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Charlotte's Web


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Gary stared at her perfect form, flexed abs, jutting breasts, upturned leg, pointed toes, and he felt the overwhelming need to devour her. To taste her so deeply that she'd always be a part of him.

He sat up, grabbed her around the waist and tossed her onto the bed. Gary kissed Charlotte deeply, almost angrily at how bad she'd made him want her. Charlotte was taken by surprise by, but she relished it, letting him take her however he wanted, knowing ultimately that it was her taking him.

Gary worked his way down her neck, getting sidetracked by her looming breasts on his way to her stomach. He sucked as much of one of her huge tits into his mouth as he could, obscenely stretching it for them both to see. Charlotte watched, mesmerized, as her tit disappeared into Gary's wolfish mouth, astounded at the sight and sensation of this new experience. No man was ever audacious enough to try to swallow her breast whole, and the feel of all that warm wetness closing in around her tit flesh, along with the tight seal necessary to keep it stretched, drove Charlotte crazy. When Gary repeated on the other tit, she almost came.

Gary left her mounds a spit-covered mess, kissing down her flat belly to her sensual hips. He licked his way over her thighs as he gently parted them, getting his first view of the most delicious shaved pussy he'd ever seen. Charlotte, who was still gasping from his work on her tits, looked down at him with desperation.

"Eat me..." she breathed, and Gary dove in. His tongue touched her glistening lips, and the sweet nectar awakened his tastebuds. He took another long, probing lick, collecting her juices on his tongue, and swallowed them down.

"Oh God..." Gary whispered into her pussy as he gripped both of her smooth white thighs, trembling at her musky, salty taste. As Gary lapped over and over again between her tender walls, Charlotte pushed his face into her with her both hands, squeezing his ears shut with her thighs. She wanted him to sense nothing but her.

As he worked desperately to swallow her, and to breathe, Charlotte dragged his mouth up and down over her pussy by his hair. Gary finally broke free, gasping, his face covered in her juices. He couldn't taste his own saliva anymore -- every swallow tasted like Charlotte. But still he wanted more.

He gripped both of her thighs and bent her legs into the air, pointing her pussy toward the ceiling. Her position was so lewd, knees bent, feet up, utterly exposed, that fresh cream flooded her channel in anticipation.

Gary swallowed Charlotte's pussy with his mouth, kissing and tonguing it like it was a new lover, drinking from her never-ending well of juice. He licked to his heart's content, encouraged by Charlotte's gentle cooing and squirming, wondering if he could ever get himself to stop tasting her. On cue, Charlotte kicked her legs free, causing Gary to land with his arms straight, hovering over her, face to face.

Gary looked at Charlotte, both of them breathless from his wild pussy-eating. She grabbed his head with her hand and pulled him in for a kiss. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if she'd mind tasting her own pussy juice, but of course she loved the taste of herself on a man's lips. It was the taste of victory.

As she tenderly kissed and licked his coated face, she gently reeled the rest of his body toward hers, heels hooking his thighs. He fell into her, mouth on mouth, chest on chest, the root of his steel hard cock now resting in the cleft of her smooth pussy. They kissed and grabbed and swiveled their hips for an eternity. Finally, Charlotte broke their kiss and held Gary's face with both hands, gazing at him with a suddenly vulnerable face. It shocked Gary, how needy she could look, even as the ultimate seductress.

Charlotte wanted him to see this side of her too, the side that was scared and needed desperately to be comforted, to be filled. How else could his heart truly be his? She spread her bent thighs and upturned her hips so that his thick meat slid down it, cock head pulsing at her entrance. With their eyes locked in a fragile lover's gaze, Gary's hands clung to Charlotte's shoulders. He couldn't be the one who finally positioned his cock for entry. That suddenly seemed like an important line for him not to cross.

Charlotte sensed his hesitation, but rather than grab his cock herself, she simply held his gaze, letting the heat of her pussy against his cock melt the last of his resistance like an ice cube on a hot sidewalk. This is where her true seductive genius lie. While other women would grow impatient at this point and impale themselves, Charlotte knew that the excruciating patience she showed here would be what finally opened up Gary's emotional core. Her eyes penetrating his soul, her tits burrowing into his heart, all that remained to claim him was his cock in her pussy. And if he was the one who connected them in that way, it would be his way of offering all of him to her. After holding each other longer than either of them thought possible, Charlotte pursed her lips with a perfectly timed, "Please..."

