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Changeroom Escapades

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A mother and her daughters tryst in a changeroom.
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Olivia got out the car, following her mom Lynn into the mall. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, a fantastic day for shopping her mother determined. After some time, they found themselves at a store browsing through the racks of clothes in search of the right outfit. Olivia dreaded trying on new clothes because she was quite self-conscious and was insecure about her body. But Lynn was determined to assist her daughter find something that made her feel secure and beautiful.

After considerable hunting, Lynn eventually found a pair of loose fitting pants for Olivia to try on. They were a pleasant pair of yoga pants with an elastic waistline. She brought them up to Olivia, who looked at them sceptically.

"I don't know, Mom. I don't think these will suit me," Olivia replied anxiously.

"Why not, sweetie?" Lynn asked, trying to understand her daughter.

"Well, I know," Olivia responded, sheepishly indicating to her lower half.

Lynn chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, honey, sometimes I forget. Don't worry about it. These pants are stretchy and comfortable, and they will fit you perfectly." She tried to reassure her daughter.

"What if someone sees me?" Olivia asked, still unsure.

"No one will see you, sweetheart. You're merely trying them on in the fitting room. Just give them a chance, okay?" Lynn replied, pushing her daughter to try them on.

Together, Olivia and Lynn made their way to the changing room. Lynn waited outside as Olivia went in to try on the pants.

Olivia took a deep breath and pulled off her dress, feeling self-conscious. She stood in front of the mirror, looking at her bare body. She was a beautiful young high school girl with a slender human body. She had long, flowing auburn hair that cascaded down her back, and a pair of beautiful, perky breasts. They weren't as big as her moms, about 34C, but she was happy that they made her feel feminine.

As she peered down, she cringed at the sight of her panties. They were barely restraining her secret. She had a huge penis with a pair of large balls to boot. She hated this part of her, wishing she could just hide her body and disappear.

The bulge in her panties was thick and visible, pressing against the cloth. Her penis was large and lengthy, hanging heavy between her legs. And her balls were huge and round, swinging powerfully with any movement. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious about her enormous genitals, and she hoped she could just make them go away so she could be a regular girl.

Olivia was born with an unusual body, having a set of male genitalia above her female parts. At first, it wasn't a big deal. She was little and it was easy to hide away. But as she grew older and approached puberty, things started to change.

Her body began to develop and change, and so did her genitals. Her penis and balls started to develop along with the rest of her body, growing more and more noticeable. She struggled to find clothes that fit, and she felt self-conscious and humiliated about her figure.

Olivia tried to disguise her genitals as much as possible, wearing loose fitting clothes and avoiding circumstances where she might have to change or undress. Thankfully she was given doctors notes to avoid any uncomfortable circumstances like gym class.

Recently in the previous month she got her annual checkup with the family doctor. While glancing at herself in the changeroom mirror she cringes at the recollection.


"Okay, Olivia, I need you to take your pants and underwear down so I can check your dual anatomy," the doctor remarked, looking at Olivia with a gentle and understanding expression.

Olivia felt her face flush with humiliation, and she hesitated. "Do I really have to? I mean, can't you just look at it through my clothes?" she questioned, feeling self-conscious.

The doctor chuckled and shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I need to be able to see everything properly in order to complete a proper examination. Don't worry, I've seen lots of bodies before."

Olivia nodded grudgingly, and she stood up and started to undress. She couldn't help but feel exposed and vulnerable as she removed her pants and underwear, showing her huge genitals. She felt her penis and balls dangling heavily between her legs.

But the doctor was competent and empathetic, and she tried her best to put Olivia at ease. She examined Olivia's physique meticulously, explaining everything in detail as she went along. And after the examination was finished, she gave Olivia a warm grin and a pat on the shoulder.

"Wow, you've got a very beautiful set of there, Olivia," the doctor replied, appearing amazed. "I don't even see many full grown men with such a massive penis."

Olivia felt her face flush with embarrassment, and she couldn't help but cringe. " I think it's too big. It's always getting in the way and causing problems," she replied awkwardly.

The doctor abruptly kneels down in front of Olivia and takes out a measuring tape. "Okay, let's gather these measures so I can complete the check-up," she remarked, looking at Olivia with a warm smile.

