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Confessions From An Affair Ch. 04

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Newlyweds travel west towards Ft. Riley.
3.9k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/06/2007
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We awoke the next morning a little later than expected. We both wished that there had been enough time to make love again, but instead we had to hustle back down to Grand Central Station to catch our train west. The arrangements had been made by the Draft Board and Jack wasn't very anxious to explain to them why he had missed his train in New York City.

"I'd love to stay here a few more days and explore this whole big city with you, Peg," Jack said as he hoisted our suitcases.

"We'll have time to come back here again some day and we'll see everything there is to see, darling," I replied as I followed him out into the hallway.

You know something? Everything seems so easy when you're that young. I figured that we would have years and years to come back as often as we wanted. We never did return to New York.

Grand Central was crowded once again as we scrambled up the stairs towards the platform. Jack kept glancing back over his shoulder to make sure that I was still following him and I have to say that it was difficult indeed.

"We're almost there, Peg," he said over the noise of the crowd all around us.

Happily, we arrived in time and I was ever so glad for a chance to catch my breath. Now that I wasn't struggling to keep up, I was finally able to take a look around at the other passengers waiting on the platform.

I touched Jack's arm and said, "Look, Jack" as my eyes swept the gathering.

Jack looked puzzled and asked, "What is it?"

"Do you notice anything funny about the other passengers?" I asked him.

Jack looked around, but there was no dawning of what I was talking about. I let him look for a few moments more before I said, "They're all about our age. I bet that they are headed for Fort Riley, too."

It was true. There must have been over one hundred young men waiting on that platform and they all looked to be in their early twenties. Some had what I supposed were their wives with them. The vast majority did not.

"Well, at least we'll have plenty of company on board for the next couple of days" Jack said as he finally saw what I was referring to.

Another much shorter young man turned to Jack and asked, "Are you going away for the army, too?"

Jack was a bit surprised to have a complete stranger addressing him, but he managed a smile and said, "Yes, we're going to Fort Riley."

The other young man went on, "This sure is something, isn't it? Lookit here --," and he held up a folded newspaper.

"The boys in the press did a story about us and everything. They're calling this The Uncle Sam Express."

Jack took the newspaper and held it down where I could see it, too. "Look, Peg. There's a whole story here about the train that the army arranged to take us out there. They're calling it a 'troop train'. Looks like we're famous already."

Our new companion gave Jack a good natured punch on the arm and said, "Just wait till we get our hands on those Japs. There'll be plenty of more headlines where that came from."

We were prevented from talking any further as the rumble of the massive train shook the station. Everywhere there was commotion as passengers quickly scooped up their belongings and pressed forward. I held onto Jack's arm tightly as the huge locomotive passed by carrying its passenger cars behind. Riding on a train would be another of those things that I had only seen in the movies and it felt so mysterious and romantic.

The train finally shuddered to a halt and we were shuttled forward with the rest of the crowd. I had a moment of panic as I got separated from Jack. Being barely five feet tall, I was engulfed by the other passengers and could not see over the top to pick him out of the crowd. A hand poked through the mass of bodies and Jack pulled me to him protectively.

"Look at that -- we've only been married for two days and you're already trying to run off on me," Jack joked.

We laughed and filed onto the train. Jack led us to some unoccupied seats and hoisted our one bag that we had with us up into the storage compartment overhead. I let him slide into the window seat because I knew that he loved watching the sights as they rolled by. This was it! We were finally on our way!

"These seats are pretty hard," Jack said, "Think you'll be able to put up with it for two days?"

"I think that I'll be able to manage," I replied, "as long as you don't go off and leave me behind again."

It took about ten minutes for everyone to board the various cars and get settled in. The passenger in the seat in front of us twisted around and raised himself up to have a look at us. He extended his hand towards Jack. "Tony LaMotta, from Brooklyn," he said in his strange accent, "What part of the City are you from?"

Jack shook his hand and said, "I -- We're not. We're from Vermont."

"Vermont?," came the reply, "I didn't even know they had newspapers up there. I figured this whole thing would be over before word ever got to you guys up there."

