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Country Club Ch. 02

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Trophy wife likes it rough.
6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 07/08/2009
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This is the second of what are now two but will hopefully be many (or at least a couple) more chapters. I have a hard time deciding to which category my stories belong. A lot of the positive feedback I received on the first chapter was from people who seem to really like the Exhibitionist & Voyeur category, which I don't expect the rest of the series to fit into.

I decided this chapter fit best in Nonconsent/Reluctance. A lot of people seem to lurk that category and tear apart every story they see. As I saw someone say in the comments on a Nonconsent/Reluctance story I liked which was getting torn down by people who seemed to think the entire category is immoral, "if you want to read fluffy bunny stories, don't read Nonconsent/Reluctance."

Still, I don't want to scare anyone off. This chapter isn't exactly a graphic depiction of a brutal rape, or anything. The way the story seems to be going, I think future chapters might go into BDSM. I don't know yet. At any rate, here it is, let me know what you think. I try hard to use proper grammar and spelling but I can't make any guarantees. Comments and high ratings greatly appreciated. Thanks!


After our shift ended I gave Larry a lift home then drove to my apartment. The first thing I did as soon as I got home was grab my notebook and jump online to make sure I'd received the video I sent from my phone. There it was in my inbox. As an afterthought I forwarded a copy to an old email address I rarely used anymore. Can't be too careful, right? If I lost the thing, I lost my job.

After confirming I'd received it, I downloaded it and watched it again to make sure it came through okay. It was really something else. The quality was terrible and the camera angle was weird but that only made it hotter, made it seem more real somehow. Even though it was pretty bad the people in the video were clearly Amy and Charlie. If it came down to it and I just sent it to Amy's husband, as Larry had insisted the entire time we were in the car together, he would have no doubt that it was definitely his wife.

I had no intention of sending it to Mr. Holcomb. In spite of everything Amy had done to fuck around with me, I didn't want to ruin her life. Even if I did, showing it to her husband would end up losing Charlie his job. I hardly knew the guy and I'd heard he was a dick but, what the hell right? I don't care who sleeps with who, and I have no desire to screw anybody over. Still, I needed to make sure Amy knew I had the video before she talked to my boss and got me fired. Before I'd left work I had taken down both Amy and her husband's emails from the club computer. I pulled the scrap of paper I'd written them down on out of my pocket and started writing an email to Amy.

I still hadn't decided what to do. I wanted to use the video as leverage to get Amy off my back. After weeks of dealing with her veiled threats to get me fired I also wanted to send some of those bad vibes back her way. I hadn't decided how to go about it yet so I just settled on forwarding her the video with a short note that read:

Amy, before you do anything rash, take a look at this video. I think you and I should talk about this before you talk to anybody else. If I don't hear back from you soon I'll just send it to your husband and see what he thinks. I'd tell you to call me but you broke my phone. I'll be in touch. Don't do anything stupid, or I'll make sure you regret it. --Dave

That seemed just vague enough to avoid committing myself to any particular course of action, and threatening enough to save my job. I read it a few times but couldn't think of a better way to word it so I just sent it and forgot about it.

After taking care of that I took a shower and changed, then walked into town to The Well, a seedy little bar that was within walking distance from both Larry's and my place. It was Wednesday. since Larry and I both had Thursdays off, Wednesday was our Friday, and The Well was our regular hangout.

When I got to the bar Larry was already there getting a head start on me. And by the time I sat next to him at the bar he'd already ordered me a beer and a shot of JD. I slung the shot back, chased it with a swig of beer and took the cigarette Larry proffered. I only ever smoked when I was really tying one on but I had the feeling it was going to be that kind of night.

"So I been thinking," Larry said as he waved at the bartender and gestured at the pair of empty shot glasses in front of us then held up two fingers. "What you gotta decide is," Larry clearly had a decent head start on me as there was already a slight slur to his words, "if you'd rather use that vid to get Amy to give you cash," he drained half his beer and grinned at me, "or ass."

The bartender walked up and down behind the bar, taking care of people's orders. She paused in front of us and refilled our shot glasses. Larry nodded at her and slipped her a five. If he was already tipping he was already drunk.

