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Catch and Release Ch. 01

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Sisters on a cruise meet a woman who will change their lives.
8.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 04/24/2024
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Author's Disclaimer: All characters depicted are over 18, etc. etc. Enjoy!

Author's Note: This is a 4 chapter story that builds to some explicit lesbian incest and BDSM. If either of those topics offends you, please don't read this. You have been warned!


The sisters had been planning this trip for a few months now. It was originally Vicki, the older sister's idea but was now something they did regularly since Karen's divorce a few years prior and her own the year after.

The cruise ship would leave from Miami, sail for half a day to some island in the Bahamas, and come back three days later. A 'booze cruise' the pair called it. There were bars all over the large ship and they tended to stay buzzed the majority of the time.

Karen was very much looking forward to this particular cruise. She needed to relax and just forget about everything going on in the rest of the world. There was her job, which she really needed to get out of, her apartment, where the lease was about to run out and had already been rented out from under her, and a recent string of short but heartbreaking relationships that ended badly.

Vicki, for her part, just enjoyed spending time with her sister. The two had always been close. With less than two years between them in age, the girls had always been playmates and confidants. When Vicki started dating in high school, she would tell Karen all about it and even show her how her first kiss happened. In the process, Vicki became Karen's first kiss. Similar scenes happened at other significant firsts. By the time Karen started dating, Vicki had shown her so much of what to expect.

Vicki went to college and the two never continued that more intimate side of their relationship but it left them both with a closeness few sisters could ever know. So when Karen had confided in her after her divorce that she was only dating women from then on, it was not an incredible surprise. In fact, it was a relief.

From Vicki's perspective, Karen tended to gravitate toward men who ended up treating her like dirt, who didn't appreciate her, and, inevitably, would use her until they threw her away. Her now ex-husband had been the worst. At least Karen had had the courage to leave him when she finally felt her life might be in danger. It broke Vicki's heart watching her sister go through that again and again. All she could do was be there for her when she came crying. Maybe going the lesbian route, Vicki thought, would be good for her little sister.

After finding their room and changing into their bikinis with a lower wrap, of course, the pair headed straight for one of the deck bars to watch Miami disappear over the horizon. Well, and watch the people filing past. Karen seemed to be checking out every bikini that didn't have a pair of shorts and a flowery shirt walking next to it.

"Can you be a little less conspicuous, please?" Vicki said, leaning over to whisper to her sister. "You're staring and some people are noticing."

Karen took another sip of her third cocktail before answering.

"Maybe I want them to notice," she replied in a less than whisper.

The pretty woman that Karen had been eyeing turned her head and scowled at them as she continued away. Vicki sat back and put her face into her hands.

"You're embarrassing me," Vicki's muffled voice said.

"Come on, sis. I know you still look," Karen said. "Just because you haven't been with a woman since college doesn't mean I don't see you lusting after some of these women."

Vicki couldn't deny the accusation, but at least she did it covertly. There was a distinct difference between admiring a beautiful woman and ogling her. Vicki hadn't indulged that side of her since she had met Bob in her junior year of college. For a while, she had tried to bury those desires but she could never quite forget the special way that being with another woman felt. As the years went by and her sex life became routine, those desires seemed to intrude on her thoughts more and more. Her divorce was finalized nearly a year ago and Vicki still hadn't even been out on a date. Could anyone really blame her for looking?

"I am not lusting after anyone," Vicki replied still talking in a low voice. "I'm just...people watching."

Karen smiled to herself. Right, people watching. The younger woman had already set her goals for the trip of getting hammered and laid. She hadn't been with anyone since her divorce and it was past time to change that. The problem was finding the right woman. To Karen, every woman was a potential target, but what she really wanted was someone strong who would take charge and turn her into an orgasmic pile of jelly. Now that would be relaxing!

Karen was about to quip back at her sister when a decent-looking man in his late thirties or early forties stepped up to the pair. He was a little taller than them at 5' 10" ish with wavy brown hair showing just a few strands of gray.

"Wow, sisters, right?" he opened up.

"That obvious, huh?" Karen came back in a flat tone she hoped would express her lack of interest.