There were snorts of laughter from all around us and we joined right in. Everywhere passengers were introducing themselves to each other. I must admit that in that much confusion, it was impossible to keep anybody's name straight, but it made us all feel like we were all on some great adventure together.

Tony turned to us once again. "Couple of rubes -- I betcha I know what you did last night."

I blushed, hoping that he didn't know everything that we did.

"Let me guess," he went on, "Time Square and The Empire State Building, am I right?"

Jack laughed and said, "You must've been following us."

Tony shook his head and replied, "Nah -- You hicks are all the same. That's the first place they all go. Next time yer here, I'm going to take you to Luigi's in Bensonhurst -- that's in Brooklyn. They got the best lasagna this side of Italy itself."

We smiled and Jack said, "You got a deal."

With that, the train lurched forward and we were on our way amid the shouts and applause of everyone on board. We settled in for the long journey and I had a chance to glance around the car at our fellow passengers. There were about forty riders in our car. I only saw four or five other women. I wondered if the other soldiers were all single or maybe their wives would be coming out later to join their husbands.

I had a sudden moment's panic and turned to Jack, "Are you sure that they said it was okay for you to bring your wife?"

Jack smiled and patted my hand. "I'm sure, dear."

In the seats directly across from us there was another young couple. I made brief eye contact with the woman, who was right about my age. I smiled because I could tell from the expression on her face that she was having the same kind of doubts that I was having. It sure made me feel good to know that I wasn't the only wondering if maybe I hadn't stumbled into some place that I didn't belong.

The journey continued without incident until we pulled into Philadelphia. There, at another massive platform, was another huge crowd of passengers waiting to board. The train rattled to a halt and the doors were thrown open. We were once again assault by the noise of crowds of young soldiers crushing forward to board the train.

"Hey," I heard someone call out, "who invited Philly? Don't they know this is a New York train?"

There were general chuckles all around. The stop was briefer this time and we were once again off westward. Someone from the rear of the car produced a deck of cards and a rather rowdy game of some sort ensued. Meanwhile, Jack and I contented ourselves with watching the scenery roll by.

After another little while we came to another stop. This station was unlike Grand Central or Philadelphia. This one was much smaller. There were just a few passengers waiting with the luggage, but there were quite a few other people standing by applauding as we pulled in. I noticed that someone was holding a big sign that said "Remember Pearl Harbor" and another one held one that said "We're all proud of you."

There was much hubbub as everyone got a look at the reception that had been staged just for us. All around our car the passengers scurried over to look out the side windows at the signs and people clapping.

Jack turned to me and said, "Looks like this is turning into some big deal, huh?"

As quickly as the commotion had started, the door slammed shut and we were moving again. Everywhere the conversations were about the welcoming committee that had been waiting at the last stop. There seemed to be a renewed enthusiasm in the air.

Things settled down after a little bit and I laid my head against Jack's shoulder. The gentle rocking of the train soon had me dozing off. I was awakened a while later to someone shouting. "Look at that!"

Everyone craned their necks around to look out the windows as we pulled into yet another small train station. This time there was a bigger crowd of people waiting on the platform. There were even more signs at this stop. Everyone quickly rushed over for a better look once again. Some of the passengers even waived to the crowd as if they were movies stars or royalty or something. It suddenly began to dawn on everyone that this was indeed starting to turn into a much bigger deal than any of us ever imagined.

And, so it continued. The newspapers must have picked up the story about the troop train coming through and at each place that we stopped, the crowds awaiting our arrival grew and grew. By the time that we reached Pittsburg, there was barely enough room on the platform for all of the people to stand. They had festooned the station with ribbons and there was even a marching band playing "Stars and Stripes Forever."

"Holey Mackerel," someone shouted, "maybe Mr. Roosevelt himself is here!"

It was silly, yes. But, don't you know that everyone took a closer look around to see if maybe it was true! Who knew? It certainly seemed possible at the time.

