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Couples Cruise Pt. 01

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Two couples enjoy a cruise in the Med.
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The first part of a two-part series. Told from the perspective of each character. Thank you to kenjisato and P_Anderer for editing.


Carl and I were high-school sweethearts. We married young and never had any desire for children; we spent our time and money on renovating our house. Most of our friends soon had kids, and whilst we kept in contact, we saw less and less of them.

I own a small online clothing boutique which keeps me pretty busy. I'm also a bit of a confessed gym slut, with a toned athletic build and shoulder-length blonde hair. Some people say my most striking feature are my hazel eyes.

My husband, Carl, is an artistic blacksmith, making bespoke iron gates and sculptures. It keeps him in reasonable shape, not chiselled by any means; but I'm happy with how he looks. His wavy brown hair and blue eyes usually get compliments from my friends.

We were thrilled when a new couple our age moved in next door. Lorna and Jack didn't have kids and shared similar interests with us. Lorna was a few inches taller than me with beautiful Mediterranean features. Dark brown eyes, long black hair, big natural tits, and a soft, peachy bum. She worked as a travel agent and looked cute in her white blouse and pencil skirt. Her husband, Jack, was a hot, former professional rugby player, who had to quit through injury. He now worked in finance, but still looked imposing, squeezed into a suit.

We all became good friends within a couple of months. The boys watched rugby together regularly, and play golf most weekends. Lorna and I went on regular pamper weekends and shopping trips. We quickly found out that we had things in common with each other's spouses, too. Lorna and Carl liked seafood, music, and horror movies. Whereas, Jack and I were more outgoing, enjoying mountain biking and scuba diving.

After a couple of years of living next to each other, it soon became clear there was also a mutual attraction. Carl caught me ogling Jack when he stripped off to mow the lawn, and teased me mercilessly. I got my revenge when I took a pic of Carl staring at Lorna's huge tits in her bikini.

It wasn't just us. I had caught Lorna watching Carl at his home forge, and Jack wasn't very good at hiding the glances he had at my arse.

Nothing ever happened between us, as we were all happily married. Even if there was the occasional, harmless flirting. This all changed one evening, while we sat on the deck drinking. That evening would be the catalyst that would change our relationships forever.

"Jack, why don't you tell them about that guy at work," Lorna said, tipsy and giggly.

"What guy?" asked Jack, as he opened another bottle.

"You know, what's his name... Alan? You know the swinging thing," she said, playfully rubbing his arm.

Jack proceeded to tell us about his boss, Alan. He and his wife had started having sex with another couple. A couple who, in fact, lived on our street.

"What, Jim and Barbara?" I laughed. "They're in their sixties!"

"You're never too old to try something new, I guess. They had always wanted to experiment, now they felt they could," Jack said, shrugging.

"Experiment, like gay stuff?"Carl asked, unable to imagine either of them being up for that.

"No, just swapping partners, apparently," Jack said, draining his glass.

"And he just up and told you all this at work? What, over lunch?" Carl asked, amazed.

"It was a boozy lunch, but yeah, seemed properly pleased with himself," said Jack.

"Fuck, I can't imagine Jim and Babs doing that. They seem so in love," I said, a little mournfully.

"They are. They're just taking the opportunity to mix things up a bit. Did you know they have only ever slept with each other? They got married at eighteen," Lorna said, sounding shocked.

"Well, we're the same. Carl and I got together in high school. I've never even kissed another guy," I said, a little too regretfully. But I smiled, when Carl caught my eye, trying to reassure him.

"Not that I'm complaining," I added quickly.

"Well, you're the only one I've had sex with," he said, as Lorna and Jack exchanged looks.

"Well, to be fair we've been together so long I can hardly remember the others," Jack said.

"Yeah, our tenth wedding anniversary is next year. After a decade together, we feel the same," Lorna added.

"I guess it's the excitement of the first time with someone. You know? Not knowing what it'll be like and the suspense," I said, getting agreed murmurings from the others.

"And they can live out fantasies and try stuff their partner doesn't like," Lorna giggled.

"But I don't know how they let their partner do it. I mean the trust involved is massive," Carl mused.

"They've all known each other for years. I guess if they're doing it with a couple they trust, there's less jealousy. Whatever floats their boat, I guess," Jack said.