"Oh yeah," the man said completely oblivious to Karen's tone. "I thought you were twins at first. Same slim curves, same brown eyes, same cute nose."

Karen was getting slightly perturbed by his presence already. His attempt at complimenting their appearance made his intentions that much more clear. Like it isn't obvious on a cruise ship anyway, did he have to lay it on so thick?

He was right, though, they could be mistaken for twins from a distance. Up close you could see the subtle differences in height and breast size. Vicki's were a slightly larger 32B to Karen's 32A. Both women had brown hair although Karen's was darker and came down to the middle of her back while Vicki's was almost blond and shoulder-length.

"I thought to myself," the man was still going. "Wow, twins, I can't pass up that opportunity!"

Vicki just stared at him with a mildly confused look. Karen's eyes narrowed.

"Opportunity?" the younger sister cut him off. "There was never any opportunity."

Karen reached over and put her hand on her sister's thigh. Way too high up on her thigh for Vicki's comfort but she suppressed any reaction.

"We are both lesbians and we came on this cruise so we could fuck each other in secret," Karen continued.

The man just stood there seemingly in shock. Karen loved that look, totally dejected but also totally turned on.

"Isn't that right, sis?" Karen finished and squeezed Vicki's leg.

"Yep," came her sister's slow reply.

Another long moment passed with Karen gently rubbing her sister's thigh.

"Uoohh...okay," the man managed to regain some composure and stepped back slowly. "Sorry to bother you."

Then he turned and started to walk away casually looking around to see who else might have seen that embarrassment. When he was out of sight, Vicki picked up Karen's hand and put it back on her own leg.

"Did you see that, V? You know he's going to be wanking off to us later," the brunette laughed.

"Oh, my god, Karen," Vicki said. "Please don't do that to me again."

"What?" Karen said turning to face her sister with a mock hurt look. "Tell people how much I love my sister?"

"You know what I mean," the older woman sighed.


The two spent the day walking around the ship and relaxing in whatever lounge chairs provided the best view or proximity to the bar. They discovered an adults-only bar that also had a dance floor and decided they would come back after dinner.

When evening rolled around, they went back to their room and changed into evening wear for dinner and dancing. Vicki put on a blue-gray sleeveless wrap-around sun dress with a pattern of little white flowers. It came to a few inches above her knees and had a modest but sexy V-neck. She felt very sexy in it.

Then she turned around to see her sister. Karen was wearing a hot pink mesh rhinestone crop top that only covered her front, mostly. A small chain went around her neck letting the garment hang over her breasts and another chain wrapped around her torso to keep it from flying up. Below that was a black leather miniskirt and a pair of the highest heals Vicki had ever seen.

Both women looked at each other and scowled.

"You can't be serious!" Vicki started but Karen's words came out right on top of hers.

"Oh, no! Please don't embarrass me!"

It took a moment for Vicki to process what her sister had said but then her face turned to one of indignation.

"Embarrass you?" she said, incredulous. "You're barely dressed! Someone's going to offer you money tonight!"

"And someone's going to offer to buy your daughter's cookies!" Karen retorted. "I wear this out to clubs all the time, V. This is what sexy looks like."

Karen cocked her hips and struck a model pose. Vicki sighed and her shoulders slumped.

"Fine. Let's go," she said and turned toward the door.

"Absolutely not," Karen shot back causing Vicki to stop and turn around.

"What? Why?"

"Because you will scare away any chance I have of attracting anyone under the age of fifty."

Vicki harumphed but then looked at herself in the mirror. She thought she looked pretty good but could see her sister's point. Then she looked over at Karen who was standing there with her arms spread wide and palms up as if to say, 'don't you want this look instead?'

"I...don't have anything like that," Vicki conceded.

Karen just smiled.

Ten minutes later, Vicki was dressed in a similar outfit as her sister. Being almost the same size had its advantages.

"I can't believe you had two of these," Vicki noted looking at herself in the mirror.

"I'm not going to wear the same outfit every night," Karen said from right behind her looking over her shoulder at her sister's reflection.

"But it's almost identical," Vicki pointed out.

"No it's not," Karen retorted. "This one is gray," she added and reached around to bounce her sister's tits in the metallic mesh.