"I don't know man," I finished my first beer and threw back the second of what would be many, many shots. Couldn't let Larry get too far ahead of me, right? "Blackmail's not my thing. I'd be happy just getting the bitch off my back."

"Oh, so now you're worried about right and wrong? High talk from a fuckin' peepin' Tom."

The bartender looked at me and raised her eyebrow.

"Pay his drunk ass no mind," I grinned at her. She shook her head and walked to the other end of the bar to get somebody a drink.

"Seriously man, I thought you said you wanted to put the bitch in her place. You gonna back out now and be all," he effected a falsetto voice, "Please Amy, just leave me alone?" In his normal voice he added, "Fuckin' pussy."

"Ah, fuck you, Larry. Guess you're right though. I just feel weird about it. I mean I want to put her in her place, scare her, you know. Get her to stop being such a bitch all the time. But..."

"Come on man, s'not like you been getting' laid. You an' wasserface..."


"Yeah, Tonya, that bitch. You and her broke up forever ago. She ain't comin' back or nothin' and..."

"I don't want her to."

"Yeah, right, whatever."

The bartender dropped off another round of shots and beers.

"So lissen man," Larry was getting seriously drunk. I was right behind him. "So lissen... ah... you gotta..."

"Try and get ass or cash."

"Yeah man, or both, you know? Amy's such a bitch. You should be like... you should tell her, 'Lissen woman, gimme some a what you been givin' Charlie.' Y'know?"

"I guess."

I sipped my beer and thought it over. Amy was incredibly hot. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe I'm just not as nice a guy as I thought I was. Maybe I just hadn't gotten laid in so long I was doing my thinking with little Dave. But Larry was making more and more sense. I mean, it's not as if she's faithful to her husband, I thought to myself. Why not get some?

"If she's gonna be getting it where she shouldn't, and on the regular, why shouldn't I too, right?"

"S'what I'm saying! Gonna go break the seal." Larry smacked me on the back and walked away toward the men's room. I reached over to the pack of smokes he left on the bar and lit one up.

"You know those things will kill you."

I spun around on the barstool in surprise. Amy was standing behind me, glaring.

"Shit! Hi, Amy, how ya doin?" I said, cheerfully drunk. Even drunk, even considering how much I disliked her, just seeing her made my heart stutter.

Her golden blonde hair was styled so perfectly she looked like she'd just stepped out of a magazine. She wore black high heeled sandals and a matching black skirt that hugged the curves of her hips. Her loose sheer gray blouse did nothing to hide a tight black tank top that left her midriff bare. She was wearing a bra but I don't know why. Her breasts were a miracle of nature, always pointing up, much to the chagrin of gravity, and every other woman in the room.

She was just over five feet tall, and petite. But she somehow managed to pull off an hourglass figure without looking like she had an ounce of extra fat on her. I'd always thought she was an incredible beauty. Unfortunately her striking green eyes lost some of the impact they would have had if she wasn't looking at me like something stuck to the sole of her expensive shoes.

I grinned at her. She just shook her head and sat down next to me at the bar. I hadn't given a second thought to what I was wearing. I mean, I was just out for a beer (or ten) with a buddy. But now with her next to me I suddenly felt shabby in my old brown screenprinted t-shirt, faded jeans and sneakers I'd had since... well, since high school. They're comfortable, alright? It's not like they're the only ones I own. Anyway...

When the bartender came over Amy ordered a margarita and handed her a gold card. "I'm covering this asshole's tab."

"His friend too?"

"Shit, is Larry here? Yeah, his friend too." Then she looked at me. "If I gotta deal with that douchebag too I'm gonna need a smoke. Gimme one."

I slid Larry's pack of Camels over to her and held out my lit cigarette for her to light up with.

"So how ya doin' Amy?" I asked again, "S'like we never hang out anymore, innit? Not that it was ever any fun when we did."

When she was still giving massages at the spa, Amy and I had been part of the same circle of friends and coworkers who all went out drinking together. Back then she and I had been notorious for not getting along. Amy just snorted at my dig and sipped her drink.

"What do you want from me, Dave? And what were you doing in there? Why would you do that to anybody? You're so FUCKING..." She forced herself to calm down and took another sip of her drink.

