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Crescent Moon Star Ch. 02


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"I don't know, really. I was raised in an orphanage. I just know that whenever I get upset about something, crazy shit tends to happen."

"Then tell me what I am. Breath deep and tell me what you smell." Replies Crescent as she leans down so that she could get a good smell.

"You smell like the rain water, and the forests."

"And you smell like fire within the pit. Spicy yet sweet."

"Are you saying that your soul is split in four?" Alex replies in shock as he looks between them all.

"I don't know, but I damn sure am going to ask the queen." At that they watch her focus within herself.


(Crescent, I see that you have mated and then some. What is wrong, my kitten?)

(A whole lot.)

(How come for a kitten you were the sweetest little kitten, but the minute you became a Felioness you become trouble?)

(No clue. But I need the help of the whole. The priestesses of Fedican and the King and Queen.)

(Then bring your ass on home. I will see you in about...?)

(Three hours. I will be coming in on the slip stream.)

(Good. See you in three hours.) At that the connection breaks.

As the whole crew watches, Crescent puts the ship in motion.

"What are you doing?"

"We are going to Fedican, Daniel."


"Because they can tell us what the hells is going on with me. I can't have three mates. I just can't." at that she disappears.

"Alex, Carmin? Do you have any ideas on what she means?"

"A Fedican can only have one or two mates. Three usually means that there is something wrong with that female. Are we entering the slip stream?"

"Yes, come on. I have never had someone do slip without company."

On the bridge Crescent had the ship in slip, but her mind was on her problem. And the only solution that she was coming up with dealt with her alternate form.

"Whoever is on the bridge, I want to let you know that we have never put this ship through this kind of work out before."

"Sorry, Georgia."

"Crescent, how have you been doing? I am sorry that I haven't gotten up to see you in awhile."

"That's okay. I just thought of something, have you ever been to a world called Fedican?"

"Where in the thirteen galaxies is that?"

"Then you will like it. I just need to run at this speed for about three hours. Can the ship handle it?"

"Without a problem and I hope you know where you are going. Damien says hi."

"And the same unto him."

Three hours later hovering above the planet Fedican, Crescent waits for the all clear before going in for a landing.

Entering the castle grounds, Crescent lands the ship with a deep worry in her soul.

"Now what do we do, Crescent?"

"We go see the king and queen, Jordan." Whispers the beauty as she changes into a long sarong with a sword that hung from her back.

"And why are you wearing that?"

"You will see shortly, Tee. And remember this guys, whatever happens here today...I love you." At that she leads them into the castle.

Entering the throne room, they all come before thirteen women in capes with an equal amount in men, with the king and queen sitting on their thrones.

"Greetings King and Queen of Fedican." Bows Crescent. "To the Priests and Priestesses of Fedican, I also tender greetings in good faith."

"Greetings, Princesses Crescent Moon Santingo, we welcome you home."

"Thank you, both."

"Greetings, Princess."

"Thank you."

"Now why have you called us here?"

"My soul."

"What about it?" whispers the High Priestess in her sultry purr.

"It would seem to be split in more ways then it should. I seem to have three mates instead of two."

"What?! There is no way that can be."

"I know, but I have kind of hid something of my true self from all of you. And I was scared that it would get me killed when I was little. But now I need to put their lives above my own to make sure that all will be well."

"What have you hid from us, Crescent?"

"My true form, daddy." Whispers the beauty as she watched and waited for their reaction.

"Show us this form, baby. It can't be that bad."

"In a way it is." At that she becomes her true self.

As all look at her in shock they step back and let the elder of them all come before her and touch her.

"You are rare, little one. It has been many years sense another like you was born. He couldn't control his gifts like it would seem that you have."

(So none of you will kill me?)

"No, actually we are happy. You are a mate to three because of your powers will have to be controlled by them. Two males and a female I presume?"

(Yes, sir. They are the three over there with the Travelers.)

"And can we also presume that you have had sex with them also?"

(Yes, and it was delicious. I couldn't seem to help myself.)

"And that is also what killed the other. He didn't have all his mates with him. The five of them are probably like elementals with their energy within them. And when you all come together you probably fell calmer afterward."

As she thinks about this she changes farther into the other section of her form and becomes more human in form with still animal characteristics, but with a voice.

"Actually after we four finished last night I was calm, but this morning when I woke I had to have them again. And nothing was going to calm me down. I was still in need when we went down for breakfast this morning, then I smelled Tee and calmed down even more."

"Did you know that you changed even more?"

"Yes, it will continue until I force myself to become human in nature again."

"Do it." At that they watch her become human in form.

As they all watch they see the energy pouring off her in waves. She looks over to her mates and soon she had them tackled to the floor.

"Crescent? Fuck!" Daniel roars out as she swallows his dick down. And as they all look they see that she was dripping down to the floor.

Tee and Jordan look at each other and tackle Crescent to the floor and pin her down.

"Alex, can you get the restraints that we used this morning from the holo-deck. She needs to come is like she has been injected with a powerful aphrodisiac. Carmin, come and see if you and Tee can make her come at least twice, before we make her scream."

"Okay, Jordan." With that everyone gets to what needed to be done.


"We are love, but your claws are going to have to be sheathed. You are dangerous with them out." Daniel replies as he plays with her nipples.

"As soon as the bindings get here we will let you loose, okay." Carmin replies as she plays with her clit.

(Someone fuck me, please!)

"And we will. Now I will let you loose just for a few minutes, so that you can turn over. And then we will give you all the loving that you can handle." Jordan replies as he and Tee help turn her over.

