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Carrvale Cougar Club Ch. 04

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Liz and Matt, Jane, Tony and Natalie get together.
6.5k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 08/17/2024
Created 02/20/2024
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I didn't bother setting the alarm, but we woke more or less together, and just cuddled for a while, until Matt said, "Would you pass me your dildo, Mom?" I laughed, and passed him the lurid pleasure toy, rewarded twenty-five minutes later by him bringing me to a crashing orgasm with his mouth and a surprisingly skillful application of my dildo.

"Shower?" I said when I'd got my breath back, and we enjoyed a pleasant interlude of titty-squeeze and cock-fondle, eventually settling for breakfast at about ten o'clock. Then, at ten minutes to twelve, we set off on the short walk to Jane's house. She must have seen us coming, because the door was opened as we walked up the path, and a smiling Jane greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She closed the door then turned to Matt, holding out her arms.

"From you, honey, I want a kiss, and I want to be kissed as your soon-to-be lover, not as your mom's friend or your friend's mom. Okay?"

Matt grinned. "Very," he said, and took Jane in his arms. It was a long kiss, a hot kiss, and they were both breathing heavily when they parted. Jane grinned at me.

"If he fucks as well as he kisses. I think I'm going to have a very nice time today."

"Well, in my experience, he does, honey."

She laughed. "Soon find out. Come on through. I've done a prawn salad for our lunch and the plates are on the table waiting for us. A glass of wine each, too, but only the one. We don't want performance blunted. And Tony and Natalie both expect to be kissed, which is why only I came to the door to welcome you.

Tony and Natalie were both waiting in the living room and stood to welcome us as we went in. I went straight to Tony and held out my hands to him.

"Hi, lover. Kiss me, please, kiss me like you mean it." And he did, taking me in his arms as I lifted my lips for his kiss. A long kiss, a hot kiss, tongues dueling in the arena of our mouths, a kiss of want, of desire, and when we broke it I knew for certain that this particular young man very definitely wanted me. I smiled up at him as we broke the kiss.

"If you fuck as well as you kiss, lover, I will be one very happy woman today."

"I'll do my very best, Liz, you can be certain of that."

I glanced to my right to see Natalie and Matt breaking their kiss, Natalie looking happy and Matt slightly stunned. I guessed that Natalie's kiss had been a hot one, too. She turned to me and gave me a hug, kissing my cheek, as Matt and Tony greeted each other.

"Okay, folks, let's eat!" said Jane. She'd set the table so that I was between Tony and Natalie, with her and Matt sitting opposite, and we all tucked in to the salad with relish. She served ice-cream for dessert and by ten minutes to one, we'd all finished. Jane turned to me.

"Will you give me a hand with the dishes, please, Liz. You kids go into the sitting room, we won't be long."

"Of course," I said, and Jane and I cleared the table as the three teens went into the sitting room. I had a feeling that Jane wanted to tell me something privately and as soon as the dishes and cutlery were in the dishwasher she turned to me and took my hands.

"How are we going to do this, honey, separate, or play together down here?"

"I think this first time, we separate. Tony and me to his room, you and Matt to your room. Natalie? Well, I assume you and Natalie have already decided where Natalie goes, yes?"

Jane nodded. "Yes, Natalie comes in with me and Matt. Okay, we separate for our first fuck. Once that's over, what then?

I grinned. "We stay naked and assemble in the living room. Then we can do what we all decide on, maybe fuck our own sons, or each other's son, or we eat out each other's pussy, or whatever we want to do."

"Are you serious about the pussy eating?" said Jane, "because if you are, my answer is an unqualified yes! It's ages since I had my pussy eaten by another woman. I think Natalie will, eventually, but Natalie is still on a learning curve, sexually, although she gives Tony a good time when they fuck."

"Okay, then. After that first, sort of private, fuck, we stay naked, and assemble in the sitting room, then me and you, we sixty-nine and eat other out. I suspect the boys will be hard after seeing that and we'll get a nice second fuck each. Does Natalie have a dildo?"

"Yes, she does."

"And you?"

"Two, actually."

"I brought mine, too. After we eat other other out, you, me and Natalie can have a dildo race, see who comes first. That will definitely have the boys raring to go."

"That's a fucking certainty, Liz. How much of this do we tell the others?"

"Only that we think our first fuck should be private, so that we can concentrate on our partner, but that after it's done, we stay naked and assemble in the living room to play."

"You are a devious, cunning witch, Elizabeth Johansen. I love it! Come on, let's tell the others."

The three teens looked up expectantly as Jane and I returned to the sitting room. Jane looked around at the three, holding each of their gazes for a moment.

