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Class Trip Ch. 03

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Dawn and Kim each assist another guy (a Great 48 Story).
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/25/2016
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This is the third installment of my "Class Trip" series, while I usually try to make each chapter of my stories self contained, you'll probably need to read part 1 to understand the situation and the context in this case.


Dawn helps a guy all on her own

Dawn sat on the toilet seat as Rob entered the bathroom. At 24, he was one of the oldest guys in the class. Her being the youngest meant they had very little in common so they had rarely spoken to each other.

"Hey." Rob said.

"Hey." Dawn replied.

They looked at each silently. She taking in his vest over a T-shirt look, him taking in her schoolgirl outfit of dress shirt, plaid kilt and black knee-high socks pulled high.

"So, do I just take it out or what?" Rob asked causally.

Dawn's mind went blank. How had Miss Ophelia started their session with Sean? Had she pulled his dick out or had she gotten him to do it? She cursed herself for not remembering, worried she was fucking this up already.

"Um, you can take it out, if you want." She told him. He shrugged and nonchalantly unzipped his pants and exposed his penis. Unlike Sean, Rob was still flaccid.

Unsure of what to do, she did the most obvious thing and took his cock in her hand. She fondled it for a few moments, but he did not seem to react.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Dawn asked.

Rob smiled. "Of course, you're very pretty."

"Can you show me? Will you show me how pretty you think I am? Make your...cock, hard for me. Please." She asked, a bit embarrassed at having used the word cock.

"I want to. I really do want to make my cock hard for you. Maybe if you show me how pretty you are? Will you show me your breasts?" He asked.

This stunned Dawn. Sean hadn't asked for anything like this, and Miss Ophelia hadn't mentioned if this was allowed. She knew official relief agents only offered manual stimulation but she also knew she was not an official relief agent and this was not a typical relief situation.

"I don't know about that." Dawn admitted. "I'm just here to rub your penis. I need to help you release."

"But seeing your beautiful breasts will help me release. It'll make me get so hard and then I'll cum that much faster." He explained.

That did make sense to Dawn. Guys were very visual, so she could see how looking at her bare breasts would help him. And it's not like he was asking to touch them. Just look at them. No man had ever asked to see them before, so that was quite exciting. Still, she wasn't sure if that was a good idea.

"I don't know." She stalled. "Do you promise to get hard if I do?"

"Dawn, looking at your naked breasts will make me so hard. I might cum as soon as I see them." He lied.

Wow, she thought. Does that really happen? She never seen that in the few holo porns she had watched, but she knew enough that they didn't exactly portray real life. Maybe she could assist all the guys she needed to quickly, by just showing them her breasts. That would be extremely efficient, just like Miss Ophelia had talked about.

"Really, just by looking at them?" She asked, hesitantly.

"Well maybe you'll need to stroke me a little, but I'll probably cum right away." He said.

She considered it for a moment and then began undoing the buttons on her blouse. Rob watched intently as her bra came into view.

"Is that enough?" Dawn asked, noting that his cock had started to stiffen.

"Your bra is probably enough to make me hard, but your bare breasts are what I need to cum." He told her.

She hesitantly continued to undress. Once her blouse was open enough for her bra encased breasts to be on full display, she reached back out for his cock.

"Let's try this for a bit, okay?" She asked, hoping she wouldn't have to take off her bra and expose herself to him.

"We can try. Of course." He assured her. She stroked his cock up from her seat and he did his best to feign boredom even as he enjoyed her touch.

"What if I talked dirty? What if I tell you how much I want to, um, suck your cock." She asked.

"Sure." He agreed, still trying to seem disinterested.

"Your, um," Dawn stammered, growing increasingly worried she was doing a bad job. "Your cock is so big, I don't think it will fit in my mouth."

She squeezed his cock with one hand and fondled his balls with the other. It felt amazing to Rob but somehow he kept his face blank.

"I want to make it fit though, I want to cram this cock down my throat." She told him, as she pumped him desperately.

Rob started to moan, which sent a spike of happiness through her, having finally gotten a reaction out of him. Unfortunately, it was short-lived as he turned his very real moan into a groan, faking boredom.

"Umm. Dawn, this really isn't working for me. Maybe you should show me your tits, I mean breasts, after all." He lied.

Dawn was disappointed and a bit panicked. How could things be going so poorly with Rob so quickly after they went so well with Sean? Clearly she wasn't as good at this as she thought, so she decided she had better listen to the older, more experienced person in the room

Dawn released her hold on Rob's cock and resumed unbuttoning her top. As the last few buttons undid, she pulled the dress shirt off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor.

She looked away embarrassed leaving Rob to unapologetically take on the view of her body. Her socks pulled high combined with her short skirt was driving him wild. It reminded him of how an ex girlfriend used to wear what she called "come fuck me" boots. When she wore them, he would often cum on her bare thighs.

