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Corruption of the Azure Saints 01

Story Info
Protector of Justice: Azure Saint Cerulea is led astray!
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 10/24/2022
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A/N: This is the first series I published. It is unfinished and the quality varies. Especially after Ch. 05, it might drag on a bit. So please read at your own discretion.

A/N: The perspective is indicated by the "#" sign.


# Cerulea

When a strange new threat appears, a new force of justice must also step up. To squash evil, and to ensure the survival of our precious Sapphire City. To defeat the Chromatic Scourge, the Azure Saints appeared. And we will not lose!


I screamed a warcry as I kicked away another monster running at us.

The monster was thrown, rolling head over heels into a nearby ditch.

These green skinned monsters are called Verdigris, and they're a part of the Chromatic Scourge. One might mistake the more human shaped ones as orcs or goblins. But these were distinctly different creatures with antennae instead of ears. They also had a variety of appearances, including giant hulking behemoths that ran around on all fours.


I gave another kick to an enormous Verdigris, knocking it into the ditch with its brethren.

"We will not lose," I cried out triumphantly.

And then I was knocked unconscious.

Just as I celebrated my victory, another Verdigris tackled me to the ground.

As my body slammed into the ground, darkness clouded my vision and a fraction of a second later I had completely lost consciousness.


I felt so warm...


I tried turning over in my sleep, but something was holding me still.

"Wake up!"

I heard a muffled voice call out to me.

This voice sounded familiar...

But I just wanted to keep lying here... I could feel a gentle massage against my chest. And this lumpy blanket was so warm...

"Wake up! Don't lose! Cerulea!"

I felt a sudden gust of cold wind as part of the blanket was lifted off.

Opening my eyes, I could see my sister, Aoi fighting off a Verdigris in front of me.

What was happening?


That's right, we went off to fight off an incursion into the northwestern section of the city... I must have gotten knocked unconscious.

With our Saint Suits, we didn't usually have to worry about getting hurt. Even the most powerful of blows would merely knock us unconscious. And we didn't end up in pain or anything! There weren't even bruises afterwards. It was truly truly amazing.

But sometimes it leads to situations like these... Where we can still get knocked unconscious.

And when we fall unconscious, we are always much more vulnerable.

Looking down, I could see the 'warm lumpy blanket' around me were countless Verdigris. Each one desperately trying to restrain me to the ground.

One particularly impudent creature was groping my breasts roughly.


In one smooth motion, I knocked them all away and stood up.

"Sister!" Aoi shouted, running over to me.

"I'm fine! Let's show them who's boss!" I said looking around.

But all the monsters were already running off.

"Hmph, looks like they're finally retreating!" I said smugly.

"Are you okay though, sister? Your face is all red..."

"Huh?" I said, touching my face.

Sure enough, my face felt hot and flush. I also felt the biting edge of our latex suits much more keenly for some reason. It's like my body was more sensitive than usual. And I couldn't help but feel like I was missing something...

"So strange..." I murmured.

"Why don't we take a break... I'll guide you home..."

"No, no, that's quite alright," I said reassuringly. "I'll head home on my own."

"Are you sure?"

People were walking over now that the monsters were gone. And I could see quite a few curious faces. Soon people would be taking pictures.

"Let's go," I urged Aoi.

These suits we were wearing protected us from harm, but they left nothing to the imagination. The tight latex body suits showed everything. The gloves ended at our fore-arms, and left our armpits exposed. And even the boots of the Saint Suit ended at our thighs, leaving a clear strip of our bare thighs exposed to the world.

Aoi nodded, and we ran off. Powered by the strength of the Saint Suits, we easily made our escape.

As we dipped into an alleyway, we both undid our transformations.

Our bodies sparkled and shone for a brief moment as the suit disappeared and was replaced by our street clothes.

"Ah, it feels good to be done~" Aoi said smilingly.

"Yeah! Let's stop by the cafe on our way home," I suggested.

It was still early in the afternoon, and we didn't need to be anywhere right now.

So we decided to get some drinks on the way home.


A couple hours later, I waved goodbye to Aoi.

We split off halfway to my house, with her going home in a different direction.

I was feeling much better. I still felt slightly flush, but it was manageable. So I barely managed to convince Aoi to let me go home on my own.

