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Cuckold Heaven

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Cuck experiences heaven as wife has first date.
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Cuckold Heaven


This is a cuckold story, although it is more about the journey towards cuckolding than the cuckolding itself. Perhaps I will write about the actual cuckolding in a second chapter, or perhaps this will be the only chapter, that is still undecided. But either way, this story boils down to a single theme: cuckolding. So, if this is not a theme you like, move on, and find stories with themes that you do like.

This is also a Loving Wives story. It is a story about love between two people and especially their commitment to live their love the way they see fit. It is not a typical way, but it becomes their way, and it is beautiful.

If you like it, please let me know with a comment, mark it as a favorite, and follow me for alerts to the next chapters (still undecided).

Thanks goes out to a Literotica friend who inspired this story. He and his wife are wonderfully living their love on their terms. Thanks for all the emails and for letting me get a glimpse of what a cool life you lead.

Cheers, and happy reading!


Watching her excitement as she gets ready is an amazing thrill. When I first confessed to her that my biggest fantasy was for her to sleep with other men and cuckold me, I seriously thought she was going to leave me. But then, over the course of many months and countless hours of conversation she came to realize that my love for her was complete and my fetish, while out of the norm, was genuine and powerful. So, to see her now, struggling to pick just the right look for her date tonight, is the amazing continuation of a long and sometimes difficult journey. I may or may not get cucked tonight, but ultimately the cuckolding train left the station a while ago, and tonight will take that journey to the next stop.

Six months ago, I watched her accept the advances and hopeful intentions of a man at the bar, a night we still think of as her first date. It wasn't an actual date, but it was an exciting evening for sure. And now, six months later, the excitement for both of us has returned and it is enhanced because tonight is a real date and there is definitely a greater than zero chance that tonight I officially become a cuckold, and my wife becomes a hotwife.

To me, my wife has always been hot, and now she will earn a title that she never sought until I started us down this path. It is a path that went from curiosity to obsession for me over the last three or four years, but for her has been only a recent thing. I am beyond lucky to have a wife that loves me so much that she is willing to take this path for me even when at first, she thought it was a terrible idea. She has moved past just doing this for me and now understands she is doing it for her, for me, and for us.

It might only be drinks and a massage with Justin tonight, but it could end up more. She has told me she is ready for more. Either way, my wife of over 20 years is going to enjoy a date and a massage with a strong, handsome man, and I am going to enjoy the angst and jealousy that arouse me to no end. Tonight is a huge win and watching her get ready is just as hot as that first time six months ago when I watched her get hit on.

Most men would not be aroused by what arouses me, which is the thought of my wife with other men. And most wives would not be willing to go forward with something so far from what is considered appropriate in a marriage. But I am aroused, and she is willing, and tonight another man will pleasure my wife. And not just another man, but a better man. A man who is more endowed, who has sexual strength, and a man that enjoys both my wife's company and his dominance over me. I want to feel the humiliation and submission inherent in my wife surrendering to that man.

And Kasey, who was not at all into my fantasy when I first explained it has come around. She now also wants that man and wants to give me the experience I crave. It started slowly for her, starting with my confession, and continuing with our conversations and her consuming of cuckold material. It moved to the edge of action at the bar, and now that action is potentially going to the next level with Justin.

As she picks up a tight-fitting crop top that has a zipper down the front. Kasey holds it up to her chest and teases, "do you think this will send the proper message?"

I laugh and picture him unzipping it to gain access to her beautiful chest. My wife is out of my league and how I ended up with her is a mystery. She is 42 years old and looks 28 and I am 44 and look 46. She is flat in all the right places and curvy in all the right other places, especially with D cup breasts that I have always considered sexy as hell. So, the thought of her dressing to give another man access to them was so arousing.

"Or should I make him work a bit harder? I mean my breasts are going to be his to enjoy, but do I at least play hard to get?"