"Okay, gang, this is the plan. Tony, you take Liz up to your room and give her a good time, okay?"

"Sure thing, Mom," he said, with a broad grin and a wink for me.

"Matt? You come with me to my room and give me a good time, okay?"

"Absolutely," said Matt with a mile wide grin.

"What about me, Mom?" said Natalie. "Do I still come in with you and Matt? Or do I just wait down here for you?"

Jane turned to Matt. "Your decision, lover. Does Natalie come in with us, or wait down here?"

"Natalie is very welcome to come in with us," said Matt, "if that is what Natalie wants."


"Okay," said Jane. "Next step. Once that first fuck is finished, and we've recovered, we stay naked and the five of us meet up in the sitting room to plan the next step. Is everyone okay with that?"

There was a chorus of assent and I turned to Tony. "Lead the way, lover." He grinned and took my hand, and led me up the stairs and into his bedroom. He ushered me in and closed the door behind us.

"How do you want to do this, Liz?"

"First, come here and kiss me. Then, I want you to undress me. Then I'll undress you, and then? Then you slide your erection into my pussy and we fuck!"

"Yes, ma'am," he said, taking me into his arms and bending his head to kiss me. A long kiss, a hot kiss, and we were both breathing heavily when we broke it.

"Okay, lover, undress me!"

He reached out and took the hem of my light sweater in his hands, then lifted it up and eased it off over my head placing it carefully on his bedroom chair. My skirt was next, leaving me in a half-cup bra with matching skimpy panties, and a pair of grip-top tan stockings.

"The bra fastens at the front, sweetheart," I said, and his hands came up to unfasten it.. Once it was open he pushed it back off my shoulders and I caught it on a finger and placed it on top of the little pile of my clothes.

"Now, my panties," I said, holding my breath as he worked the wisp of cotton and nylon off and down my legs. That left only the stockings.

"Do you want to take my stockings off, or shall I keep them on?" I said, with a smile.

"Keep them on, please. You look absolutely fucking sexy in nothing except stockings," he said, his voice shaking a little.

"Thank you, honey. Okay, now you," I said. Tony was wearing t-shirt and shorts, and I reached out to take the hem of his t-shirt, raising it up and pressing forward slightly so that my nipples rubbed over his chest as I lifted the t-shirt off over his head. The button and zip of his shorts were next and I gasped as the shorts fell around his feet. No undershorts!

"Ooh, commando! I like!"

He gave me a shaky grin. "I wanted to be ready."

"And you almost are," I said, giving his almost complete erection a little squeeze. Ooh, lovely. I broke away and lay myself on the bed.

"This first time, Tony, plain, vanilla missionary, please. I want to look in your eyes when you come in me for our first time."

"But not our last?"

"Fuck, I hope not." I wriggled up the bed a little until my head was comfortably resting on the pillows, then spread my legs.

"Okay, lover, slide that lovely cock of yours into my pussy and let's fuck!"

He grinned. "Yes, ma'am!" he said, and a few moments later I felt the broad, blunt head of his cock pressing into me. I was wet, very wet, and he only had to withdraw and press back into me a couple of times before his balls were up against my ass and his whole length was buried in my pussy. I squeezed down on him with my internal muscles and he grinned down at me.

"Okay, lover," I said, "let's fuck!"

I'd like to say that it was a celebration of sexual congress, but the truth of it is that we were both so excited by this first encounter that it was more of a rut. And none the worse for that, and it wasn't long before I felt my orgasm building as he thrust into me, followed a few strokes later by a spasm of pure pleasure as my orgasm hit me.

"Oh, fuck! I'm coming!" I yelled as sensation swept over me, "Keep going!" I cried, as my pussy did its best to drain his balls. And keep going he did, for another twenty or twenty-five strokes before he cried out in triumph as his cock blasted his jizz into my still-spasming pussy, his hips working to try to get his cock further into me.

Long moments later, we stilled, still breathing heavily, and I stretched up to kiss him.

"Thank you, lover, that was one of the best fucks I've ever had. Definitely in my top three, along with Matt's dad, and Matt, too."

"And thank you, Liz. You're in my top three, too, along with Mom and Natalie. I'm not giving away any secrets, am I, because I know you and Mom have been pretty candid with each other." He sighed. "Time for me to pull out, I think," he said, and I stifled a sense of loss as I felt his wilting cock leave my pussy. "Hang on a sec and I'll get a cloth and towel for you to wipe yourself," he said, disappearing into his little bathroom, just room for toilet, hand-basin and shower cubicle, back in moments with a warmly damp wash cloth and a hand towel.

