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Central High Blues Ch. 03


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How the hell was I supposed to have any kind of stable, loving relationship if I was that kind of amoral scoundrel? I realized that my mother was still standing there looking at me with a concerned expression. I got up and kissed her on the cheek.

"Mom, why don't you go and help Lisa with breakfast," I said. "I need to talk to Dad."

"Okay," she said.

We walked out to the kitchen together, and I continued on to my parents' bedroom. I knocked at the door.

"Dad?" I asked, "Are you decent?"

"Just a second," he responded. I waited until he said, "Come in."

My dad was still standing by the door to the walk-in closet when I approached. He had pulled on some cargo shorts and a t-shirt, almost matching what I wore. He also had a troubled expression.

"Dad," I started, "You know how you told me I could talk to you about anything?"

He blew out a breath. "Yes," he said.

There was no way this would be a short conversation. We both sat on the bed while I figured out what to say next.

"When I first got home from the hospital," I began, "it took me a few weeks to get used to the house. You know, the pool was new, all the furniture was new, and my room was completely different. It felt like I was in someone else's house. I still haven't gotten used to the way I look now. Every time I see my reflection it takes me a moment to realize I'm looking at myself, not someone else."

My dad nodded. I had mentioned some of this to him before.

"Well, these past few days have just been so...I don't know. Off, somehow?" I was struggling to find the words to express how out of sorts I was feeling. "I know it's my own fault," I continued, "but I think it was a mistake for me and Mom to keep...doing what we were doing. Now I feel like I compounded that we tag-teamed Mom. It isn't like we can go back and undo that, now that it's happened. I just feel like my relationship with her, and with you, has become less healthy."

I noticed that my dad was squirming as I got this out. He seemed to be every bit as uncomfortable as I was. I forced myself to keep going.

"I was surprised when I got back from Heather's yesterday and you and Mom were having sex with Lisa," I had to pause at that. I had started thinking of her as 'Lisa' instead of 'Miss Green' and I couldn't pinpoint the moment that had started. I shook my head and went on. "That bothered me, but I couldn't have told you why."

"Was it because we left you out of it?" my dad asked.

"No, sir," I said, "I thought maybe that was it, but it really wasn't. I mean, I don't feel left out if you and Mom have sex and don't invite me. It was that I felt like you and Mom have changed somehow since I got back from the hospital. I really appreciate that you guys treat me like an adult. Also, I can appreciate that things changed for the two of you while I was in the hospital and Beth had moved on to college."

He nodded at that. "So you're not comfortable with us because...what?" He shook his head and spread his hands.

"I brought Lisa here because I felt like she needed someplace that she would feel like she belonged, where she would know that she was safe and that she wasn't alone," I said. "Then I took off and dumped her in Mom's lap. That was my fault. You raised me to be a better host and a better friend than that. I rushed off because I knew I would have sex with Heather."

Dad's eyebrows rose at that. I'm sure he had suspected as much, but I had never openly admitted to him that I had slept with any of the nurses until that moment.

"Then, this morning," I continued, "Mom brought Lisa in to my bedroom. She made Lisa walk naked through the house in front of her. She had Lisa suck my dick while she watched, and then encouraged me to fuck her and—sorry, I know it grosses you out—she had me fuck Lisa in her virgin ass. She watched the whole time, and played with Lisa's pussy while I fucked her. That is just so wrong on so many levels."

"So that's what's bothering you?" Dad was a little flushed. Evidently he hadn't known about this morning, but it certainly wasn't turning him off to hear about it.

"It's part of it," I said. "It was kind of nagging in the back of my mind, that something wasn't right about this. When Mom told me that Lisa was cooking breakfast with her, rather than me and Mom cooking breakfast, it just made me feel like I had lost my place here. I know, that's not exactly right—like, not the right sentiment. It's close enough, though. I sat down and tried to puzzle out why I felt so out of sorts then."

I looked squarely into my father's eyes then.

"Dad, I think I have become a rotten human being. You and Mom raised me better than this," I said.

His eyes searched mine. Before he could respond, though, there was a tapping at the bedroom door. We turned to see Lisa standing shyly in the doorway.

