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Chapter 01: New Home, New Rules

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Cody wakes up to more than he expected.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/05/2024
Created 11/19/2023
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My head hurt. Like, a lot. As I woke up, I tried to remember the previous night. I had gone out for drinks with some friends I had met this semester, and the night had been a blur. We'd met up with a larger group, and I had ended up drinking more than I should've.

"Dumb-ass. That's what you get," I muttered to myself, rubbing my temples.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. I'm sure my wolfies played a role."

I almost jumped out of my skin. I hadn't noticed the woman seated in front of me. As I slowly sank back into the bed, she studied me with piercing brown eyes.

"Comfy?" She asked, with a slight smirk.

"I'm alright. Where exactly am I?"

"I thought it'd be clear! You're at my house, in my bed. I picked you up last night." She responded, with her smirk expanding to a wide smile.

Stunning is the only way to describe her. Absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. She was easily the prettiest individual I had ever laid eyes on. She ran a hand through her short, A-cut hair, and gave a chuckle.

"What'cha looking at, hot shot? Never seen a woman before?"

I realized too late I had been staring, and tried to gather myself quickly.

"What did you mean by 'wolfies'. You mean, like, roofies?" I asked, terrified to hear the answer. This was all too weird.

"Of course, baby-doll. A woman's gotta do what she's gotta do to get some action in this town. Especially if you have... shall we say, particular tastes."

I swallowed. This was bad. Real bad. I was in a strange house, with a woman I didn't know, who was claiming she drugged me and brought me here.

"Hey, man! I don't want any trouble. I don't care if anything happened, just let me leave."

She crossed the distance between us in lightning speed. With one hand, she pressed my chest into the mattress, as she lowered her mouth to my ear.

"Oh, puppy, you really don't get it. You aren't going anywhere until I say so."

She raised herself to her full height, towering over me as I lay in her bed.

"You still haven't even said 'good morning' to me. That will have to be corrected. One."

This was all too much for my fuzzied brain to handle. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed to anybody to let me wake up from this nightmare. I opened my eyes, and was greeted with that smile again. God, she really was beautiful. And those dimples on either cheek... stop. Focus on the problem at hand. Get out and get help.

"Put that on," she said, pointing to the floor next to me, "And take everything else off."

I turned to look where she gestured. It was a collar. A fucking collar. Not a chintzy, pet supply grade, polyester thing that most people put on their pets, but a thick leather deal with a chain in the middle.

"I'm not doing that. I'm leaving NOW!"

Her smile faded, and was replaced with a look of anger.

"Pup, you don't seem to appreciate your situation. You are in MY house. You have no idea where that is, where to go, even where your phone is. Even if you could leave, where could you go?"

Fuck, she was right. How the fuck did I get myself into this mess. She seemed to notice the defeat in my eyes.

"It won't be too bad, puppy," she said, her expression softening. "Now, do as you were told. Put that collar on, and meet me downstairs." She turned to leave. "Oh, and puppy? Two."


I sat in bed for at least five minutes, contemplating what I should do next. Eventually, the inescapability of the situation set it, and I relented. I grabbed the collar from the ground and fastened it securely around my neck. I took a breath, and opened the door.

Her house was massive. Actually, massive might have been an understatement. The door opened to a landing that was easily the size of my apartment. There were at least three other rooms upstairs that I could see. A staircase wound down to the main floor, into an entryway that could've housed a family of four. It took me another five minutes to navigate the maze of hallways and rooms until I found my mystery woman. She was sat, sipping a mug of coffee, in a comfortable-looking breakfast nook. Under other circumstances, I would've enjoyed wandering her house, but the weight of my circumstances served as ample fetters to my amazement.

"Oh, you finally made it," she said, glancing at her watch. "Fifteen minutes, though. Tsk tsk. We're going to have to teach you some urgency. Three."

I swallowed.

"Look, man, this is fucking weird. Just tell me what you want from me, and get it over with."

"Right to the point, huh?" She asked.

"Yes. Now, what. Do. You. Want?"

"Oh, puppy, you seem to have the wrong idea. I don't want something from you. What I want is you. Why do you think I went through all the effort to bring you here? You think I just spike random guys' drinks all the time?"

God damn. She planned this? The bitch must've been a stalker on top of being crazy.