Conscious that I was expecting to feel Jane's mouth on my pussy in the near future, I tried not to wipe too much of Tony's semen away, before I passed the cloth and towel to Tony, who quickly wiped himself down, then returned the cloth and towel to the bathroom.

When he came back out, I stood, reaching out to give him a hug. "I'm looking forward to more of that in the future, lover. I enjoyed it."

"Me, too," he said, with a happy grin, "and I definitely want to do it again."

"Ready to face the others?"

"I guess so," he said. "We stay naked?"

"That's the plan. Okay if I leave my clothes here for the moment?"


I picked up my purse -- after all, my dildo was inside -- and reached for his hand. "Okay, lover, let's go," I said, and we made our way downstairs, and into the sitting room. We were the first ones there, but only by a couple of minutes before the other three came in, Matt holding both Jane and Natalie by the hand.

This was my first chance to study Jane and Natalie naked, and I took full advantage. Jane is almost exactly the same height as me, but I think she's about an inch or so bigger than me in bust and waist, about the same in the hips. Natalie? Younger, slimmer, with less droop in her tits than me or Jane. A very attractive young lady, in fact, and I saw that both Natalie and her mom had shaved their pussies.

Jane grinned at me. "And how was my son?"

"Wonderful fuck," I said. Tony grinned and Jane laughed. "And how was my son." I said, and Jane grinned.

"Fucking-A!" she said, "absolutely fucking-A!" She came over and hugged me. "Ready for some pussy munching?" she murmured.

"Yes," I replied. "Do you want to be on your back, or your knees?"

"Neither. Let's lay on our sides."

"Duh. Why didn't I think of that?"


"Yes," I said, and we went to our knees, then lay on our sides, each of us with our upper leg cocked to let the other access her pussy.

I leaned in and breathed deeply. Female musk overlaid with male semen. I stretched out my tongue and licked along Jane's slit, then wriggled a little closer, stifling a moan as Jane's tongue traveled the length of my own slit.

"Wow, floor show, gang," said Matt, and there was a 'wow' from Tony and a moan from Natalie. I heard a murmured conversation and the next thing I knew, Matt was laying next to me, his cock in Natalie's mouth, while Tony slid under her spread legs so that he could eat her pussy.

"Way to go, kid," I said, and Matt grinned at me. I stifled a gasp as Jane's tongue probed my depths and concentrated on getting my own tongue deep in her, tasting the mixture of her pussy juice and Matt's semen, enjoying the flavor.

It soon became more of an operation to bring Jane to climax than to clean out her pussy, and I was conscious that Jane's efforts were moving in a similar direction, working to bring me to climax. Jane's tongue was skilled, and I wondered idly if she'd practiced on Natalie, or someone else, but filed the thought away to ask her later. Whatever, I knew if wouldn't be long before I came and I concentrated on bringing Jane to climax.

I came first, and when I came, it was violent and satisfying in its intensity and I was shaking in my release, but I managed to keep my mouth working on Jane's pussy, rewarded a little later with her cries of ecstasy as I brought her to her peak.

Gradually, we calmed, and broke apart, moving to the couch so that we could sit and watch the youngsters.

"You've eaten pussy before," I said, giving Jane a quick kiss. "Whose? Natalie's?"

"No, I haven't eaten Natalie, not yet, although I plan to, in the near future. Maybe while Tony fucks me from behind. No, it was my roommate at college. We swore off boys until after our final exams, but we were both horny, so we experimented. Sally and I both got quite good at pussy munching."

I laughed. "I can testify to that!" then glanced across at the three youngsters as Natalie cried out, letting Matt slip from her mouth as she came from the attentions of Tony's mouth. Quickly, I went to my knees beside Natalie.

"I'll take over, honey," I said, and Matt wriggled backwards until I could get my mouth to his erection, but I wanted more and moved so that I could lower my pussy onto his hardness, fucking him steadily until with a cry of triumph he blasted his jizz up into my grasping pussy.

"Way to go, Liz," said Jane, then moaned as Tony's cock slid into her pussy. I laughed.

"Way to go, Jane!"

Matt's cock was still in my pussy, but shrinking now, and I bent to give him a quick, hot kiss, then lifted myself off him.

"Thanks, stud," I said, and Matt grinned. We both glanced across at where Tony was steadily fucking his mother, Natalie with her eyes glued on them. Despite having come in me not long before, it wasn't long before Tony was gasping out as his climax hit him and he blasted his jizz into Jane's depths. It took him a little while to recover, but eventually he sat back on his heels, his cock softening.