But as I walked through the silent streets, I couldn't get the sight of that Verdigris out of my head.

When I had looked down, its face was there, staring up at me with blank eyes, its hands groping my chest roughly.

The memory alone sent a strange twinge through me.

The Verdigris usually had cruel eyes, one's that pierced into you, betraying the hatred stored within their hearts. But this one was strange.

It had stared at me with none of that hatred. That one monster had seemed... Content perhaps?

But what would they find content with just touching our breasts?! They were dangerous violent creatures! So why was that one different...

I couldn't help but turn those thoughts over and over in my head.

But these thoughts were interrupted as a cry pierced the evening air!

Were there more monsters on the loose?

I ran off towards the sound of the scream, preparing for anything.

As I got closer, I closed my hand around the Saint's Bracelet. At any moment I could transform and jump into combat. But I had to be sure there was a monster first.

Looking around the corner, I could see a lone small Verdigris.

So there were monsters after all! I got ready to transform, but something paused my hand.

This was the same Verdigris I had seen before! But what were they doing here!?

They didn't seem to be attacking anyone.

A lone woman was screaming, pointing at it. But the Verdigris wasn't approaching. Instead, it began to run away!

Just what was going on!?

On a hunch, I followed after the lone Verdigris.

They eventually jumped down into a sewer vent, and I followed after.

So they were using the sewers to get around! How smart!

Perhaps if I followed them, I could learn more!

The Verdigris continued, out of the sewers and into the forest around the city.

I easily followed them through the forest and they eventually went into a cave entrance.

When I looked into the cave, I could see a pair of Verdigris sitting around a campfire, eating grilled mushrooms on a skewer.

My stomach grumbled reflexively, but I suppressed it.

I had found the hideout of Verdigris after all! I should retreat and tell Aoi!


My heart had been pounding for a while now, and I was flush in my cheeks again.

Whatever this illness was, it was in full force!

If I returned now, Aoi would just worry for me.

So in order to keep her from worrying about me, and to find the root of this illness, I would take on this base by myself!

Touching the Saint's Bracelet, I activated my transformation.

Sparkles and light shone from my body as my clothes were replaced by the Saint's Battle Suit.

"Your evil machinations end here!" I cried, jumping out from behind a rock. "Surrender now, for the Azure Saints are here! Cerulea!"

Striking a menacing pose, I stared at the Verdigris around the campfire.

They jumped up in surprise, and ran away.

"Well well, what do we have here?"

Another voice called out to me as the others ran away. It was a single Verdigris walking out from the depths of the cave.

Their body was rippling with muscles, and they carried a large wooden club over their shoulder. Save for a loincloth, they were completely naked.

This was the first time I had seen one with a weapon, but I wouldn't be put off.

"Azure Saint, Cerulea!" I announced my name again, jumping into a battle pose, preparing for a fight.

"Calm calm, we're not gonna put up any resistance," the Verdigris said nonchalantly.

"Then why do you have that weapon!" I challenged them.

"This is to protect myself," they said, shrugging.

"Protect yourself?! We're here to protect the city from you!"

"Ah, I see, I see, my mistake."

The Verdigris walked over, leaning their wooden club against a wall.

"Actually, you've completely had us," they said, showing their palms. "Now that you've found our base, there's nothing we can do."

"Ha! So you finally understand!"

"So what do you plan to do now though?"


They always ran off on their own when they lost the fight. So I wasn't actually sure what to do now that we had them cornered...

Not only that, but this strange illness that had appeared was making it difficult to concentrate.

My body had gotten so sensitive, and this suit was gripping my body too tightly. I could barely even think. And the more I tried to put it out of my mind, the more I couldn't help but focus on how the suit dug into my sensitive areas, and hugged my body so tightly...

"Did you come here for a reason perhaps?" the Verdigris asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah! That's right! You cast some sort of spell on me, didn't you!"

"I'm not sure we've done anything like that..." they said slowly.

"You can't deny it! I can tell it clearly, there's something wrong with my body. Ever since our fight earlier today!"

"Hmm... But nothing's coming to mind. I think we need more details here. Do you perhaps remember what might have triggered this change?"

"Triggered it...? Uhm... You know... When that one Verdigris did that... And then... Ever since then... I've been like this!"