Breathing deeply Crescent looks for the calmness that is usually within her.

Letting them bind her to the floor with the cords, she feels them begin to enter her.

"I am going for your pussy, love, Jordan will be happily going at your ass. And you are going to give Alex your mouth." Jordan replies as he slides under her.

"I can do that."

"Good. Come down just a little bit. I need you to be wide open for this to happen right. Jordan, will need to have open access to you."

"Is this going to be painful?"

"In a way, it can't be helped."

"I trust you."

"Good, then let me in." slowly to let her feel every ridge of his dick, Daniel enters her.

"Here I come, love. I need you to bare down. I am not going to stretch you. I want you to feel every inch of pain that will be going through you."

"Will I want this again?"

"Trust me you will. Here I come." Slowly stretching her with his dick, Jordan enters her ass.

Laying there taking what was being done to her, Crescent moans out her pleasure as Alex slowly feeds her his shaft.

"Open your throat, sweet. Take me in deep, I know you can. You took Daniel down. Do it the way that you were taught."

(I want to come, now!)

"You will take it the way that we give it to you and no other way. And you will calm yourself down." Daniel growls as he rams himself deep within her.

With the three of them hammering away at her the females were rubbing her down and playing with parts of her body.

Carmin, will you please squeeze? I need it...I don't know what is wrong with me. I have never...Tee, yes! At that she creams all over Daniel's dick.

"Yes, love, wet me. I feel all your pussy juice flowing down my ass. You are going to make it easy for Jordan to plow my ass. Come again, squeeze me so tight that I come deep in you. Come on, love."

"Do it again, baby. Come again, let me feel you squeeze my dick with your ass." Jordan groans as he feels Daniel through the thin barrier separating them.

"Crescent, kiss me. Let me feel your lips, let me taste you."

(Tee, you can do anything you want. Just touch me.)

"I will always touch you, all you have to do is ask." At that Crescent watches her lick the juices off her hand.

(Then please touch me!)

At that Tee runs her hands down Crescent's body until she reaches her pussy. And starts to flicker over her clit while reaching around and running her hand around her ass; while Jordan pounded within it.

(I'm coming! At that her cream gushes over them all.)

"I am there!" Jordan moans out as he comes deep within her ass.

"Shit." Daniel groans out as he comes within her.

The energy coming from her washes through out the throne room and everyone present comes shuddering where they stood.

"She is...the Colmander. She must be trained in her powers."

"I want to know what it is before I say that you can take my daughter anywhere."

"Queen TaNida, the scrolls are within the castle's vault. I will return shortly with them."

"Okay." At that they watch him disappear.


"I am here, Tee. Just a little tired and sleepy."

"If you lean against me, do you think you can fall asleep?"

"I think so." At that they rearrange themselves until Tee was cradling Crescent in her arms. Everyone soon feel asleep cradling the one that they had all fallen in love with.

Later that day Crescent awakens to see her parents with the Elders of Fedican talking in hushed tones, but in anger.

(What is wrong?)

(These scrolls say that your mates have to have the ability to change into an animal that will be able to stabilize you. But we have just witnessed you being stabilized.)


(They want additional proof. And they won't take the evidence of their own eyes. Blind ass fuckers.)


(We need to do something baby, because if we can't prove this then they have the right to kill you, and we can't do anything about it.)

(What the fuck! Oh hell no! Tell them to give me at least three days to see what in the hells is going on. Because I know that Tee isn't all human.)

(Then you will have the time that you need. Go to your rooms, and see what you need to have done. And see about what in the hell are your mates.)

(Thanks, daddy.) At that she focuses and soon they all disappeared from the throne room.

"Where did they go?"

"They are in her quarters within the palace. They will return here in three days. But until that time you will leave them alone until she is ready to come before us all."

"But we need to see what her mates are."

"And what in the hell did I just say? Last time I checked I was the ruler here with a queen as my wife. We were born one soul...and that makes us more powerful then you all are. So stand down." At that he teleports them back to their temples.

"When you get all majestic like that it makes me what to just jump you."

"Then what is stopping you?"

"Nothing." At that she climbs into his lap and soon the two were seen fading away.

In her quarters Crescent appears with her mates to find her room in total disarray.

"What in the nine levels of hell has happened?" the beauty replies as she looks around to see nothing but distruction.

"Oh baby... what can we do?"

"Even I don't know, Carmin. This isn't me, I mean you have been in my room on the ship and it has never looked like this."

"I know...maybe they were looking for something."

"Like what? Everything that is of extreme value is in the vault. All that I deem precious to me is on the ship. But when I took things from here to decorate my room on the ship I replaced what I took."

"Then let us try to bring this to some order while we wait on them to wake up, and you can tell me what has you in such a total rage that you are barely controlling."

"Oh... you are not going to like this. And even my mates will have a hard time with this one."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please get someone to spellcheck for you though. Love the story, please keep writing and I’ll keep reading!!

JJ Memaw

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Please finish just getting to the good bit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
want more!

I so want more! This was good! More!

HotchocolateseductionHotchocolateseductionabout 12 years ago

Will you ever finish this?????

AyamiAyamiover 13 years ago
please write the next one please

PLEASE continue i cant wait to see what happeneds

ushergalushergalabout 14 years ago
need more

this is the best it combines all my favorites into one, so you need to continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
the rest

where is the rest of the story??? I really liked where it was going

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I can't wait for the next chapter. The story line is incredible. You mix plot with sex very well. I haven't read a story this good in a long while. Thank you for sharing it with us and I sincerely hope you finish it.

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