Olivia felt her face flush even more, and she immediately tried covered herself with her hands. "What are you doing?" she said, feeling ashamed.

The doctor chuckled and shook her head. "I simply need to take some measurements, honey. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Now come on, let do this so we can be done with this."

But before Olivia could even answer, the doctor suddenly spoke up again. "Oh, and one more thing," she remarked, staring at Olivia with a serious gaze. "I need you to be hard for these measurements. It will offer me a more accurate reading of your genitalia."

Olivia felt her face flush with humiliation, and she couldn't help but gasp. "Uh, sure," she responded, feeling anxious. "But can you, uh, turn around or something until I, uh, get myself ready?"

The doctor chuckled and nodded. "Of course, sweetheart. I'll turn around for a minute so you can ready yourself. Just let me know when you're ready."

Olivia heaved a sigh of relief when the doctor turned around, giving her a minute of privacy. She rapidly got herself aroused, feeling her penis and balls start to bulge and develop.

Olivia was used to experiencing morning wood, especially since she started going through adolescence. It was a natural part of life for a developing girl, and she had learned to live with it. But she always avoided masturbating, feeling uncomfortable and terrible about it. She knew that it was a normal and healthy part of life, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Instead, she would take cold showers to settle herself down anytime she started to have desires. It wasn't the most pleasant experience, but it helped to keep her in check. When she was finally ready, she told the doctor, letting her know that she may turn back around.

The doctor turned back around, and for a second, she appeared surprised. But she quickly regained her professional demeanor, and she approached Olivia with a smile. "Okay, honey, let's get these measurements taken," she said, pulling out the little measuring tape.

Olivia tried to relax as the doctor meticulously measured her penis, taking exact measurements of its length and girth. She was professional and efficient, and she didn't seem to be judgmental or uncomfortable.

"Well, everything seems good here," the doctor observed, jotting down some notes on her notepad. "Your penis is seven and a half inches long and four and a quarter inches in girth. Everything appears totally normal and healthy."


"Olivia, sweetheart, are you okay in there?" her mom shouted out, her voice muffled by the door.

"Uh, sure, I'm good," Olivia yelled back, trying to control herself. "I'm just putting them on now."

She hurriedly slipped the yoga pants up over her hips, feeling glad that they suited her comfortably. They were a little loose, but they didn't look too baggy or unattractive. She invites her mum inside before having a look at how they looked on her in the mirror.

"Oh, these look amazing on you!" her mum remarked, giving her a hug. "I'm delighted you decided to give them a chance."

Olivia smiled and hugged her mom back, feeling grateful for her support and encouragement. She turned to the mirror to have a look at herself, feeling a little nervous. From the rear, the pants looked wonderful and suited her well, hugging her shapely butt. But as she turned around, she couldn't help but shudder at the sight of her bulging genitals, she knew that they would be on full display if she wore these pants in public.

"I don't know, Mom," she responded weakly. "I don't think these pants are really appropriate for wearing in public."

Her mom peered down, and she couldn't help but gasp slightly. Outlined clearly in the pants was a thick shaft and two distinct orbs. Olivia's cock was directed to the left and about halfway down her thigh.

"Oh my goodness, Olivia," her mum murmured, attempting to contain herself. "I had no clue genitals were huge."

Olivia reddened, feeling ashamed and self-conscious. "I know Mom, it's terrible" she said. "I've always had problems finding clothes that fit me comfortably. Everything is always too tight or too exposing."

Her mum nodded, seeming empathetic. "I understand, honey," she said. "I remember when you were growing up, I tried to help you through your differences. I always made sure you had clothes that suited you well and were comfortable. But I guess I didn't know exactly how much you had, uh, grown."

"Alright Olivia why don't you change back into your dress. I am going to try on the one I picked out since I am already in here."

Olivia groaned and nodded, feeling a little defeated. She started to pull the pants off, feeling a sense of relief.

As Lynn changed out of her clothes, Olivia couldn't help but feel her face flush crimson with humiliation. She watched as her mum slipped off her top and bra, showing her large breasts. Olivia couldn't help but feel a hint of excitement as she watched her mom's figure.