Nothing more was said on the topic of swapping partners, but the level of flirting increased a lot. Long, lingering hugs, and crude innuendos became commonplace. Nothing changed until a few months later, when the four of us were preparing for a cruise. We both had a cabin on a luxury three-week cruise. It was a joint celebration: Jenny's thirtieth and Jack and Lorna's wedding anniversary. The weekend before the cruise, the girls went shopping, getting 'essentials' for the trip.

Jack and I played golf to pass the time, and it was then, that the subject of swinging reared its head again.

At the sixth hole, we came across a group of four young women. They weren't housewives just passing time, they were proper golfers and gorgeous. Short skirts and tight polo tops were a pleasant change on the course. They asked if we wanted to play through, but we graciously declined. But we felt like a couple of creeps, as we ogled them, so once we got to the next hole, we played through.

"So come on... we're both thinking about it, if you had the option, which one would you go for?" Jack asked as we got to the next tee.

For a second, I wasn't sure I should say, the truth was the fittest of the girls looked a lot like Lorna. But Jack and I had been getting closer as mates, and I felt we were able, to be honest with each other.

"The tanned brunette... when she bent down to place her ball, I nearly died," I laughed.

"That surprises me, pal, I thought the hot, skinny blonde would be your thing," Jack said, curiously.

It was true that the only blonde in the group looked most like my wife. But something about the curvier brunette had caught my eye.

"Don't get me wrong, she was a very close second, but too much like Jenny. Why not try something different if I have the option? What about you?" I asked as I set myself up to tee off.

"Well, now you mention it, I fancied the blonde most. Those toned legs and sculpted ass, fuck me," Jack whistled, and we both started laughing.

For the rest of the round, I kept thinking about that conversation. How we had both pretty much admitted we fancied the girls most like each other's wife. I didn't know what to think of it, to be honest.



I loved going shopping with Lorna, as we always had a good laugh. We had so much in common, and often, fell into fits of laughter at the smallest thing. We left the guys to play golf, as we both needed to get some posh outfits for the cruise.

"I don't know, Jenny, I'm not sure I can pull this off," Lorna said, as she held up some very revealing black lace lingerie.

"Come on, Lorna, you'd look gorgeous in it. You must have worn stuff like this before?" I asked.

"No point. With Jack nothing stays on long enough," Lorna said, as we descended into fits of laughter.

"Really? Not a patient boy, then?" I asked, genuinely interested.

"Let's put it this way, once he's in the mood he's insatiable. I'm not sure it's worth buying if it's just going to get ripped off," Lorna smiled, naughtily. "Not that I'm complaining. But it would be nice to get dressed up and take things slow for a change," Lorna said, putting the lingerie in her shopping basket.

"Well, you need Carl for that. God love him, but he's not the rough-and-tough type," I said, with a grin.

"Don't get me wrong. He more than makes up for it with his magic hands," I added quickly, not wanting to do my husband a disservice.

"That man is the king of foreplay, he knows how to play my body almost better than me," I said, drifting into a daydream.

"But now and then, it would be hot to have rough, animalistic sex," I said, causing Lorna to burst out laughing again.

I kept thinking about that conversion throughout the rest of the day. Jack had crept into my erotic dreams occasionally. Hearing how hard and rough he liked to fuck, made those dreams more regular. Getting fucked hard from behind, feeling my tits slapping, as his big cock rammed into me over and over again. Erotic thoughts flooded my mind, as we drove home. I felt a bit guilty daydreaming about my best friend's husband rattling me. Especially as she was sitting right next to me.

I convinced Lorna to come back to my place to try on the new lingerie. She looked like a sex goddess. Her perfect curves were accentuated by the tight black lace. Her gorgeous tits were given just enough support, and her dark nipples were visible through the sheer fabric. any man would jump her in a heartbeat.

"I don't know Jen, isn't it a bit revealing?" she said, concerned, as she looked in the mirror.

It was then I heard the familiar sound of Carl's car pulling into the drive. Inspiration hit me, and I realised I could ease my guilt and boost Lorna's confidence in one go.

"Hang on here for a sec. Trust me, you look out of this world," I assured her, as I walked onto the landing, making sure to close the door behind me.