"Ahhh, stop it!" Vicki exclaimed and swatted the younger woman's hands away. "I should spank you!"

Karen giggled and turned around to present her rear to her older sister.

"You're right, sis," she said bending over. "I need a good spanking."

The brunette lifted her skirt to present her panty-clad rump. Vicki was glad she was at least wearing panties and might have admired that rear a second or two longer than she needed to.

"Stop kidding around," Vicki said as she spun around.

She still took a quick swipe at Karen's buttock before the skirt got in the way. Karen yelped in surprise as her sister actually spanked her then laughed before pulling her clothes back into place.

Vicki had to remember how to walk in such high heels but had picked it back up by the time the pair reached the dining room. They were already later than most of the other passengers. Dinner in this particular room was a buffet and started around 4:00 with a host of older people that slowly migrated into families and finally trailed off into younger couples and friends as the hours passed. Karen and Vicki planned on getting a bite and then heading to that adults-only club.

They got to the club and looked around. The music wasn't nearly as loud as Karen had expected and decided it must be because they were on a ship. Scattered around the room were small pockets of people, mostly men, crowding around a woman or just clumped together scanning the room, presumably, for women. This did not look promising.

Already, several of those wandering eyes had locked onto the two newcomers. Karen paused but Vicki seemed oblivious and continued toward the bar. Karen had to jog for a moment to catch up.

The two ordered and stood, waiting for their drinks before finding one of the few booths along the wall not already occupied. It was a half-circle of padded seats around a somewhat low table. They spent the next hour politely turning down what seemed like every unattached man in the place.

As the most recent hopefuls, a pair of attractive men in their forties, were walking away, a trio of women came in without male escorts. Two of the women wore more formal dresses that still looked suitable for a nightclub while the third wore a pair of tight black pants and a button-down white shirt. If her curves weren't so incredibly accentuated, one might be forgiven for thinking she was a man. Her platinum blond hair was buzz cut over one ear and folded over her head where it just covered her other ear. She was taller than her companions; an inch or so taller than one and a full head taller than the other. She led the trio confidently into the room.

Karen saw the blonde woman and her mouth went dry. The way she carried herself, the way she scanned the room like she owned it, her every aspect touched nerves in the brunette's body that made her instantly light-headed. She forced herself to look away and at her sister.

Vicki looked at her sister curiously then at the women then back to Karen.

"You can't be serious?" she said putting down her drink.

Karen just raised her eyebrows and nodded while biting her lips. She and Vicki hadn't ever talked about Karen's preferences in women. It just wasn't one of those things you talked about at Thanksgiving dinner. The brunette had always been attracted to strength and danger. Truth be told, she was a natural submissive which partially explained her past relationships with guys that treated her so badly. Karen thought that was what she wanted. She wanted to be dominated, to be used. What she came to realize was that she also wanted to be loved. She gravitated to the power but had never found the one who understood that she still needed to be cherished and appreciated even as she gave herself completely to their whims.

But this cruise was not about finding the love of her life. This trip was about sex and this new arrival was pressing all her buttons.

"She's looking over here," Vicki announced without expression. She picked her drink back up. "Should I wave her over?"

Karen's eyes became saucers as her sister made like she was going to raise her hand.

"STOP," she hissed. "Don't do that!"

"Well, it's too late now anyway. They're sitting down at a table. Oh, well," Vicki stated like that ended the matter for good.

"Is she still looking this way," Karen asked.

"No," Vicki said with finality, then corrected herself. "Yes...and no."

Karen's forehead scrunched.

"W...which is it?"

"Why don't you look for yourself?" Vicki asked focusing on her sister.

"Because I don't want her to see me looking at her," Karen replied like it should have been obvious.

"What are you, twelve?" the not-quite-blonde prodded. "Make eye contact and see if she is interested. You're thirty-four, for Peet's sake, you know how this works."

Karen sat straighter and relaxed her shoulders then picked up her drink and casually swept her eyes around the room until she was looking at the small table where the three other women had sat.