I started to wonder what was keeping Larry and looked around for him. Amy nudged me and pointed to a booth where Larry had seated himself with two annoyed looking sorority girls from the nearby state college. He was facing away from us and too busy trying to make a move on them to have noticed Amy.

"Look Amy, we gotta talk. I know you hate Larry. You wanna get outta here?"

"He's better than you," she muttered but got up and walked toward the door. I chugged the rest of my beer and stumbled after her.

I didn't see her when I got outside and looked around a couple times trying to locate her. Apparently I'd had more to drink than I thought because the simple act of looking back and forth gave me the spins. I did see her though. It's hard to miss an ass like that. She was walking down the sidewalk toward her car. I followed, doing my best imitation of a sober person accustomed to walking in a straight line.

When I caught up with her she stood leaning up against a silver Mercedes convertible waiting for me.

"This yer car?" She nodded. "Shit, Amy, married life's treating you well."

"Just get in," she growled, opening the driver's side door and sliding behind the wheel.

"Where we going?"

"You still live in the same place?"


"Mind if we talk there?"


She'd been by my apartment once or twice back when we worked together, when she was doing the driving when the work crew was hanging out, that sort of thing. So she knew how to get there. We drove in silence until she pulled up in front of my apartment and parked behind my beat up old diesel VW Jetta. The silence continued, each of us looking out the windscreen at a loss for words. We sat there like that for a while. She was fuming and I was concentrating on sobering up.

"You wanna coffee?" I finally asked.

"No, but I'll take a beer." She got out of the car and started walking up the stairs to the second floor of the two-family-house that I rented. I was at the point in the evening when I started to move in slow-mo but I managed to get out of the car and follow her. As soon as I shut the door to her car the lights flashed and the door locked. Amy stood waiting on the landing while I fumbled with my keys. I finally figured out the lock which had somehow gotten incrementally more difficult since the last time I'd used it, opened the door and held it open for her.

She walked through my dark apartment and I followed her, flipping on lights. When she got to the living room she flopped on the couch.

"How about that beer?" she asked.

"Sure," I said, and stumbled into the kitchen to get a couple beers.

"Hope Amstel's okay, s'all I got," I slurred, handing her a beer and taking a sip of mine.

"That's fine." She took a pull on the icy bottle of beer. "So let's talk. What's it gonna take for you to keep that video to yourself?"

I sat down on the coffee table facing her. She really looked so sad. I started to lose my nerve. I decided I wasn't going to try and coerce her into having sex with me or blackmail her for money. I just wanted her to stop giving me so much shit. And I wanted to explain what happened and let her know that I didn't plan to spy on her, that it just happened. I wanted her to know that the only reason I even ended up in the closet was because I couldn't afford to lose my job and she had threatened me with something that could get me fired and I panicked. And I wanted to know why she was always so fucking nasty to me. She was a bitch to everybody, always had been. But I really felt like she singled me out.

But I was drunk and it was complicated and it all came out wrong.

"S'all your fault y'know. 'Cause yer such a bitch t'me alla time. An, y'know, I could, I could make you do whatever I want. Shit if I was gonna, you'd have to do whatever I said. You better just start being nicer to me because if I want to all I gotta say is 'I wanna fuck you' and you gotta do it. So..."

"Oh my God, you're such a drunk asshole. I knew it was gonna come to this." She stood and took her blouse off and threw it in my face. "Come on asshole, let's just get this over with." She got up and walked out of the living room toward my bedroom, removing her tank top along the way. I sat there and watched her for a second. Even her fucking back was sexy, especially the way it curved in right above her ass.

That was a sight that got me moving. I jumped up and followed her. "No, wait, that all came out wrong," I slurred as I walked down the short hall toward my room. "Hey, come on, wait a sec..."

"Whatever!" she called from the bedroom. "Just get in here and do me you fucking pig!"

Well, since she asked so nice... I walked into the bedroom to try and explain myself but she was already naked. As soon as she saw me in the doorway she pulled me in, pushed me down on the bed and started opening my pants. Well, that was the end of my resistance. Not that I wasn't filled with desire practically every time I saw her. Honestly though, I had no intention of blackmailing her into fucking me. But shit, I was drunk and horny, and a hot willing woman was pulling my dick out of my shorts and sucking it into her mouth. I wasn't exactly about to go running around in circles waving my hands in the air screaming "Rape!"

