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Chemistry with Sofia

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Two girls have a study session together, and a little more.
4.9k words

Part 6 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 08/17/2020
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Hey everyone, it's time for another installment of the Bang Gang series!

I'm just putting the usual disclaimers out there - while this story is part of an anthology, you don't necessarily need to read my previous stories to understand what's going on, but if you enjoy this story you should be aware that there are several more stories involving these characters, and several more to come. Since they're all chronological, I recommend starting with my earliest published stories and then work your way forward. Obviously, if you don't enjoy this story, well, que sera sera.

I love comments, kind words, and the occasional constructive feedback. Honestly - it makes me write new additions faster when hearing from readers, so bring it on!

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy!



It was Monday afternoon, and I had just arrived home from school. My boyfriend Rylan had just dropped me off from school as he usually did, though unfortunately both of us were busy that particular afternoon. My AP Chemistry had tasked us with a project to work on, so my lab partner Sofia Lee was coming over shortly so that we could go over the material and brainstorm. Sofia was one of the top students in our class, not to mention our year, and we were both determined to ace the class. On top of that, we were squadmates on the cheerleading squad as well as good friends, though I hadn't spent much time with her in a while.

It was very much my fault that we hadn't hung out lately. A couple of weekends ago, my friend Alex had invited my best friend Brooke and me to her house for a birthday/sleepover thing. Little did Alex know that Brooke and I had conspired on a little tag-team seduction of Alex. You see, Brooke and I had started having sex with each other almost two months ago during winter break, and we were sort of secret girlfriends with each other. Our boyfriends knew about it of course; the four of us had a wild time together that week. This led to us having a jealous-free arrangement between the four of us that we jokingly called the Bang Gang. Since it was easier to spend the night at a girl's house, I had been getting a lot of girl-action with Brooke.

Brooke and I just couldn't get enough of each other and wanted more, so we decided to add Alex in on the fun. And happily, on that crazy night we had an amazing all-girl threeway. One night simply wasn't enough; we ended up fucking each other like crazy the entire next day. Since then, the three of us started hooking up with each other ever since then. Sometimes it was just making out, sometimes a little fingering, and when you added my boyfriend Rylan onto everything, I had a pretty full schedule of fooling around non-stop for the past week and a half.

Today was actually going to be kind of a break from all of the playing, and a way to catch up with Sofia, whom the other girls and I had neglected in all of our romping. My parents were having a dinner party with the staff from Mom's hospital, so as I entered the front door my parents were on the way out. With the house to myself, I got to my room and started stripping off my school uniform to put on something more comfortable. When I was down to my panties, I glanced at myself in the full length mirror on my closet door.

I was about 5' 8", with shoulder-length dark blonde hair and blue eyes. I had a slightly crooked mouth, which gave the impression I was up to mischief. It was usually the case, anyway. I never wore that much makeup because I simply didn't need to. I had a nice build from being on the cheerleading squad, with nice curves and, dare I say, a cute butt. I was a C-cup, and all things considered I was the stereotypically hot high school girl.

I threw on a pink t-shirt and some black leggings, and proceeded to dig into my bag to pull out my notes and textbook from chemistry. Sofia texted me that she was on her way, so I decided to review the material at my desk for a few minutes. I was neck deep in molecular weights and formulas when I heard the doorbell ring. Stepping away from the desk, I bounded downstairs barefoot and opened the front door to greet Sofia.

Sofia Lee's parents were from Hong Kong, but they had moved to New York state years before she was born. She was short and petite, with porcelain skin and a bob of black hair that reached to the top of her long, graceful neck. Her dark eyes always gave a sense of deep seriousness; it was rare to see Sofia raise her voice to anyone, and those who did usually regretted it. She had a way of simply staring down a person calmly and incredulously until they ran out of words.

This is one of the main reasons she was best friends with Alex, because Sofia's quiet stare was the only thing that could shut Alex down when she was being too noisy. But above all, Sofia was a kind girl, and very mature for her age. Under her winter coat, Sofia was still dressed in her school uniform, the blazer and plaid skirt combo still looking neat and pressed. It was uncommon to see her ruffled in the slightest way.

"Hey, Beth," Sofia began, stepping in from the cold January air. "I didn't stop by home and came here straight from school."

"Not a problem, I already started. You have the notes from today, right?"

"Yep, right here," Sofia replied, patting her bookbag.

