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Clearing Some Inhibitions

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An unexpected meeting makes up for lost opportunities.
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The idea enters my head one day while walking along a trail: this would be a perfect place to be completely naked outdoors. I'm not an exhibitionist, I don't want to be seen undressed -- but to risk being seen undressed, well -- that, that is a thrilling feeling. And this is an ideal combination of public and private to take that chance. Walking the well-maintained loop trail, I notice a small beaten path cutting in to the centre, and taking it, I find that it meets up with the main trail again perhaps a half-kilometre later. But partway in there's a clearing, a sunny spot within the forest, and there's evidence of an old campfire, even a few small stumps used as seating -- probably made by kids from the nearby high school. Kids I'd have thought of as, well, "bad" is a social construct and probably unfair, but still, the bad ones, the ones who drank or smoked or had sex, the ones who did all the things I didn't do in high school. I can hear voices sometimes, from the main path a distance off, but although there are several routes into the clearing I'm confident I would know of anyone coming before they saw me.

I do nothing that day, nor for a while after, but the idea percolates in my mind. And as summer reaches its peak, when I drive to the trail for a walk, I start wearing a sundress with no bra underneath -- just in case. Often I don't leave the main trail at all. Once or twice I venture to the clearing, never seeing anyone, but never having the nerve to go through with things. Never having the nerve, that is, until the day I do. No one ever goes through there, and at some point I have to do it or stop pretending I ever will, and today is a gorgeous sunny day that doesn't come along all the time -- and so in the parking lot I slip my panties off, carefully stepping out of the car in only sundress and sandals. Today I will do it!

Only a few minutes, along the path, down the side trail, into the familiar clearing -- deserted. Not even the sound of others on the main path, I note, simultaneously happy and disappointed. So -- here I am. I'll just...I'll just...oh, god don't think, just do and I pull my sundress over my head, drop it to the ground, step out of my sandals, and -- oh my!!! It is wonderful, completely exhilarating, an amazing rush, my mind races with excitement!

My sundress is right at hand, I could grab it in a moment if needed, and -- and I could grab it in a moment if needed...That won't do. I step away from it, to the centre of the clearing, outstretching my arms, face up at the sky, basking in the warm sunlight -- oh gods it is exciting. My body shudders with joy at the sun, at my nakedness, at overcoming my innate nervousness and caution to take this risk, this wonderful, thrilling, delightful risk!

And then you clear your throat.

I spin toward you, flustered hands rushing to conceal me, legs crossing, dropping to a half-crouch to cover myself. "I'm so sorry!!" I say, heart racing, "I don't know what came over me!!" I lie, "I've never done anything like this before!!" I add truthfully. You stand there, taking your earbuds out, clearly having pulled up short during a run.

Holding your palms out calmingly you say "it's okay, its no big deal, I'm sorry to surprise you that way. I ran in here and saw you, and -- well, I didn't want to frighten you, but I figured I should let you know you weren't alone."

"I'm so sorry, SO sorry!! Really I am! I, I didn't expect there to be anyone else, I walk here all the time, there's never anyone else, I just -- oh god -- I'm so sorry!!"

"It's OH-KAY" you say reassuringly. "I'm not offended, and I'm not going to tell anyone. Nobody, ok? I promise. You don't need to feel embarrassed, it will be like it never happened."

My pulse beginning to return to normal, I smile gratefully at you from my half-crouch, noticing that your eyes are politely focused on mine. "Well, I, I guess, I mean, if it's ...thank you. It was so nice, feeling the air, and the sun, and I only wanted to do it for, for a moment, I -- I didn't think anyone would come by! I am SO sorry! I mean, I knew there was a risk, obviously, but -- it just seemed so, so, private."

"That's true, it is" you reply "or at least it used to be. I haven't been through here in ages, but back in high school this was a hangout spot -- you know the sort of thing."

I don't, really, I'd been so strait-laced at that age, I'd missed so much for reasons that seem less important now than they did then. I push away the thought that is trying to enter my head. "A place to come talk?" I ask "and, I guess, drink?"

"Oh yeah, that, maybe smoke some weed." Your eyes are still on mine. How has this become just a conversation, as though I am not crouched naked ten feet from you, I wonder idly. "Talk about girls" you add.