"Hey Carl, come up here. I have a surprise for you," I whispered, as he entered the house.

I slipped back into the room, and waited until Carl opened the bedroom door. He opened it slowly, and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Lorna's plump rear. She was leaning forward to look at her tits in the mirror and hadn't noticed him. As she turned, she looked like a deer in headlights, as she saw Carl standing there.

"If Carl likes it, I know Jack will, and judging by this, Carl likes it a lot," I said. Moving towards my husband, and feeling his hardening cock in his trousers.

"Naughty boy," I whispered in his ear, as I squeezed his cock gently.

Lorna didn't attempt to cover up. Instead, she smiled seductively, biting her lip. Carl almost fainted and mumbled an apology, as he stumbled away. I knew Lorna would see the funny side, and we both burst out laughing.



Nothing else happened of note, until we finally arrived in Barcelona to board the cruise. We booked into a hotel the night before the cruise, but there was a problem. There had been a mix-up with the booking, and they only had one room available.

"What do you mean you're fully booked?" I said, in my best pigeon Spanish to the check-in clerk.

"We only have one room available, I'm afraid. But we can put in two double beds," said the clerk, in thickly accented Spanish.

Lorna spoke Spanish fluently, and tried to sort something out with the hotel. Even though I was frustrated, I noticed how hot Lorna sounded when she spoke Spanish. There was nothing more they could do. But as a gesture of goodwill, they agreed to provide two bottles of champagne to the room. Not wanting to start the trip on a sour note, we all agreed to share the room.

The room was nice and clean, with good sea views; the only problem was it was not quite big enough for two beds. The two doubles they had squeezed in, took up most of the room. They were so close, that you could touch the other bed with an outstretched arm. We cracked open the booze and drained both bottles before dinner.

After an amazing meal, and a romantic night-time walk, we had forgotten all about the room. This was the first night of our holiday, and we were determined to have fun. Jenny found a bar with a dance floor, and we spent the night dancing and drinking heavily. At one point, the girls danced together, stroking their bodies and teasing us, as Jack and I watched. I was surprised when Jenny grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him close to dance. Lorna didn't seem to mind and dragged me in close to dance with her.

Lorms and I danced close together, tamer than Jenny and Jack, but it was still nice to feel another woman's body against mine. Over the next hour, we continued to swap partners. Rubbing against each other, but never overstepping the mark.

When we finally made it back to the hotel, the sexual tension was palpable. In the lift, Jenny couldn't keep her hands off me, pulling me into a long, passionate kiss. Likewise, Jack was all over Lorna, groping her tits and kissing her neck. When we got back to the room, we didn't even notice how close the beds were.

Jack had already ripped his shirt over his head, as he undid his wife's dress. He had to peel it from her elegant curves, as they kissed fiercely. I whispered that we should use the bathroom for privacy. Jenny just smiled and slipped her dress off her shoulders. We were all drunk enough to have almost no inhibitions. I admit it was really hot, stripping my wife to her underwear in full view of our friends. Not that they paid much attention to us. Lorna lay on top of her husband, kissing him and rubbing her body against him.

Jenny watched Lorna and copied her movements, both couples exploring their partners' bodies. Before long, we all retreated under the covers. As brazen as we had been that night, we seemed to have reached an impasse. I'm sure Jack and Jenny, being more adventurous, would have no problem fucking in front of another couple. For Lorna and me, on the other hand, it was a step too far. That didn't stop me from giving Jenny a few orgasms using my fingers. She buried her face into the pillow to muffle her screams. We heard muffled noises from Lorna hinting that Jack was doing similar to her.



Waking up with the mother of all hangovers, it took a few moments to remember where I was. I usually slept nude, but was grateful as my eyes finally focused on my surroundings. Carl slept soundly next to me, facing the hotel room door. Laying on my side, I had a clear view of Lorna and Jack's bed. The memory of what occurred last night began to resurface. Jack was laying with his back to me, only a few feet away.

My heart quickened, as I noticed that he was completely naked. The covers had slipped off his perfectly sculpted back and exquisitely cute arse. The sight made my pussy tingle... my hand slowly found its way into my thong. I imagined that cute, firm arse dripping with sweat. My fingers teased my moist lips, as I imagined making claw marks in that chiselled back. My legs parted to give my hand better access to my clit.

