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Cassie's Tasks Pt. 03

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Cassie completes her third task.
9.7k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/23/2019
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The second task had turned up better for Cassie than the Jacksons.

They had tried to win points with Mrs. Jackson's grandfather by making Cassie strip as a birthday present for him. Instead they had provided her a building full of new friends and admirers.

What's more because of a favor she did for JB's best friend Archie, Cassie had been given the means to buy her first car.

However despite how well the second task of six had turned out Cassie knew the Jacksons were undoubtedly plotting something else to torment her. And she was correct.

Monday evening Cassie was studying in her room when Madeline Jackson called. So with a heavy heart Cassie picked up the phone.

"Cassie, dear, how great to hear you voice," Mrs. Jackson said hypocritically. "Doug and I were hoping you could drop by tomorrow for a chat."

Knowing she didn't have the option of refusing Cassie agreed to come by after school.

Usually Tuesdays at college crawled by for the students, but for Cassie the day went by in blur. All to soon she found herself standing on the porch of a house she had come to loathe.

Mr. Jackson answered her knock. Before inviting her inside he paused in the doorway and carefully surveyed her body. Only after subjecting Cassie to this embarrassing examination did he step aside and motion her inside. As she entered he reached his arm out and slapped her ass.

Slapping his hand away she said furiously, "There's only so far I'm prepared to go to keep those pictures and videos secret and you're pushing the limit. Keep you hands to yourself, mister."

Any retort on his part was quashed by Mrs. Jackson walking into the room. Sensing the tension she asked if there was anything she ought to know about.

Her husband quickly said that it was all a misunderstanding.

Cassie neither confirmed or denied what he said. However she suspected he would be in for a detailed cross-examination after she left.

Pressing on, Mrs. Jackson invited Cassie to take a seat in the living room. Cassie choose an armchair to ensure Mr. Jackson would have to keep his distance.

"Dear," Mrs. Jackson began. "Friday the three of us are going to the Beef Barn restaurant for dinner. Won't that be fun."

Cassie was thinking that place is rumored to be very expensive. Why would they invite me there.

As if reading her mind, Mrs. Jackson continued, "However it's a very expensive restaurant and we really can't afford to eat there. Therefore you'll be treating us to dinner.

"WHAT?!," Cassie exclaimed.

"Yes, dear, you'll be treating us to dinner at the Beef Barn."

"I don't have any money," she protested. They didn't know that Archie had bequeathed her a check for $10,000.00 which she was keeping in her locked desk at home.

"Oh, silly girl, we don't expect you to pay for our dinner. We expect you to get naked and cause such a scene that they throw us out. After dinner of course."

"You want me to strip naked in a crowded restaurant and get the management to throw us all out without charging us?" Cassie asked uncertainly.

Turning to her husband, Mrs. Jackson said, "See, dear. I told you she would understand and you thought she might say no. Especially not when she wants to keep our little secret to ourselves."

"Do you have any suggestions how I'm supposed to get naked short of doing a striptease act and at the same time avoid being arrested? Not to mention at the same time create such a scene so, so, so something that we'll all be thrown out?" Cassie asked. In Cassie's asking the Jacksons knew she would be doing it.

"Oh it won't be that much of a challenge. You only have to get us thrown out. You can stay and do dishes to pay for our meal if you prefer," Mr. Jackson said snidely.

"You'll figure something out, Cassie. I have faith in you. We'll pick you up around five o'clock. That should put us at the restaurant about six. You should have a nice crowd for your performance. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." And with that Cassie took her leave.

That night she didn't sleep at all. The next morning borrowed her mom's car and went over to the assisted living center where JB and her new friends lived.

Once in JB's room she told him what the Jacksons wanted her to do.

When she finished JB said, "So you're going to the Beef Barn. I may have an answer. Give me a day to see what I can arrange."

Following this discussion they talked about others things including JB's recommendations for what kind of car Cassie should buy. Just before lunch was served Cassie took her leave telling JB she'd be waiting for his call.

When she got home Thursday evening there was a message for her to call JB. Since she had the number in his room she dialed him direct.

"Please tell me you came up with a solution," she implored once he was on the line.

