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Cockolding Dad

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Wife wants a baby yet husband is a dud who will fill in?
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Thanks to WAA01 and Killerarmyguy for the edits.


Chapter One

"W-what?!" Gloria stammered as she sat in the fertility doctor's office; she and her husband (Maverick -- or Mav as his friends call him) had used to see why she wasn't getting pregnant at the age of forty. Gloria knew she was still fertile, given what the doctor had just said. Yet her husband was sterile! How could that be?! How does a man that's fathered a son suddenly become sterile after eighteen years? Gloria just couldn't fathom it, not at the moment at least. Her husband didn't bother to show up for this meeting. Which infuriated her at first; now it enraged her! He had to know what the results would be. He had to! Why else blow off this appointment?

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Mathews, but you and your husband can not have a child together."

"Why?" Gloria asked, noting the forlorn look on the woman's face that sat across from her.

"You're husband just doesn't have a sperm count."

"How can that be we have a son! Sperm just doesn't magically disappear?!" Gloria exclaimed as her emotions erupted within her.

"It does when he's had a vasectomy." Gloria watched the doctor's eyes following her as she fell, deflate back into her seat.

"A-a vasectomy?! When?" Gloria stammered, knowing her dream of having another child would go the way of the dodo.

"I can't say, four months, a year, maybe longer. All I can tell you is the only way a man who had enough sperm to get you pregnant and then..." Waving her hand over the results, "is a vasectomy unless he was in an accident that damaged his genitals." Gloria shook her head weakly. The worst thing that's ever happened was when Maverick got food poisoning on a business trip that he had to postpone his return trip when their son was ten. Nothing that would cause her husband's sperm to dry up. "Then I'm afraid, Mrs. Mathews, your husband had a vasectomy. Did he not tell you?"

"No," Gloria uttered weakly.

"Do you remember a time where it hurt him to sit comfortably for a few days?" Gloria had to think back, fifteen years to be exact, to recount how Maverick wouldn't touch her for a week, and then he insisted on using condoms for the next three months, which was odd to her. Yet, at the time, she never brought it up; maybe she should've. Maybe she shouldn't have been such an accepting wife to let a little thing like that go after years of bareback sex with one another.

"I do," Gloria spoke in a controlled growl.

"I take it your husband didn't discuss this with you?"

"No, he did not," Gloria nodded firmly. "I would have remembered something like this and not been trying so hard for a baby for the past two years."

"I'm sorry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news."

"No, Doctor, you're just doing your job; it's my husband that's going to be the one that's sorry," Gloria said, keeping her emotions hidden behind a thin veil of calmness. Shaking her doctor's hand she left her office. Digging into her purse as her phone rang.

Rapidly pressing the call button. "Hey, girlfriend, how did the appointment go?" Her friend of twenty years voice came over the line once she had answered it.

"Not well. Are you busy?" Gloria asked, quickly losing the ability to control her emotions.

"No, you know I'm just sitting here, bored at home, waiting on the kids to get home."

"Would you mind if I came over? I really need to talk to someone," Gloria said, knowing if she saw her husband at that moment, she would take his head off.

"Oh, shit, it has to be bad. Of course, you can; you know you're always welcome here." Gloria smiled at that; it was good to know she could always count on her friend whenever she was in a time of need.

"Thanks, Angie, I really need a friend right now," Gloria said, trying to hold back her tears, anger, and her trembling voice all at once.

"Oh honey, don't you worry about a thing, you just come over, and we'll chat over a nice glass of wine."


Angie stood on her stoop, holding out her arms to her friend as she saw the tears gleaming in Gloria's eyes. Rocking her friend as Gloria cried on her shoulder. "Why don't you come inside and tell me what happened," Angie spoke, her hand rubbed along Gloria's back as Gloria nodded a weak 'Okay.' Her straight ebony hair brushed along her back as she led her friend into the home she shared with her husband and two children.

"Bret and Sophia aren't home yet, are they?" Gloria asked, looking over at Angie as she led her towards her kitchen.

"No, you know when they get out of school like I know when your son gets out of school," Angie retorted with a smile. The lights of her home played along her skin, which was the color of dark chocolate; Gloria always admired how youthful it looked even in her forties. "Now, hon' you tell me what's troubling you?" Angie stated, patting Gloria's shoulder as she helped her into the chair at her kitchen table.