Dawn was too embarrassed to make eye contact as she reached behind her back to undo her bra. The action made her chest thrust out, much to Rob's satisfaction.

When the clasp gave way, and her bra slid down her arms, exposing her magnificent breasts, she forced herself to look up at Rob with big, wide eyes.

"Is this better?" She asked honestly.

He could not believe his luck. She was a rare combination of being insanely sexy while being incredibly innocent.

Dawn watched as Rob took hold of his cock and began masturbating, his eyes locked on her pink nipples.

"Oh god, you are so hot." Rob told her. "I can't believe how fucking hot you are."

Dawn wasn't sure what to do. Clearly her being topless was working far better than anything else she tried, but she was supposed to be masturbating him. What the rules about him touching himself were, she wasn't sure.

"Are you close to cumming? You said you'd cum when you saw my breasts." She asked naïvely.

"I'm close. I swear I'm close. Maybe if you just showed me a peek at your panties." He told her, still stroking his cock.

"My panties?! But you said..."

"Just a peek. Pull up that short skirt just a little higher. Then I'll cum, I promise." He swore.

"I don't know..." She told him, but she was considering it. He had to be close to cumming, and it's not like he was asking her take them off, he just wanted a peek of her panties. But it still seemed wrong. She wished Miss Ophelia was here to tell her what to do. Then she remembered, Miss Ophelia had told her that she was in charge, not the guys.

"Rob, I can't show you my panties. I'm wasn't even supposed to show you my breasts. How about if I just go back to taking care of things myself." She asked him. Without waiting for an answer she reached out and took back his cock in her hand, matching his speed with her stroking.

"Cum for me. Look at my... Tits and cum. Please Rob, please cum for me." She begged him, hoping to finish him off quickly.

Her hand movements caused her large breasts to jiggle and he watched them hypnotized.

"I've never showed a man my tits before." She told him. "Please tell me you like them."

"Oh god I'm close." He told her. "I love your tits. I love your naked fucking tits."

Dawn sped up, jacking him as hard and fast as she possibly could.

"Yes, look at my tits, you don't need to see my black, frilly panties, just stare at my tits."

"Fuck!" He groaned and without any further warning, came. Dawn was still sitting and he was standing right in front of her, so it fired straight out and blasted her chest.

"Rob!" She squealed as he continued to squirt on her tits. "Holy shit."

"Fuck." Was all he could manage.

"You were supposed to warn me!" She told him annoyed as yet another blast of cum landed on her.

"Look at me!" She cried. But the truth was he hadn't ever looked away, and he just admired how her chest glistened with 2 days worth of his spunk streaked across it.

"Sorry. I just, I told you your breasts would make me cum." He tried to defend himself.

"Just..." She tried to figure out how to handle the situation. On one hand he absolutely should have warned her, on the other he kind of did, and Miss Ophelia had told her she should always be ready, so in a sense it was her own fault.

"Just leave me to clean up, okay." She told him, figuring she might be in as much trouble as Rob if Miss Ophelia found out what exactly happened.

Rob exited the bathroom leaving Dawn to clean up herself.

Kim helps Richard, In the stall

Richard entered the makeshift stall. Kim followed a moment later.

"Take it out." She told him flatly.

"Straight down to business huh?" He commented.

"Look, I'm willing to assist you with you relief, but I'm not your girlfriend and I'm certainly not your whore, let's just get this done." She told him.

"Fair enough." He agreed, as he pulled his cock out of his pants. In the cramped space of the makeshift stall she had found that the easiest way to take care of a guy was for him to put his arm around her, so standing beside each other she could curl into him and jack him off. She was just starting to suggest that to Richard when he asked her a question.

"Can you take off your top while we do this?"

"What? No. Why would you even think I'd do that?" She responded

"I just thought it'd help. It'll get this done faster, like you wanted." He told her.

She looked around the dim stall, it's only source of light was the various cracks and spaces between the crates and other materials it had been built with.

"Why do even want me to, it not like you could even see my small tits while we're in here."

"But they would feel real nice against me while you masturbate me." He admitted. "And like I said, it would help get this done."

Kim contemplated his suggestion. She had no desire to show him her tits, but it was fairly dark, and it wasn't like he was going to see much or paw at her chest, it would just be her pressing up against him, something she was going to have to do anyway. She decided the benefits outweighed her reluctance.

"Fine." She said simply, and began to shift and wiggle, taking off her t-shirt in the confines space. He did the same.

"What are you doing?" She asked, standing in just her shorts and bra.

"Taking off my shirt, I want to feel your breasts against me." He told her, as if it was obvious. She considered it, and couldn't find a reasonable excuse to object.

He finished taking off his shirt, and she dropped her bra, both joining her shirt on the floor at their feet.