I just leaned my head back and looked at the ceiling, trying to sober up enough to really enjoy myself. I'd been lusting after Amy since I first met her. Now that I finally got her I was drunk, she was married, and only doing me because I made her. But at the moment none of that mattered, because what she was doing felt incredible. I lifted myself up on my elbows so I could watch. I kicked off my sneakers and pulled off my shirt. She stopped sucking me off just long enough to pull off my jeans and underwear.

Amy knelt at the foot of my bed between my knees. Her beautiful lips were wrapped around my cock and was bobbing her head up and down. I couldn't restrain a low moan as I watched her go at it. She worked her tongue over the head then tickled the opening at the tip of my cock. My dick is only average, six inches long, around four inches around.

Hey, so I'm no John Holmes, I never got any complaints, alright?

Anyway I'm not huge and she didn't seem to have any trouble taking me all the way into her mouth. After a few minutes I surprised her (and myself) by stopping her. I put my hand on her cheek and lifted her up off my cock. She leaned back on her heels and looked at me quizzically. I sat up and lifted her by the shoulders, then laid back, dragging her onto the bed with me.

"Come on, I wanna fuck you," I said, and started caressing her back and kissing her.

To my surprise she wrapped her arms around my head and kissed me back enthusiastically. I rubbed her lower back with one hand and started caressing her breast with the other. Her breasts were so perfect. They fit exactly into my hand as if made for it. They were so soft and yet so firm. She had pretty long nipples but she had the smallest areolas I'd ever seen, maybe the size of a nickel? It was hard to tell because her nipples were hard as hell and her pretty pink areolas had tightened up around them. I squeezed her breast and leaned down to take her nipple into my mouth. I continued squeezing and sucking on her nipple and started squeezing her ass with my other hand.

Amy moaned and started rubbing her wet gash up and down the length of my cock. We rolled around on the bed fondling each other and kissing. When I moved my mouth to her other breast she moaned again.

"Bite me," she demanded in a breathy moan.


She pulled my t-shirt over my head while rubbing her pussy on my cock, and said, "Bite it, bite my tits," then reached down between my legs and grabbed my cock, positioning it at the entrance to her vagina. As I opened my mouth wide and bit her gently around her nipple, she thrust her hips up, impaling herself on my cock. We moaned in unison and started rocking our hips together in the steady practiced way of a couple who'd been together long enough to know exactly how each other liked it. It was the first, and probably last, time we'd ever had sex. But it felt so perfect, so familiar, and right. It was spontaneous and incredible and better than I could have imagined.

"Bite me again! Come on you fucker, fucking bite it!"

I leaned over and nipped at her nipple again.

"Harder!" she demanded.

I lifted myself up on my arms and started pounding into her faster and with more intensity.

"Oh, God, no," she moaned, "bite me harder!" She pushed one of my arms away and as I fell toward her she rolled until she was on top, somehow managing to do this without dislodging my rigid thrusting cock from her tight wet pussy. She took control and started fucking herself against my cock, then leaned forward and bit me on the nipple. It was sudden, unexpected, and incredibly painful. I closed my eyes and saw red and yellow stars. I may have actually blacked out for a second. I looked up at her, grabbed her by the hips to help me slam into her, then slapped her on the ass as hard as I could.

"Oh, God! Yes! Spank me you son of a bitch! Punish me!"

I reached around her writhing body and spanked her a few more times, slightly harder each time. It just seemed like the harder I slapped her ass the more she liked it. She leaned down and bit my neck near my collarbone. In the morning I'd see she left a dark purple hickey. She leaned back and started caressing her breasts as she rode my cock. I reached up and pushed her hands away then squeezed her nipples and twisted them a little.

I don't know why she liked it when I hurt her, but that put her over the edge. Just as I'd seen when she came while fucking Charlie, her whole body quivered, her mouth hung wide open in a silent scream, the only actual sound coming from her mouth was an occasional high pitched gasp. Her pussy clenched and unclenched over and over, almost forcing out my cock. I kept squeezing her nipples, slowly increasing the pressure. Her orgasm seemed to continue as long as I squeezed and tugged at her nipples. I didn't want to really hurt her so I slowly started to let up on the pressure.


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