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Caught in the Act Ch. 02


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Stella tried to reach out to Brad and to apologize for being stern and rude to him and try to and smooth things over so Brad wouldn't still have hurt feelings, but Brad would have no part of that. He may have acquiesced to Stella's demands and wishes, but he was still fuming mad and fit to be tied.

Just then, Phillip came in to where Brad and Stella were and immediately he felt the temperature plummet a couple hundred degrees. Dry ice would have been warmer to the touch than the atmosphere in that room.

Phillip could also tell he had walked in on something that obviously was not his business. Phillip could feel the tension in the air. It was so thick that Phillip suspected that not even the worlds hardest and sharpest saw could cut through the obvious tension that was in the room.

Phillip decided he better get out of there and just as he tried to excuse himself Stella told him to stay.

"So what's shaking," Phillip said with a forced jovial expression trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh it's nothing hon," Stella said with a natural smile like nothing was wrong.. "Brad and I were just discussing some things and we have come to an agreement. Right sweetie?"

"Yeah what ever," Brad said in a half exasperated sullen tone and turned on his heel and walked out. As Brad passed Phillip, he shot Phillip an incredulous and hateful look. If looks could kill then Phillip would have been pushing up daisies as they say. Brad also mumbled something under his breath that sounded like " You no good stinking, double crossing, backstabbing, mother fucking, cock sucking bastard" and then stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him so hard that it closed then rebounded open again.

Brad would grab his wallet, keys and race off in his truck, squealing his tires out of the driveway as he sped off down the street. He would drive around for hours until he cooled off. He didn't know or care where he was going. As far as Brad was concerned, anyplace was better than being in that house.

" So what's up with that, a bad hair day or something" Phillip replied in a half joking half confused tone. "You would have figured he was eight years old and someone had just told him there was no Easter Bunny or Santa Clause."

"Ah it's nothing hon," Stella replied. "Brad is just having a little temper tantrum because he didn't get his way. He'll get over it but if he doesn't, oh well it's him that will suffer," Stella added like it was not even worth giving a passing thought to.

"So you hungry sweetie," Stella said smiling shifting the conversation to more pleasant things " I know I'm famished and could eat a bear. I was going to take us all out for pizza but since Brad was such a spoiled sport why don't we just order one and stay here and chill a bit."

Stella then walked up to Phillip and placed her arms on each shoulder letting her hands drape down behind them "Besides we have the house to ourselves and maybe we can have some fun if you catch my drift," Stella added with a naughty wink and gave Phillip a long wet deep passionate kiss

Sounds good to me, Phillip replied with a smile and with that Stella took Phillip by the hand and she and Phillip walked down stairs to the living room.

Stella didn't even bother to put on her robe before she left the room so she was still naked. Phillip had a seat on the couch while Stella went to the kitchen. She brought back a bottle of rum, two glasses and had her purse strapped over her shoulder.

Stella put the bottle and glasses down on the coffee table and her purse on the floor in front of her and sat down on the sofa next to Phillip. Stella laid back in Phillip's arms and leaned her soft naked body next to his. Phillip put his arms around Stella's waist and held her tight.

Stella picked up the house phone, dialed the number and ordered their pizza, the largest meat lovers they had, as well as cheesy bread a large order of hot wings and a large desert pizza which was basically pizza crust with cinnamon, sugar and chocolate drizzled on it, sort of like a giant cinnamon roll pizza.

Stella also asked if a certain delivery driver was working by the name of Ralph. When she found out he was, she requested that he bring the pizza.

After Stella hung up the phone Phillip asked Stella what she was up to. "You'll see hon," was all Stella would say but Phillip knew Stella was up to something sneaky.

Stella then reached into her purse and pulled out a gallon sized plastic "Ziploc®" bag containing a smaller sandwich sized bag with nine rolled joints. They measured the size of a standard ball point ink pen in width and were about four to five inches long. The gallon sized bag was also about a third of the way full with some loose Marijuana it also had some rolling papers.