Her teasing was fantastic. It is hard to explain to others that a significant part of the cuckold experience is watching your wife's confidence grow. I have always considered my wife to be the most attractive and most amazing woman I know but like many people, she had self-doubt. But since we started down this path it has been amazing to watch her transform. And her willingness to tease me was one of the biggest leaps she made on that path. I absolutely love it when she teases me like she just did. It makes my cuckold experience amazing, and it means she is confident in herself and in her role as my cuckoldress. It took me a while to convince her to tease me but now that she does, we both find it a huge enhancement to the overall experience.

Her teasing really made its debut when we had our bar experience six months ago. It was just a normal Friday night for us. We went out to grab a couple drinks and enjoy each other's company. Cuckolding was not on the agenda, although we had been discussing it for a couple of months at that point. As we entered the bar, Kasey said she would grab a couple of seats at the bar while I used the restroom. When I had finished and was approaching the bar, I noticed a man had zeroed in on Kasey. My excitement and arousal spiked. I decided to hang back.

The man was not a supermodel, but he was tall and fit. He was dressed nicely and obviously he was interested in Kasey. And why not, she wore a pair of tight jeans and my favorite "fuck me" shoes and a loose sweater top that captured her breasts as she moved. Even though it was loose, it was sneaky sexy.

I smiled as I watched. She was enjoying the attention. This never would have been the case in the past, but perhaps she now understood that flirting with this man was perfectly okay. She told me later that it was the first time she had ever interacted with another man with sexual intent during our entire marriage. She told me the idea that he found her attractive, and she was allowed to find him attractive felt liberating and even though nothing would happen she truly enjoyed the experience.

After about 10 minutes I finally made my approach. Kasey greeted me and introduced me to William, her brief and unfortunately plutonic boyfriend at the bar. William looked disappointed but lit up when Kasey reached over and grasped his hand and told him that she greatly appreciated him keeping her company while she waited for me. I also lit up watching her make contact with William.

William moved on and Kasey turned to me and with a devilish smile said, "you seemed to take a while at the restroom, are you okay?"

I laughed and replied, "I have never been better. That was incredible to watch. Although that poor man is about as frustrated as possible right now. I could tell by the look he gave you that he was very hopeful things would go further."

"Is it wrong that I entertained that thought also?"

"That is exactly the thought I have been encouraging you to embrace. In fact, if you want to go chase him down, I will gladly stand back once again. You look like you were truly enjoying yourself."

Kasey laughed, "I was enjoying myself, and obviously you are enjoying yourself too, but why don't we just enjoy the afterglow of our little experience and have a nice dinner together. Perhaps when we get home, we can return to this experience when we climb into bed!"

I almost fell off my bar chair when she told me this because Kasey has never been a very overtly sexual person and maybe five times in our entire marriage had she ever hinted at us ending up in bed later. And now for her to do it with a cuckold angle was shocking, but shocking in an amazing and wonderful way.

"I think that sounds like a great plan and it makes me conclude that maybe you are starting to think my weird fetish just might be a fun thing for both of us."

"I am thinking that. But I'm also thinking I need a refill on my wine and some food in front of me. I'm going to need my energy later for when my aroused and excited husband helps me imagine what William would have been like in bed."

"Fuck, that is possibly the hottest thing you ever had said to me. I love you more than you could know right now and when we get home, I will do my best to help you experience what William could have been. But also know that I will gladly turn that role over directly to the next William. You are my beautiful wife and when you are ready, I am your willing cuckold."

Kasey leaned in and kissed me, and as we broke the kiss she said, "I'm not ready to go beyond some playing right now but I do respect the fact that your desire is genuine. You just need to give me some time to catch up to where you are. Although being at the bar with a tall handsome man hitting on me like I was the last woman on earth is certainly encouraging me to move up my timeline."

Our drinks came and I toasted, "To our timeline, may it be exactly the right time for both of us. Because this journey we are considering is all about our love for each other and that is always worth taking our time for!" Kasey smiled back at me and said, "And that might be one of the nicest things you've ever said to me."