The thought keeps trying to insinuate its way into my mind. "The girls weren't, the girls didn't come here with you?"

"I can't remember any time there were girls up here with us. So this is a first for me, too." You smile. Oh gods. Has the thought entered your head, I wonder.

"I, I was...I guess I thought -- you know, that, this was maybe a, a -- not just a hang out spot, but a...hookup spot. Where, where you might..." oh gods, my brain asks, what has come over me, I wonder, as my mouth continues, saying "bring the kind of girl who...who did...that sort of thing...", my words trailing off.

"What sort of thing", you ask, not looking quizzical in the least. Oh gods. You are thinking it too, aren't you, I know you are thinking it too.

"The ones who...who might...the ones who...with whom you might...get lucky?" Did I seriously just say with whom, I think, what is wrong with me "Who might ..." oh gods I am not really going to say this, am I? am I? am I? "...give you a blow job or something." I am.

You laugh lightly. "I wish!"

Your eyes are still locked on mine. The pause goes on, slightly too long, becoming not awkward but expectant. Oh gods, deep breath, oh gods...don't think, don't think, I always overthink, don't keep thinking, just say it, just say it, just say it...

"Do you?"


"Do you...wish? That?" I swallow, my mouth dry from nerves. Oh gods no going back now! "You,'re not going to talk about us meeting, it'll be like it never happened, right, so, so it might as well"

With a few quick steps, you are standing in front of me, eagerness in your speed but perhaps just a hint of doubt still in your expression. I drop from my crouch to my knees, arms moving, your eyes going to my now-exposed breasts, as I look up into your eyes. We are motionless for a moment, I could still change -- no. My hands reach for your legs, sliding up from the knee, reaching your hips, your waist, fingers inching into the waistband of your running shorts, gently beginning to tug them down an inch or two. The waistband strains a little, I tug harder, as your cock, half-erect and growing, is pulled down with the fabric and then springs free. I stop, your shorts around your ankles, you nearly fully dressed in contrast to my nakedness, only your cock, your ass exposed to the air.

Squirming, I lean forward, mouth open, eyes still on yours, my breath warm on your skin as my lips pass the tip of your cock, not touching it as my mouth encloses the first few inches, then my wetness encircles your shaft, tongue pressing up against the underside, and in unison we moan with delight. Sucking gently, tongue gliding, I feel your cock harden and grow in my mouth, filling it up, and I moan yet more loudly.

I reach around you, pressing my hands into your buttocks, pulling you towards me, your cock filling my mouth even more. Slowly, eyes closed now, I begin to pull my head away, lips sliding down your shaft, nearly to the tip, then sliding back up it again, down again, up again, tantalizingly slow and wet. Oh my gods, I think to myself, what am I doing! I've never met you, I love sucking cock, but oh my god, never like this, never a complete stranger!! But just a few moments, your cock in my mouth for a few moments won't really count, and then I'll stand up. And I'll be naked, you'll see me naked, but that'll be fine, there's nothing shameful about that, it's just nakedness.

I feel you shift your feet, stepping out of your shorts, moving closer, your cock never leaving my mouth, as your legs straddle me, your body much closer now. Still I move my mouth up and down your shaft, not increasing my speed, feeling you fully hard now, going as deep as I can but not your full length, tongue dancing. I feel your hand slide down to reach for my breast, fingers toying with my nipple, and another moan escapes me. Ok, I think, this, this -- this is fine, it's ok I am doing this, it's ok, it's not, not that slutty, I'm not a slut, it's just a momentary thing, I will stop soon, but it's ok, it's fine!

I feel your hand come to rest on my shoulder, teasing my hair, resting gently on my neck, the side of my head, a light touch, not interfering with the bobbing motion of my mouth, as I move a little faster now, the hand coming along for the ride. Ok, ok, it...this is...this is good. Do it a little bit more, you will have enjoyed it, and, and then stop, and this will be an amazing memory for you, for both of us, it really will!

The hand rests a little more firmly now, fingers curled around the back of my head, speed not following but leading, moving faster, hurrying my face, rushing my mouth a little more excitedly down onto your cock, setting the pace rather than following it, as I hear your moans become more regular. But it -- ok, maybe, maybe don't stop just yet, he, he is...excited, you are excited, this can continue, it's not, it's not -- dirty, it isn't, I'll only do it a, a bit more, I will stop soon. Not...not quite yet, though.