I felt so naughty, fingering myself fantasising about my best friend's husband. He was so close, I could reach out and touch him if I dared. I was getting wet, imagining Jack's big cock sliding into me; slamming over and again, hearing him grunting with the effort.

I started squirming, as my fingers caused waves of pleasure to radiate from my pussy. I had to bury my face in a pillow to stifle the moans escaping my lips. The risk of getting caught was one of the hottest things I had ever experienced.

As I brought myself to a long, powerful orgasm, my body went into a spasm. Screaming into the pillow, I drew out every ounce of exquisite pleasure. Finally coming down from the best orgasm I had experienced in a long while, I opened my eyes.

Whilst lost in my own world, Jack had turned over. My eyes hungrily drank in his muscled chest, chiselled abs, and semi-hard cock. Even flaccid, it was impressive, and it looked like it was waking up.

My eyes travelled up his body to his face and my blood ran cold. Jack's eyes were open and staring right at me. The covers had slipped off me as I fingered my pussy and his eyes roamed over my body. I shivered, as I saw Jack's hungry expression. We stared at each other in silence for a few moments. I had to stop myself from reaching out to him. Stop myself from slipping over to his bed, and mounting him.

As I thought this, I swear I saw his hand move slowly towards the edge of the bed. Suddenly, Carl's phone alarm went off and the spell of madness broke. Jack and I jumped out of our skins, and rolled over towards our partners.

The guilt that washed over me was all-consuming, as we got ready. We didn't talk about last night and just got ready to board the ship. I worried this would impact the amount of time the four of us would spend together. A small part of me also worried about what would happen, if Jack and I spent too much time together.



This was the first cruise for all of us. Lorna had been able to use a company-exclusive deal to get us two luxury cabins for the three weeks. Our rooms were on opposite sides of the ship, but only a short walk away. The first few days went by quickly, mostly spending the day as couples, exploring the ports we stopped at. Jenny soon got bored with me dragging her to all the museums and art galleries. To make up for it, I joined her in more adventurous activities on the ship, like rock climbing.

We only met up with Lorna and Jack for the occasional meal. Any tension that had occurred from our night in Barcelona was gone. We were able to enjoy each other's company effortlessly. The third evening meal proved to be a turning point in the holiday, and to some extent, our lives.

The four of us went out for dinner as usual. We sat at a table with another couple, Janet and Frank, who were in their fifties and seasoned cruisers. They seemed very interested in us, and commented that we both made cute couples. The only awkward thing was they seemed to think I was with Lorna and Jenny with Jack.

I guess it was an easy mistake to make. As they joined the table Lorna and I had been deep in conversation about the museums we wanted to see. This left Jack and Jenny to talk about a crazy zip line they wanted to try when we stopped in Greece. We hadn't realised it, but we had moved our chairs closer together. So it was natural that Frank and Janet would assume we were couples.

When we finally explained the truth, they were surprised. But explained they had a similar arrangement with another couple.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean, what arrangement?" I asked them.

"Well, my darling wife can't stand the sun you see, so Rose and I like to sunbathe together. Janet and Ron prefer to play cards and get sloshed at the bar. After thirty years of marriage, it's nice to spend time with other people," Frank said, with a wink at Jenny.

"Don't say that Frank, they'll think we're swingers!" laughed Janet.

"Oh no, we wouldn't think that," Lorna hurriedly said.

"Well, what's wrong with that? We are, aren't we? You and Ron sleep together, don't you? If not, I think we better have a chat," said Frank, in a jokey fashion.

Janet sat there with an annoyed expression.

"Well, you don't have to go broadcasting it around the whole bloody ship, you old fool," Janet said, hitting Frank lightly on the arm.

The rest of the dinner conversation steered clear of any mention of swinging. After dinner, the four of us went to a jazz lounge for a few drinks.

"Hey, have you seen the trips tomorrow? There's this great art museum, supposed to be very avant-garde," Lorna said, looking at the ship's itinerary on her phone.

Jack and Jenny rolled their eyes. I knew they couldn't think of a worse way to spend a day.

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