"When the three of you get there tomorrow night tell Madeline that you'll speak to the hostess. Tell her that you are the Buff party. She will know what to do. When the check is presented excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. Once inside take off your clothes and hide them in the trash can. That way even if someone walks in after you leave you'll know they'll still be there. Go back to the table and take your seat. The waitress will undoubtedly summon the manager and he'll throw the Jacksons out."

"But what about me," Cassie asked obviously concerned.

"It gets a little murky there, but everything will be okay in the end. I promise," JB replied. Then he added, "Do you trust me?"

"JB, I am so scared about this I just don't know what to do. Still I believe that while you might orchestrate some stunt like you did at Archie's funeral, you won't let anything bad happen to me. So yes, I'll trust you and do what you said. Thank you for your help."

"Don't thank me yet. You don't know how this is going to turn out," JB advised.

All day Friday Cassie was on pins and needles. She couldn't concentrate in school and flubbed the answer to a simple question in chemistry. Her instructor's remark to the effect that she needed a brain to go with her body didn't help.

She borrowed her mom's black dress to wear. She told her mom that she liked it's elegant simplicity. Truthfully she picked it because the open back design meant she couldn't wear a brasserie. That way there was one less article of clothing to remove when her big moment arrived and it avoided leaving bra marks on her skin. She might be going to end up naked tonight, but she wasn't going to be walking around the restaurant with lines in her skin.

After making that decision it struck her as hilarious the things to go through one's mind when in a stressful situation.

Adding to her anxiety the Jacksons were ten minutes late arriving at her house. Mr. Jackson came to the door to get her. After telling her mom good night she walked to car. When they reached the halfway point he reached down and patted her butt again.

Cassie whirled around, put her finger in his face, and said, "You touch me one more time and I'll break your fingers. And then I'll tell you wife the shit you're pulling."

Her warning that she would break his fingers didn't seem to bother him, but the threat to tell Mrs. Jackson shook him up. He quickly promised not to do it again.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet as everyone was occupied with their own thoughts.

When they arrived Cassie told Mrs. Jackson to let her out at the door and she would talk to the hostess while they parked the car.

Once inside the hostess walked up and welcomed her to the Beef Barn. Following JB's instructions Cassie introduced herself as part of the Buff party. The hostess nodded her understanding. When the Jacksons arrived the hostess escorted them around to the left and into a separate section.

The room was shaped somewhat like a baseball stadium. It featured a stage where home plate would be and the tables arranged in semi-circular rows in front of it. The tables were staggered so every other row was placed in the spaces between the next closer row to allow an open view of the stage. The back of the room was also circular and had a series of booths lining it.

Cassie's group was seated in the outermost row of tables, separated by an aisle from the booths.

The hostess told them Sandra would be their server and she would be with them in a minute.

Cassie was distressed to see that nearly every table and booth were occupied.

Sandra appeared shortly and took their drink order. The Jacksons each ordered drinks. Cassie asked for ice water.

When Sandra brought the drinks she recited the specials and ask what they wanted.

Mrs. Jackson ordered the filet mignon, cooked with just a hint of pink left; baked potatoes with sour cream and chives; and baby peas. When Sandra turned to Mr. Jackson, Mrs. Jackson said he'd have the same thing.

Cassie went with a simple salad with ranch dressing on the side. Her stomach was too tense to risk anything heavier.

Cassie's lack of desire to talk played into Mrs. Jackson's hands since she enjoyed the sound of her own voice.

When Sandra brought the check Cassie excused herself and made her way to the women's room. Stepping into one of the booths she steeled her nerves and did what JB had told her to do. She pulled the dress off over her head and hung it on the stall hook. Then she slid her thong down and pulled it off. Afterwards she rolled the dress up with the thong inside.

It took every ounce of her resolve, but when the room was empty she opened the stall door and stepped out. Determined to act before she lost her nerve, Cassie walked over to the trash receptacle. Then she pulled out several paper towels and made a layer in the receptacle, placed her clothes inside and covered them with another layer of paper towels.

When it was time to exit the bathroom and make her grand entrance Cassie discovered her legs were frozen. She couldn't do it. She just started to reach towards the trash can when the door opened and Sandra looked in. Cassie felt her heart stop.