Stella took out a couple of joints and lit one and she and Phillip shared it. After they smoked the first one Stella lit the second one and they shared that one as well. Stella also poured them each a pretty good amount of rum(about three ounces) in each glass.

Stella and Phillip would down the rum in one big gulp and between that and the two joints they soon had themselves more were fairly well stone bordering on being plastered or "shit faced" as some one say.

While they waited for the pizza Stella and Phillip would keep themselves occupied but it wasn't by watching TV. The television was on but they were too busy focusing on each other to care what was on.

Phillip had been in the process of eating Stella out and Stella had just cum flooding Phillip's mouth with her sweet sticky cream when the doorbell rang.

Who the hell can that be," Phillip said in a semi incredulous tone disgusted that he had been interrupted in the middle of something important.

"It's the pizza guy silly," Stella said giggling.

"Oh yeah we did order pizza didn't we," Phillip replied. Good because I have a bad case of the munchies" Then Phillip turned to Stella and said "Hell I know what rather be munching on right now and it ain't pizza, it's more like sweet cherry pie," and went back down on Stella's pussy.

Stella lovingly took Phillip's head in her hands and raised it up so she could see his face. In sweet and gentle loving voice she said "Pizza now hun and cherry pie later okay?"

"Oh alright" Phillip said as he did his best to get up and told Stella he would be right back.

Phillip threw on his gym trunks and went to answer the door. It took Phillip a couple of minutes to get his bearings because after he stood up, the room appeared to have tilted on him.

Phillip was still fairly stoned and almost fell down but he grabbed the back of the sofa paused a while until the room quit spinning on him and he managed to gain his composure. Once his head cleared, he slowly walked over to the door.

Stella decided she wanted have some fun her own fun with the young college guy and give him a show he wouldn't soon forget. Sure enough, the driver was Ralph the one Stella had asked for.

Phillip knew Ralph from school and began making small talk asking how things were going. Even though Phillip still had a pretty good buzz going on he managed to keep his speech from being slurred.

As Phillip and Ralph were in the middle of chatting about what was going on, Stella walked up behind Phillip naked and put her arms around him.

Stella began kissing Phillip on the neck and ran her hand over Phillip's chest right in front of the Ralph. Even though Stella's body was partially blocked by Phillip's it was obvious to any one with the IQ of a ground squirrel that she was naked.

"Come on hon and hurry back," Stella said in a feigned begging and somewhat whiney voice that suggested she wanted Phillip to come back. "It's getting mighty lonesome over there by myself and my sweet kitty is dying for some more petting and attention," Stella added with a wicked grin as gestured down to her pussy. "And besides it's a bit chilly in here and I need you to keep me warm so I don't catch cold."

Then Stella turned her attention to Ralph and said "Oh hey sweetie, how's it hanging," which was meant to refer to the obvious hard on Ralph was no doubt having as he witnessed what was going on.

"You know, I really hate to break up this little class reunion," Stella added "but Phillip is otherwise occupied and needs to return and help me take care of a few things. But it's been great seeing ya again. Drop by sometime and maybe we can chat some more."

"Who knows I might even order a sausage pizza," Stella added with a naughty grin. "I have heard that you use really BIG sausages," Stella said with a sultry lustful tone to her voice and Stella licked her lips and gestured her eyes toward Ralphs crotch and his obvious hard on and the new cum stain that had appeared on his pants.

Ralph was having an extremely difficult time keeping his composure and having cum in his pants only made it worse as he fumbled with his hands while he tried to give Phillip the seven dollars and eighty-two cents change from the forty dollars Phillip had given him.

" Oh just keep the change hon," Stella purred and then she slinked away with the food with a swagger in her step, purposely snapping her hips from side to side and shaking her hot ass as she glanced back at the driver who was still standing in shock with his mouth gaping open on the front porch.

Phillip closed the door but before he did he softly said " Dude, you may wanna go home and put on some more pants before you go back to work," pointing out the dark stain on Ralph's pants. "Later dude," and with that Phillip shut the door leaving Ralph standing on the porch dazed confused and somewhat embarrassed.