"What?!" Angie shouted as she surged from her seat. "He didn't fucking tell you?! Oh, Gloria, I'm so sorry," she quickly softened her tone when Gloria broke down into tears. Angie just let Gloria pour her woes onto her shoulder as she held her dear friend. Knowing how much her friend was looking forward to having another child. "Shh, shh, let it all out, just let it all out," Angie uttered in a soothing tone as she brushed her hand along the back of Gloria's head. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know," Gloria said weakly into her wine glass.

"He has to be cheating on you," Angie blurted out.

"W-what?!" The thought never once crossed Gloria's mind.

"Come on, hon', why else would a man get a vasectomy without telling his wife?" Angie uttered in disdain. She has known Gloria and Maverick since they both moved into the subdivision around the same time. She liked Maverick; she had thought he was a great guy, she never saw the signs. "He must be doing it on all those trips he takes. Otherwise, you would have found out about it by now," she mused, tapping her finger against her chin. However, if the man was stepping out on her friend, she would do everything to ensure Gloria got even. "Well, since you know he can't have kids, have you thought of having someone else father the child and make Mav raise it?"

"What?! I can't cheat on my husband?!" Gloria gasped in shock at what her friend had just said.

"Why not? Obviously, Mav wanted you to pop out one kid and one kid only. So he could slip his dick into whatever whore he picks up without a worry of getting them pregnant. I say this will serve him right for stepping out on you. Since he can't call you out on it without opening up that can of worms. So why don't you get some good dick while you're at it?" Angie intoned, smiling devilishly at her friend.

"I don't know, Angie; Mav would notice that I'm going out and dressing up just to look for someone to fuck. I mean, what man would fuck me knowing they were doing it to knock me up?"

"A great many of them," Angie stated, "some men get off on knocking up married women."

"But I've never even kissed another man during our marriage; how am I supposed to fuck one?" Gloria whispered low.

Angie pondered on that thought for a while as they sat in silence. Wondering if she could let her friend in on their little family secret. Also wondering if her friend wouldn't freak out when she told her.

"Well, you know there's a way to keep Mav from growing suspicious," Angie said in a sultry tone as she peered over her wine glass.

"Huh?" Gloria uttered in confusion.

"You do have a very virile young man in your house that's always around," Angie said, smiling sinfully into her glass.

"B-b-but... what?!" Gloria stammered; she was sure she heard her friend wrong.

"Fuck your son, Gloria, that way, it will really fuck with Mav knowing the child looks so much like him."

"I can't do that! He's my son!" Gloria shouted.

"Why not?" Angie asked, cocking an eyebrow. "I sleep with Bret all the time now, especially when Marcum is out of town. This chocolate pussy of mine just doesn't turn off the moment he leaves, you know. And dildos are fun at first, but you know, and I know, nothing beats a real cock."


"Sophia sleeps with her dad too; we like to change it up every other night. You should hear Sophia and me trying to outdo each other with our moaning," Angie said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"But, but, but," Gloria stammered out; she couldn't believe what her friend was telling her.

"Honey, don't knock it until you try it," Angie spoke with a devilish grin on her lips. "It's the hottest, most mind-blowing sex you will ever have. Especially knowing it was your son that knocked you up. Trust me, as much as Marcum is a fantastic lover, the moment I slid my pussy down my son's cock it was like I entered a whole new world. And you know your son will give you a hundred percent better than what you would find trying to pick up some stranger in a bar, and probably safer too."

"But how?"

"Simple hon' he's an eighteen-year-old boy; they're always horny," Angie giggled. "I'm sure you know your son well enough to tease him. To flaunt that body of yours to his eyes. You're the same age as I am, and if you're like me, you're horny pretty much every day. So why not pluck the fruit close to the tree, as it were?"

"I don't know if I can, Angie," Gloria sighed as she sank down into her seat. Wrapping her hands around the stem of her wine glass.

"You want to have a baby, right?" To this, Gloria nodded firmly. "And you can't take a strange man to your bed, can you?" Seeing Gloria shaking her head.

"No, if I'm going to have another child, I want the father to be someone I love, not some stray off the street," Gloria muttered truthfully.

"Then that only leaves one man, your son," Angie said, patting her friend's hand. "Unless you want to divorce Maverick, and that could take years if he's an ass about it."