Sandra looked her up and down. Cassie was afraid of what Sandra was going to do next. Would she demand to know what Cassie was doing? Would she scream something like 'you slut'? What was going to happen?

However Cassie never expected Sandra to give her a wink and mouth the word 'Showtime', but that's just what she did before holding the door open for Cassie.

Cassie immediately grasp that Sandra was in on it. JB had come through after all. Cassie still had to face a room full of people wearing nothing but pair of high heels, but at least she would have one ally in the room.

Sandra's motioning for her to come on gave Cassie just enough encouragement to enable her to get her legs moving. Once she was walking Cassie was able to keep going. Trembling with fear she made her way back to the table. When she arrived she gratefully took her seat since her knees were about to buckle.

In the area of the room where Cassie emerged every conversation died. As the customers took notice of the naked girl every eye in the place focused on her and the space the went completely quiet.

In the booth behind Cassie's table there was a family of four; father, mother and two girls about Cassie's age. One of the girls looked over at Cassie, studied her for a moment, and turned to her mother and said in a loud voice, "Mommy, her boobies are showing."

Her mother calmly replied, "Yes, dear, her breasts are exposed."

Then the girl observed at the same level of volume, "She had pretty boobies, doesn't she daddy?"

Her father who was trying to maintain his composure, nearly choked on the glass of tea he was sipping at that moment.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation his wife couldn't help grinning at his discomfort. Her mom answered for him, "Yes, honey. She has lovely breasts."

Her next comment brought laughter from everyone within earshot, "I wish I had boobies like hers so I show them off when we come here."

Her statement fractured the tension in the air and the room erupted with laughter.

To Cassie's surprise everyone went back to their dinners. People, especially men and kids, were still sneaking peeks at Cassie's body, but it wasn't wholesale staring like it had been moments before.

Apparently someone had summoned the manager, because he arrived within a couple of minutes.

"What is going on here," he demanded. Behind him Sandra mouthed the words 'I am a nudist'.

"I'm a nudist," Cassie stated.

"That's all fine, well, and good, but you can't be naked in here, young lady."

Glancing pass him to Sandra, Cassie saw her mouth 'free speech' and 'constitution'.

"It's a form of free speech and that is protected by the constitution," Cassie retorted.

"Do you want to be arrested," he asked Cassie directly.

"You wouldn't dare," she answered.

"Excuse me," a new voice interrupted. The speaker was a woman in her middle twenties. "I'm a police officer and may I be of assistance?."

The manager stated, "This young woman cannot be nude in this establishment whether she is a nudist or not. This is not a clothing optional business."

Turning to Cassie she instructed her to stand up. When Cassie got to her feet the woman brought out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Cassie's wrists behind her back. Everyone was staring again. Most were concentrating on Cassie.

The manager turned to the Jacksons and demanded to know if they were part of this.

Mrs. Jackson answered, "Hell no. She's our house sitter and we brought her here tonight to thank her for watching our place while we were on vacation. We had no idea she would do something like this. To be frank we are appalled by her brazen behavior. We're really sorry, sir."

"Well, whether you knew about it or not I think you two should leave because she's going to jail and if you stay you're going with her," the manager stated.

The police officer took hold of Cassie's arm and asked the manager where his office was. He motioned towards the other side of the room. Tugging Cassie in that direction the cop said, "Young lady, you're coming we me."

As she was being lead away Cassie glanced back over her shoulder, Cassie saw the Jacksons leaving the restaurant smiling. Mr. Jackson spotted Cassie looking at them and pleading for help. He responded by blowing her a kiss good-bye.

One of the waitresses watched out the window and when the Jacksons were gone she signaled the manager who tapped the officer on the arm.

The three of them came to a stop and the manager said, "That went pretty well, I think."

A thoroughly confused Cassie said, "What went well?"

"You got naked. They got their dinners. Now they're convinced their evil plan worked." he answered.

"You knew about this?" Cassie inquired.

"The owner's mother is in the same place as your friend JB. The two of them got together and set this all up."

"But what about your customers? They're going to leave here and tell everyone what happened. It's probably going to mess up your business. I'm sorry you all had to get involved in my problem."

