outrage."

"How did it start?" I asked, definitely curious about my friend.

"One of Peter's friends, Alan, called for him one evening, but Peter had just gone out for the evening with some other friends. I had just come out of the shower and was only wearing a robe. When I opened the door to see who had called, and recognized Alan, I invited him in rather than standing at the door in a robe, with my hair still damp. Well, as I turned after closing the door, the tie on the robe slipped and suddenly I was showing my all to him. All I could see in his expression was admiration. Long story short, I seduced him and got a very nice fuck from him. After he'd gone, I was a little appalled with myself but when I thought about it, I realized I'd not only enjoyed myself but I'd given a pleasant young man a damned good time. It took me a couple of days to work up the nerve, but I told Peter, only to learn that Alan had already confessed to him. To my surprise, Peter was okay with it and introduced me to a couple more of his friends, friends chosen for known discretion, and I got some more great sex from them. So that's my story, girls. Please don't judge me harshly."

Molly laughed. "I'm more jealous rather than judgmental, Mary."

"Me too," said Eloise.

"And me," said Jane.

I'd been thinking furiously and the others looked at me, wondering at my silence, not something I'm noted for. I grinned. "Yes, I'm jealous too, but I've had an idea."

"Which is?" said Molly.

"Between us we have six sons, all known as trustworthy, because we raised them that way. All of similar age, legally adult. Obviously we'd have to get their agreement, but the thought occurred to me that we could set up a rota and invite the boys to have sex with us, maybe once a week. We'd each have five different lovers over a five week period, or whichever period we decide on.

"Five, not six?" said Jane

"It's only six if you include your own son," said Mary, laughing.

"Oops!" said Jane, laughing in her turn.

I glanced around at the others, seeing only interest and curiosity on their faces. "I think I see interest on your faces, ladies. Okay, we could try to pick up some young men, but I'd rather have someone I've known for a few years, than a total stranger. We've all looked after ourselves, so the boys would be getting some attractive older women. Any thoughts, gang?"

There was a general discussion for a while, but all of us were interested in the idea, the thought of regular sex after a desert being rather appealing to us.

"How do we go about this?" said Eloise.

"I think we have to tell our sons, and ask if they're interested in regular sex with older women, no commitment except an evening of their time every so often," said Jane, thoughtfully. "Although I think Tony will be interested, because I know he likes older women. Not sure what to tell Natalie, though."

"Is she sexually active?" said Molly.

"She's not virgin, I know that," said Jane, "but she doesn't have a regular boyfriend at the moment."

"Tell her, too," said Molly. "She might have ideas we can use," she added, laughing.

"Okay, then," I said. "Next step is to tell our boys, and Natalie, and see if they're interested, then get together again to report back. After that we'll organize a meeting of everybody and put some house rules in place. After that, well, all being well, we play!" I laughed. "I think we just inaugurated the Carrvale Cougar Club." Carrvale? That's the suburb where we all live. "It's my round, so let's freshen our drinks and drink a toast to the CCC."

Back home that evening, I was surprised to see Matt. He usually went out with friends of an evening, especially so now he'd graduated high school and was waiting to start a computer science degree course at our local college. He'd chosen to go to the local college because he didn't want to leave me alone, and wouldn't have to pay for somewhere to live, two arguments that I thought were valid. I was ready to let him go, but I wasn't upset he'd chosen to stay at home. Anyway, as I said, I was surprised to find him at home.

"Hi, honey," I said as I closed the door after I let myself into the house. "I thought you'd be out tonight."

He hugged me and kissed my cheek, his usual greeting if I'd been out for the evening. "I was out, earlier, but Kevin seems to have picked up a cold and was sneezing all the time, so we broke up early. Do you want a coffee, or a cocoa or something?"

"Thanks, sweetheart, but no. I think I'll have a whiskey." I always keep a bottle of bourbon in the house, usually Jim Beam, and I treated myself to the occasional Scottish single malt, my current choices being between a 15 year old Dalwhinnie, and a 10 year old Laphroaig. I poured myself a Dalwhinnie, then turned to Matt.

"Honey, there's something we need to talk about, and it's serious, although it could turn out very pleasant for you. I know you're legally under age but would you like a whiskey?"

Surprised, but pleased, he nodded. "Please, Mom. I'll have a Jim Beam. You pour it, I'll fetch some water." And he was back in moments with a little jug I kept for exactly this purpose, water for adding to whiskey. He added a generous slosh to the glass I handed him and I added a small amount to my own glass. I went over to the couch and sat myself down, took a sip of my Dalwhinnie and set my glass down on the coffee table. Matt took his usual armchair, putting his glass on the occasional table beside the chair. He turned to me, and I proceeded to blow his mind.

"Matt, honey, does the idea of sex with a woman of my age appeal to you or repel you? Honest answer, please, because it's important," I said, suppressing a laugh at the expression on his face. However, he rallied quickly.