"Breakfast is ready," she said softly.

We nodded and rose at the same time. The rest of this conversation would wait until after breakfast.

Dad and I were so deep in thought and had such serious expressions on our faces that it clouded everyone's mood at the table. Lisa looked terribly nervous, and it took me a while to notice. When I did finally look up at her, I shook my head and smiled softly at her.

"I'm sorry, Lisa," I said, "Come here."

She looked awfully uncertain as she rose from her chair and came over to me. I realized that I had called her by her first name for the first time. I gently pulled her into my lap and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her to me. I kissed her cheek and spoke just loudly enough that my parents could hear.

"I feel like I have been a bad guy lately," I said to her, "You should know, you will always be welcome here. I feel like I took advantage of you this morning, and I'm sorry about that. Can you forgive me?"

She turned in my lap to face me. Over her shoulder, I could see my parents watching. My mother looked pensive, but my dad was smiling in approval.

"Oh," Lisa said, "You have nothing to apologize for! I loved it."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hungrily. I couldn't help but get hard, and she could feel it. This was not really helpful. Her pert little bottom was wiggling around on my erection. I was pretty sure she was naked beneath my mother's borrowed bathrobe. I groaned into her mouth when she began sucking on my tongue. I shook my head gently, disengaging from that kiss. I squeezed her naked bottom beneath the robe, and then lifted her back onto her feet.

"Thank you," I whispered to her.

She did look happier when she slid back into her seat and resumed eating her breakfast.

"The thing is, though, you're not the only one I owe an apology," I said. She looked up at that. "Trina and I just started dating. I don't want to be the kind of guy that sleeps around on my girlfriend. I don't think you really want to be the kind of teacher that sleeps with her students."

That earned me a sharp look.

"Don't worry; I'm not going to tell anyone," I continued, "and I'm sure as hell not telling you guys what to do. We're all adults here, and you can do whatever you want to do. I wanted to bring Trina over so we could use the pool. I would love it if you would join us—and I mean all three of you. To be honest," I gave them a wry smile at that point, "I'm afraid to be alone with Trina right now. She just started her birth control pills yesterday, but we have not been able to keep our hands off of each other when we're alone."

That earned me sympathetic smiles from all three of them. We had all had trouble keeping our hands off of each other the past couple of days. Trina and I had the excuse of being horny teenagers, but we weren't unique.

"I would love to go swimming with my two favorite students," Lisa beamed.

I felt a pang of regret at that moment. She looked so damned sexy sitting there smiling at me. I wanted to fuck her again, right on the spot. She shivered when she saw the look on my face, and my parents both chuckled.

"I'm a little too obvious, I guess," I grumbled. I went back to savoring the delicious breakfast scramble.

After breakfast, Dad and I cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. Mom and Lisa went into my parents' bedroom to change back into their swimsuits. Dad grinned at me after we watched those sexy, swaying bottoms walk away from us.

"You're sure you don't want any of that?" he teased me.

"Oh, good lord, Dad," I said, "I'm the horny eighteen-year-old, remember? Of course I want more of that!"

We shared a laugh as we finished clearing the table. Dad wiped down the table while I rinsed the dishes. We put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher together, and then took the dirty dishes and put them into the dishwasher. My dad looked at me again, this time with a serious expression.

"Was there anything else you wanted to talk to me about, Josh?"

After a moment of thought, I asked, "Dad, you and Mom never fooled around with anyone before this, did you?"

The mere fact that he hesitated spoke volumes. I had been operating under the assumption that my parents had been faithful monogamists, and it was only recently that they had begun to explore some of their darker fantasies. I had blamed myself for destabilizing their wholesome marriage. The longer my dad took to answer, the more uncertain I was that I wanted to hear what he would say.

I wasn't sure if it was fortunate or not, but Mom called from the bedroom before he could answer. Dad said, "We'll finish this talk later, okay?" and went to see what she wanted. He poked his head back out a moment later.

"Hey, Josh, gather up the rest of the beach towels we used yesterday. We'll go ahead and wash those before Trina gets here. You might want to wash your trunks while we're at it. Not sure if they're funky from sitting around wet."