My shock was clearly evident on my face, as she regained that cocky smirk she had worn in the bedroom.

"Don't worry about it, puppy. You have much bigger things to worry about." She chuckled. "Now, you probably don't remember too much from last night, so let's take a minute to get acquainted. Sit."

I started to pull out a chair when she stopped me with a disapproving shake.

"No. Not there. On the ground. Puppies aren't allowed on the furniture."

I wanted to scream out, 'Fuck you!' but I knew it wouldn't help my situation. Holding back my anger, I found a spot on the floor, and sat facing her.

"Good boy! Now, let's get a few things out of the way. First, my name is Amber, but you will address me only as Mistress or Goddess. As you can probably tell by looking around, I am fairly successful, and don't have the time to put up with people fucking around. When I tell you to do something, I expect it done correctly and promptly. Do you understand me?"

I looked up at her, and nodded, too ashamed to even speak.

"No. No! When I talk to you, I expect a response. Correct yourself. Four"

"Yes, Mistress." I spoke softly into the floor.

"Yes, what?" She spat back.

"Yes, Mistress, I understand."

"Good boy. Now, there are a few more things you should know. Pay attention, and don't make me repeat myself."

I stayed there, kneeling, focused on every word. I wasn't certain what she had prepared, but I was certain I wouldn't like it.

"As I said, I am a very busy woman. You will assist me with everyday tasks. Every morning, you will greet me at my bedside, and ask what I want for breakfast. You will then come down here to the kitchen and prepare it. You were allowed to sleep in today due to the nature of your arrival, but that will not happen again. From now on, I am your only priority."

She sat back and took a long sip of coffee.

"If you look around, you will notice I keep a very tidy house. You will be responsible for cleaning while I am away at work. I suspect your parents taught you how to use a vacuum and a mop, and I expect you to use them. At least once a week, each room must be cleaned. Finally, at least for now, you are expected to remain on all fours upstairs and in the basement, unless instructed otherwise. Now, let's show you where you will be staying."

She stood up abruptly, and marched off into another room. I rose to my feet, and jogged after her.

"...over here is the laundry room," she was explaining, "and here to my left is your room."

I peeked inside, and saw a fairly small space, furnished with only a large dog cage.

"Fuck you," I muttered, before realizing the mistake.

She looked at me with a fiery glint in her eyes.

"Unacceptable. Five, six, and seven. I am letting you stay at my house for FREE, and you have the nerve to speak to me like that!?!? Your attitude needs adjustment." She grabbed my collar, and pulled me down the hall.

I cried out and tried to gain my footing, but she kept pulling me until we came to a door at the end of the corridor. She opened it, and revealed a stairway down.

"I wasn't planning on using this so early. There is still so much you need to learn, and so much more of the house to see, but it's clear you need some attention before we can continue."

She pulled me down the stairs, and to my horror, I found myself in a porno set. There were all sorts of mounts and restraints. I recognized a few implements and toys, but other things were new. I tried to turn and run up the stairs, but Mistress' hold on my collar was too much, and she pulled me back.

"You really are having trouble listening, aren't you. I told you that you were to be on all fours down here! Get down there, bitch. Eight."

On the word 'down', she pulled sharply on my collar, bringing me to my knees. She swiftly drug me to the center of the room, where a set of handcuffs hung, suspended by a chain, from the ceiling.

"Alright, bitch, you may stand up. But I'm warning you, don't try any of that shit again. You won't get out of anything, and you'll just make it worse on yourself."

As soon as I was on my feet, she sprang into action, cuffing my hands in place, and fastening a pair of ankle cuffs around my legs. Once she was satisfied with her handiwork, she stepped back, and gave an approving nod.

"I'm sorry you chose this way, puppy, but what's done is done." And with that, she turned and walked into a small room attached to my current one.I caught a glimpse of a black uniform hanging in the corner before the door was shut, and I was left alone, strung up from the ceiling like a pig.

'How the fuck did you get yourself into this?' I asked myself. I silently promised to never drink again if I could just get free, but after a few minutes, I gave up trying. The cuffs were too snug, and the locks weren't going anywhere. All I could do was stand and wait for my tormentor to return from whatever it was she was doing.

After what felt like an eternity, Amber finally re-emerged, but instead of the PJs she had been wearing, she was dressed all in black, with black riding boots, black leggings, a snug black top, and long black gloves that showed off her slender arms. She moved with a purpose over to me, and gave my cheek a pat.

