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Co-Worker's Revenge

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It's pay back time for an overly-ambitious lawyer.
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Kimberly was gorgeous and what is more she knew she was. Six foot three inches tall, an hourglass figure with long wavy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that shined when the light reflected off them, the 29-year-old could have been a model. Instead she had gained a college law degree and bagged a job at one of the city's top law firms.

Not one for doing any more work than she needed to, Kimberly had found that loosening the odd button on her blouse, wearing a skirt that was probably a size too small or being 'forced' to go bare legged after 'accidentally' laddering her tights was a sure way to impress the right people and help her advance up the corporate ladder.

Of course this attitude had not sat well with many of her co-workers at Jenkins, Jenkins and Smith although Kimberly could not have cared less. Her motto was "I've got it so I will use it."

As the elevator arrived on the fourth floor that Wednesday morning, Kimberly was in a good mood. The elevator doors opened with a pinging sound and the leggy bombshell strutted out into the lobby of the firm's headquarters. Barely acknowledging the receptionist, she strode on into the bull pen passing the desk she recently had left and heading to the spacious office that she now occupied.

Walking into her office she immediately spotted the letter on her desk. Her name was typed on the front and as she picked it up she wondered as to its contents. A pathetic love letter from one of the mailroom saps, an invitation to drinks at the home of a middle manager or perhaps a thankyou note from a client who maybe had not received the best legal advice ever but had most definitely enjoyed her company?

Kimberly turned the envelope over, slipped her finger into the flap and ripped it open. Topped with the familiar Jenkins, Jenkins and Smith header the letter began "Dear Kimberly." Informal, she thought, so it must be good news. She read on: "Congratulations. You have been chosen to be this year's face of the firm and will be appearing in all the promotional material we are set to publish in the forthcoming months. A photo-shoot has been arranged to take place in the boardroom at 2pm today. Please attend promptly."

Kimberly was ecstatic. Face of the firm! What an honour and what a boast for her career profile. She really was on course to make partner by the time she was 35.

Tossing the letter aside without reading any further or checking who had signed it, Kimberly headed for the door. Leaving the briefest of notes on the desk of the PA she shared with two other junior lawyers, she made her way, head held even higher than usual, back through the bull pen and off on a shopping mission to buy some suitable attire for her photo-shoot.

It was almost 1pm when Kimberly returned to work not that she cared. She had spent the morning at some of her favourite uptown boutiques and was still buzzing at being chosen to be face of the firm. Anyway no-one was going to challenge her on where she had been after news had got round about her impending honour.

Once more Kimberly strutted her way through the lobby and bull pen and entered her office slamming the door behind her theatrically to make anybody who did not already know aware that she had made her entrance.

She stood in front of the full length mirror which had been the first piece of furniture she had had installed when she moved into the office a few weeks previously. "You look so good girl," she said to herself as she admired her reflection.

Kimberly was dressed in an extra tight, grey pencil skirt, matching blouse and a black belt that extenuated her figure even further. Sheer black tights hugged her shapely legs and three inch high stiletto shoes not only gave her even greater presence but also pushed up her comely butt in just the right way.

A call on her desk phone interrupted Kimberly's latest bout of narcissism. It was the photographer letting her know he was ready for her. With a final admiring glance in the mirror she strutted confidently out of her office and made the short trip to the boardroom.

Entering the boardroom Kimberly immediately spotted the photographer setting up the last of his equipment. "With you in a minute babe," he said.

I am not his "babe" Kimberly thought to herself annoyed at this man's casual greeting. But she would not let a little thing like his lack of manners spoil things and what was more this man, rude as he may be, was going to be taking some very important pictures of her so she bit her tongue and merely replied: "OK."

"I'm Greg," said the photographer as he at last looked up at Kimberly. Before she could respond he tersely added: "Shall we get started?" Kimberly nodded and took a seat behind a computer that had been set up for some "action" shots. After that she posed behind the lectern where the top bosses addressed important meetings and then had some less formal shots taken near a window.

"OK that's the boring stuff for the brochures and website out of the way. Time for the fun bit eh?" Greg said.

