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Crossing Boundaries Pt. 07


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"So, the arcologies are densely populated areas. Most of them are massive towers, but there is a lot under the surface too, like icebergs. They're designed to have a low environmental impact and yet allow us to live and develop, to study and learn. Just, you know, not destroy the world around us."

They understood that well enough, so he pressed on.

"They don't have schools for psychic abilities, not like they have for your magic here. They have schools for other kinds of learning though. I guess everyone must learn somewhere. You can attend in courses or filter in with public learning, those have set semesters and usually a chunk of time off over winter. No one wants to be learning when it's that cold out."

"Wait, so you don't have to study your all?" Celine's eyes grew wide. "Why don't you? How can you use it then?"

Kael nipped at his lip. How should he explain?

"It's not magic...but psychic powers. It's a lot more brutish than magic, it doesn't feel as refined. There's less that can be done with it technically but the power of it is usually what allows advancements and developments, using science where those can't cover everything."

"We can use it from when we're born," he continued, though it felt like giving up a big secret to say such. "Babies can do...though they only really can push dim impressions at people, which is probably just as well. They can tell you when they're hungry or uncomfortable though, which I guess helps. And those powers grow over time, starting around when you're five... There's spikes, more or less at the same times for everyone."

"So, they grow more powerful when they're older? Even you?"

"Yes, that's right. Everyone gains more powers as they age, though I guess it gets more useful as we age too. I wasn't able to do much before I was seventeen when it jumped again for me."

Celine listened, enraptured.

"I wish our magic was like that... But how long does it go on for? Is it indefinite?"

Maybe that was one more thing that he liked about the wolf: her sharp intelligence. It was impossible to get anything by her and neither would he have wanted to.

"Sure, though I don't think it's ever been recorded in anyone living past three-hundred or so, and those are only those that live exceptionally long lives."


The wolf sat up, her eyes wide, mouth a little agape. Kael blinked.

"What are you asking?"

"Three hundred?"

"Well, yes. But I don't think Giselle or me will live that long. I think the average lifespan is more around two-hundred-and-fifty now? Something like that."

Giselle nodded in agreement, though the wolf frowned, sitting back, a little more space between them than she would have usually put there.

"Isn't it like that for you? Do you only live to two-hundred?"

Celine shook her head, but even she knew it was not Kael's fault.

"No... More like eighty. Some around one hundred? But not that long, no, nowhere near that long."

She swallowed hard, but what she had on her mind was not something that she wanted to discuss, Kael drawing her in against his chest, spooning her, her back pressed to him. For a moment, they were quiet, the gap in their lifespans putting unwanted distance there, though it was not something that either of them could control.

"I guess our medicine is better," he said softly, kissing the back of her head, where the hair lay between her ears. "Maybe that's something I can bring here too... Me being here has more benefits than just a little diplomacy and learning."

For he wanted to keep seeing her, to know that she was healthy and happy and well, even if there was a big part of him that knew, sensibly, that it was very unlikely that his relationship with Celine would progress beyond their time at university. He enjoyed spending time with her, but human relationships often changed, shifting and moving, considering how long they lived. He didn't know yet what anthros were like in that regard, though he had heard something about some species mating for life.

Was Celine one of them? Was that something that she wanted for herself too? Even then, his care for her growing, Kael could not be sure that that was something he wanted also.

They came together again, softly and slowly, helped by Giselle as she nuzzled the wolf, coaxing her to relax again. The two of them did not interact sexually, per se, but there was a growing friendship between them, perhaps borne out of their proximity to one another. It was impossible to not get to know each other better when they were both spending so much time with Kael, quite often naked.

Celine moaned, relaxing, tension easing from between her shoulders, his shaft hardening again against her backside, willingly lifting a leg up and forward for him, pulling one knee towards her chest. It offered up her folds for him once more, her sex dripping with evidence of his previous orgasm. But it was comforting to her to have a physical distraction, panting and moaning lightly, though not in a way, that time, where she would have to be shushed and quieted by either Kael or Giselle.

Slow, leisurely, patient sex was a good kind too, the kind that could go on and on, Giselle taking a chance to press in close to Kael from the other side, cuddling up to his back. They were all in a line, lying across the bed, pillows scattered, sheets rumpled, and not a damn one of them caring.

Kael, however, knew of something more, something that could help them, maybe, if he could have them apply it to anthro lives as well as human ones. Maybe that was where his absorption of diplomacy and tactics, from his father, would come out into the open. But not then, not in that moment, holding Celine so tightly to him that it was as if he was afraid that she was going to be taken away from him right there and then.

She asked to hear more even while he was inside her, making the best use of their time together, his shaft plunging deep, stretching her up, staying in close against her so that there was little need for him to draw back at all. Nuzzling into the back of her head, lips tickling her ears, Kael told her what she wanted to know, slipping in questions of his own.

To learn that the anthro lands were closely connected into pretty much a single country, after the last human counterattack, was surprising to him. He'd always imagined them to be quite separated, shifting, warm and comfortable, between the two female anthros. Giselle ran her hands down his sides and he leaned into her, though going into detail on which of the anthro countries had attacked the human lands before was not quite the most appropriate conversation to have during sex.