"Yes, sir," I replied.

I went out back and snagged a pair of towels that had been left out overnight. There were three more hanging up in my bathroom, along with my trunks. They were indeed funky. I made my way back to the laundry and tossed the towels and trunks into the washer. My dad came and added the towels and swimsuits from their bathroom. He gave me a wide-eyed look, shrugged, and went back to their bedroom, passing Lisa on the way.

I will never forget the look on her face, though I may struggle to describe it accurately. Several emotions battled within her, to judge by her expression. The one that seemed to be winning was a fierce determination, but at the same time it was undermined by self-doubt. She opened her mouth to say something, but then closed her mouth again and shook her head in frustration.

"Do you have any laundry for me to wash?" I asked her.

"No, that's everything," she said.

I nodded and turned to start the washer, giving her a moment to collect her thoughts. She clearly had not figured out what she wanted to say. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Hey," I said softly, taking both of her hands, "There's no rush. Take all the time you need to figure out what it is you want to say."

She nodded, releasing a breath. She looked up, like she was doing a complicated calculation in her head. She turned and pulled me along, heading toward my bedroom. When we got into my room, she turned to me and locked her eyes onto mine.

"I thought about what you said," she began, "and my answer is 'No.' I don't want to be the kind of teacher who sleeps with her students. I don't want to hurt Trina, either. But it's not like I am some restrained, older woman, Josh. This weekend was the most sex I've had in my entire life, and it wasn't even close. I only dated three guys in high school, and two more in college. I had never been with a guy who had a big dick before, and I had never done anything with a woman before.

"This last week, I was this close," she held her thumb and index finger a centimeter apart, "to quitting my job. I thought I had made a huge mistake, moving here and taking this job. Then you came to my rescue, and I felt hopeful for the first time. You changed everything, Josh."

She leaned up into my body and wrapped her arms around my neck. I was lost in her eyes at that range, unsure if I should say anything. She leaned up on her tiptoes and started kissing me. I kissed her back without even thinking about it. After breaking off the kiss, she untied the belt holding her robe closed.

"Please," she whispered to me, "I need you to make love to me again before you go."

I did exactly that. Unlike earlier, when my mother had taken charge, I was making love to this gorgeous little woman in my bed. We took our time, kissing sensuously while my cock filled her tight pussy. I knew that I would probably not come again. She had drained me thoroughly earlier. On the other hand, Lisa was coming constantly around my invading shaft.

When we were finished, I held her in my arms and kissed her neck softly. I was spooned up behind her with my cock still sheathed inside her. She panted until she finally caught her breath, and then she slid forward enough to dislodge my dick before turning to face me. She stroked my face softly with her left hand and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

"Thank you," she said, "I really needed that."

"You're welcome," I said with a smile.

"Josh, you know that I will need more," she said, a serious look crossing her face, "You can't just take my body and my virgin ass like you did and then expect to just walk away from me. I know you and I can't date, but I can't just stop..."

She looked so vulnerable again; I couldn't help but hug her. It dawned on me then that I couldn't just end my physical relationship with her. Not then, and probably not soon. That would constitute the sort of harsh psychological rejection from which she might never recover. I couldn't say that I loved her, but I cared about her too much to hurt her like that.

Hell, who am I kidding? At eighteen, I had fallen in love with my teacher.

I was still crazy about Trina, though. Thinking about her made me glance at the bedroom clock. I looked back at Lisa, smiled at her, and kissed her again.

"We will definitely be doing this again," I reassured her. I felt her relax in my arms at that. "We should definitely set some boundaries, though, don't you think?"

She misunderstood me.

"I don't mind if you want to fuck me in the ass again," she said softly.

I shook my head and smiled, "I was thinking more along the lines of how you and I will act when we're around other people. We can't date, obviously, and we don't want to hurt Trina. If you and my parents want to keep doing what you were doing, I don't have a problem with that. But we can't look at each other like love-struck puppies in school."

She laughed lightly at the thought. "No, that would be bad. Obviously, we can't touch each other at all in school."