Puzzled by these remarks Kimberly queried: "What do you mean?"

"The fun stuff. The calendar and Christmas card pics," came the jovial retort from the photographer who was fiddling with the blinds that were used to cover the glass partition between the boardroom and the corridor. "Don't tell me you don't know the brief?" Greg said curtly as he finished closing the blinds. "You did read the letter?" he asked.

Not wanting to look stupid Kimberly decided to do what she did best and bluff her way through such difficulties. "Oh yes. Of course I read it," she responded with her best smile.

"Good," said Greg: "Now I like to try and make these things as natural as I can so if it is ok with you I will just snap away while you strip off?"

"What?!" yelped a startled Kimberly: "Strip off."

"Yes, yes," said Greg: "You can't keep that lot on for a saucy calendar or Christmas card babe. Don't get me wrong you look great but I think the clients expect to see a bit more don't you?"

Suddenly wishing she had read the whole letter, Kimberly decided to play along. After all it was still an honour to be face of the firm and she was sure it would be no different to the various charity calendars and the like that were so popular nowadays.

Without waiting any longer for his model to answer Greg said: "Let's do this shall we?" Kimberly nodded and began to undo her belt. "There you go babe," said Greg.

Shuddering a little and still unhappy with this man insisting on calling her "babe" Kimberly ignored his remark and unbuttoned her blouse. As was her regular practice she had already left the top three buttons undone so it was not long before the blouse joined her belt on the boardroom floor.

Getting his first look at Kimberly's 36D breasts which were threatening to pop out of her pink lace bra, Greg said, "Looking good babe."

Kimberly presumed he was trying to be flattering but she was not in the mood for his compliments. She unzipped her skirt and with a shimmy of her hips it dropped to her feet. Kimberly stepped out of the skirt and kicked it to the growing pile of clothes on the ground. Her tights came off quickly but at Greg's request she kept her stilettos on.

"OK that's awesome babe," said Greg. Kimberly breathed a sigh of relief. It was over and she had ended up revealing less than she would have done on the beach during her vacation.

She made to pick up her clothes to redress when Greg stopped her in her tracks. "Hey, hey babe we are just at the really good bit," he said almost mockingly.

"I'm not taking anything else off," responded Kimberly shocked at the inference.

"That's your call babe," replied Greg: "But I've had this commission for a few years now and the last time a girl drew the line at underwear shots...well put it this way she wasn't here the next time I came in if you know what I mean?"

Cursing herself for not reading the entire letter that morning, Kimberly was faced with a decision. Keep her modesty and probably lose the job she had schemed so hard to get or get naked for this man and his lecherous camera. Sighing she decided on the latter.

Rationalising the decision in her own mind she reminded herself how hard she had 'worked' to get where she was in such a prestigious law firm plus she doubted many people would ever see the photographs, probably just a few of the very select top paying clients. "Come on then. Let's get it over with," Kimberly snapped.

"That's the spirit babe," said Greg far too cheerfully for his unwilling model's liking.

Not wanting to allow herself time for any second thoughts, Kimberly quickly unclasped her bra and slid the straps off her shoulders while Greg clicked away on his camera. Dropping the bra to the floor she tried her best to smile.

"Great tits babe, great tits," said Greg. This was not the sort of compliment Kimberly welcomed but she gritted her teeth and stood there while he reeled off a few more pictures. "Right," said the photographer, "Before we get to the pussy let's have a few sexy poses to highlight those world class tits of yours babe."

Shuddering at his course description of her breasts, Kimberly barely managed to nod in agreement. As a warm glow of growing embarrassment and irritation swept over her entire body, Kimberly found herself obeying Greg's every instruction. She posed cupping each breast with her hands and then pinching her nipples. She even complied with the photographer's demand that she lick her now erect nipples.

"Great stuff, just great," said Greg: "Now let's see the pussy shall we?"

Increasingly mortified at the situation she was in but knowing there was no turning back at this point, Kimberly quickly slipped off her pink, lace panties and stood, arms by her sides as Greg snapped away. "You've a top pussy there babe," said Greg, "Very nice indeed."