But as Lynn slipped out of her pants, Olivia's desire changed to discomfort. She felt her penis start to slip out of her panties and harden as she viewed her mom's bare body. She tried to shove it back down and hide it, but it was too late. Lynn had already noticed.

"Oh my gosh, Olivia," Lynn murmured, her eyes widening as she saw the tip of Olivia's penis hanging outside of her panties. "I had no idea you were"

Olivia felt her face burn with embarrassment as she tried to cover herself. "I'm sorry, Mom," she murmured, feeling ashamed. "I can't help it. It just...happens sometimes."

"It's okay, baby," Lynn murmured, attempting to soothe her. "How... um... long does it take to go away? What do you generally do when this happens?"

Olivia glances down at her feet, feeling humiliated. "I generally just try to hide it, or take a cold shower" she remarked, glancing up at her mum. "I wear loose fitting clothes and avoid occasions where I have to change or undress."

"Oh, sweetheart," Lynn replied, feeling a flood of shame sweep over her. "Can you, um, do something to help it go down? You know, like...masturbate or something? Because we cannot leave the changeroom like way. You will tent your dress!"

"I-I've never done anything like that before, Mom," Olivia muttered, feeling humiliated and ashamed. "I don't know how."

"Oh dear," Lynn murmured, appearing embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to do."

"It's okay, Mom," Olivia said, trying to soothe her. "I just don't know how to make it go down."

"Well, maybe we can just wait a bit and see if it goes down on its own," Lynn suggested, looking hopeful. "In the meantime, I'll step out and give you some privacy."

With that, Lynn departed the changeroom, leaving Olivia alone with her thoughts and her body. She couldn't believe she was in this situation.

After about ten minutes Lynn felt she should go back to the changeroom and check up on her daughter.

As Lynn walked back into the changeroom, she was astonished by the sight before her. Olivia was sitting on the stool, a few tears flowing down her face as she battled to control her body. Her penis was completely erect, the foreskin mostly pulled back to display the shiny head. Fully engorged, the veins on its surface bulging with each pulse. It was big and long, easily bigger than her fathers penis, Lynn thinks to herself, but she shakes the thought off. On a small high school girl it looked mighty impressive. Her balls were round and thick, dangling low between her legs. They seemed full and ready to burst, like two big grapes.

Lynn couldn't help but feel a combination of feelings - shame for not comprehending the challenges her daughter was going through. She couldn't even begin to think how difficult it must be for Olivia to walk about with such a big appendage between her legs.

"Oh, baby, don't cry," Lynn murmured, going to console her daughter. "It's okay, we'll figure something out. We can't just sit here forever, though. Is there anything I can do to help? Maybe give you some tips or something?"

Olivia shook her head, feeling overwhelmed and useless. "I don't know, Mom. I've never done anything like this before. I don't even know where to start."

Lynn hesitated for a moment, feeling unsure of what to do. She knew it was a delicate situation, and she didn't want to make things worse. However, she was also aware that they couldn't continue to wait. She took a deep breath and made a decision.

"Okay, baby," she murmured, taking a seat next to Olivia. "I'm going to show you how to, um, take care of yourself. It's something that all adults have to do, and it's important to know how to do it safely and responsibly."

"I-I don't know if I can do this," she said, her voice shaking.

"It's okay, sweetie. You can do this," Lynn said, trying to reassure her. "Lets start with putting your hand around the base of your penis."

Olivia hesitated for a moment, but eventually she did as she was told. She wrapped her hand around the base of her cock, feeling its warm, smooth skin beneath her fingers.

"Okay, honey, now try drawing your foreskin back," Lynn remarked, observing as Olivia followed her instructions.

"It's kind of tight" Olivia said, staring at her cock.

"That's normal," Lynn said, trying to reassure her. "But you can do it. Just take it slow and use your fingers to slowly stretch it back. You might need to use more lubricant in the future when masturbating, but it looks like you've got enough precum for it to work."

Olivia took a deep breath and carefully pushed her foreskin back, showing the glistening, engorged head of her cock. It was a rich shade of pink, with a little slit at the top that was already starting to cry with arousal. "It's so strange," she exclaimed, her face flushed with curiosity and embarrassment.

"It's all part of growing up, sweetie," Lynn said.