That broke him.

Gary pulled his left hand from her shoulder, gripped his achingly hard cock, and lined it up with her wet hole. Charlotte gave him small, encouraging nods as he sunk his fat head past her fluttering lips. Now anchored, Gary returned his hand to her shoulder, wrapping her in his arms. They held their eye contact as Gary pushed his hips forward, feeding her hungry pussy inch after inch of his hot meat. She aided the effort by digging her heels into his ass. Meeting slight resistance in her tight pussy, Gary loosened her with slight back and forth motions, until at last, she unlocked for him. His cock head hit her cervix, his hips pressed against hers, her ankles locked around his ass, and all of him was in all of her. Staring into her eyes, the euphoria was so complete, Gary felt the urge to blurt, "I love you."

Charlotte saw the surrender in his eyes. She'd gotten him inside her, gotten him to be the one who did it, and based on his expression, gotten inside his heart. She squeezed him with her whole body and moaned luxuriously, imagining that as her pussy squeezed his cock it was wringing out his love for his girlfriend. Or at the very least, coating his love with so much of her pussy juice that it was ruined.

Charlotte pictured him going home tonight, having to wash his cock before he crawled into bed with Lynn, and she spurred Gary on with her heels while rocking her hips, marinating him within her depths. Buzzing warmth began to build in her pussy as she dwelt on the futility of Gary cleaning himself. No amount of washing would get her off of him. She was inside him now, just as surely as he was inside her.

His cock silently compelled Gary to move in time with Charlotte's urging. Now she was controlling his joystick with her pussy, and unfortunately for Gary, she was even more skilled with her pussy than with her mouth and hand. But there was still some learning she had to do before she had complete mastery over him, so she bided her time, letting her pussy get acclimated to its new toy.

Gary squeezed himself into her harder and harder, his cock not moving more than an inch back and forth under the constraint of her locked feet. Not that he would have pulled out more if he could -- his cock felt so amazing that he didn't want any of it uncovered by her pussy for even a second.

But their subtle rhythm slowly stroked a fire within him, as Charlotte knew it would. Gary mashed his lips on hers as he dug his cock deep into her, then strained against her crossed feet on the recoil, gaining an inch of thrusting room in the process. Gary repeated his urgent bucking, tongue sensuously filling her, trying to unlock more pleasurable inches by licking them out of her mouth. Charlotte granted his mouth's request as she worked him like a maestro, his whole self now fully plugged into her. Charlotte released her foot lock, confident that he was nothing more than her puppet now and would do only what she psychically commanded as long as he was hooked to her like this.

Gary thrilled at his newfound freedom of movement, mistaking it for control. He loaded up his strokes to show Charlotte what kind of power he had, to make her feel his strength, to win her over by giving it all to her. Yes, many other men had fucked her, but he would fuck her better than all of them. He imagined each clap of their thighs was the ding of a carnival bell after he'd hammered down with all his strength. Slap! Slap! Slap! Ding! Ding! Ding! He wanted to win first prize for her. He wanted to impress her, and then to ravish her. He wanted to fuck her so beyond her expectations that he was the only man she thought about anymore.

Charlotte was almost in a meditative state now as her desires continued to imprint themselves on Gary through their ineffable mingling of bodies and minds. Her need was bleeding into him, making him have the same one. She felt a similar thrill as when she was young and would ride a horse for the first time, feeling the powerful being beneath her submit to her will. Of course, even then, she could never settle on one horse, needing her parents to keep a stable full. Maybe if her parents hadn't given her everything she wanted, she wouldn't have selfishly transformed Lynn's loyal, caring boyfriend into her rutting buck.

Gary pushed himself back up on his arms in a cobra position, wanting to see Charlotte's tits bounce in the glow of the moonlight. Their jiggling made him cry out "Fuck!" and furrow his brow in rapturous pain. Gary pounded away as Charlotte let her limbs all lie limp in a show of total submission. Encouraged, he picked up the pace, wanting to fuck her mind into oblivion, mirroring the desire Charlotte was signaling to him with her whole being. Instinctually, Charlotte knew now was the time to start tearing at his relationship.

"What about Lynn?" Charlotte asked, timing 'Lynn' so that the name was ejected from her lungs by one of Gary's thrust.

He froze. His blood ran cold. Had he heard right? He looked down at Charlotte, sweat now beaded on his brow.

"Shouldn't you text her that you're not coming home?" she said, suddenly very serious.

