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Cindy's Slut Ch. 18

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I say goodbye to the bitches.
4.1k words

Part 18 of the 18 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/30/2008
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Ch.18-Goodbye Girls

At about three AM I couldn't keep the fetid mixture in my stomach anymore. I crawled from the foot of Marsha's bed into the bathroom. Kneeling over the toilet, I wretched and vomited. At least a quart of vile yellow-green, globular slim heaved from my guts. I barfed until I had the dry heaves. Sweating and week, I crawled back to the foot of Marsha's bed. From the sounds of the gentle breathing above me, I hoped that Marsha had not awakened.

I next awoke at about eight. Marsha was kicking the side of my head with her foot. "Get the fuck up and make some coffee and breakfast Slut," she growled. I rose slowly and limped to the kitchen. I was covered with welts and bruises. My ass was raw and torn from sitting on the Pony for four hours. My jaw hurt from cleaning cunt and cracks all night. The taste in my mouth was vile beyond description. I stank of sweat, cum, quim, piss and shit.

"Take a fucking cold shower before you get the near the food you shit," Marsha mumbled, as she fell back into bed. She cuddled next to Cindy's naked body.

The cold shower made me fell somewhat better. However, even after repeatedly rinsing my mouth, I could still taste the bitter bile of the shit I had consumed last night. I picked up a pair of Marsha's used panties from the hamper, the only clothes that I knew Marsha would allow me to put on.

In the kitchen, I prepared the coffee and made some toast. I knew that Marsha and Cindy (if she still allowed Cindy to eat) would only eat some dry toast and coffee after a heavy night of partying.

About nine, Marsha stumbled into the kitchen dressed in a wrinkled pink teddy. Her tousled hair fell down around her shoulders, half covering her face. I could just make out her pouty red lips. Her full breast bounced under the nylon. Her nipples were hard and clearly visible beneath the smooth material.

Cindy trailed behind Marsha, naked and showing the signs of her abuse. Her otherwise long flowing blonde mane was snarled and dirty. Matted with remnants of sweat, cum and quim, my poor beloved Cindy looked like a street-walking whore.

Cindy's full 34-D tits jiggled and swayed on her tiny frame as she meekly followed Marsha into the kitchen. She walked like a bitch that had been fucked until her cunt was raw...which was in fact what she now was. After three days of being cunt fucked, ass raped and forced to orally service three men and four women, Cindy was the worse for the wear and tear.

Marsha rolled herself a joint and began to toke up, even as she gulped the hot coffee. The caffeine and TCB seemed to bring her back to life. Marsha pushed a wedge of dry toast to Cindy. "Here sweetie, eat," she said with a sneer.

Silently I wondered how Marsha could be so cruel to Cindy. They had been friends, roommates, sharing everything. Marsha had never been very nice to me, and I knew long ago from personal experience that she had a perverted mean streak; but what had turned her on Cindy? Power, jealousy, sadism, sex... perhaps all of these.

I glanced back at Marsha and saw her looking at me. As if reading my mind, she said, "Got something to say to me Slut?" I hung my head, feeling the rage growing within me. "You made because little Cindy is fucking everyone else Slut?" Marsha queried. I just stood there, trying not to say anything. I knew she was baiting me. If I responded, she would just do something to make Cindy and I suffer more.

Cindy was in the process of putting the bit of toast up to her mouth. Marsha raised her hand as if to slap her and shouted, "Stop!" Then, addressing me, Marsha said, "Get the sauce jar."

I turned and went to the refrigerator. I opened the freezer and took out the quart jar that held my "special sauce". The "special sauce" had been given to me by Annie at Thanksgiving, at the same time that she had begun to participate in my debauchery. The jar was one of several such jars that she had prepared, all filled with Dane's ejaculations.

Annie, the 30-something buxom neighbor who lived next door to the girls, had been into BDSM for years. Dane, her hairy biker husband, led a double life. On the outside he appeared threatening and imposing, on the inside he was a pussy slut to his wife. Their basement was a regular torture dungeon.

Annie made Dane jack-off at least twice a day. She constantly feed him her infamous "Cock-tail" of cum, Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra to enhance his performance. Annie milked Dane for cum like a farmer milks his cows.

I brought the jar to the table. "Give Cindy some jelly on her toast," Marsha demanded. I opened the jar and took a spoon full of the gray slime out. I hesitated for a moment, and then spooned the gray goo onto Cindy's toast. "Don't be so greedy, you'll get to eat your fill. Go ahead and share with your little blonde bitch. GIVE HER SOME MORE!" Marsha chortled. I scooped another spoon full of Dane's cold slimy cum onto Cindy's toast.