Nighttime began to fall. It had been a long and arduous day. About five o'clock a train porter had brought out a box of sandwiches for us to eat. They had thought to put on only one dining car and that had quickly been overrun with hungry passengers. It may not have been fine dining, but we dove into those sandwiches with gusto.

From the seat in front of us we heard Tony muttering, "What? No capicola? They call this a sandwich?"

I had been dozing for a while when a sudden bump caused me to stir. It was fully night time now and the car was quiet except for a few snores here and there. I stretched -- trying to get some circulation back in my limbs. I happened to glance over at the other young couple sitting across the aisle from us.

The porters had passed out blankets earlier to us all and it looked like the young woman had her head laying against her husband's chest as she slept under the blanket. I was about to look away when something caught my eye. I strained my eyes for a better look.

Slowly -- almost imperceptively, I saw the blanket moving where it covered his lower body.

She couldn't be!

I tried not to be too obvious as I continued to watch from my seat across the aisle. It certainly was true! As my eyes became more adjust to the darkness, I could make out the shape of her arm under the blanket and she was definitely doing what I thought she was doing. Right there! In the middle of the passenger car with all of those people all around!

I knew that what I was doing was impolite and that I really should have allowed them their privacy, but it was if I couldn't tear my eyes away. I had never seen anybody do anything more than kissing in public -- and even then it was only a quick peck on the lips or cheek.

Nobody else on the car seemed to have taken any notice. They continued on with their intimate activity oblivious to the fact that I was watching them. I thought that what I was doing must surely be a sin and that I would be punished for my wickedness if I didn't stop it at once.

Well, I'm not exactly proud of it, but I didn't stop. I watched as the movements beneath the blanket began to speed up. Suddenly, he stuffed his hand, which had been filled with the napkins from our lunch, beneath the blanket and I saw him lift almost entirely off of the seat. I heard them each give a small giggle and then they were kissing tenderly.

I did finally look away. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. The fresh image of what they had just done, along with the gentle swaying and steady vibrations made by the car as it passed over the tracks had awakened my body completely. I was suddenly all too aware that this was the first night that Jack and I had not made love since we were married.

I wrapped my blanket about me and laid my head against Jack's chest -- not so much for comfort, but just out of the urge to feel his body against mine. I wished that he would wake up and kiss me, but Jack slept soundlessly as we rolled along. At some point, I managed to fall asleep as well.

I don't think that I was out very long. It was still dark inside the car and not a soul was stirring. As my eyes slowly opened, I could make out the sight of Jack's hand in his lap. I gave no indication that I was awake -- I just watched as his hand very slowly moved over the bulge that was straining the fabric of his trousers.

Evidently, I wasn't the only one who was missing our new found pleasures of the flesh! I remained motionless, pretending to still be asleep. I could hear Jack's heart thumping loudly in his chest as my head laid against him. I felt so sorry that my new husband was so obviously in need and there was nothing that I could do for him.

After a few moments, I began to wonder if maybe there was something that I could do. I couldn't believe that I was even thinking such a thing.

"Mary Margaret Hawthorne," I thought to myself, "you are turning into quite the little vixen!"

I took a deep breath and moved my arm and the blanket so that it draped across Jack's lap. He gave a small jump when it became apparent that I was indeed awake and he started to whisper, "Peg -- I wasn't doing anything..."

I turned my face up towards his and very quietly said, "Shhh."

With my heart pounding in my chest, I slowly lowered my hand until it now covered the bulge in Jack's pants.

He leaned down quite suddenly, grabbed my hand through the blanket, and whispered. "Peg, what are you --"

But I again looked into his eyes and said, "Shhhh...Let me."

For a moment I thought that maybe I had gone too far and that Jack would be angry that I was acting like this. He might wonder what kind of tramp he had married after all. Slowly, he moved his hand away and settled back down.

Up and down the length of his bulge my fingers moved. I could feel Jack twisting his head around to see if anyone else could see what we were doing. He must have been satisfied because he never made another move to stop me. In fact, he began to slowly lift his hips against my touch.