That made me think about what I had already done with my English teacher and coach at school. I needed to nip that in the bud.

"It would probably be best if we are careful never to be alone on campus," I said. "We can have lunch with Mr. Delgado, and that would give us a chance to visit without getting into any trouble. I should probably invite Trina to join us for those lunches as well. Even if she has other plans, I need to at least offer."

"Mmm," Lisa said, sliding from the bed, "Speaking of Trina, you should probably get dressed and go get her now."

I watched her wrap the robe around her sexy body before I sat up and pulled my shirt back over my head. Lisa startled me when she once again wrapped her lips around my cock. She sucked me for a good minute before releasing the head from her mouth with a pop.

"You probably ought to shower before you go," she said with a grin, "You smell like you just had sex."

I groaned and pulled my shirt back off. She was right, of course. I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I walked out of my bedroom, my parents and Lisa were dressed in their swimsuits and were sitting in the living room.

"Drive safely," my dad said with a grin.

"Yes sir," I grinned back. "I'll see you guys in a few minutes."

I pulled out my phone and called Trina as I unlocked the car.

"Hey, sexy," I said, "are you ready for me to pick you up?"

"I'll just need a few minutes to wrap this up," she said, referring to the game.

"That's cool," I replied, "You can just bring your swimsuit and change here. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay," she said.

Now, if you have played any of these online games, you know that 'a few minutes' is a relative term. As in, it is relatively inaccurate. 'A few minutes' usually winds up being a half hour at least. So I was not surprised when I knocked on Trina's front door and it took her a couple of minutes to answer.

"We aren't quite finished!" she hollered over her shoulder as she rushed back to her bedroom to get on her computer again.

I seriously considered molesting her while she played her game. Instead, I managed to contain myself and massaged her shoulders and neck while she wrapped up the event. She told everyone goodbye before logging off. When she got up from her seat and turned to face me, she looked like she was in heat. We kissed and hugged, running our hands over each other there in her bedroom. I broke off the kiss first.

"My parents and Miss Green are waiting for us," I said, "They already had their swimsuits on when I left the house."

Trina groaned at me, but nodded and picked up her swimsuit.

The five of us had a marvelous time swimming together in the pool. There was undeniable sexual tension there, but everyone behaved. We swam for an hour, and then took a break to share a light lunch. After lunch, we spent another couple of hours playing in the pool. Lisa, Trina, and my mom seemed to bond in a healthier friendship than what I had seen between Lisa and my mother that morning.

Trina showered and changed back into her clothes before I took her home late in the afternoon. Lisa showered and changed when Trina did, so that we drove away from my house at the same time. Trina's mom was home when I dropped her off. I gave Trina a kiss and a hug, and her mother once again gave me a hug before I got into my car.

I called Heather.

"Are we still packing today?" I asked her.

"Actually, I already got everything done this morning that I was planning to do today," she replied, "I'm at Grandma's, so I guess I will see you Wednesday when you get out of school."

I was a little relieved, actually. I was already tired after the incredibly full weekend I had enjoyed. I'm not sure just how helpful I would have been.

"That sounds great," I said, "Give my best to your grandma for me."

At dinner, my parents looked as tired as I felt. We had a quick meal of reheated leftovers, and then we called it a night. The rest of that conversation with my dad would have to wait.

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JZStallionJZStallion3 months ago

Got to say I'm enjoying this series a lot. You’re one of the more skilled writers on Literotica and it shows. Keep up the great writing!

midatlstorymanmidatlstoryman3 months ago

Interesting development on Lisa Green, somewhat predictable though, given her difficulty controlling jer classes. Josh is acting more mature than his years; an 18 year old acting that mature? Plus given the fact he really missed 2 years of development, so really the maturity of a 16 would be expected. Still, excellent story so far.

Odess83Odess839 months ago

Я думаю, во всех проблемах парня виноваты родители! Не только озабоченная.мама, но и слабый куколд-отец!

По факту ведь парню лишь физически 18! В голове он все ещё 16-летний подросток, который упал в обморок и проснулся в другом мире. И родители вместо адаптации и воспитания начинают вести себя с ним как с взрослым, как будто он эти 2 года взрослел и понимал что вокруг происходит.