Gary stared down at Charlotte in disbelief. What was she doing, bringing up Lynn at a time like this? Didn't she understand what was happening between the two of them right now? Didn't she feel driven insane with lust? Wasn't this the best sex of her life?

"I'll do it later," Gary said, lowering his mouth into her neck and continuing his thrusting, desperate to recapture their intimacy. But Charlotte gripped Gary's face with both hands and stared unsmiling into his eyes.

"Do it now."

Gary frowned. "I don't even know where my phone..." he stopped talking as Charlotte stretched her arm back like a cat's paw and came back from the darkness with his phone dangling in her hand. She smiled, but this time it sent a chill down Gary's spine.

She'd taken my phone with her. She'd wanted to get me to this moment. She'd been playing me all along.

"Charlotte, that's so fucked up," he whispered, lowering his head back down so that he wouldn't have to face his choice. Charlotte roughly mashed his cheeks with her thumb and index finger and brought his face to hers.

"What's fucked up is cheating on her and keeping her up all night." Gary shook his head at how calculating this young woman could be, naked, with her friend's boyfriend's cock buried deep in her pussy.

She handed him the phone. He took it with one hand, then tried to pull his cock out, but Charlotte wrapped her legs around his back. "Uh uh," she warned. Gary grit his teeth as he understood her perverse game.

He stared at his home screen. Lynn's smiling face stared back. It was from the morning of one of their first dates, her hair adorably rumpled. He realized too late that now he'd associate that seminal moment in their relationship with the first time he fucked Charlotte. A foundational block of him and Lynn's romance had been removed.

Gary opened his messages -- he had two texts from Lynn. "Hey babe! When are you coming home?" from an hour ago, and then just five minutes ago, "I'm going to eat without you." He knew she was upset with him by the lack of exclamation point.

"I'm sorry, my phone has been acting up," he typed. Charlotte watched him intently as he typed, never letting his cock leave her pussy. As he considered his next sentence, Charlotte began to massage her tits. Gently kneading the flesh, she ever-so-gently began to shift her hips. Gary was halfway through, "I'm stuck helping my mom" when he felt the effects of her movement. His eyes drifted from his phone to her chest, where Charlotte's massage had graduated to include thumbing her nipples. "Hurry," she whined.

Gary's shaking fingers struggled to type as Charlotte's shifting increased to swiveling, her legs locking him firmly into place. As his pleasure grew and head clouded, Gary realized she was going to fuck him faster and faster until he finished typing, whether or not it made for a coherent message.Charlotte worked her pussy on his cock from beneath, delighting as Gary struggled to finish his text.

"Lie to her," she whispered, "and then fuck me all night," squeezing her legs for emphasis. Gary shook with illicit pleasure as she spelled out her command, his cock expanding inside her.

With trembling hands, Gary typed one letter, then another. He received a jolt of pleasure with each keystroke, but he couldn't consciously understand why. That's because he wasn't really conscious anymore. Charlotte had moved her seduction to a bolder stage, shutting off his brain and filling it with her thoughts. "Lie to Lynn, lie to Lynn, lie to Lynn," she repeated in her mind, compelling him to obey her with every atom of her being.

"Be home in a few hours," he finally typed. But reasonable as they were, with Gary trapped in Charlotte's leg grip, the words felt hollow, meaningless. Not only did that statement seem like a lie, but so did every individual word, every letter. He knew he wouldn't be anywhere in a few hours but Charlotte's bed. But that was a problem for the future -- right now his goal was to get back to fucking Charlotte as hard as possible.

Gary knew he had to add something to his text, but he dreaded it. "Love you," he fingered one jolting letter at a time. Typing that while he was in another woman's pussy was bad enough to Gary. But the fact that, while soaking in Charlotte's essence, those all-important words also felt meaningless, made Gary's heart drop, and cock throb.

When Charlotte heard the soft swoosh of the sent message, she took back his phone like a teacher taking back a test paper. She smiled as she checked his work, once again circling her hips to increase his dizzying pleasure. But this time she wrapped her arms around Gary's neck and sat up, settling in on him so that they sat face to face, him nestled deep inside her. She yanked his hair so that his ear went to her mouth. "Good lies."

Gary felt like his soul was being shredded as Charlotte began riding his cock. She wanted to immediately reward him for his betrayal with a spike of dopamine, rewiring his body to receive pleasure when fraying his bond with Lynn.