The two shorter women were clearly a couple by the way they were hanging all over each other. Karen relaxed and just watched the three talk and laugh for a few seconds before another group stood in between them blocking her view. The room was getting crowded and some people were even starting to dance.

The brunette turned back and sighed, disappointed that she had been too late to catch the woman's eye. Seeing her face, Vicki spoke up.

"Don't worry, sis. There's still a lot of night left."

Over the next few minutes, the sisters just sipped their drinks and relaxed with Karen looking in the direction of the tall blonde woman every few seconds. She caught glimpses and even thought the woman might have been looking in their direction but always someone would step in between. Finally, the brunette came to a decision and leaned toward her sister.

"I'm going to go over there," she announced.

"Okay," Vicki replied not surprised in the least. "What are you going to say once you get there?"

Karen froze trying to think.

"I...will ask her to dance," she said finally. "Maybe I should buy her a drink? Wait, then I'd need to buy all of them a drink or it would be rude. I don't know what she's drinking."

The words spilled out as fast as her brain thought them. Her ramblings were cut short, however, when one of the servers approached carrying a tray. The tray held two more of the drinks she and Vicki already had in front of them.

"These are from the lady over at table 6," the server said like Karen and Vicki were supposed to know where table 6 was.

Nevertheless, the man pointed and Karen was pleased to see that he pointed in the direction of her new crush. Now she had something to say!

"I'm going to go say thank you," she told Vicki.

Vicki just raised her glass in a cheers sort of gesture. Karen took that as 'good luck' and got up to weave her way toward the three other women. The brunette finally shouldered her way through another group of people and found herself standing next to the small table where the three were talking.

The tall woman with the platinum blonde hair looked up at her and smiled like she knew she was coming. Karen just stood there for a moment then remembered why she was there.

"So, uh, thanks for the drinks," she managed.

"Of course, cutie," the woman replied then gestured at the table. "I'd offer for you to join us but we are out of seats."

Karen wasn't sure how she hadn't noticed, but the small table only had two seats. The smallest of the three women was sitting in the lap of the other woman who had a hand on her thigh. The petite woman gave a little wave when Karen looked over. The larger woman who she was sitting on nodded her hello.

"Oh, yes, the cute little one is Cindy and the ugly one is Toni," the taller woman continued.

"Hey!" Toni cried in mock anger.

"And I'm Jo."

"Karen," Karen said putting her hand to her chest. "I'm here with my sister, Vicki. You know, you girls could come sit with us. We have a whole booth just for the two of us."

"I think that would be wonderful," Jo answered then turned to the other two. "How about it, Toni, mind adding a couple to our group?"

Karen noted absently that she did not ask Cindy what she thought but didn't consider it much. Toni just shrugged.

"Yeah, okay," she replied. "Might as well get this trip started right."

Cindy hopped off Toni's lap and the four of them weaved their way back to the booth where Vicki waited, legs crossed, sipping her drink.

"Vicki, this is Toni and Cindy," Karen started her introductions as the couple went into the booth on the right side. "And this is Jo."

Jo, likewise, scooted in on the left-hand side sliding up against Vicki. The only spot left for Karen was on the other side of Jo. She had no problem with that and slid in tight against the tall platinum blonde. Vicki was clearly uncomfortable but Karen was sure she would get over it.

"Are you two twins?" Toni spoke up first.

Both sisters laughed but Vicki answered.

"No, but we get that a lot. She's the baby," she thumbed toward Karen.

That started a conversation about siblings and family and, eventually, branched all over the place. Vicki watched as her sister laughed a little harder than normal at every story Jo told and put her hand on the tall woman's arm at barely appropriate times. It was at one of those times that Vicki noticed Jo's hand was resting on her sister's knee. Leave it to Karen to find someone on the very first night. Vicki could see herself spending a lot of alone time on this trip.

That thought didn't bother her as much as it could have. She was happy for her sister and knew that Karen needed an ego boost right now. Vicki would gladly spend some time alone if it meant Karen had a good time. She wasn't sure she was completely happy with the person Karen had chosen to pursue, but she couldn't deny the appeal. The woman was beautiful in a Charlize Theron in 'The Old Guard' sort of way and had a confidence about her that just made you comfortable.

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