Cindy just gave a sick look at the toast. Two large gray glob of cold sticky slimy cum sat on the toast. As the heat from the bread began to melt the cum, pools of runny semen began to form around the globs of gelatinous sperm. "Eat up my pretty," Marsha said to Cindy, mimicking the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz. When Cindy didn't immediately consume the sickening mess, Marsha raised her hand to strike her again. "I said eat it Cunt!" Marsha screamed.

Cindy took a large bite, getting about ½ of the toast and it's gelatinous cum coating into her tiny mouth. I watched as she choked, trying not to chew but rather just swallow the mess without having to taste it. I watched as she gagged and forced the slime down her throat.

Marsha sat and smiled at the sight. Satisfied that Cindy was doing as she ordered, she turned to me and asked, "Where's your oatmeal?" Now, as a maid and slave to the girls, I had been relegated to oatmeal for my breakfast. If I had done a good job, cleaning the house and/or servicing the girls I might get hot oatmeal. If I had done an unacceptable job, or even if the girls were in a bitchy mood, my oatmeal was cold. Either way, the girls always saw that I had a good heaping glob of "special sauce" added to "sweeten" my meal.

I had been so tired and beat this morning that I hadn't even though to make anything for myself. When Marsha commented, I immediately realize my error. "Well, I guess if you're not that hungry, you don't have to eat," Marsha quipped. Relief crossed my face, as I doubted that I could have kept any food down anyway, after last night.

But then, again as if reading my mind, Marsha said, "Oh, we can't have you go to class as a hungry Slut, now can we. At least eat a little something. Oh, serve yourself a nice bowl of special sauce. Poor little Cindy shouldn't have to eat alone." I saw the evil grin on Marsha face as she watched her words sink in.

Shit! Rage rose in me. I grit my teeth. I was so mad; I could have killed that bitch. But, right now...I could only do as she commanded. I ladled a big scoop of the grey cum into a bowl. I looked at Marsha. She twitched her finger indicating that I needed to add more. I dropped the second scoop of grey shit in the bowl. Marsha hesitated, tilted her head, smiled at me and then flicker her finger commanding I add yet a third scoop.

I sat at the table and looked at the grey slimy mass in the bowl. I picked up my spoon. I scooped up a spoonful of the slime. I brought it to my mouth. My stomach reeled before it ever reached my mouth. I had eaten enough of Dane's fetid grey cum to know its sickening taste, its slimy texture, long before it entered my pallet. I even imagined its sour smell, although still half-frozen it really had very little odor.

I slid the slimy mass into my mouth and immediately swallowed. The sticky, slimy consistency and salty, tainted taste caused an immediate gagging sensation. I force it down. I took the second spoonful. As I brought it to my mouth, Marsha said, "Bad Slut! You know better than to wolf down your food. Now, chew each mouthful 32 times! You too Bitch," this last comment directed to Cindy.

Time seemed indeterminable. Cindy and I sat quietly, eating our "breakfast". Cindy finished rather quickly, given that she only had the one piece of toast. My meal took forever, as I ground the slimy cum between my teeth, chewing the frozen cud into slush.

Marsha got up to go get dressed. She took Cindy with, admonishing me to finish everything in my bowl. I heard the shower. I was tempted to dump the shit down the drain, but some six sense warmed me. As I continued to finish the mush, I saw Marsha peeking out of the bathroom door, trying to catch me.

When I finished, I put the bowl in the sink and went to the bathroom. As I entered, I made out the forms of the two girls in the shower together. Marsha was getting her morning cunnlingus from Cindy. I figured that a shower was out for me, so I washing myself in the sink as best I could.

I was right, for when Marsha and Cindy got out of the shower, Marsha told me to get my ass out of the bathroom. She told me to get dressed and get the fuck out. She reminded me that Marry would expect me at the Kappa house again at 4:00.

I was already late for classes, so I went directly to school. I sat near the door, in the back, hoping that I had rinsed enough to the stink off to go unnoticed. Mentally, I really wasn't there. After all the shit of the past three days, my mind was on other things.

Finally, I made up my mind. After the morning class, I cut school. I went back to my apartment and cleaned up. A good hot shower and some time to think and I was ready.