"Awesome, let's grab a snack or something and head upstairs. I started looking over the lab results already."

Sofia nodded, and when we dug around the kitchen I noticed that she seemed a bit uncomfortable. Sofia was usually unflappable, but she seemed ever so slightly troubled today. I shrugged to myself, as we hauled up a couple of diet cokes and some popcorn and chips up to my room. We set out our books on the floor, and as we sat cross-legged across from each other I still had the feeling that her brain was somewhere else. I didn't want it to be awkward, so I took the lead as we went over the stoichiometry lecture and the pH calculations we had in the lab from last week.

We went over them for roughly twenty minutes, and Sofia was only half-heartedly participating. She said with her cheek in her hand, staring off to the side as I went over the notes. I actually was starting to get distracted myself, and I had to say something.

"Sofia, are you okay?" I asked.

Sofia's eyes flashed over to me, and nervously she lowered her hands to her lap. "I'm sorry, Beth. I'm having kind of a rough time."

"Forget the homework for a sec," I assured her, "tell me what's up."

She waved me off. "Things have been kind of rough since that weekend I went to my aunt's funeral."

I remembered that particular weekend. Sofia was off with her family, and wasn't at the sleepover where Alex, Brooke, and myself went at it like nymphos. I cleared my throat. "Oh, right, the funeral. I'm really sorry about your aunt."

"No, it's fine, I didn't really know her. It's just -" Sofia bit her lip, and looked me straight in the eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

I was a little taken aback. "I'm not sure --"

"Ever since that weekend, I've barely seen you, Alex, or Brooke at all. It's like I don't exist or something. Are you guys avoiding me or something?"

She was right - we really had been ignoring her. Since the three of us had sex together, it seemed to be all we could think about. Hell, it had been like that with Brooke for over a month, and now Alex was just as insatiable. And poor Sofia was lost in the mix.

"Geez, Sofia, I'm so sorry. It wasn't intentional, I swear. We've just been busy..."

"Look, I'm sorry too, Beth. I've had...other things on my mind as well, and I guess I've just been feeling very sensitive." Sofia had her eyes downcast to the floor as she spoke.

"Sofia, if you have something you want to talk to me about, I'm here for you. It's the least I can do after being so aloof."

I took her hand into mine. Sofia looked up at me, her dark eyes seemed almost ready to cry. "I don't know if I can..."

I smiled at her, giving her hand a warm squeeze. I said nothing, and waited for her to speak and to not interrupt her. Sofia took a deep breath.

"This is very difficult for me to say. I mean, if my parents knew...if anybody knew, I'd be mortified." Sofia took another deep breath, blinking away some moisture. "Beth, I think...I think I might be gay."

My lips parted in surprise. Sofia hadn't dated in high school; she was always studying, involved with various clubs or playing in the orchestra. We just assumed she was too busy to be dating. But suddenly, a lot of things became clear right away.

"Go on," I said simply, giving her the oxygen in the room..

"I just," Sofia's voice skipped for a moment, "I haven't really thought about it until recently, and now I can't stop thinking about it. I didn't know who I could talk to about it, and I've just felt so rejected lately..."

Before she could say another word, I reached over and gave Sofia the biggest hug I possibly could. I felt her tentatively squeeze me back, and for several minutes I just hugged her close as I felt her relax a little. We said nothing, and I knew that Sofia was still very much shaken by her admission to me. I didn't want to ruin her moment by saying something stupid. Eventually she let me go, and I sat back. She wiped a tear from her eye.

"I've never told anyone this. I hope you don't think I'm weird or anything. It's kind of embarrassing for me."

"I don't think that at all," I assured her. "I mean, you've never really dated any guys or anything."

"I don't know, I'm not opposed to boys or anything, it just never really occurred to me. I guess I'm just trying to figure it out." She paused, looking at me. "Thanks for listening to me, Beth. You're a good friend."

I smiled, and I thought maybe I could ease her embarrassment. "You know, I have a little confession of my own. It's kind of a big one, but I think that since you shared a secret with me, it's only fair I share one with you."

"Oh, Beth, you don't have to."

"No no, I want to. But maybe you'll think I'm crazy."

"Of course not," assured Sofia, "no way!"

"Well, maybe wait until I'm done." I took a breath. "Sofia, I'm bisexual."

"You...what?" she stammered.