"But do you really think Andrew would even give me a second look?" Gloria asked, feeling very self-conscious at that moment.

"Come with me," Angie directed, taking hold of Gloria's hand and leading her from the kitchen table to her bedroom. "What do you see?" she asked from behind Gloria as she had her stand in front of her full-length mirror.

"A sad woman."

"No, forget that for right now; what do you see?" Angie asked once again. "Do you want to know what I see?" Resting her chin on Gloria's left shoulder, watching her nod in the mirror. "I see a vibrant woman; I just love the color of your hair; it's so rich and full, it goes so well with my skin tone. Plus, you don't have to spend twenty minutes just straightening it out," smiling at her friend, "you see these," lifting up Gloria's 40C breasts, "for a woman at our age, you have to know they still turn every man's head at the community pool; I know I've caught my husband stealing glances at them. Just think of your son's hands on them, his lips tracing every inch of them," Angie whispered heatedly into her friend's ear as she rolled Gloria's breasts in her hands. "And this, I know how hard you work to keep the weight off," patting Gloria's stomach, "I am your gym partner, after all. So I can testify to all the hours of blood, sweat and tears you put in to keep yourself appealing to your husband. These legs, Gloria, I've heard my son masturbating, wishing they were wrapped around him." Noting how Gloria was coming out of her funk as she went on and on, getting slightly aroused. Watching Gloria jump slightly when she slapped Gloria's ass playfully. "Don't you want your son to see how this tight ass bounces when he's behind you, pounding your pussy to sweet bliss," Angie whispered sinfully into Gloria's ear.

"Would you help me?"

"Of course, what are friends for?!" Angie said with a wide smile on her lips. "When's you're next ovulation?" she asked as they walked arm and arm out of her bedroom.

"Two weeks."

"Good, that gives us time to lay the groundwork; you just don't want to walk in naked and bend over in front of your son and say fuck me. That would scare him off; we have to make him see you as a woman and just not his mother," Angie spoke, patting Gloria's arm. "How long can you hold Mav off from having sex with you?"

"As long as I need to," Gloria said sternly. "Why?"

"Because if you're going to take your son as your lover, then you want that pussy all nice and tight for him so when he does slip that hard cock of his into you, and it is nice," Gloria's head snapped over to her friend when she uttered those words, "your pussy will be eager and ready to mold to his dick, imprinting its shape into it."

"How do you know what my son's cock looks like?" Gloria asked in a motherly tone.

"Accidently, walked in on him at your house one time. I would have sucked him off right then, given what he was doing. So I know you're just going to love fucking that hard cock of his," Angie replied, shooting her friend a coy grin. "Do you really want to know?" she inquired, seeing that questioning look in Gloria's eyes. Leaning in and whispering what she had seen, "Now do you think that will feel good deep inside of that pussy of yours?"

"Oh, yes. Oh, yes, it will!" Gloria couldn't help it; her body started to react, picturing her son, not as the boy she raised, but as the man who was going to give her another child. The man who was going to be between her legs. Pleasuring her, teasing her, touching... her to her heart's content.

"Now, first, we have to get you a new sexy wardrobe," Angie giggled when she noted Gloria's shocked eyes. "Come now, honey, if that man is cheating on you, don't you want him to sweat thinking that you're cheating on him?" she asked with a devious smile, seeing Gloria nodding vehemently. "He'll be spending his own money trying to figure out who it is when in truth, your new beau is right under his nose. He'll be going insane trying to find this 'man' when you won't ever wear these new garments for him. Only for your new lover, can you do that?"

"Oh, hell, yes!" Gloria said in determination. Yet, teasing her son was one thing; having sex with him was another beast altogether. "But... wasn't it weird? You know, having sex with Bret the first time?"