I knew that I couldn't take another two days as the Kappa Toilet Whore. I knew that I couldn't take having Cindy sadistically punished and used as leverage against me. I knew that vacation started Saturday and that things would only get worse. With the Kappas gone on vacation, I knew that Marry would find some other, probably more fiendish tortures.

I had to act. I called Cindy at work. I told her to tell them she was sick (which she no doubt was) and get over to my apartment. I called a couple of friends of mine at a frat house. I began to make my plans.

By noon, I had the telephone tree buzzing. My buddies from the frat house had called all the other houses. Cindy had gone over to the dorms with flyers. I promised Mike and Tony free rides and got their help.

At 4:05 the telephone at my apartment was ringing off the hook. Marry expected me to report on time, and by now I was already five minutes late. At 4:20 there was a banging on my apartment door. Marry was outside, yelling at me to open up. I could hear Marsha out there beside her, also shouting that my ass was in big trouble now. I opened the door and stepped back.

There were no lights on in my basement apartment. The afternoon December sun, shining faintly through the north side windows did little to lighten the room. Marry came storming in first, screaming threats. "Why the fuck was I late? Why hadn't I shown up on time? What the fuck was going on!" She obviously was very pissed off.

Marsha, on the other hand, was demanding to know where Cindy was. As I had figured, when I didn't show up, Marry had called Marsha to get Cindy. Cindy was their bargaining chip. They tortured and abused Cindy to keep me in line. When Marsha couldn't find Cindy, they knew something was up.

They seemed to think that Cindy was hiding in my apartment. Marsha kept looking around and demanding that Cindy come out. When they got no response, Marry told Marsha, "Go check the kitchen, I'll check the bedroom.

I kept myself between Marry and the bedroom. I started to backup slowly. Marry stalked directly at me, making it clear that she intended to go through me to the bedroom.

Marsha was just about to the kitchen entrance, still demand that Cindy show herself. Then the trap sprang.

Mike and Tony came bursting out from the kitchen and slammed Marsha to the floor. Marsha never really was a fighter, unless she held all the cards, and the two men took her by surprise. With a crash, the three of them went spinning toward the floor. Marsha's struggle was short and puny. The two men quickly forced her onto her stomach and began to bind her.

Marry had heard the noise behind her and turned. Struggling to see in the dim light (as all three of us guys were already accustom to the dark), Marry dropped into a fighting stance. Marry didn't know what the threat was, but she was a fighter and she responded that way.

But Marry had made a mistake. Maybe it was that pussy whipping that she had given me all week that made her not consider me a threat. Maybe it was just instinct to turn around to the sound behind her. Whichever, it was a fatal mistake.

Marry was shorter than me, and crouched as she was, I easily looped the knotted towel around her neck. I pulled hard, jerking her upward. Marry immediately grabbed for the towel, trying to get the choking cloth loose. She tried to spin into me. I had anticipated this, and I slammed my both into hers. I crossed my arms and pulled the towel tighter, pulling with all my strength.

We lost are feet. Rolling and thrashing on the floor. It was like wrestling an alligator. I wrapped my legs around her torso, trying to control her writhing body. Marry tried to hit, scratch, kick...

It did no good. After a couple of minutes, I felt the fight go out of her. I wasn't taking any chances. I kept the strangle hold on until she was limp. Only then did I release her.

By that time the guys had Marsha securely tied, and they came over and bound Marry. Between the three of us, we drug the girls into the bedroom. Then, I sent Mike and Tony to prepare the "party", while I prepared the girls.

I cut all the clothes of the two girls. I took no chances on releasing their bindings. I started on Marry, while she was still groggy. I slit her pants first, tearing them from her legs. Next, I cut off her shirt. I left her bra and panties on. Marry had dressed for that night, and had on pretty matching pink lingerie.

Marsha was kind of in shock from the whole thing, and lay fairly quite as I stripped her. Like Marry, Marsha also wore fancy silk matching panties and bra. Marsha had chosen an ivory color.

As I finished stripping Marsha, Marry began to get vocal. Marry was fully recovered now, and now the threats started. "You wouldn't get away with this shit! You know better than to mess with me! I cut your fucking balls off, you fucking..." I rammed my fist in her gut to shut her up. "Whummmp," was the only sound she made as I drove the air out of her. Then I took a used pair of the panties they had made me wear and jammed them into her mouth. I tied the gag in with strips of her torn shirt.