"I'm not quite following, my apologies. But what exactly happened?"

"Uhm, when one of you groped my chest... Ever since then, my body has been all weird."

My face was flush for some reason. This surely must be another result of this illness!

"How peculiar," the verdigris said thoughtfully. "But I don't think I'll understand unless I see what happened first hand. Perhaps we ought to recreate the situation, to gather information of course."

"Huh? You want me to go through that again? My body is already this weird, what if it gets worse!?"

"Hmm, you're certainly right, but is it getting better on its own? Surely we have to look into this or you might end up like that permanently."

"Ugh, fine." I relented.

"Then, let me call someone here to help."

"What? You aren't going to do it yourself?"

"I need to remain watchful. If we are going to cure you, I need to take careful notes and ensure we do not miss anything."

"Y-You would go that far for me?" I asked, taken aback.

"Of course, now that you have conquered us, we are yours to command."

"Ha! That's right, so take careful notes while we perform this experiment!"

"As you command, Cerulea," the Verdigris said bowing.

It felt oddly good to have someone actually listen to you so thoroughly.

The Verdigris I was talking to stood up, and their antennae began to vibrate as he stared off into the depths of the cave.

Not a minute later, a smaller Verdigris approached, it was the same one I had followed here!

"What can I do for you sir," the smaller Verdigris asked.

"We have been conquered by the highly skilled Saint Cerulea," the larger Verdigris explained.

"What! But you'd never lose to the likes to them!" the smaller Verdigris jumped back, surprised.

"Indeed, she has bested me completely. We are at their mercy now."

I nodded proudly.

"What- But..."

"Rest assured, I'm certain the Azure Saints are merciful enough as long as we follow their commands. Right, honorable Saint Cerulea?"

"That's right! So just listen to everything I say, and things will work out just fine!"

The larger Verdigris nodded down to the smaller one emphatically.

"I see... So what would you like me to do..?" the smaller one asked, looking at me.

"Uhm... That is..." I suddenly stumbled at the question.

"We would like to understand more about what happened earlier today," the larger Verdigris explained.

"That's right!" I said, nodding.

"Earlier today... You mean..?"

"That's right! When you so rudely groped my breasts!"

"Uhm that is- uh..." the smaller Verdigris suddenly started stumbling over their words.

"You see," the larger Verdigris continued, "we would like to recreate the events of that time. To learn more about what happened."

"What? But that's-"

The larger verdigris put a hand on the smaller one, staring at them emphatically again.

"R-Right, I can do that!" the smaller Verdigris finally relented.

There were two boulders facing each other, and I helped myself to a seat.

"Let's get this started! I don't have all day you know!" I called out.


The smaller Verdigris sat down across from me.

Sticking out my chest, I turned my head away and waited expectantly.

After some time, the small hands of the Verdigris shakilly cupped my breasts, gently moving over the outer layers of the suit. I could feel that strange feeling once again start running through my body. As his hands stroked my body through the skin tight latex, I felt myself growing more sensitive, and my face beginning to flush.

But in my memories earlier in the day... It wasn't quite the same...

Right now, he was just rubbing his hands over the outer layers of the suit. But in my memories, I could distinctly feel his hands pushing into my chest.

"I don't remember you being this timid earlier in the day!" I challenged them. "Put more effort into your work! Do it properly!"


The Verdigris increased his roughness, and I felt my heart racing. With the way their fingers kneaded my breasts, and the way my body was growing more sensitive... I could hardly sit still, yet I wanted it to keep going.

My nipples were standing on end beneath the tight suit. And as the Verdigris' fingers slipped over them, I couldn't help but let out a strange voice.


"I-I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?!?"

"Huh? Of course not! Who do you think we are? Something of this level would never affect us!"

I looked back to see the Verdigris' red face staring at me.

But why was his face red..? Their skin was supposed to be green...

"Aha!" I cried out, "I get it now!"


"Did you figure something out?" the larger Verdigris asked.

The larger one had actually brought out a notepad and was jotting down notes. But at my words, they looked back at me curiously.

"Of course! It was obvious from the start!" I cried out. "This one here must have infected me with some kind of disease! Look how his face is just as flushed as mine is! He has the symptoms too!"

"Wh-What? No! You must have given me the disease! Not the other way around!"

