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A Chance Meetings in the Sky Leads to Fun in the Bedroom.
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After another typical three-day business trip I was excited to get back home to my husband in Texas. With the kids away at college our sexual intensity was off the charts. We'd fuck to say goodbye and we'd fuck to say hello. If we had time in between we'd get each other off with pictures or texts. We always had great energy, but our new condo in Austin had a certain freedom and youth that our house in the suburbs lacked.

When I boarded my flight I was pleased to see I was seated next to another woman of color in business class. She was in the window seat aggressively texting someone so I chose not to disturb her. I got myself situated and enjoyed my plastic cup of red wine.

"These women are driving me crazy!" my neighbor quietly exclaimed to herself as she loosened her perfectly tightened ponytail into an uncontrollable mane of natural curls. Beneath her luxury professional attire and minimal accessories was a dark skinned sister that was clearly my age and, like myself, didn't look it. "This trip is going to be a disaster," she said to herself.

"Meetings?" I quietly asked. I'm not usually a social person, but I related to homegirl. I was just leaving DC where three of my artists were showing in two different galleries. Three days ago I was in the exact same seat.

"I joined an all-female law firm to help women," she confessed, "but some days I really miss men."

I almost spit out my champagne as I laughed.

"I'm Whitney," I said as we shook hands. Her perfectly manicured hands said she never had kids.

"Latasha," she replied.

"Are Austin women in trouble?" I joked as our plane began to taxi.

"After my divorce," Latasha answered, "I assume all women are in trouble."

As we lifted into the late afternoon DC air we talked about our jobs, our favorite restaurants in DC & Austin and our hair regimen. I had recently cut my hair down to about an inch and she couldn't stop talking about how liberating that must feel.

She was right.

We laughed and bonded like old friends. Perhaps it was the third cup of cheap wine that put us over the top.

About 45 minutes into the flight Latasha mentioned that she'd gone to the University of Michigan. My husband went there the first two years of college before transferring to UCLA where we met. I innocently asked her if she knew Franklin.

She froze. Our nonstop sister-chat hit a wall and I realized that it had to have been Franklin. I replayed every story in my mind that I knew about Franklin before we'd met, but there was very little footage to go through. I knew about 10 of his friends that he went to school with but we didn't talk much about ex's.

I might have stepped on a landmine.

My new best friend at 30,000 feet took a deep breath, asked the flight attendant for two more cups of wine and held onto her seat as though the turbulence in her body was shaking the rest of the plane.

"Franklin Victor Hightower was my first," Latasha admitted with her eyes closed.

"Oh shit," I said as I began to feel a turbulence in my body. The way she said his name carried a weight of more than just a first sexual experience. I wouldn't say Henry Darius Young - the cute boy I would fuck after school my junior year in high school - with that much weight. However, I would have trouble lifting the name Myron Earl Dodge - my sophomore year college boyfriend - off the ground if I had just met his current wife.

"Oh fucking shit," Latasha responded. "You are so fucking beautiful!"

I melted as I realized she knew of me. I wondered why, in this day and age of social media, she hadn't seen me before. Then I remembered a conversation Franklin and I had one day about how none of the women he ever dated had a digital footprint. One of my ex's was a Senator that was always on the news so I would joke that his ex's must have all been losers. The truth was that Franklin, like me, kept a low profile so he chose women who were discreet like himself.

Of course Franklin would add that the biggest loser he chose was me. I'd joke that the Senator's dick was too big. Then he'd ask if the Senator taught me how to suck dick because my head game was atrocious when we met.

Our relationship had no insecurities.

"Were you..." I started to question Latasha, but stopped as I realized I was admitting that Franklin had never once mentioned her.

"It was puppy love," Latasha blocked, as she tried to cover for Franklin and herself.

We sipped from our freshly poured cups and politely stared forward in silence for two solid minutes.

Then, uncharacteristically, I broke.

"Did he take too long to come then?" I asked.

"For fucking ever," Latasha responded.