About 6:00, Mike and Tony returned. We loaded the two girls into the truck of Mike's car. As we drove through the gather gloom, I wondered what the Kappa girls were doing know. Where was their Toilet Whore?

We drove down the alley to the back of the frat house. Two other fraters were waiting for us. We took the girls into a wooden storage shed.

Cindy was waiting inside the shed. I took her in my arms and kissed her. "It's all set," she said.

I directed the four guys, as they strapped the two girls down onto the benches. The benches were just wooden workhorses, tall enough so the girl's legs didn't reach the ground. The tops of the benches were short enough so that when their asses hung off one end, their tits hung off the other. When I was sure that they were securely tied down, I attached electrical collars to each of the girls. Then the four of us guys went into the frat house for a drink and a smoke. We left Cindy to look after the girls.

The frat house was already crawling with guys. The word had been spread...and even though the train didn't start until 6:00, no one wanted to be late. Tony told me that guys had started arriving an hour early. I finished the shot of tequila with one gulp. The sweet smoke of the week filled my head. I felt so good. It had been a long week. Marry had been right...vacation was starting.

As the house filled with guys, I went out to check that everything was ready. Inside the shed, I found that Cindy had finished prepping the girls. They were now totally nude. I could see Marsha big tits hanging over the narrow board, her big round ass sticking up off the other end. Marsha smooth, hairless cunt was already shiny with pussy juices. I stepped up and drove three fingers into her twat. "Looks like the little cunt is all horney". When she didn't answer, I moved to the other end and slapped her across the face. "I asked you a question, BITCH. Are you horney?" "Mmmpphh," was all the response I got. It was then that I noticed that her mouth was filled with a cock gag. I looked at Cindy.

Cindy gave me a coy smile. "The fucking cunt just wouldn't shut up." I then looked at Marry and saw that she was similarly gagged. I moved over to Marry and grabbed a handful of her hair. I twisted her head up. Marry glared at me with malevolent hatred. I smiled and then began to slap her face. I slammed my hand back and forth across her face until blood ran from her nose and her eyes rolled back in her head.

I dropped her head and walked back behind her. "Take the gags out," I ordered Cindy.

"I don't want to hear a fucking word from either one of you two bitches all night. If you so much as mutter a single word; the gags go in, the e-collar get turned on, and I'LL WHIP YOU ASSES UNTIL THEY BLEED", I shouted.

"Now, tonight's your special night. Tonight you each get to fuck unit you can't fuck anymore! Cause tonight you pull the train!" I watched their reaction as I said this. Marsha looked scared. Marry looked defiant.

"And to get things going, Cindy and I will be the first to fuck you." Saying this, I dropped my pants and pulled my cock out. The anticipation, and the pure joy of watching these two suffer, had already given me an erection. My big ten-inch monster was already dripping pre-cum. Without waiting for a response, I rammed my cock into Marry's ass. A scream escaped Marry. I reached out and grabbed a handful of hair. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" Then I began to fuck her as hard and fast as I could.

Meanwhile, Cindy had strapped a big twelve-inch dildo on and was doing the same ass fucking to Marsha. Marsha was either smart enough, or loose enough, not to scream as Cindy viciously ass fucked her.

I hadn't cum in a long time, and so I shot my wad quickly. It was just as well, as the thought of fucking, especially ass fucking, Marry was disgusting. The only joy I took from it was that I knew it humiliated her and hurt like hell!

I pulled my shit covered cock from her ass. Then I turned the e-collar on and watched the waves of pain shot through Marry's tight little body. As I fried the bitch, I took her favorite whip (her white fiberglass rod, "Whitey") and began to slash her lower legs. I didn't want to mark her too much...considering all the forthcoming fucking she would be getting....but; I couldn't resist just whipping the shit out of her!

After a few minutes, I stopped the whipping. I turned the e-collar off. I went and stood in front of Marry. Her face was a mask of tears and pain. "Now, clean all the shit off my cock," I commanded. Marry looked at me, cringing and crying. "Now BITCH!" I yelled.

Marry stuck her tongue out and began to lap the shit and cum off my cock. I grabbed her by the hair, making double sure that she couldn't bite me, and jammed my cock into her mouth. She gagged and coughed as I washed the shit and cum off in her mouth. I made sure she swallowed every drop!

When I finished, I looked at Cindy. She was still assfucking Marsha, slapping her ass as she fucked her. "Time to finish," I told Cindy. Cindy gave me a mixed look of regret and lust. "Time to fuck her later," I said.

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