As Lynn watched, Olivia tentatively began to stroke her cock up and down, her hand sliding along its smooth, slick skin. Her balls swung heavily below, adding to the awkward, clumsy movement of her hand. She was clearly inexperienced and unsure of what she was doing. As Olivia clumsily stroked her cock up and down, she couldn't bring herself to look at what she was doing. Her face was red with embarrassment, and she couldn't help but feel awkward and self-conscious.

Lynn watched her daughter with a mix of pity and sadness. It was evident that this was not something that came readily to Olivia, and she was straining to get herself off. Lynn couldn't help but feel bad for her daughter, and she wished she could do something to help.

"It's okay, sweetheart," she murmured, caressing Olivia's back comfortingly. "You're doing your best. Let me show you how to do it," Lynn offered, sliding her hands to take over the task. "See, you simply need to stroke the head of your cock like this," she remarked, masterfully rubbing the sensitive tip. "And make sure to spread the precum about, it'll make it easier to glide your fingers up and down." Lynn continued to demonstrate the technique, her hands gliding in a smooth rhythm up and down Olivia's shaft. "Just like that, see how easy it is?"

Olivia's eyes widened in amazement and humiliation as her mom began to stroke her cock. She started to object, but the words caught in her throat. But she also couldn't deny the thrill that was starting to swell inside her. She could feel her cock getting harder and her balls began to ache with need. "I-I don't know if I can do this," she stuttered, looking away.

"It's okay, sweetie. Just let yourself go and enjoy it," Lynn said, continuing to stroke her daughter's cock.

As Lynn continued to touch, she couldn't help but gasp at its enormity. Definitely bigger than her fathers she thought to herself. Having never seen anything like it before, and she couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by it. But she realized that she had to help her daughter, so she caressed it up and down, feeling the silky, warm flesh beneath her fingertips.

As Lynn's fingers slid down to fondle Olivia's plump balls, the young futanari couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. Her mother's skilled fingers massaged her sensitive testicles, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Lynn continued to stroke Olivia's cock with one hand, the other hand still busy playing with her balls. It was a new sensation for Olivia, and she couldn't believe how fantastic it felt.

She started to relax and let go of her inhibitions. She let out a small groan as her mom's hand went up and down her cock, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

"Oh no, honey, you're almost there!" Lynn said, feeling a surge of panic. "But where are we going are you going to finish?"

Olivia moaned, her eyes clenched shut as she attempted to hold on. "I don't know, Mom," she said, panting. "I don't have anything catch it."

Lynn's mind raced as she tried to think of a solution. There were no towels or tissues handy, and she didn't want to cause a mess. "Okay, okay," she replied, attempting to calm herself down.

Lynn stopped for a time, feeling conflicted and hesitant. On one hand, she didn't want to embarrass her daughter or make her feel uncomfortable. But on the other hand, she didn't want to make a mess or have to deal with the aftermath of a massive cumshot. She knew she had to decide immediately, as Olivia was moving closer and closer to the point of no return.

After much internal deliberation, Lynn decided. She leaned in closer to Olivia, her eyes fixed on the head of her daughter's cock. "Okay, sweetheart," she murmured, attempting to seem soothing. "I realize this is awkward, but I think it's the only solution. I want you to close your eyes and let go, okay?" Lynn kneels on the floor in front of her daughters large cock. It looms over her.

Olivia nodded and closed her eyes; she knew she couldn't hold back anymore. Letting go she feels her orgasm wash over her in a wave of pleasure.

As Olivia's moans grew louder and her body trembled, Lynn leaned in closer, opening her mouth wide. She tried to catch the cum as it began to spew out of the head of Olivia's cock, but it was too much for her to handle. The first few blasts missed her mouth and landed on her cheeks and chest.

Lynn leaned in closer, her eyes locked on the pulsing head of her daughter's cock. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but she knew she had to try and catch the cum. With a sense of determination, she curled her lips around the head, taking it into her mouth.

The cock was big and swollen, and it was tough to take it all in. Lynn fought to keep it in her mouth, feeling the cum coming out in spurts. She gagged and choked, attempting to keep it down, but some of it escaped, dripping down her chin and onto her breast.

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