"They're not always spoken of... Ooof..." Celine moaned, tongue fluttering as she panted, head tipping back. "I guess everyone went along with it, concerned about what else would happen... I guess I don't really understand that. Not when it happened what seems long ago."

She didn't care for what had happened in times gone by, if she could have something special there, something sweet, panting and whimpering, the feel of a human body against hers taking her away to another time and place. Regardless of the friction and tension between humans and anthros, she could not imagine a better place to be. Maybe they had been wrong about humans all along, all of the differences they'd seen in life changing, twisting and turning, all so that she could gain a better understanding of what had happened, what would happen.

She could only hope.

She was happy where she was, panting and whimpering, keeping her voice down even as Kael panted hotly against the back of her head. How did that feeling, just as it was, feel so good?

"Did..." He struggled for breath, Giselle giggling behind him. "What about other anthros? What are they like? The old blood? Do I...need to be worried?"

Celine's eyes gleamed, though Kael could not see.

"Oh no... With how quickly you defeated them, I can't...mmm...see them being a problem. They are old blood though, like you say. They think they're better, though I can't see it. But isn't there always one anthro or person that thinks they are better than everyone else? Anthros are no different, Kael."

She rolled his name around on her tongue for a moment as if it was a flavour that she enjoyed. They were not all that different after all, regardless of what had been said to her about humans long ago. Her mother had not had much to say about them, before they'd separated and her mother had made sure that she had everything she needed for a good life, but the impression that Celine had always been left with was something of danger.

Kael was not dangerous though, not like those dragons, battle mages that had forgotten about the finer art of fighting and only came off as blood thirsty. She told Kael as such, hissing through her teeth as his cock found a particularly sensitive spot inside her, tail flicking up, brushing against his stomach. It was not an easy position to stay in, her tail getting in the way of so much, but Celine could not imagine ever being without her, considering how much a part of her it simply was.

"And the others? Why are there so many modern anthro races? Why so many?"

"I'm not sure... It's only recently though, comparatively. We didn't come together like this until the last few hundred years, but I think it's all for the better. Dragons and gryphons and phoenixes and chimaera... Oh, there's others too but I forget. They were all here before us, though you could say it was magic that helped us become what we are now. That's why magic is so important to us."

She had to pause, his cock stroking deep into her, their passion rising. It was not sure for how much longer they would be able to enjoy one another's conversation and their bodies, but it was an oddly erotic activity to share such good conversation between one another while sharing their bodies. It brought them together in a closer way than even him and Giselle, though his relationship with the canine was going to keep going on regardless of anything else. Such tight bonds were hard to unravel and they had already been through so much that to simply turn back would not have been possible.

They were all there together, all in it together, regardless of the paths prior that fate may have had in store for them. And as he plunged his shaft into her, reaching around her to caress her breasts, playing curiously and erotically with her nipples, he knew that there was more, so much more that they could share with each other.

He spent himself inside her a final time for the night, though he was too tired, at that point, to worry about trying to cum for the fourth time. His body ached in a new, unfamiliar way, and Giselle helped him, rubbing his back, though it was not as if she could soothe that deep ache from his shaft and balls, the feeling of soreness in the pit of his lower abdomen. But she would do everything she could for him, her master, massaging his thighs, easing out his hamstrings, rubbing his shoulders and down his back until, finally, he relaxed into slumber.

Still, the morning brought with it more questions, Celine talking while Kael listened, even if Giselle was reaping the rewards from treating her master so well the night before. With the anthro on the edge of the bed, lying back with her hips at the line of the mattress, he was able to access her pussy easily, sliding his fingers into her, teasing her, showing her more of the pleasures of the body he had picked up on, though a lot of that had come from watching the two female anthros as they enjoyed him. He could mimic, in a way, what they did, giving them more pleasure.

Celine told him about nagas, though didn't know much of their history, Kael fascinated but distracted. That it was morning and Celine had been there the whole night too passed his attention, not needing the candles or lanterns anymore -- he'd made some magically powered ones too, practising -- to see by. She was closer to him than he had ever anticipated happening, but it was far too late to bac out of their arrangement that had blossomed into a relationship, though no one would have gone as far as to say that it was any kind of love. That, after all, was too far for them, something that perhaps was for others to indulge in.

He drove into Giselle with long, deep sensual strokes that rocked her entire body, trying to give her as much pleasure as could be deemed physically possible with every thrust. She groaned as he powered through her, nose brushing the sheets on the bed, though stayed obediently in place for him even as her whole body quivered and sang in pleasure. The canine could not have gotten her tail up any higher or more out of the way for him, pushing her backside softly back at him, sweetly and simply begging for more, even if that was for her master to decide.

Having a master like Kael to serve had proven to have more benefits than even she could have imagined, whimpering, moaning, rubbing her muzzle down into the sheets without even understand what instinct it was that drove her to do that. All she knew was what she craved from him, the passion throbbing through, how full and deliciously so she felt when his shaft was inside her. She rocked back on him wherever she was able, spearing her pussy full on his length, again and again, wanting more, the bond between them growing stronger and stronger each time they came together.