ZephyrwhirlZephyrwhirlover 1 year ago

I would have to agree with the character destruction job on miss Green. I know you tried to explain it away, but you made her an absolute submissive in every aspect of life. Hopefully, we don't hear much about her in the upcoming chapters.

Still rate this highly though.

chiefhalchiefhalover 1 year ago

So far so good...but, I'm not happy with the Miss Green character development. Does every woman on this need to be a slut?

FseriesFseriesover 1 year ago

Not caring about the sharing. Felt sad when Miss Green was spoiled.

RedneckGeek4RedneckGeek4over 1 year ago

Great character development…showing multiple sides to people…to hell with anonymous hiders, whining about your story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyable cerebrally however conflicted by normal dominant social mores and ingrained acceptable behavior. Polyamory and incest are variant behavior which is interesting to explore vicariously.

Reluctant to immerse self into that miasma of psychedelic lifestyle that characterized the pre-aids decade. Maybe its a class/wealth thing that was once called sophisticated jet-set elitism.

(Like teasingly offering truffles and chatraubriand wellington with Courvasier dressed up as a 'happy-meal'?)


Lots of haters commenting on the series...some stuff is borderline (true)....yet, as some poi,yes out, it is a STORY...

If ya don't like it, just stop reading & move on...leave it for the rest of us.

Sometimes, I really should not read the comments...😞😠

Yet. I love the series, especially with MC having a conscience and feelings about the others he is in solved with!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Go to agree with MC in his moment of confusion. You set up the shy teacher to idolize him only for his mother to make her her pet and offer the teacher to his father as a play thing? WTF

Also Mom brings her across the hall for him to pop her anal cherry, only to reclaim her pet an hour later rather than let her cuddle with her "hero". Mom didn't care a lick for Lisa, she just wanted to fuck her. Mom is becoming a more dislikable character by the chapter.

Even if MC isn't the real problem, you're losing me at this point.

beardedbandit62beardedbandit62almost 3 years ago

I'm loving this story very much. Thank you for your work.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

"Oh what a tangled web we weave"!!!!

MaxOgdenMaxOgdenover 3 years ago

Had me hooked all the way from start of the ‘Coma’ series right up until ol’ Dad joined the party. Kills a drive better than a Depo Provera-spiked cocktail.

I’m as pervy as most of my peers here, yet even I have a creep line that I don’t cross.

I’m bailing. Damned shame,too. I really was looking forward to some combos with old flames and new hotties, sans Papi, of course.

SorchakSorchakalmost 4 years ago
Birth control

Getting Trina on birth control is all well and good, but the thing is, it takes AT LEAST a month for the hormones to 'set in'. 6 weeks is better. So them fucking without 'protection' 2 weeks after she gets on is pill means there's still a better than even chance she can get pregnant. I know because I'm a father, and I have a daughter in her late teens.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
That Moment When...

I am rereading this story again,having enjoyed the moment of conscious he has when he realizes he's lost his compass. I love that, then how you have him start having sex in minutes. 18-year old gonna do 18-year old shit.

Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477salmost 6 years ago
Story killer

The mom and dad aspect of the story is killing the story for me and really hate any part they are in especially with the mom/dad/son 3-way and the bio teacher 3-way when son got home that night. The parents seem like depraved sex fiends and took advantage of Lisa and hated to read that part. I felt like that killed anything the mom and son had in previous series and you took Leanne and Beth away who I thought added love to the story and replaced them with a whore of an English teacher and turned mom into one also. I liked the series but felt you kept trying to add to much.

WiserbyageWiserbyagealmost 6 years ago

Goes beyond just sex in this episode. He has begun to go beyond the kid with a big cock to the kid with a big cock and conscience. The mom is an incestuous dominatrix and manipulates her partners . The father goes with the flow, glad for the cums but realizes he and his wife have an unhealthy relationship with their son. The son is a pawn and it will be interesting to see how long it takes Trina to have her face in his mom's cunt. Good story. Good development of the characters.

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