He replied with a smile, "Don't worry. The Sun Bear Nudist Club was glad to play along in exchange for a free dinner and show."

"So these people are all nudists?"

"That's right."

"Oh, thank heavens," Cassie exclaimed. "I was afraid I might have scarred some of these people for life coming out here naked."

Turning to the officer, Cassie asked, "So are you really a cop or just an actor?"

"Actually I really am a cop, but I work part time as security for Sun Bear events. They asked me to help and I told them I'd be glad to. After all how often does a cop get to put the cuffs on a beautiful naked woman in a room full of people?" she answered with a grin.

Cassie nodded her understanding. "Thank you. Could you remove the cuffs, please?"

"Well, that's a problem," she answered. "See if you're just going naked in public, that's not protected by the constitution because has been argued that it infringes on other peoples right not to be offended."

"But they're nudists. Me being naked shouldn't offend them," Cassie said.

"Be that as it may, the only way I can release you in good conscience is if you are a performer of some sort and this is part of your act."

"Not that you mention it," the manager interjected, "but the restaurant has lost money assisting in this ruse. As I understand it Cassie does have a singing business. Perhaps the audience would take up a collection if she were to put on her show."

"What kind of act does she have?" the officer asked.

"She sings Happy Birthday to people in her birthday suit."

"Well, she is undressed for the occasion. Let's see if anyone is having a birthday today."

Stepping up on the stage the manager picked up a mic and said, "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for interrupting your meal. We have with us a young lady who looking for someone she can sing Happy Birthday to this evening in exchange for donations. Is anyone here having a birthday today?"

One couple to his far right waved their arms and shouted that their son's birthday was today and they were there celebrating.

The manager waved them up to the stage. When they got there the mom said, "This is our son, Matthew."

"How old are you today, Matthew?" the manager asked.

"I'm eighteen," he answered blushing as he tried to avoid staring at Cassie.

"Well, Matthew, we have a young lady here who would like to sing Happy Birthday to you. Would that be alright with you?" as the manager pointed to the Cassie. Matthew shyly nodded his head.

The cuffs were unlocked and Cassie joined the manager on stage. A stool was brought out and Matthew was sat on it. Cassie put her left arm around his shoulders and began.

Happy Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday dear Matthew.

Happy Birthday to you.

Embarrassed, Matthew had clapped both his hands over his eyes while she was singing, but then spread his fingers to look at her.

"What do you want for your birthday, Matthew?" Cassie asked when she finished.

"A picture with you," he blurted out before turning bright red.

The audience roared with laughter.

"I think we can handle that, buddy," Cassie said with a smile.

The manager had Matthew stand up and Cassie took her place next to him. Matthew's father pulled out his cell phone and after commanding them to say 'cheese' snapped the picture.

After checking that the picture was good Cassie walked him back to his table.

Afterwards Cassie and the manager went to his office. Once inside Cassie told him where her clothes were and Sandra was asked to retrieved them.

While they were waiting for Sandra's return the manager asked Cassie was her plans were for getting home. She confessed she was winging her way through the evening and didn't have any idea.

Sandra had returned by this point and said that she would be glad to give Cassie a ride home, however she wasn't off duty till midnight.

"That should be okay. I'll just have ask my folks if I can get home late," Cassie said.

"Just tell them that you saw how short-handed we were and you volunteered to help in exchange for tips. Just say you figured it might be a way for you to get a job and and that you could use the money. They should accept that." Sandra offered.

Then she added, "But I have some bad news Cassie. While you were on stage Andy, our busboy, emptied the bathroom trash cans and your clothes are gone."

"You mean like they're in a dumpster, don't you?"

The manager answered that, "I'm afraid not. We use an automatic compactor. After the trash is dumped the compactor crushing everything together. Even if we could somehow find your clothes they would be ruined beyond repair. I'm sorry."

Out of the blue Sandra made a suggestion. "Hey, that gives me an idea. We're have a bachelor party getting started in room five. There's a band preparing to play, but their lead singer lost her voice. I noticed when you sang Happy Birthday that you actually have a good singing voice. Since you gonna to have to be here anyway would you be interested in filling in with the band. You could make a pretty fair amount in tips, especially if you wear 'The Outfit'."

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