But she wanted what he wanted and maybe that was why things between them came together so wonderfully and beautifully, her breath catching, her legs a little bent, for she would have pushed her hips too high otherwise if she had stood while bent over the bed. Her hind paws were only there for support as her master powered into her, stroke after stroke bringing her to a high of pleasure all over again. Giselle buried her muzzle passionately into the sheets as he slammed in, a heady grunt rolling forth from Kael, though she matched him with her own muffled moans while the wolf got off a little more noisily. They could only hope that there was not anyone passing by Kael's quarters at that time, but, even so, it would have been too late for worries about that anyway.

What he learned from them as he fucked them, though even that word seemed too harsh for what they were doing, was more about being a man, what it meant too about being an anthro. Yet such long, languid sex sessions should never have revealed as much as they did, despite Kael prodding, probing, words as much a currency between the three of them, though learning more about them brought up things like the older anthros still, though Kael could not help but marvel at the notion of centaurs. Those, along with unicorns and even what humans had named in the crude tongue of myths and legends "thunder birds" sprawled forth in the deeper, older kingdoms, places where the old blood ruled. They did not mix often with the independent anthro kingdoms, though no one could be quite sure how they differentiated between one realm or tribe or however they chose to identify themselves.

That was something that delving into anthro literature could reveal a little more of, though, in that moment, sprawled across the bed with the German Shepherd's head on his chest, her tail wagging faintly, Kael wasn't thinking about any of that. He was already more than where he wanted to be, moaning softly, his shaft softening after the high of orgasm. His head spun in the afterglow, though his mind had raced so much that he could not have said that he had been fully present in the moment, though he regretted that. Despite his ferocious appetite for learning, for knowledge, he would do well to remember to be mindful, not to let other neds take him away from what was immediate and heated and oh so very fruitful.

Learning, as he'd learned, was not the only thing that he could have in life, after all.

They dressed for the day, Celine cursing anthro curses (he didn't really understand what it meant to have one's tail sticking up or ruffled fur, never having felt either for himself) as she rushed through everything. The wolf hopped on one hind paw, trying to get a boot on, Giselle giggling, happy and naked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"If you went naked like most of us did before, you wouldn't have to worry about getting your clothes on in time."

"What -- nude? In public?"

Celine gaped, but did not admit to the roar of heat flaring through her, as if it was blistering up and through her from the very pit of her being. Her mouth closed, but behind her lips she sealed away words that could have given her even more pleasure. It was not that she wanted to live a life as Giselle had, per se, but to be nude before many, showing her prowess, her physical capabilities and magical ones too out on show for all to see... There was a sexual air to the liberation of, quite literally, baring it all.

Still, she dressed and gave Kael a long, deep kiss before rushing on her way. There were still lectures, after all, to attend.

Kael, however, did not have a lecture at the university for another couple of hours, so, after sending Giselle to pick up some breakfast for the two of them to enjoy in their quarters, he settled down at his study desk to read. At the very least, he could learn more about dragons, their world, why, perhaps, those dragons had seen fit to challenge him. Every anthro species was different and yet the most mystery amongst them lingered with the old blood species, even if that was a self-given name.

He wondered why, curious, perusing, delving into the maps that denoted their homelands, the rugged mountains, scarce of prey. No wonder they were well-primed to be battle mages, having grown up and developed in such a place, though there were depictions in the books that he had borrowed from the library too in how their civilisations had developed, all the way from tribes up to cities. Their homes, strangely so, were not all that different to what could be seen in the human lands, though they carved out tunnels and caverns from rock, becoming one with the land and using what nature had already laid down to their natural advantage. That did not mean that they did not funnel and use their magic to the full extent of their abilities either, making underground, mountainous cities with a hugely protective stronghold at their back.

He turned the page, a shaft of morning sunshine falling across the page. There, it did not rain as much as it did where he came from. That was nice.

Their home, however, was not on the same land mass as many anthros, which was interesting, but not something that he had considered before. Bar lakes and ponds and rivers, he had never travelled across a mass of water -- and the dragons were across the ocean from his homeland, though he had never been there. Celine had told him that they only united into one country, with all the anthro kinds within, around fifty years ago, and that matched up, though the chaos in accounts remained in what had been recorded. He supposed that was to be expected.

They were not to be trifled with, however, and it troubled him more, in a way, that he had been able to best them so easily, his time with them shifting, changing, becoming something that could hold off dragons, the most renowned battle mages and magic users of all anthro lands. If he drew too much attention to himself with his psychic abilities when all he wanted to do there was to study, he would be in for a world of trouble unlike anything that he had ever opened up before.

He sighed, leaning back in his chair.

Maybe he would learn more when his meeting with Oshun came time.


But he wasn't so sure, even after all that he had dug into, that he wanted to know more.

Continued in part eight...

AmethystMareAmethystMarealmost 3 years agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to pretty much take on anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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