We broke out in laughter before spending the next 45 minutes comparing notes on everything from his eating habits to how his dick hung left. I never had a girlfriend that I shared these types of details with and there I was with a complete stranger discussing how my husband likes his balls licked now.

I would like to apologize or say your welcome to the old couple sitting behind us.

Latasha and Franklin had an on-again, off-again relationship that was never off-again for her until Franklin transferred schools. Then she got on with her life and focused on school. She had a few boyfriends until she "settled" on her current ex-husband. She said that they were perfect on paper but they never had "chemistry".

When she said "chemistry" I knew in my heart what she meant. I had better partners on paper than Franklin. There were bigger dicks, more money and better jobs before him. But Franklin and I had "chemistry".

"So I've been focused on helping other women," Latasha explained.

By now we had shared too much information, so I had to ask the question we were both thinking.

"How long since..." I started.

"Eric and I stopped fucking a year before we divorced and we've been divorced for three years," Latasha said with a realness I couldn't fathom.

"Oh shit," I said.

"I'm too old for games and too intimidating for most guys," Latasha continued. "I think I just don't know what I want anymore."

I paused before the answer parted my lips. "Chemistry."

Our eyes locked and I played two conversations Franklin and I discussed.

The first idea was that of true love. There are billions people on this planet. If you open up your heart to a hundred, you are bound to find a 'soulmate'. We were lucky that we found each other, but we also found each other in part because we were a bit promiscuous. We knew what we liked because we tried everything on the menu. When that perfect item happened upon our plates we were ready to commit.

Perhaps Latasha and Franklin were matches, but Franklin wasn't ready to commit yet. I loved everything about Latasha and I just met her. We were so much alike and where we weren't, I saw things my husband admitted to finding attractive - especially her dark skin. I was a deep brown at best. Franklin must have loved her skin tone. I loved her skin tone!

And that lead me to the second conversation.

Franklin and I had shared everything sexually to a point where there were no unknowns. We'd "tried everything twice" as he promised we would. I never thought about it, but early on he said that people grow sexually so they'd better grow together or they'd grow apart. It didn't mean much in the early days, but when he asked me to peg him, I was already prepared mentally for there being no finish line. He was freaky and I was down. And we had dozens of video to prove it.

If I wasn't going to fuck him in the ass with a piece of blue plastic, someone else would.

But after 24 years of marriage we'd never brought anyone into our bedroom. We'd talked about it when we were fucking and that turned us on. Then we'd joke about it after dinner and that got us curious. Then we'd talk seriously about it and realized that we were okay with the concept but the kids needed to be out of the house and the opportunity had to fall into our laps. Looking for someone to join us in the bedroom wasn't us. The person would need to simply land in our lives. Plus we didn't know if it would be a woman or a man. We assumed it would be a woman, but I was surprised by the kinky tales Franklin was comfortably telling me about me getting fucked while I sucked his dick. He would say that he wouldn't let me suck someone else's dick because it would be a bad reflection on his teaching ability.

No insecurities with us.

So I took a deep breath as the plane descended.

"Would you like to fuck Franklin?" I asked as the wheels touched down in Austin.

As the jolt from the landing gear shook everyone on the plane I saw a calmness in Latasha that reflected that certainty I had in asking the question. "All three of us," she said clearly.

"Sit still," I demanded as the plane headed toward our gate.

I texted Franklin's best friend from Michigan, Pete, and asked him who Latasha was.

"Franklin's ex?" he responded.

"Was it a bad break up?" I texted.

"They were good. But he met you. Why?" Pete replied.

"Just checking. A little jealousy. Over it. See you Thanksgiving," I ended, knowing the conversation would get to Franklin as well as making sure I wasn't bringing home a psycho that had a restraining order.

The next thirty minutes was a blur of planning and pleasurable deceit that was both foreplay and revenge with my new partner in crime.

While I loved my husband tremendously, I always loathed his ability to trick me without concern. He grew up in a house of practical jokers and I grew up in a house of academia. I never saw any of tricks coming my way and he saw my futile attempts before I could finish plotting.