"It would depend on who it was, Mom, but in general the idea appeals. I reckon an older woman could teach me a lot about sex."

There was a notepad and pencil on the coffee table. I kept it there for impromptu shopping lists and the like. I picked it up, passing it and the pencil to Matt. "Write me a list, please, of the older women living locally who you'd like to find in your bed. Widows and divorcees only, please. Let's not think about ruining someone's marriage."

"Are you serious, Mom?"

"Absolutely. Come on, honey, write me a little list, please."

"Okay, Mom, give me a minute or two to think."

It was maybe ten minutes later when he finished adding names to to the list. I'd noticed that he'd written three or four names down almost immediately, then taken some thinking time before adding the last few. He studied his list for a moment, then passed the notepad across to me.

"There you are, Mom, my list of the older women I'd like to find in my bed, ready for sex."

"Thanks, honey. A moment while I read through your list," I said, and dropped my eyes to his list. The first few were names I'd hoped to see -- Jane, Molly, Eloise, but he'd also written Candace Winter and Ellen Trainor, and at the bottom he'd written, 'most of all, you, Mom', and that gave me a sudden pulse in my pussy area.

Matt was looking decidedly anxious and I smiled at him. "I don't think the last name on your list is going to be in your bed any time soon, but I won't completely rule out the possibility," I said, acknowledging to myself that occasionally I fantasized about fucking my own son. But that's all it was at the moment, a fantasy.

"You mean, there's a chance?"

"A very slim one, but yes, there's a chance. Now, these other names on your list. I can see why you'd add Candace, after all she's only in her early thirties but her children are too young, and Ellen Trainor is out because she's childless. I think you have a very good chance of getting into bed with Jane, Molly and Eloise, and also Mary Weston."

"I'd forgotten Mary," said Matt. "or I'd have included her. Mom, tell me, please, what is this all about? Am I going to get the chance to fuck one of these women, or not?"

"Possibly all of them, not just one, but it depends on what their sons say," I said, grinning at the surprise on his face. "At the moment, or soon, Molly, Mary, Jane and Eloise will be asking their sons pretty much the same questions I've just asked you, except that the other boys' lists will include my name."

"Are you telling me that Peter Weston, say, will get the chance to fuck you, but I won't?"

"Sorry, honey, but yes."

"What's this all about, Mom?"

"We were chatting tonight and out of the blue Jane Wiest asked when was the last time one of us got laid. It was mostly a matter of years but one of us -- I won't say who -- said last week, then admitted it had been one of her son's friends. Well that got us talking and we came to the conclusion that we should ask our boys if they were interested in having sex with us older women. If they were, and I think it's a strong possibility, we should set up a rota that would give us all regular sex."

"I think it's a fucking certainty, Mom, excuse my French. Tony Wiest and I were talking about which of the women we know we'd like to fuck only last week and he said if he ever got a chance at you he'd be there like a shot. Have to admit, Jane Wiest is a tasty number, too, but you're still my first choice." He paused for a moment, then took a deep breath. "If I'm going to let these guys fuck my mom, I think I should be allowed to fuck you first. No-one but us need ever know."

My mind had been whirling since Matt had passed me his list and I saw myself on it. Too, I remembered my own fantasy about fucking my son, and I realized that I was seriously thinking about doing it. But first I needed to either get myself back on the pill, or acquire a new contraceptive diaphragm or -- wait a moment!

"Matt, honey, have you got any condoms?"

"Yeah, Mom, two, I think. Why do you ask?" he said, but I reckoned I could see hope in his expression.

"How long have you fantasized about fucking me?"

"Since I first found out what erections are for," he said, laughing.

"How often do you masturbate, and we both know you do, don't we? There are some things you can't hide from the woman who does your laundry."

"Pretty much every day, Mom. Sometimes twice a day."

"And when you do, how often are you thinking about fucking me?"

"Almost every time, Mom. Aunt Lucy occasionally, but usually you." Lucy is my younger sister.

"Time I confessed, I think," I said.

"Confess, Mom? About what?"

"Masturbation. I masturbate, too. Not every night, but quite often, and when I do I'm imagining that it's you who is fucking me. Have done for about a year now, since I almost caught you jacking off one night and saw the size of your cock."

"Oh, wow."

"Wow is right, honey. I was impressed." I studied him. "Matt, honey, if I let you fuck me you must promise me that you won't ever tell anybody."

"I promise, Mom. I will never tell anyone, except with your express permission."

"Amendment noted. Except with my express permission."

"Absolutely, Mom. I promise."

"Okay, honey. It's almost ten, so finish your whiskey and we'll go to bed together and you can fuck me. Now I've finally admitted to myself that I want to fuck you, suddenly I'm eager."