"What's the matter, puppy? See something you like?"

I realized that my mouth had been hanging open like an idiot, and I quickly closed it. I shook my head. I wasn't going to let this woman know how I felt. She had drugged me, and essentially kidnapped me, and now I was tied up in her basement, about to have God knows what happen, and I was angry.

"Just let me go, please." I pleaded. "I won't tell anyone what happened. I won't go to the police. I just want to go home. Please don't do this. Let me go ho-mpgh..."

As I begged for my release, Mistress had been selecting a gag from a collection of toys just outside of my range of vision, and had stuck it in my mouth as I spoke.

"That's enough of that. I was nice enough to go through all the effort to bring you here, to give you a home and a purpose, and this is the thanks I get. You've been rude, nasty, bad tempered, and insubordinate. You're begging like a pathetic little whore, now shut up!"

I looked at her with wide eyes, struggling to breathe around the gag.

"Now, how high did our count get? Were you paying attention?"

I nodded, trying to keep myself from crying. If not anything else, I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction.

"How high was the count, whore?" She asked, circling me while wielding a crop that seemed to have materialized out of thin air.

"Eighth, Mmithuth," I replied, hating the words that had exited my mouth.

"That's right. In this house, we have a rule. If you commit an infraction that adds to the count, that is ten minutes of punishment. I know you are probably new to this, so I was planning to go easy on you, to ease your transition, but you haven't earned that, have you?"

She looked at me, as the realization dawned on my face.

"You haven't, right?" She asked again.

Too late I realized she was looking for a response, and received a sharp *crack* across my ass with the crop.

"Now the count is nine. I want an answer."

"Nugh, Mmithuth," I yelled, the gag doing its part to restrict my voice.

"Well, who am I to argue against that," She said with a laugh.

She walked to a table, and grabbed a small coil of something. As she got closer to me, I could make out what it was: my belt.

"This is probably my favorite toy. It always makes the tough ones crack."

She moved around behind me, and I tensed up. It didn't take long before I heard a loud smack, and felt a pain across my thighs. I instantly tipped forward, caught only by my wrists, and cried out in pain.

"That's right, you dumb bitch. You're so pathetic, sniveling and begging. Shut up, and take it."

Each word she said was punctuated with another crack of my belt, all along my back and legs. Tears started to run down my face, as I bit the gag hard to muffle my screams. Mistress moved in front of me, and smiled a devilish smile at my obvious pain. Without a word, she grabbed my chin, and traced the path of a single tear with her tongue. When she had finished, she shoved my head away, and wound up for another strike.

This one was worse, landing on my stomach, and leaving a red welt along my chest. Mistress shifted her gaze down lower, and grabbed onto my penis.

"Oh, you dirty slut. How can you possibly be getting hard through all of this? I knew I had picked correctly."

She released me, and I hung my head in shame. I didn't want this. How could she claim that? Nevertheless, though, she was right. My member stood tall and erect, almost daring Mistress to keep on going. Bad move.

Mistress had released her hold so she could get a better shot. I realized too late, and before I could try and block with my legs, my own belt came flying up, and hit me square along my balls, causing me to almost faint.

"AAAAAAaaaaaGHAaaUGHAUGH!!!!!!!" was the only thing I could muster.

Mistress almost cackled with glee. I writhed against my chains as she continued to circle me, hitting me at irregular intervals. This continued for what seemed like centuries, until I felt a gloved hand caress my face.

"Puppy, look at me"

I picked my head up, and looked my Mistress in the eyes.

"You are doing so well." She said, as she gently touched my arms and chest. "Here, drink this."

She removed the gag from my mouth, as I hung there, quivering. A bottle of water was raised to my lips, and I gulped down several mouthfuls.

Mistress began to run her fingers through my mane of soft, blonde hair.

"Are we done, now, Mistress?" I asked, hopefully.

She gave my hair a tussle and laughed.

"Oh, puppy, not even close. But you are doing so well. Look at you! You even remembered how to address me properly."

Her words of praise almost felt...good? I mean, obviously I hated her for what she was doing, but some small part of me was proud to receive that praise.

Mistress rested her palm on my cheek and I relaxed my head into it. She gave me a small pat, and with that, she grabbed the gag, and started back up again.