"I'm bisexual, and so is Brooke." I let out a breath as I continued. "In fact, Brooke and I have been sleeping together since we snuck off on winter break."

Sofia was stunned. "But, but, you two have boyfriends!"

"Yeah, and they know about us. Hell, they actually watched us. Basically, Rylan is my boyfriend and Brooke is my girlfriend."

"That's crazy, Beth!" Sofia gasped.

"See? I told you!"

"No, I mean," Sofia cut herself off, and collected herself. "Sorry, I didn't mean to call you crazy. So you and Brooke have actually had sex!?"

"Yeah, a lot. Like practically every single weekend."

"Does anyone else know? I mean, besides your boyfriends."

I shifted uncomfortably. "Er, Alex knows."

"How did she," Sofia's eyes opened wide. "Did you have sex with her too!?"

I was starting to feel very guilty. "Yeah, during her birthday, when we slept over and you were at that funeral. It got a little crazy that night, and we...sort of did it..."

Sofia slumped backwards, her hand holding her forehead like she had been hit by a sack of bricks. "I...can't believe this...so you guys have been...this whole time..."

I suddenly felt like I had gone too far. "I'm sorry, Sofia, maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I'm such an idiot!"

Sofia shook her head, staring at the floor. "No, it's just that here I was agonizing about maybe being gay, and now I learn that all three of my best friends have been having lesbian sex with each other like it was nothing!"

I nodded quietly, and Sofia fell onto her back, her face in her hands. "Oh my god," she mumbled into her hands.

We were silent for the next minute or so, as I sat awkwardly and Sofia lay back, her skirt spread on the floor, processing everything. I desperately hoped I didn't freak her out, and I was worried she was angry with me, but maybe she was just in shock. Eventually, she sat up, and regarded me seriously.

"So that's why you guys have been so oddly absent lately. I thought you guys were mad at me or something."

"Oh, Sofia," I blurted out, "I am so sorry. It's like when you get a new toy and that's all you can think about. We were just preoccupied, and honestly we didn't tell anyone what we were up to - how could we? Trust me, you did absolutely nothing wrong!"

Sofia sighed. "Well, that's a relief, I guess." She bit her lip a little bit, and asked me in a quiet voice, "so, what is it like?"

"What do you mean?"

Sofia scooted a bit closer. "Sex with another girl," she responded, quietly.

I shrugged a little. "Sex with a girl is different, but it's...well...it's amazing! I can't get enough of it!"

"Could you tell me what it's like being with a girl...sexually?"

For the next few minutes, I told Sofia about how it all went down during winter break between me and Brooke. I didn't give her all of the details, I mostly just focused on what it was like being with Brooke. I talked about how gently she kissed, about how soft her breast was when it was against mine. How her nipples got so hard, and how thrilling it was to caress and suck them. By the time I described going down on her, and how it smelled when I licked Brooke's pussy, I could sense Sofia getting a little squirmy. However, she didn't interrupt me once and listened with rapt attention.

"Gosh," whispered Sofia, "it sounds so nice..."

"It really is. For me, it's not like it's better than being with a boy. It's just different."

"I've never been with a boy, so I wouldn't know," replied Sofia. "I've never even been naked with someone else."

I smirked. "You've been naked with me plenty of times after practice!"

She gave me a playful sneer. "You know what I mean. Not like, in a sexual way."

I know that I had planned on taking an evening-long break from my over-sexed life, but sitting there with Sofia and being so candid with her, the wheels in my head started turning. She was so pretty and demure, and I couldn't stop looking her over. The fact that I had revealed so much, yet she was still listening and not running for the door, gave me the courage to be a bit more forward with her.

"If you wanted," I said cautiously, "we could do that together."

Sofia actually squeaked. "Do what?" she asked breathlessly.

I inched closer to her. "I know you're trying to figure out your sexuality or whatever, but so am I. I wasn't sure if you'd be interested, but if you are...I mean, I don't want to force you or anything..."

She shook her head vigorously. "I know that you wouldn't do that."

I reached out and touched her arm. She was covered in goosebumps. "Honestly, you're so pretty, Sofia..."

"You're pretty too, Beth."

I continued to stroke her arm. "I know you said you've never been nude with someone like that, but maybe we could try it, and see what happens?"

Sofia blushed and gave me the shyest smile I had ever seen. "We could try. I think I'd like that. I'm not sure how far I would go..."