We did end up in bed that night and although we didn't launch directly into our sex with talk about William and Kasey's flirtatious time at the bar, I could tell we were both thinking that way. Our sex was more passionate than usual and a couple times when I looked at her, her eyes were closed and whether it was true or not, I imagined her picturing William and it was an amazing feeling of jealousy and angst and much to the happiness of my wife, that angst translated to arousal and it made me a partner that performed at a level above my usual. We ended up hitting a boisterous and pleasurable conclusion that we both greatly enjoyed.

As we both came down from this very satisfying round of sex, Kasey confirmed my suspicions and whispered, "Thanks William, that felt GREAT!"

I almost choked, but held it together and replied, "Better than your husband?"

Kasey snuggled up tight against me and said, "Much better!" I got my first taste of what I now call cuck heaven; that moment when all my fantasies are brought to life in a moment of cuck perfection. Kasey teasing me after our sex was definitely a heavenly moment.

We just held each other and enjoyed our own thoughts about what had just transpired. I didn't want to say anything because I was so happy that she embraced the experience and was willing to tease me about it.

And it's hard to explain to people that one of the strong desires of a cuckold like me is that not only does my wife find her way into the beds of better men but that that she openly teases me about it realizing that it is one of my favorite parts of the experience. I didn't think she was yet comfortable with that, but her fun tease at the end of our sex indicated she had come much further along the cuckolding path then I had understood.

Finally, Kasey broke the quiet and asked me if she had gone too far. I told her that she was perfect and that I was grateful that she embraced the situation and teased me with the truth of the situation. She took a deep breath and said, "It surprised me how much I enjoyed that little bit of teasing. I would never want to be mean to you but at the same time, that was really fun."

"I know it seems weird but teasing me like you did was a close second to the great sex in terms of how much I enjoyed what just happened."

"I must confess, that is a bit weird, but since I am on a roll here, would you still like the teasing if the sex had been between William and me. That is a pretty big difference."

"I would love it. Especially if the difference was BIG!" She got my bad attempt at humor.

Kasey laughed, but then got serious, "I am married to a man with strange desires, but regardless of what happens, know that I truly love you."

"And I truly love you."

It was a breakthrough event for us, and her tease about her choice of top was a direct result of figuring out that teasing was not only ok, but desirable and fun for both of us. After the William-based teasing, our conversations got more direct, and more intentional when it came to my desire for us to add cuckolding to our relationship. We remained cautious and moved slowly, but the amazing part was we were moving in unison in the cuckolding direction and the open question became more about when, not if. I was constantly aroused, and Kasey took notice. Our sex life was the best it had been in 20 years.

One day after dinner as we shared a glass of wine she said to me, "This whole thing really turns you on, doesn't it?"

I laughed and responded, "It's pretty damn obvious isn't it. And I don't just mean the constant tent in my pants!"

Kasey smiled, "Completely obvious, and I am not complaining. We have really been having fun but so far it has been a game, a really fun game, but part of me just wonders if we are truly ready to make the game real."

I didn't respond right away because I wanted to collect her words in my brain and respond appropriately. After a bit of a pause, I said to her, "Our game has been a lot of fun and if we never go past the game stage, I am still incredibly grateful that you have gone down this path with me. But I am also fully committed to going down the path for real, especially because the real path involves some benefits for you that I cannot provide directly. I truly want you to have experiences that I cannot deliver and to have fun knowing that when the fun is over, you still have a husband that is entirely loyal to you and entirely in love with you. So, if it ends up just being games, I will still love our games, but I will once again offer that I am ready and willing to move from game to real whenever you are ready."

Kasey looked at me with love and said, "I am not there yet but I may get there. But if at any point you decide that maybe it isn't what you want, promise me you will share that with me because if we go there, we can never undo that."