"I see..." the larger one said, nodding. "He is certainly showing the symptoms."

"What!? No! You have to believe me!" he protested.

"Calm, Calm. For now, let us investigate you next. Do you notice anything else different about your body?"

"Uhm..." the smaller one suddenly froze. They had their hands hiding their crotch for some reason.

"Is something there?" I asked curiously. Leaning closer, I tried to get a better look.

"Ah, wait!"

The smaller one tried to step back, but suddenly fell backwards.

Their loin cloth fell to the side, revealing something standing up on end.

"Huh? What's this?" I asked, getting closer for a better look.

"No... This is..."

"This appears to be another symptom perhaps..." the larger one suggested.

Hmm... Another symptom...

But the shape of this thing sticking out of his crotch... It kinda reminded me of something...

It looked exactly like something that might fit inside my...

Wait! This is a trap!

How could I have not noticed!

"Aha!" I cried out again. "I've finally figured out your plan!"

"Hm? Did you figure something out?" the larger one asked.

"What? Of course I did! It was obvious from the start! You guys infected me with this disease to try and get me to take off my suit!"

"Huh? Your suit? Is there something in particular underneath it?"

"Huh? Well- Uhm... There- Uhm..."

I would have to take off my suit to stick his thing in my crotch... But trying to explain that, I suddenly felt myself stuttering all of a sudden. I couldn't just tell them I was thinking of sticking his thing inside my crotch! That wasn't even their idea! They would think I was weird if I suggested that all of a sudden!

"N-Nothing..." I said, feeling myself blush even more.

"For now, let's just focus on what we can do."

"R-Right!" I said, nodding.

"Now, would you please inspect this new symptom on his crotch?" the larger one asked.

"Huh? Why should I do it?"

"We can't really risk anyone else getting infected, right? I also thought an Azure Saint would at least be capable of that much. Can you not do it?"

"Of course I can do it!" What kind of question was that?

Kneeling down beside the smaller Verdigris, I inspected his crotch.

"Why don't you go ahead and touch it," the larger Verdigris said from behind me.

The smaller one had their face entirely flush, and they looked down at me with wide eyes. But they didn't seem to be protesting.

"Here I go..." I said, reaching out.

Slowly I began to touch the strange protrusion with my gloved hands.

Under my touch, he jerked in surprise, but didn't call out.

"Does it hurt?" I asked him, but he just shook his head no.

"Why don't you describe what you're feeling?" the larger one suggested from behind me.

"It's definitely warm... I can smell a strange odor. Although it's not a bad smell or anything..."

"What else can you see from down there?"

"It's leaking some kind of fluid... I wouldn't call it pus or anything though. It's clear, perhaps slightly cloudy. But definitely some kind of discharge."

"I see, I see,"

I could hear notes being taken from behind me.

"Oh? There's something below the protuberance... Some kind of sacks... I can feel something in them..."

While I held up the thing growing out of his crotch, I reached down with my other hand, feeling around these strange sacks hanging off his body.

"I see, I see, perhaps they are some kind of pustules... Can you try popping one of them?"

"Noooooo!" the small Verdigris cried out, sitting up violently.

"Please be still, this is all for your own good," I tried to reassure them.

"No! No! No! No!"

"Well, for now, let's not hurt him too much, we are just trying to gather information." the larger one spoke up.

"Right... Right..." I said, nodding.

The smaller Verdigris slumped back on the floor in relief.

"Perhaps you can try and relieve some of the pressure on the other protuberance? How much discharge is coming out of it?"

"Hmm, let me check..."

I squeezed down and more of the clear fluid leaked out.

"Hmm..." I murmured, thinking to myself.

I continued to squeeze and stroke it as a small trickle of fluid came out.

"It looks like only a little bit of the clear liquid is leaking out now... But it still seems like more might be coming out..." I called out.

I continued trying to squeeze out more and more of this clear fluid. It seemed almost futile considering how little came out compared to the size of the protuberance. But eventually my labor was rewarded.

The small Verdigris cried out as the protuberance suddenly spassmed and shot out a thick white discharge. He bucked his hips under my hands as I continued to squeeze out the rest of the strange fluid in slow spurts.

After the fluid slowly stopped spurting out, the Verdigris collapsed back onto the ground, breathing heavily.


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