Phillip peered through the curtains and saw that Ralph was on the way back into his car. He was still visibly shaken and Phillip knew it would be a while before he would forget this encounter.

Stella grinned like the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland when she saw Phillip come back to the sofa where she was. "Ain't I a stinker," Stella said with a devilish grin.

"That you are hon," Phillip replied "but I wouldn't you it any other way."

"Good hun because I don't plan to stop," Stella said embracing Phillip and laying him on the couch as laid on top of him .

" You know, in my day, I could be a the nastiest and naughtiest filthiest stinking whore there was when I wanted to be, and I absolutely loved it. Stella said proudly and unabashed as she lovingly stroked Phillips bangs. "Just ask your mom. She could tell you some stories about me that would curl your toes."

"I bet she could," Phillip replied.

"You know your mom and I were quite the pair when we were in our heyday," Stella added, "but that all changed when I got married and had Brad and started taking care of you. I had to grow up and become responsible as they say but I still had that wild streak in me."

"Now that you are all grown up I can rekindle that flame that was just a smoldering ember," Stella continued. "It's true that learning to having sex is like riding a bike. Once you learn how you never forget."

"Phillip shook his head and just smiled. "You never cease to amaze me hon," he said smiling You can be a total lady in public and a dirty filthy skanky hoe in the bedroom. I like that combination."

"Mmmmmmmm I am glad you do, Stella replied with a purr, and I love being a filthy, trashy and nasty little hoe as they say and I will be your little whore for as long as you want."

With that Stella planted a deep passionate tongue probing kiss on Phillip and they passionately kissed as their bodies rubbed together and their limbs intertwined.

They were once again on the floor in the throngs of passion again and hands were exploring vital areas and one step away from throwing caution to the wind and going for another round of hot torrid sex.

"I hate to do this hun but I guess we better get up and eat before our food gets too cold," Stella said as she sat up.

Yeah I guess you are right, Phillip replied. There's nothing worse than cold pizza and besides like sex, its better when it's good and hot."

"Mmmmmm baby a man after my own heart," Stella purred and gave Phillip a devilish grin.

As suspected and known by common folk lore, the pot Phillip and Stella smoked had given them the "munchies" and they gorged themselves on Pizza wings and cheesy bread. Stella had gotten up and gotten them a couple bottles of beer and they ate the pizza than drank the beer.

After they ate, they were fairly well stuffed. It had been a couple of hours now and Brad still hadn't returned Stella's maternal side was a bit concerned but she figured he was still steamed and decided it would be best if he cool down on his own.

Stella and Phillip spent the rest of the afternoon watching porno on the Pay-Per View" channels. They saw some good ones and soon they were both horny again and decided to scratch each other's itch" you might say.

Eventually Stella and Phillip's high would subside and by now it was almost 5:30 in the afternoon. They walked upstairs showered together and decided to go out for Chinese where they would eat their fill

They came back around 6:45 and Brad still wasn't home. It turns out Brad had gone to his dad's house. Brad mentioned how Stella was walking around the house naked and how she was leading on Phillip and asked for advice on what to do and to see if there was anything his dad could do legally to stop it.

Brad figured there may have been an obscure morals clause or some thing like that in the divorce agreement that he could use as leverage. Brad's father asked if Phillip was still under 18 and Brad said he wasn't so Charles said there was nothing that could be done. Phillip was an adult and what ever they did was considered consensual.

Also Charles said he had washed his hands of Stella and wanted nothing more to do with her Brad left disheartened but his dad said cheer up he would be in college soon and if that he still wanted to get out on his own they he would help him.

Brad then went to another friend's house named Robert. When Brad told him what was going on he suggested spying on them with surveillance and gathering info that way to make sure it was true.

Also Robert suggested the old adage "Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself." Robert said just let things play out and eventually they will get caught. Brad said he would consider that and then for the rest of the evening watching baseball on the TV and playing video games.

Brad would eventually come in around 9:30 the next morning Phillip and Stella were up and had just finished breakfast. Stella asked if things were okay and apologized for the way she had acted Brad was cordial and even apologized for storming out like he did and he acted like nothing was wrong.