This time things would be different. I had a partner that shared my frustrations. What should have been the most awkward conversations based on a broken heart and a jealous wife, became best friends in the making.

On my music app, we rebuilt the mixtape that Franklin made for her durning their freshman year. We planned a stop for the cheesecake dessert he loved to treat dates to. Then we texted him to be waiting in bed with the lights low.

We giggled like college girls.

As our driver pulled up to my building, Latasha and I squeezed each other's hands. Here she was meeting an old flame with a stranger and I was about to start a threesome with my husband's old lover.

The giggling stopped.

Thirty minutes of joking from runway to driveway had hit a fork in the road. Latasha could stay in the car and go on with her life or she could get out of the car and join me. Understandably nervous, she wouldn't let go of my hand as the driver got out to get the bags.

I realized quickly that this strong force of a woman had fears beyond this unscripted encounter with two strangers that were long lost friends. Latasha hadn't fucked anyone in years. She was scared.

"How did Franklin fuck you that first time?" I asked.

"Gently," Latasha answered with a delicate smile.

"So let's do that tonight," I offered. "And you can fuck the shit out of him in the morning."

Latasha smiled and let go of my hand.

As my handprint opened the door to the condo I saw that the lights were low. Franklin had followed directions like normal and was in our room. I lead Latasha to the spare, front bedroom and told her to start her shower after I started mine to cover the noise.

I bustled noisily into the master bedroom where the new playlist I'd uploaded was already playing. Franklin was in his boxers typing at his desk. I turned the music up a notch and whispered in his ear to join me as I cleaned DC off my body.

Of course Franklin took this as an opportunity to get freaky. Unfortunately for him I couldn't focus because I was too worried about Latasha's planned entrance. The thorough cleansing I was receiving would normally make me sopping wet after three days of missing my husband, but I kept listening for the other shower to turn off. I couldn't really hear anything so I just enjoyed his hands for what felt like an eternity before turning off the water. I could feel his hard dick against my ass crack. He was freshly shaved.

Latasha remembered he liked to shave.

Dried off and in the darkened bedroom, I laid him down. I told him that I wanted to try something new that night, something he'd expressed interest in doing for years. Then I straddled his face and began sucking his dick slowly. I was still distracted, but his tongue was beginning to get me in a good place.

With my phone I turned the music up louder. This was Latasha's queue to join us.

As the door began to open I pulled my mouth from Franklin's dick.

I could faintly see Latasha in the dark room, but I could see she was beautiful in her bra and panties. Her slow walk to the bed started an orgasm in me that I wasn't expecting. I reached for her hand as she came closer.

As Latasha held my hand I trembled into orgasms on Franklin's face. I rarely came from oral, but having another person in the room set me off.

When I recovered from my haze I saw Latasha's smile.

Then, as planned, she handed me the condom she found in the top dresser of the front room. My sons used that room when they were home from college.

Then I pulled Latasha onto the bed between Franklin's legs.

With the added weight on the bed and extra hands on his thighs, Franklin understood that we were not alone. As Latasha removed her bra and let her breasts hang onto his balls, I thought I was going to come again.

Latasha and I smiled at each other as we remembered the conversation we had about how much Franklin loved oral sex. Latasha loved it, too. I like it, but they loved it. I was a spitter. She was a swallower. I learned on the job. She was a natural.

Her French manicured hands handled his balls as her tongue worked along his vein from base to head. Her movements were fluid and in rhythm to the music vibrating the room. Franklin looked huge in her hands as she rotated them in opposite directions in a dance that made me tingle. She was amazing. She was doing everything that Franklin had taught me to do. While I might have started out a novice, I was confident I could hold my own if this was a competition.

But it wasn't. Was it?

The obvious reaction was jealousy.

But that green-eyes demon never appeared. The thought that my husband chose me over nightly blowjobs like this was a testament to our love.