I feel your other hand leave my breast, come to join its brother, on the other side of my head, just the slightest pressure from the two of them, my head not, not held, not held, not, not really, just, just -- encouraged -- to quicken its pace. I open my eyes for a moment, looking up at you, seeing your head thrown back, your face squinched in pleasure. Ok, this -- it probably -- soon I will take you out of my mouth, I will...soon...but, but afterward I should let him -- let you -- finish... it would be unfair not, he could pull out, and finish yourself with your hand...oh gods -- you could do it on, on my breasts, I don't mind that, I've done that before, in a moment I will stop sucking, tell you to finish on my breasts, everybody does that, it, it's just, good girls do that, I can do that... gods. My face. Oh gods, I've never let could...I could let you -- oh gods, this is so unlike me, this is not me, but why not, he could, you can cum on my face if you want, I don't care how slutty that is, in, in a moment I will stop sucking and, and...

Your hands squeeze tighter on the side of my head, stopping its motion entirely, my mouth not bobbing any more. I feel you sidle closer still to me, cock deep in my mouth, legs stepped past me now, my body leaning back on my heels -- I'd fall if not for you holding my head. Your hips pull back, your cock going with them, almost fully out of my mouth, then you thrust your hips forward again, cock plunging into my mouth, then out, then in, deeper each time, invading my mouth, pushing your cock further than I was able to take it before. With your cock, as hard as it can be, you start fucking my mouth, using it, faster and faster as your moans become more excited, my mouth the moist hole you are fucking, fucking my face, faster and faster, moaning more and more loudly, and as my hand goes between my legs to rub furiously I think oh gods YES, fuck, yes, fuck my mouth, oh gods, FUCK my FACE, THRUST that cock into it, gods, I don't care, yes, finish, oh gods I want, I want to swallow it all, suck you off like a bad girl, I want it, not on my breasts, not on my face, oh GODS, my mind screams, and as I form the barely coherent thought oh gods, YES, fuck my face, CUM, cum in my mouth, in my cocksucking slutty whore MOUTH, I feel you do exactly that, I hear you crying out in pleasure, feel the tingliness as your sperm fills my mouth, shudder the length of my body as I rub myself while your cock thrusts again and again and again into my mouth and your cum shoots jet after jet into my mouth and I swallow all of it I can, every drop, down my throat.

You step back, and I catch myself, kneeling again, not bothering to cover my nakedness, tongue rolling the familiar tingly after-taste around in my mouth. "Fuck!" you say, as you pull your shorts up over your softening cock, "Fuck! That was incredible!" Tongue still rolling around inside my mouth, feeling the lingering bits of your sperm, I smile up at you. "Well, you got your wish", I say, grinning.

Smiling, seeing you smiling, I stand up and walk over to my sundress and sandals. You start to say "by the way, my name is --" but I cut you off. "No need for names" I say, picking up my sundress and turning to you, letting you see my nakedness. "How could we exchange names, this never happened!" Pulling the sundress over my head I say, with a grin in my voice, "You're not telling anyone, remember?" You laugh and say "you're going to hold me to that? I want to tell the guys I used to hang out with here about this! And I want to see you again!"

Stepping into my sandals I look at you, and, as I turn to walk away, I smile broadly and say "It never happened!" I stop at the edge of the clearing for a moment and look back. "And it certainly won't happen again tomorrow." As I disappear from your sight down the path you hear my voice call out "And it definitely won't happen to any of your friends who join you..."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Oh Yeah

Been there done that, it was nice to relive it in print, thank you.

brickman4brickman4over 3 years ago

Who could be so lucky .

Ariel_EmmsAriel_Emmsover 3 years agoAuthor

I'm glad you liked it! I've debated whether to admit the extent to which it is fact rather than fiction, and have decided there's no harm in admitting that the portion prior to "and then you cleared your throat" actually happened. Well, except I had my dog with me, or I wouldn't have been walking in that location, but I couldn't work out a plausible way to include her. But it was one of the most thrilling things I have done on my own! AND it got me thinking, which led to this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


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