Oh God, I'm really fucking someone else behind Lynn's back. My cock is in Charlotte while my girlfriend wonders where I am. I can't ever let my girlfriend know what I'm doing right now. Oh fuck, I have to keep this a secret for the rest of our lives. That I put my bare dick inside Lynn's friend. Every time we all hang out, Charlotte and I will have this memory, this secret, and Lynn will be standing next to us with no idea of what we've done. How good it felt...

The thoughts flooded Gary's mind like a stream, surprising him because of how hard it had been to think before. But this line of thought flowed easily, powerfully, irrepressibly from somewhere that wasn't exactly him. If he hadn't been so utterly in Charlotte's thrall by now, he might have recognized its origin; these were Charlotte's thoughts, but her mastery of him through his cock was so thorough by now that he hardly felt the difference.

Charlotte could see Gary's eyes cloud over as she continued to ride the love for his girlfriend out of his cock. He was completely pliable now. He had no clue where Charlotte ended and he began. That's because in truth, there was only Charlotte -- Gary was gone.

To test her complete control of him, Charlotte tried a more advanced maneuver. While still riding him at a steady clip, she leaned back, propping herself up with her arms so that her tits were jutting out toward him, jiggling hypnotically.

"Gary?" she said innocently. "Whose tits are better? Lynn's or mine?" She didn't say it with a smirk or a smile, but with an urgent need to know. Gary responded by crying out in ecstasy, and mauling her big, bouncing orbs. But Charlotte was displeased. Yes, he was showing her his worship, but the truth needed to be spoken for the next relationship building block to be hers. She yanked his head away from her perfect tits so they were eye to eye.

"Whose?" she asked again. "Lynn's or mine?" She punctuated "mine" with a pussy clamp that made Gary whimper.

"Yours," he choked, the word squeezed out of his mouth by Charlotte's tight cunt. She smiled icily at him, keeping their eye contact as she wrapped her arms around him, sealing his betrayal with a passionate kiss.

She squished her tits against his chest as she bounced on his cock, burrowing her hard nipples into his skin. Her huge, soft breasts massaged her spears into him while literally warming his heart with her tit flesh.

"Yurrss," he garbled into Charlotte's mouth involuntarily. Charlotte scrunched her nose adorably, like she'd been given a new pet. She leaned back so she could ride him harder. Gary stared at her bouncing tits, slack-jawed.

"Yours..." he whispered to himself like a sacred truth. Gary thought about the dozens of tits pics he had of Lynn, of their multiple sex videos, and suddenly all he could see were her tits, which were nice, but not Charlotte's. All those photos and videos, meant to solidify his sexual bond with Lynn, now had the opposite charge. Because of his admission, they would all bond him to Charlotte from now on, reminders of her superiority.

Oh fuck, did Charlotte just ruin Lynn's tits for me?

Gary looked up at Charlotte in a panic. She pinned him with a smirking glare as she ground down on his cock.

"Yes!" she spoke the loudest either of them had since they'd been in the bedroom. The vibration in his ear buzzed in his brain.

Oh fuck...did she just read my mind?!

He was afraid to think. It was preposterous, but she was preposterous. He believed Charlotte was capable of anything, and that made him want to give her everything. For all her attempts at soul-bonding them, Lynn was a mere mortal. Charlotte was a goddess, capable of so much more.

Gary fell back on his elbows, getting a clear view of Charlotte's pussy swallowing his cock over and over. He planked his hips up, lifting her slightly off the bed, gaining a precious inch or two of inside her, his cock head now pressed flush against her womb. He wanted to be as fully connected to this force of nature as possible, to use his strong muscles to present himself to her, and to watch with undivided attention as she claimed him.

These were of course Charlotte's own narcissistic thoughts, now fully accepted as Gary's own. All his old wants and needs had been replaced by the singular focus Charlotte had given him. Her pussy drenched Gary in her fluids, and Gary's own pre-cum now dribbled into her innermost recesses, beginning the process of mixing them biologically. Their shared froth signaled to each other's bodies that an ideal mate had been chosen, which in turn prompted them to create more pleasurable lubrication. Body, mind and heart, Charlotte wanted as many hooks in Gary as possible, to control him like a marionette, and if he displeased her, to tear him apart. The hook she now had in his cock would be her strongest anchor, the one he could never get out, no matter how much he tried to still love Lynn. She'd always be able to reel him back to her after this.

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