We repeated this pattern several times until finally, Mistress asked me if I was ready to apologize to her. Choking back some choice language, I spoke.

"I am sorry for offending you, Mistress, and not doing as you said."

"Thank you, puppy, but I'm not sure that you're being 100% sincere. You still have that look of defiance in you." She leaned in close, "Don't worry, breaking you in is going to be my favorite part." She kissed my cheek and took a step back.

"Let's try something different. You'd like to do something different, wouldn't you?"

Oh my God, yes. My body hurt all over. I had welts down my back and legs. My wrists were raw where my hands had twisted in their shackles. Anything would be better than this...right?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good boy. We're going to play a little game." She fixed a lead to my collar. "I'm going to uncuff your hands. When I do that, get on all fours, facing me."

I did as instructed, and felt her place a hand on my head.

"Here are the rules: The only noises you are allowed to make are, 'Yes, Mistress,' 'Thank you, Mistress,' and, 'I understand, Mistress.' You may not grunt, scream out, beg, nothing. Additionally, every time I point to the ground, you are to kiss the spot, and then kneel there. At all other times, you must remain on your hands and knees. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress."

She pulled the leash, and led me out of the room. It was all I could do to keep pace with her, as her long, beautiful legs easily took steps longer than my own while on my knees. As she led me up the stairs, she explained what she had planned.

"You need to finish your house tour. I expect you to be better behaved this time."

We emerged into the same corridor as before, and she led me back to my 'room.'

"As I said, this is your room."

She pointed to a spot on the floor next to her, and I crawled forward, and placed my lips gingerly onto it. I then proceeded to kneel next to her, and she gave me an approving nod, and ruffled my hair.

"For these first few weeks, of course, you will sleep in this kennel. While I believe you will grow to love your new role here fairly quickly, I don't want you spoiling anything by trying to sneak out in the middle of the night. As you gain my trust, we can discuss getting you a bed. Either way, you will sleep in here each night, unless I tell you otherwise." She gestured to the wall, at what looked like a metal grate. "This is a page system. Should I desire anything at night, I will call you through this, and you will bring me what I ask, without question. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Mistress." I replied.

"Good. It's pretty simple, so even a dumb bitch like yourself shouldn't fuck it up too badly. Should you need to bring anything to me, either upstairs or in the basement, you may remain standing, rather than crawling. However, if you choose to remain on all fours, you have a chance to earn a reward."

I hurt too bad and was too tired to even care at this point. I simply muttered a, "Yes, Mistress," and we carried on.

"Across from your room," she said, as she led me across the hall, "Is the butlers pantry. This is where you'll find the fridge, most food items, spices and seasonings, and where you will prepare meals. Once again, after you gain trust, you will be expected to maintain inventory here. You will purchase ingredients, stock the cabinets, and maintain a log of everything purchased and used. Should I host an event, you will also be in charge of any workers that help prepare, and are responsible for everything they do. You will keep this space clean, neat, and organized. Do you understand?"

I wanted to say anything but 'Yes, Mistress,' but I really had no other choice. I wanted to curl into a ball and sob, but I gritted my teeth and responded, "Yes, Mistress."

She laughed. "Oh, I can see that defiance hasn't left you, yet. Good. As long as you behave for now, we can correct your attitude later."

I hung my head and followed her as she wound her way through the main floor of her house, pausing as she did to take in its many bathrooms, guest rooms, sitting areas, and her office.

Her office was a large, dark, wooded room. The best way to describe it was simply 'an office." It stretched up into the second floor, and possessed a balcony and library from those heights. The main space of her office had a sturdy wooden desk, a sitting area and a large fireplace. The whole room smelled of old books and tobacco. Again, I found myself marveling at the scale and appeal of the room. Under different circumstances, I would've been thrilled to even be in the space.

"This is my office, as you could probably guess," Mistress began, pointing to the floor, almost absentmindedly. "When I'm home, and not occupied with, shall we say, other matters, I will spend most of my time in here. When you complete your daily assignments, and before and after dinner, you will also join me in here. You'll notice a nice pad next to my desk." I craned my head from my kneeling position, not daring to move, lest I add to the count. "That will be your spot," she continued. "You will be there, and you will make yourself available to me. You can think of this as free time. You can read, draw, whatever you want, but the moment I want something from you, that is your only priority."


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