"You didn't come that time, Mom," said Natalie.

"No," said Jane, "but there's plenty of time."

"I was watching you and Liz before, so let's see if I can do this," said Natalie. "Give me room, little brother," she said -- she was the older of the twins, by ten minutes -- and as Tony moved aside Natalie lowered her mouth to Jane's just-filled pussy and began to eat her mother out.

"Oh, yes, baby," Jane murmured, stroking Natalie's head as her daughter's mouth moved on her. Matt and I sat ourselves on the couch and watched as Natalie learned her way around her mom's pussy, Matt idly playing with my tits as I leaned back against him.

Tony moved across to where Matt and I were playing and settled beside us. He leaned closer.

"Matt? I don't think Natalie's been fucked yet, has she?"

Matt pondered for a moment, then shook his head. "No, I don't think she has, so what shall we do about it?" he said with a grin.

"As soon as she's finished eating Mom, you go across and ask her to fuck. If you fuck her doggy style, she might let me fuck her mouth." Tony laughed. "I don't think I've got more than about one fuck left in me for today."

I laughed, and both boys looked at me in curiosity. I leaned across and kissed Tony, then winked. "I might take that as a challenge, but Natalie's needs come first, yes."

I sat back, enjoying the feel of Matt's hands on my tits, Tony's hand warm on my thigh, and we watched in contented silence as Natalie brought her mother to climax, rewarded by Jane's tight scream as her orgasm washed over her. As she calmed, she reached for Natalie's hand, tugging her daughter closer, and mother and daughter lost themselves in a long, deep kiss. As they broke apart, Tony and Matt stood and moved across to the two women.

"Natalie? Sis? You haven't been fucked today yet, have you?

Natalie shook her head. "No, I haven't, except by my dildo in bed this morning. Are you guys offering?"

"We are, yes," said Matt. "We thought that if you knelt on a cushion, I could fuck you doggy style from behind, while Tony fucks your mouth. What do you say?"

Natalie laughed. "What the fuck do you think I say? I say yes!" She moved across to where I sat on the couch and grinned at me.

"Move along a little, please, Liz, I'm going to use one of these main cushions if I'm kneeling. The scatter cushions are too small." The couch had three main cushions and Natalie took one from the end furthest away from me and dropped it on the floor about a yard from my feet. She winked at me.

"You'll get a good view," she murmured, then dropped to her knees on the cushion. "Okay, guys, I'm ready."

Matt and Tony grinned at each other and came across. It had probably been watching Natalie and Jane that did it but both boys were sporting steady erections.

"No need for foreplay," said Natalie. "I'm wet and ready, so have at it, guys." Moments later, Matt was on his knees behind her, lining up his target, moving smoothly forward and sliding his cock into Natalie's pussy in a smooth, single motion and I reflected idly that, yes, Natalie was definitely wet and ready.

Tony had dropped to his knees in front of Natalie and as he shuffled forwards she opened her mouth and took Tony's cock inside. I was aware of movement and Jane came across to sit beside me, leaning across to give me a quick kiss.

"Enjoying yourself?" she murmured.

"Very much," I said, kissing her back. "You?"

"Oh, yes! I must return the favor by eating Natalie sometime soon."

"Maybe after the boys have finished with her," I said. "In the meantime, let's enjoy the floor show."

And it was enjoyable watching as both boys' cocks moved smoothly in and out of Natalie's mouth and pussy. I noticed that she had one hand between her legs, playing with her clit, and I didn't think it would be long before she came, wondering idly if one or other of the boys might come first, but no, it was Natalie who came first, a tight scream issuing around Tony's cock. I think the spasms of Natalie's pussy stimulated Matt's orgasm and I saw the now familiar climactic rictus on his face as he pounded Natalie's pussy as he came. It would have taken an ice-cold superman not to be affected by the double climax and Tony made it three as his semen sprayed into Natalie's mouth and throat.

Jane turned to me. "Wow!" she murmured.

"Wow indeed," I said, and we two mothers watched in awed silence as our offspring climaxed together near our feet. Gradually the three of them stilled and the two boys pulled out and sat back on their heels, while Natalie collapsed flat on the cushion.

Jane moved, and dropped to her knees beside her daughter. "Turn over, sweetheart, Momma wants to taste your sweet pussy."

"Oh, please, Mom," said Natalie, wriggling over onto her back. Matt obligingly moved out of Jane's way and she lowered her head to her daughter's freshly fucked pussy. I saw her tongue come out to lave Natalie's slit then turned to Matt as he sat himself beside me.


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