My fingers fumbled in the darkness to find the tab of his zipper. I pulled it down gently. I was so sure that the noise that it made must have been clearly audible to everyone in the car and I waited a moment without moving at all until I was sure that the coast was still clear.

I reached my hand inside the fly of his trousers and felt him through the thin material of his boxers. As I did, Jack leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I then reached inside the fly of his boxers.

This is where it became more difficult than I had anticipated. With Jack's member at full attention, it wasn't exactly an easy chore to pull it through the small opening. I pulled hard in an effort to free him and I felt Jack give a small jump in pain. What was I going to do? There was no way I could get it to bend enough to go through that small hole.

Jack reached his hand beneath the blanket and twisted his hips around slightly. Somehow, he managed to free himself and I held his thick shaft in my hand at last. What a naughty girl I had become!

Jack removed his hand and then I remembered one more small detail. I pulled my hand out from beneath the blanket and grabbed a couple of napkins that were stuffed between his seat and the train wall. I pressed the napkins into his hand and he looked at me with a puzzled expression.

The light must have gone on in his head because he finally gave me a nod. I snuck my hand back below the blanket and found my prize. I remembered to grip him low on the shaft and I began to slowly stroke up and down his length. I figured that I must have been doing it right when I heard a low moan rumbling through his chest.

I tried to be as quiet as I could while I pleasured my husband. I wondered if maybe our neighbors from across the aisle could see what we were doing and it secretly added to the thrill of the whole thing.

I kept up a steady rhythm as we sped along those tracks in the dark. All around us were our fellow passengers -- with no idea whatsoever of what we were doing. My arm began to tire, so I sped up my movements. I could feel Jack's chest rising and falling from his heavy breathing.

Finally, Jack reached his hand with the napkins under the blanket. I never missed a beat as I felt his shaft throb in my hand. Suddenly, I felt his body stiffen and a muffled moan escaped his lips.

He covered the head of his member with the wadded up napkins just in time as his release came. I still kept my hand moving -- only slower now as spurt after spurt of his seed came forth. There must have been too much for the napkins to hold because I could feel some of his discharge on my hand as I held him. I turned my face up towards his and we kissed tenderly. I was so happy that I had been able to do this for my husband.

Jack stuffed the wet napkins into his pocket and whispered, "I'll be right back."

He started to rise from his seat until he realized that he was still exposed. I bit my lip to keep from laughing out loud. He stopped and made a few adjustments. Then he rose and headed towards the bathroom.

While he was gone I slipped my hand out from beneath the blanket and looked at the wet spot that he had left on the back of my fingers. I sniffed at it and was greeted by an exotic, slightly salty aroma. As shocking as this was -- I couldn't believe what I did next.

After taking a look to make sure that nobody was watching, I lifted my fingers to my lips. I stuck out the tip of my tongue tentatively and tasted his issue. I felt a shudder run through me as I tasted a man's seed for the first time. Before I even knew what I was doing, I was eagerly lapping up the rest of the wetness.

"What could I do" I thought to myself, "I couldn't very well wipe it on the seat for everyone to see."

A few minutes later, Jack made his way back from the bathroom. That silly fool! I don't think you could have wiped that grin off of his face with a wire brush. In any event, he certainly looked much more relaxed now and that made me feel good. We settled back down and even managed to get a little more sleep before morning came.

The following day was pretty much a rerun of the first. Each stop along the way saw us take on a few more passengers and there were always crowds of people waving banners and cheering us on. Everyone was starting to get a bit restless on the train.

Just when we thought we wouldn't be able to take it anymore, we arrived in Manhattan, Kansas. This is where we would be getting off. The army had arranged for busses to meet us and transport everyone to Fort Riley. A cheer swept through the train at the announcement that we were finally there.

I heard someone sneer from the back of the car, "Getta load at what these rubes call Manhattan!"

This elicited quite a laugh because this place resembled Loon Lake much more than the metropolis we had left behind. There were groans all around as everyone got up and stretched for the first time in two days. The train station in Manhattan was too small to accommodate the long train that we were on. We pulled up short of the platform and we had to get off and walk the rest of the way to the station.


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