She slid into place at his side and he put his arm over her shoulder. She pressed her chest against him, and reached down and took his cock in her hand.

"That's nice." He told her.

"Keep your voice down." She told him, trying not to draw the attention of the room full of men that were already aware of what she was doing behind that curtain.

She hooked one arm around his back, and with the other began stroking his cock up and down

"Fuck, that's lovely." He told her, as her hand tickled his balls a bit.

"Shut it." She told him, tightening her thumb and forefinger around his shaft and slowly running it up his length. She ran her hand back down again, slowly and then repeated the motion several times.

His breathing quickened, deep, loud breathes.

"Christ Richard, how many fucking times to I have to tell you to keep quiet?"

"I'm sorry." He said, defensively. "It just that you are really good at this."

"Then why don't you show your appreciation by being quiet." She told him.

"Okay." He whispered. "But speaking of showing, I wish it was bright enough in here that I could see you. You so fucking hot, and your breasts feel amazing."

She pretended to ignore his compliment, but found herself liking that he felt that way. In appreciation, she fondled his balls again. He moaned in enjoyment.

A minute or two later, she resumed stroking his cock, this time a steady pumping at a moderate speed. He might be enjoying this, but she wanted to get him well on his way to having his release. She still had two more guys to assist.

"Fuck." He moaned, as she increased the tempo of her hand stroking him and began to whisper to him. "I need you to shoot that load. Let's get the build up of cum out. Shoot for me."

"Fuck Kim. That's so hot." He encouraged her.

"You know what I think it hot? You cumming. Will you cum for me?" She asked.

"Oh, just like that, just like that." He told her, as her hand kept a quick and steady pace.

"I want you to get it all out." She asked trying to get him to finish. "Can I see you squirt?"

"Yes. Fuck yes." He told her, thinking she was being literal. With the arm that was not around her shoulders, he reached out and tore down the curtain. The pipe used as a curtain rod fell, shifting the top crate, which also tumbled to the ground, spilling its contents as it did, ruining the makeshift wall completely.

Kim and Richard were now exposed, both topless and her with her hand wrapped around his cock. She let go of his member and started to try to cover up, as several guys hopped up from their seats instinctively, to grab the curtain and other items that we skittering across the floor. As the last of the guys reached the items, everyone realized Kim was topless and they stopped and stared at her.

Richard reached out and pulled Kim's arm away from her chest, and back to his crotch.

"Don't stop. I'm close." He barked. In shock and without thinking she resumed stroking him, looking around the room as she did. She made eye contact with pretty much everyone, and each one was watching her as she jacked Richard off. She was horribly embarrassed, but Richard was holding her arm in place and thrusting his cock in and out of her hand.

"Kim, I'm so fucking close. Just let me see your tits while you jack me." He half ordered, half begged.

Desperate to end her humiliation, she relented. She pulled away from him enough for her breasts to be exposed to him and the other men in the room. She pumped his cock, squeezing her hand tight and pumping quickly.

The room watched as she beat him off, her hand moving as fast as she could make it go.

"Fuck, your tits are amazing." He told her, staring at the small breasts as they bounced with her moment.

"Cum Richard. Cum for me. Squirt that fucking hot load." She pleaded, almost angrily.

"I'm close. I can feel it." He warned her.

"Do it. Fucking cum!" She yelled, her hand a blur of up and down movement, trying to get him to finish

"Oh god." He yelled, pretty much the entire room watching as he fired streams out on to the floor, while Kim continued to stroke his hard cock.

Kim was milking the last of his jizz out of him when all the guys seemed to look away at the same time. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she hoped now that the moment of passion (or whatever) was over they were coming to their senses and giving her and Richard some semblance of privacy while they cleaned up.

Next... what the guys were looking at!


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PTWintersPTWintersover 3 years agoAuthor

The full story is on Amazon. (as are a lot more of my naughty stories)

If you send me a polite request, I do give out review copies for free fairly regularly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

These stories are amazing! Do you have any more planned? I would love to see what happens next

SophykitenSophykitenover 7 years ago

Wonderful and creative. I look forward to reading more and see what happens! Please do not stop writing. =)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Love this story, hope you can get out new chapters soon

PTWintersPTWintersover 7 years agoAuthor
Yes there is more

Glad you like this story and yes there is more, but I'm not able to post them on literotica at the moment. If you drop me a line via the Send Feedback tab and include an e-mail address, I'm happy to share a review copy of the full story.

Also worth noting, the author "Fantasticfic" has posted an excellent story with the same Great 48 premise here on literotica. (It's well worth checking out, and it was quite the compliment that he liked my set up enough to ask if he could use it) You can find him quickly if you click on my name and check out my favorites tab.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

So happy I found these stories again - are there more coming?

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