"I will, but also remember you can't hurt me on this path. It is a path I strongly want us to take, and if we take it and then decide it isn't what we want, I will never regret it and will always be grateful you took the leap with me."

"It is still a bit of a shock to the system when you tell me that YOU are grateful that I might sleep with other men. It is just not a conversation I thought we would ever have."

"I get that. But I am grateful that you have taken the time to appreciate my fantasy and have shown me respect related to what will ultimately involve humiliation. It might be a weird thing, but it also has the potential to be wonderful for both of us. I want us to try, and I will give you all the time you need to get your head around it. I am ready today, and I am also ready whenever you are. And again, if you never get all the way there, the fun we have already had on this path has been worth every penny."

"We have had fun, haven't we? And you really think making it fully real would still be fun?"

"Absolutely. Fun for both of us."

"Ok, I will take you at your word. Just keep giving me time, and we will see."

"Of course, my love. You have all the time you need."

We didn't make love that night but snuggled tightly and held each other. As we laid there together a deep-seated hope spread through me. I was pretty damn sure my wife was going to fully take the journey with me and that made me seriously happy.

A few more weeks passed without much discussion. But then I noticed Kasey was really digging into the links I sent her, and more than once I found her listening to a cuckold podcast hosted by a woman. We even listened to one of the podcasts together as we drove to a friend's house. When the podcast was finished, she looked at me and said, "I am really close." If we weren't in our friend's driveway, I would have ravished her right there in the car. We kissed passionately for a moment and then went and knocked at the door like the boring married couple we were. After that evening I still just gave her space. I know my wife and she will make her own decisions, and once she does, she remains strongly committed to those decisions. We were close, but we weren't there yet, so I continued to sit back and let her process.

She did process and did decide, and that is how we are where we are tonight. We are making our first real move. This final stage has moved relatively quickly since her "close" stage, but overall, Kasey has taken a long time to get to tonight, to accept the idea that she would not be hurting me, or our relationship, if she took on a lover. There is not a mean bone in her body, so when I not only asked her to take on a lover, but tease me about it, she felt uneasy and hesitant.

As I indicated earlier, I tried not to be pushy, but I fully encouraged her and sent her many links for her to read and finally my efforts paid off. Soon after our co-listening adventure, she really started to test the idea. She started to ask me questions, questions that clearly indicated she was giving it serious thought.

I had answers, they always amounted to me expressing my desire, and reconfirming that the specifics were entirely up to her. But I also sent her a link to a podcast series that discussed a lot of the topics we discussed. She listened to every episode.

After one day where she was engrossed with that podcast, she found me in our family room working on my laptop. She sat next to me, looked at me and said, "I love you, and according to what you have said, and what I have heard, cucking you and humiliating you is a gift that only I can give you and a gift you fully desire. Is that true, is that an accurate representation from your point of view?"

I assured her for the umpteenth time that it was something I strongly desired and I would see it as something she did for me, and for us, but I also understood she controlled our journey.

"Well then, consider me open to the idea of another man becoming my lover, I am open to the idea that I will enjoy this better man, and I am open to the idea that the truth of the pleasure and happiness I will find in the bed of this stronger, better man will be inherently humiliating to you and I am open to not being shy about reminding you of that truth. As I just did."

I loved that she was so bold, and her boldness even had a humorous edge. But after saying it to me, she looked at me for my reaction. She looked almost as terrified as I did the first time I told her of my cuckold desires. Sweet, never hurt a fly Kasey was the one staring at me concerned the new cuckoldress version of herself had already gone too far. But she hadn't, she was perfectly on target.

"God, I love you, and that sounds amazing to me, and I will do anything you want or need to make it amazing for you. And drop your look of apprehension because what you just said to me is literally my dream come true. I WANT you to have better men, or just different men, or any man you decide you want, and I want you to remind me regularly that you are enjoying yourself! I want to be teased about it! ALL of that will be amazing."


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