Again, she was fucking amazing. I can't explain what she was doing, but her energy was going from his dick to his tongue on my clit.

I came again.

I rarely come twice in a session.

Then I came again.

But I didn't want Franklin to come yet, so I pushed Latasha's bobbing head off of my husband's throbbing dick. She had an apologetic look because she was thoroughly enjoying herself too much.

I put the condom on Franklin's dick and watched Latasha pull her panties down. Her bush was not as thick as mine, but it was definitely full. She commented on how he liked her to shave it, but I told her that he'd gone back and forth over the years. He was clearly pro-bush these days.

As Latasha began to straddle him, I felt the nervous energy from the car returning. She began rubbing his dick against her pussy, but it wasn't foreplay. She was afraid to place him inside her. She was afraid to put anything inside her.

So I licked my lips and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. It wasn't a real kiss. Our lips touched and I drooled onto his shaft as I began to rub her clit. I had the tension a man feels when he wants a woman to come and will do anything to make those mechanisms align no matter how much effort it takes. I had zero interest in women, but I wanted to make my new friend come.

As I massaged Latasha's clit with one hand I gently took her breasts into my other hand. Neither one of us were busty. My husband had no interest in big breasts, but we were both very sensitive. She began to move uncontrollably with my touch. She tried to rest her head in my neck but she couldn't relax.

And then, either instinctively or out of memory, Franklin eased his dick into Latasha. She gasped as his full manhood pushed through her emotions and pussy. I was less interested in my husband fucking another woman as I was in watching another woman come in front of me. There was no sexual chemistry between us but we had "chemistry". My hands continued to massage her clit and nipples while she quickly transitioned from slow grind to full buck.

The first encounter I had with Franklin was on his apartment floor in college. We were fully dressed but hadn't had sex with anyone (or myself) in over a month - so I came before we got our clothes off. I bucked the shit out of him and he teases me to this day about it.

Latasha didn't last that much longer. "Oh fuck!" she announced to all of our neighbors. She'd said she was vocal. Franklin liked vocal.

But I could feel Franklin need to fuck a pussy that could handle the energy we'd collectively built.

So I tossed Latasha to our side as she finished her climax. She was still trembling. I pulled the condom off of Franklin's dick and slid my pussy from his face. I don't know how he found air down there but he was a sweaty mess - just the way he liked it. I slid my mouth down to Franklin's ear and said, "Get behind me and fuck me hard."

Then I rotated my body over Latasha's so Franklin couldn't get a good view of our dance partner's face. I don't think that was an issue because he was only concerned with getting his dick into my extremely wet pussy.

There we were, fucking uncontrollably with Latasha's legs wrapped around my waist. I tried to keep my head in front of Latasha's face, but I lost the ability to focus somewhere after a dozen thrusts. "Oh fuck me," I grunted into Latasha's chest as I came.


And that's when Franklin came.

As his dick filled my pussy I rested on Latasha, drenched in sweat and lust. With a naughty smirk she reached around with her finger and brought back a stream of Franklin's come. Then she sucked his fresh come off of my finger and looked over my shoulder. "Nice seeing you again," she said with a smile.

"Same here," Franklin replied. "Pete says 'Hi'".

I was happy that they were going to get along, but at that moment I just needed us all to get into the shower because we were disgusting. I'm all for the filthy play but I for damn sure wasn't interested in sitting in each other's sticky juices.

As we jumped into our oversized shower I watched two old friends sizing each other up. Latasha was beautiful but I still had no jealousy. We just laughed together while we cleaned each other off.

"You two must have been really nasty in college," I said to the two of them as I wiped the drip of come from Latasha's chin.

"I don't remember my fingers in his ass," Latasha replied with a wink.

"Maybe next time," Franklin responded before burying his head in the shower stream.

Latasha and I looked at each other as we held hands again and realized that he was right.

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loveloverloveloveralmost 6 years ago

Warm but not super hot for me, but: you were yourselves. I liked the bold Latasha being fearful as well, & you keeping monitoring whether or not you were jealous.

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