"It's okay, Sofia. We don't have to go any further that you're comfortable with."

I stood up, and she did as well. Her eyes were lowered, modestly, as she held her hands in front of her skirt. "You can undress me, if you'd like," she whispered.

I grinned, and I shifted and removed her blazer. I untied her cross-cross tie, and one by one I unbuttoned the front of her white blouse. She still wasn't looking at me, but she had a timid smile on her face. I slid the blouse off of her shoulders, which she allowed to fall to the floor. I reached behind her waist to unclasp her plaid skirt, and soon it slipped down her legs and joined her discarded blouse on the carpet.

I studied her nearly naked frame as she stood, bashfully. She wore a matching white bra and panties set, and she looked like a vision. I stood an inch away from her, and reaching behind her I unfastened her bra. In a smooth motion, as I dragged my fingers across her ribcage, I slipped her bra off of her. Sofia had a very small bust, with small and dark nipples which were noticeably stiff. Finally, I shimmied down her body, taking her panties by my thumbs, and sliding them down her smooth legs. Her pubic hair was neat and trimmed, and I smelled her as I traveled downwards. She stepped out of them, and while I crouched down at her feet I took off her socks.

Sofia was shivering a little bit, and not because of a chill in the air. I rose up, and gently took her chin in my hand, and I softly kissed her cheek. She finally looked up at me when I pulled my head away, but still stayed in close proximity. There was definitely some heat building between us.

"Now, take my clothes off," I gently instructed her.

Tentatively, Sofia reached for the bottom of my t-shirt, and very slowly began to lift it. I raised my hands as she pulled it over my head. I was not wearing a bra, and her eyes were locked onto my breasts. I allowed her to stare - after all, she wasn't the first girl to do so. Still staring at my boobs, she put her thumbs into the waistband of my leggings, and began to tug them down. I wasn't wearing panties, and when she crouched down to pull them all the way off, I was just as naked as she was.

We stood facing each other, mere inches away. Neither of us said anything, not wanting to break the moment. Sofia's eyes jumped from my breasts, to my shaved groin, and back up to my eyes, taking me all in. Trembling, she took her hands and placed them on my bare hips. In turn, I grasped her upper arms, and we pulled together close, feeling our bodies press against each other.

Sofia rested her head on my shoulder, as her hands drifted to my lower back and she hugged me close. I hugged her as well, my arms going around her shoulders as I stroked her back. I could feel her heart going a mile a minute, so we simply stood and held each other tightly. After some time, Sofia began to relax a little, and she began to stroke my back just like I was doing to her, and I even felt her hand slide down to touch my butt cheeks, in a bashful sort of way. I sighed pleasantly, allowing her to explore a little.

She raised her head from my chest, and looked up at me square in the eyes. My breasts were still crushed against hers. She wasn't shaking against me anymore.

"Please kiss me, Beth."

Without a word, I closed my eyes and lowered myself to her lips. I wasn't sure if this was her first kiss, so I took my time. She returned my kiss softly and tentatively. Our kiss deepened, and I traced my tongue across her lips. In response, her lips parted and our tongues met. They slipped and writhed against each other in our mouths. We sighed together, and we pulled our lips apart, yet still holding our naked bodies tightly.

"Let's lay down on my bed, Sofia," I suggested.

She nodded quickly, and together we stepped over to my bed, and I pulled the blanket aside. I crawled in first, and I lay on my side with my head resting on my hand. I stroked my stomach seductively, as Sofia stood next to the bed. Her hand went subconsciously to her groin, and she touched herself as she looked down at me.

"I can't believe this is happening," she said. "You look so beautiful laying there, Beth."

"I can't believe it, either," I said, as I brushed the empty space on the bed next to me. "Room for one more."

Sofia smiled, and crawled into the covers, pulling them over her. She lay on her side facing me, and we both scooted in so that our legs tangled and our arms wrapped around each other. My hand explored her as hers did to me, a little more confidently than before. We never took our eyes off of each other, grinning the whole time. Sofia leaned in, and this time it was her turn to kiss me.

As we explored each other's mouths, I slipped my thigh between her legs, pressing against her pussy. I didn't push too hard, but I kept it still and allowed her to grind slowly against my thigh, which she tentatively did. I cupped her ass, showing her how to move against me, and she did so naturally. I moved down to kiss her neck as she began gyrating against me.


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