Kimberly was horrified at these comments and made to cover up but suddenly remembered the photographer's earlier warnings about the last non-compliant girl. Forcing herself to remain exposed, Kimberly stood motionless while Greg took what seemed like endless amounts of pictures.

"Right then just a few special pussy poses and we will be all wrapped up," said Greg breaking the silence once more. Resigned to her fate by this stage, Kimberly said nothing. "Hop up on the table and spread them long legs of yours babe," said Greg all to happily. "Oh yes and you better take them heals off. Health and safety and all that," he joked.

Kimberly was in no frame of mind for jokes and angrily kicked off her shoes. In as ladylike a way as she could muster she mounted the large, shiny oak table in the centre of the room. The lacker finish was slippery against her naked skin and there was an embarrassing squeaking sound each time she scooted along the table top to the position Greg had pointed to.

"Spread them then babe. Time is money," said Greg abandoning all remnants of civility.

Kimberly parted her legs and felt a chill deep inside her from the air conditioning unit above the table where she sat. Greg snapped away. At one point his camera was so close to her most intimate parts that Kimberly feared he was going to penetrate her with it but to her relief he did not.

"Now we are almost finished. Do you want to spread them pussy lips of yours or would you prefer I did it?" said Greg almost matter of factly.

Appalled at the thought of this horrible man touching her private parts, Kimberly snapped, "I'll do it."

"OK. Up to you babe," replied the photographer, "Spread em nice and wide so we can see what's inside you babe."

Cringing at what she was doing, Kimberly parted her vagina lips with the fingers of her right hand and looked away as Greg moved in.

After what seemed like an absolute age Greg stood up and said: "OK that's us done. Nice working with you babe. You're a natural in front of the camera and you've a killer body."

Uninterested in anything more he had to say, Kimberly quickly got down from the table and looked for her clothes.

"Where are my things?" Kimberly desperately asked as she realised her clothes were nowhere to be seen. Turning sharply to face Greg she repeated her question.

"Ask them," replied the photographer who was opening the blinds to the boardroom. As the blinds opened Kimberly saw several of her co-workers laughing and pointing at her through the glass panel. Some were taking pictures on their cell phones.

There was Daphne the receptionist who had been so kind and welcoming to Kimberly when she started at the firm but who the blonde lawyer now barely spoke to. There too were Steve and Phil who Kimberly had worked with on a major project but who she had stabbed in the back by taking all the credit for work she had hardly contributed to.

Standing there with her phone out was Kate from HR who Kimberly had bad-mouthed at a recent meeting in a successful effort to hide a mistake she had made that had cost the firm thousands. In fact everyone who was there had been a victim of Kimberly's ambition at some point.

Kate motioned towards a monitor and Kimberly moved her eyes towards the screen. There was a live feed playing from the boardroom! Her co-workers had been watching her entire naked humiliation! And on top of the monitor were Kimberly's clothes which one of them must have snuck in and removed while she was making those poses for Greg and his camera.

Unable to take anymore Kimberly bolted from the boardroom. She ran through the bull pen where she had so proudly strutted just an hour or so earlier. Now she was naked and could hear the jeers of her avenged co-workers mocking her as she ran. The employees who had not been a part of the scheme were getting a look to and from the whistles and calls many obviously liked what they saw.

Kimberly was beyond caring now and dashed into her office. She grabbed her car keys from her desk and kept on running. Not wanting to wait for the elevator she sprinted down the emergency staircase and into the underground parking lot.

Galloping across the structure to her car the naked blonde attracted yet more stares and whistles. Finally she reached her vehicle, unlocked the door, jumped into the driver's seat, turned on the engine and sped off.

Needless to say that was Kimberly's last day at Jenkins, Jenkins and Smith. Soon afterwards she moved to a different city and got a job at a small law firm where it goes without saying she was far nicer towards her co-workers!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
You’ve never worked in a law firm, have you?

The first time the photographer said anything untoward, Kimberly would have bolted and filed a complaint with HR for sexual harassment. Several heads would have rolled, but not hers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Not Bad

Your story was not bad but their was some grammar errors that could of been caught if you had a editor. Then their is a few ways things could of been worded differently bringing more emotion into it.

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