"I'm not going to lie, it was, but at the time, I had been flirting back and forth with him. Then one night, I got really horny, and Marcum was out of town visiting his brother. Of course, Bret was taken aback when I walked into his room naked. He was definitely surprised when I yanked down his shorts and swallowed his cock. And well, you can infer what happened next," Angie said, reliving that blissful moment. "God, he has a thick cock, just thinking of it gets my pussy just humming. I walked out the next morning sore but utterly satisfied. Now, Marcum did freak out, but I calmed him down, and the fact Sophia listened to Bret fucking me that night, I saw no reason not to include her. So Marcum's ire quickly cooled when she came into our bedroom and kneeled down in front of her father naked, and well, you get the idea. Now when I need a good fuck I go to Bret if Marcum isn't home or if Sophia isn't riding her father. I never deprive my man of my sweet pussy that I know he loves. I'll guide you through it all, hon' I'm not about to abandon you; not now, not ever! Friends don't do that when they're in need."

"As weird as this all is, I don't know if I could go through with it without you in my corner," Gloria whispered as she brought Angie into a hug.

"If you two need a place to, you know, you just call me, and you two come over, and we'll give you two the privacy you two will need if Maverick is home," Angie responded in a caring voice as she rubbed her friend's back. "We'll go shopping Saturday; Andrew won't know what hit him when his sexy mother is prancing about. You can do this; believe in yourself," she whispered as she held onto Gloria's shoulders lightly. "And trust me, having a younger man between your legs is hours of fun," Angie cooed, wiggling her eyebrows, causing Gloria to laugh. "And think, if he's still a virgin, you can teach him. That's twice the fun!"

"Thanks for the pep talk and the wine; I'll see you, Saturday!" Gloria called out as she stood behind her open driver's side door.

"Anytime hon', that's what friends are for!" Angie replied with a warm, friendly smile, waving to Gloria as she backed out of her driveway and headed off to her house on the other side of the subdivision. Reaching behind her back and pulling out her phone, bringing up her husband's number.

"Hey, babe, something wrong?"

"There might be; I was wondering if you could do me a small wee favor," Angie said, all sweet-like as she shut the front door.

"How much?"

"I don't know you're the P.I. how much do you charge yourself?"

"Huh? He what?! Of all the stupid things..." Angie could hear Marcum sigh over the phone when she told him everything Gloria had told her. "Yeah, I have to agree with you, a man, a married man doesn't do that unless he's cheating. Okay, I'll handle this personally for Gloria's sake. I hate that this is happening to her. She was so looking forward to having that baby."             

"There still might be hope for her," Angie mused.

"Okay, you're definitely going to have to tell me, but not over the phone; we'll talk tonight."

"You know I will," Angie uttered, swooning in her kitchen.


Andrew groaned loudly, glad to be home from school as the front door to his home closed behind him. His Nikon D5600 DSLR camera dangled from his neck. He was in the photography club at his high school. He had taken some good shots of some landscapes, and a few people just living their lives as he walked home. While his camera was expensive for a high schooler; his parents had explained to him if he wanted it, he would have to earn it. Which he did working jobs here and there around the neighborhood for a few bucks until he came up with half of the cost, and his parents covered the other half. Now with it, he's been taking photos left and right. A few of his pictures were going to be used in this year's yearbook. He had also managed to sell a few of his landscape photos; not for a lot of money, but they were sold, nonetheless. 'Foot in the door,' was the mantra he would always repeat to himself when one did sell.

"Hey, baby, how was school?" Gloria asked, wearing a smile on her face at the sight of her son.

"Long." A smile lifted the corner of his lips at his mother's chuckle.

"I do remember school feeling like that. Go on, put your things away," Gloria uttered, slyly noting how his eyes dipped down in that male instinct when her braless breasts bounced when she headed off to the kitchen. "I'll bring you a snack so you can study," she said over her shoulder, putting a little sway in her hips. She didn't want to rush this; she didn't want her son running screaming out of the house when she made her move. No. She wanted her son eager and willing to be hers and hers alone.

"Thanks, Mom," Andrew said when she set a glass of ice-cold root beer down on his desk and a granola bar beside it to tide him over until dinner.               "You're welcome, honey," Gloria whispered, bending forward, making sure one of her breasts brushed against his shoulder when she placed a kiss on the top of his head. "So..." Walking over to his bed and lowering herself down onto it, "I haven't heard any talk about a girl lately. Oh, honey, I didn't mean..." Seeing the sadness flooding her son's face.

"It's okay, Mom, you didn't know," Andrew sighed, "Celest dumped me."

"What?! Why?" Gloria sat up, incensed that anyone would dump her sweet boy.

"It's embarrassing, Mom," Andrew muttered, bowing his head and focusing on his work.


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