"No more than me, Mom," said Matt, draining his glass. He held his hand out. "Finish your drink, Mom, and I'll wash your glass. Um, whose bed are we using?"

"Mine, it's bigger than yours." I gestured. "Brush your teeth, and come into my bedroom naked, with an erection. Yes, I'm kinky," I said, with a laugh at the surprise on his face. "This time, you can undress me before we fuck. Don't forget the condoms. Tomorrow, after work, I'll go to the clinic and get myself back on the pill. I'll get a new diaphragm as well."

"You mean this isn't a one time thing. It will happen again?"

"Honey, now I've finally admitted to myself that I want my son to fuck me, I'm going to want your cock in my pussy quite often. Mind you, if the Carrvale Cougar Club gets going, you'll be in someone else's bed at least once a week, and someone other than you will be in mine."

"The Carrvale Cougar Club, eh? Who are the members?"

"So far, me, Molly, Mary, Jane and Eloise. Whether there will be other members in the future I don't know, but we five for starters."

"You know something, Mom. I think my cock and I are going to enjoy ourselves."

"I hope so, honey, I certainly hope so."

"The five of you are all very attractive older women, Mom. I think the other guys are going to say yes. I can see problems, though. Mark Binns and Juan Juarez have both got steady girlfriends."

"Good point, son, but there may be a way round that problem, especially if the sex rendezvous night is midweek." I shrugged. "Time will tell. But for now, let's go to bed."

"Best invitation I've heard for ages," said Matt, laughing.

We separated at the top of the stairs, Matt into his bedroom, me into mine. I went into my bathroom, pulled my panties down and gave my pussy area a quick and careful wash. Dried, I pulled my panties back on and sat on my bed to wait for Matt. Erect, I'd told him, and I had a sudden wicked thought. I took my phone from my purse and set it for the camera, ready to take a shot. There was a tap on my door.

"Come on in, son," I said, and a smiling Matt, a naked, smiling Matt, a naked, smiling Matt sporting a very impressive erection, came into my bedroom, pausing in surprise as I raised my phone to take a photo.

"Mom! What are you doing?"

"Getting myself a reminder," I said, quickly taking his photo. "Profile shot, please. Let's get John Thomas his moment in the limelight. That's it," I said as Matt did a quarter turn so that he was side on to me, his erection proud and firm before him. "Don't worry, son, no-one but you and me will see these pictures. You can take a couple of me once I'm naked."

"Oh, yes, please!"

"First, though, you undress me," I said, standing and laying my phone on the bed, "but I want to be kissed before we start, kissed as a lover, not a mother." I held out my arms and Matt moved eagerly into my embrace as I raised my lips to his. The kiss was long, hot, our tongues dueling in the arena of our mouths, definitely not the sort of kiss a mother should be sharing with her son, which is probably why I was enjoying it so much. Eventually we broke it and I looked up into Matt's eyes.

"Okay, baby. Undress me." A task which he relished, and which I enjoyed enormously. First, he unbuttoned my blouse and pushed it back off my shoulders, so that I could let it slide down my arms. I caught it before it fell to the floor and tossed it onto my bedroom chair. My skirt was next, unbuttoned, unzipped and discarded in about five seconds. That left me in just bra and panties, because I wasn't wearing stockings or pantyhose in the summer heat.

"My bra is front-fastening, sweetheart," I murmured, and Matt's hands changed direction. It only took him a moment to loosen the catch and I wondered idly who he'd practiced on. He gently pulled the bra open and pushed it back off my shoulders and I let it slide down my arms, catching it with one finger and tossing it to join my blouse on the chair. There was an awed look on Matt's face as he studied me.

"Sheesh, Mom, your tits are fucking awesome."

"Thank you, son." I'm not particularly big in the boobs department, a 35B, but I've always been happy with the way they sat on my chest, and their shape, and I was pleased that my young lover-to-be liked them. "Now my panties, baby."

The work of moments, and then I was naked for the first time in front of my son. I held my arms out and gave him a twirl. "Well, how do I look?"

"Absolutely fucking gorgeous, Mom, absolutely gorgeous. Pass me your phone, please, or should I fetch my camera?"

"Get your camera, and bring your tripod and the remote release. If we're going to have pictures, let's get some good ones."

"Okay, Mom, back in a moment," he said, and grinned. "And this time I'll fetch the condoms as well, eh?"

I laughed. "Yes, son, you do that."

He was back in less than a minute, camera, tripod and remote release. I'd bought him a Nikon D5600 DSLR for his 18th birthday, and he'd taken to it like a duck to water, producing some excellent images. I didn't think he'd shot any nudes yet, but that omission was going to be rectified 'real soon now'.

"Here, Mom," he said, and passed me two little foil packets. Ah, yes, the condoms. I laid them on my bedside cabinet, ready. Matt held up the camera. "Ready to model, Mom?"


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