In reality, Brad really wasn't sorry for the way he felt or how he acted He felt justified in doing what he did. He mainly apologized to let Stella and Phillip think things were back to normal while he began his plan to catch them in the act.

On the day of Stella's birthday, Phillip gave her a present she wouldn't soon forget. It started just after midnight and they made love until the wee hours of the morning. They would wake up around 10:00 or so the next morning and have another round of hot passionate sex.

That night Phillip and Stella had planned to go out to celebrate Stella's birthday. Stella had asked Brad if he wanted to come along since it had been a tradition that they all went out together on birthdays but Brad declined.

"You two go on and have fun without me," Brad replied in almost a sullen tone. "Besides you both probably have plans of your own that would involve you not being comfortable if I was around."

Brad gave Stella a look that implied he knew what was going on with her and Phillip but he never came out and said that he knew. However, Stella knew in her mind Brad knew

"Very well suit yourself," Stella replied calmly and matter of factly and with that walked a way and went to her room.

Stella thought to herself "Piss on it." She decided to hell with Brad and wasn't going to let him put a damper on their fun.

Stella and Phillip went out to dinner and dancing and rented a limo. They figured that was the best course of action since they both knew they were going to party hard they didn't want to have to worry about driving back home. And besides, Stella thought it would be hot to make it in the back of a limo.

Stella was dressed to kill as usual. She was wearing a sexy hot "little black dress" that looked more like a nighty then a dress. It was a short dress with spaghetti strap on both shoulders and a plunging u-shaped neck line. The skirt part barely covered her ass and flared up showing plenty of leg.

Stella lastly was wearing black lace thigh high stockings, matching garters a black lace bra and crotchless black lace panties. Phillip was wearing a nice dark charcoal grey suit, French blue shirt with white collar and sleeve cuffs and a red tie and dark shoes.

Stella and Phillip ate dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants in town and consumed a couple of mixed drinks each, mainly "Sloe Comfortable Screws." Also since it was Stella's birthday they ordered a bottle of the finest Champagne and by the time they left the restaurant they tipsy and had a fairly good buzz going.

They got in the back of the limo and took the 30 minute ride to the hot new anything goes dance club. On the way there Phillip and Stella had hot passionate sex in the back of the limo. Stella sat on Phillip's lap facing him as she rode him. Stella creamed all over Phillip's cock and Phillip spunked his hot load deep into Stella's pussy.

Once at the club, they went in and found a seat. Stella ordered three tequila slammers each for both of them, a total of six. Stella schooled Phillip in the art of properly consuming these and soon they were pretty well wasted.

Stella and Phillip spent the next forty five minutes out on the dance floor working up a good sweat. The DJ was playing some pumping music and bodies were grinding together and the dancing got "down and dirty" People were getting it on out on the dance floor and Phillip and Stella were no exception.

The DJ then slowed it down and started playing romantic slow dance songs Stella and Phillip embraced and passionately kissed. The second song the DJ played was "Unchained Melody"© by the Righteous Brothers. Stella and Phillip looked into each other's eyes and knew it was time to take this party somewhere private.

Stella and Phillip got their things exited the club and told the driver to take them back home. Before she closed the privacy screen between them and the driver, Stella instructed him to take stop by a certain liquor store and purchase two bottles of Wild Turkey 101™

To sweeten the pot as they say for the driver and entice him to stop and do it Stella handed him two 100 dollar bills. She told him to use the first one to pay for the bottles and to keep the change from it. The second one was an added incentive. She then told the driver to carry them home and inform them when they arrived.

While the driver did that Stella and Phillip had hot passionate sex in the back of the limo. The limo ride took about a little over an hour and Stella and Phillip had lots of good hot torrid sex during that time.

Stella gave Phillip a hot blow job as she took his cock all the way in her mouth and deep throated him. Stella sucked Phillip's cock until he spunked his load. Stella was feeling excessively naughty so just before Phillip came she removed her mouth from Phillip's cock and he spewed his load all over her face(eyes, nose and lips and hair).

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