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Cum On, A Class Project

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Marketing students market an old product in a new way.
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In our marketing class our professor defined marketing as being able to sell snow to Eskimos.

Others have defined, "Marketing is helping your customers understand how much they need something they never knew they needed." Doreen Moran - Digital Strategist

The professor told us after our third lesson we would have to demonstrate our marketing skills for a final. He said demonstrate, not take a test. He picked groups of students to make a marketing team and they had to work together and develop a marketing plan and execute it to demonstrate knowledge of the subject.

Myself and two other hapless students were put together in a team. Jay a jock and Suzie a cute ditzy blonde girl and myself, Jack.

While we barely knew each other, all three of us lurked in the back of the class keeping a low profile.

Jay was on the football team and was taking marketing because his coach said it was an easy class. Suzie a short fuzzyheaded blonde who always looked spaced out. Myself, I am almost a Greek god, at least in my head. We are the most unlikely team to be able to convince anyone to buy anything.

I'll save you the marketing class material, it is a lot of yada, yada, yada, etc. However, it was information we should have committed to memory so we could pass this class.

Our team mission was to sell something that was almost like selling snow, it had to be something that was free or very low cost for at least five dollars. The team that sold the most won and for sure got a "A" in the class, the teams were graded on a curve from there. If your team sold nothing, you failed.

I didn't want to be the team leader, but the other two were clueless and I would have to take the initiative and herd them along or I would fail. I could take a "C" but an "F" would kill my grade average.

When we first meet, Suzie just sat there like a deer in the headlights. Jay didn't seem to understand anything that wasn't football related.

We struggled to find anything remotely like selling snow. Jay, "We could sell used football jerseys; the team just discards the worn-out ones."

"It has to be makeup, women will buy anything that will make them more attractive" Suzie Chimed in.

"You know like selling mud as a beauty product."

"What, women buy mud?"

"Yes, that's big business; all the big makeup companies sell it for big bucks."

"Anything else that's in that category might be a good idea."

"Jay what else do you football players throw away?"

After thinking for a while laughs and said "Cum soaked Kleenex."

Suzie, looking puzzled, "What did you say?"

"Cum soaked Kleenex, you know after a guy jacks off into a Kleenex."

"Sick, you're sick, sick Jay. Why would you say such a thing?"

"Well, it's true, what else are you going to do with them?"

"Wait a minute; Jay may be on to something. It seems to me I remember reading that women were using semen as a facial."

"Where would you read such a thing, Jack?"

"I don't know it was somewhere on the internet."

"The Internet... then it has to be true." Chucked Suzie.

Chapter 2

My task was to find out more about semen facials before our next meeting.

Son of a gun, it was true; I found the original article in a women's magazine online. I printed it out for Suzie so she would believe me.

Male ejaculate is mostly made up of fluid. Like the rest of the human body, it contains a high percentage of water. The majority of fluid present in male ejaculate is contributed by the seminal vesicles and contains fructose, glucose, various amino acids (the "building blocks of protein"!), citric acid, chloride, phosphorus, potassium, and hormones. Altogether, that assemblage of material represents 60% of the total semen volume. Another 30% of the total volume is fluid from the prostate gland. This fluid has some more citric acid and potassium, but also houses other components, such as prostate-specific antigen, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, prostatic acid phosphatase, and two other kinds of enzymes.

That sure sounded like a formula for a high-grade skin care product.

I showed it to the team; Jay commented that his teammates would like to know they are wasting all those chemicals.

"Suzie, do you think we could sell semen as facials to women? You said they would buy anything."

"If we market it as a complexion enhancer, say maybe it helps with acne or something."

"Would girls buy it... say for at least five dollars?"

"Sure, they would pay that and more if it could calm a pimple flareup or make their complexion better."

"How would we package it, that's a lot of extra work to create packaging?"

"No packaging, we go direct from source to client, eliminating all the extra steps." Chimed in Jay as he remembered something from the lectures.

"What do you mean, Jay... Direct to clients?"

"Ever hear of a glory hole?"

Suzie and I just looked puzzled at Jay, "What's a glory hole?"

"It's a place where men or women go to have sex with an unknown partner."

We still looked puzzled, "How is anonymous sex going to help us?"

"Well, in a glory hole a guy has his cock exposed through a hole for someone to suck or jack him off."

"So, you're telling us that a guy can put his dick in a hole and someone will suck it or manipulate it until he ejaculates." Asks Suzie.

"Yes, I heard some football team players talk about going to one."

"Where on earth would they find such a place?"

"The most common place to find Glory Holes are in Adult Book Stores that have video arcades."

"Guys, I don't see how that will help us." Suzie sounding exasperated.

"Don't you get it. We could have guys put their cocks through a hole and have the girls jack them off and cum on their faces."

"Ewe, that's disgusting ... No fucking way." as she turned her head as if to avert the thought.

"Yeah Suzie, we could market it as a benefit in getting it fresh from the source." I said trying to put a positive spin on it.

"Where are you going to find guys willing to have an anonymous girl jack them off?"

"Are you kidding Suzie, I can find plenty of guys willing to have a girl play with their cocks and cum on their face." Said Jay authoritatively.

"Suzie, Jay's right just about any guy would let a girl play with his cock especially if she couldn't see him."

"I think you guys are joking, not enough guys will volunteer to let a random girl jerk them off."

"Are You willing to bet your grade that we can't find enough guys? Suzie, I take it you have never played with a guy's cock, but I'll bet you know some girls that have."

"Well, if you must know I have sort of ... played...with err... my boyfriends' penis, through his pants. I just rubbed it until he got off, but only once... I didn't know he would actually cum from just rubbing it."

"Would you do it if you couldn't see him... say just his penis was showing and he couldn't see you?" I asked.

"I guess that would be ok, if he couldn't see or touch me."

"How about an anonymous penis, not your boyfriends, just as an experiment? Could you do that?"

"What are you asking Jack, would I play with your penis?"

"Not necessarily, it could be me or Jay, you wouldn't know. Would you do it? As a proof of concept."

Suzie looked like we had asked her to calculate pi to thirty-two places.

She thought a long time and finally answered, "Maybe...but only if I can't see whose penis it is."

"Ok, Jay and I will come up with a makeshift glory hole and you can be the first test customer."

Chapter 3

Jay and I found a large cardboard box that a refrigerator shipped in and cut a hole in the side at about the right height. We cut another side out and placed a computer chair inside for Suzie to sit on.

I thought about a location for the test and settled on my garage.

Jay arrived first looking nervous, "Who is it going to be. Me or you?"

We settled on rock, paper, scissors the winner would be the donor; I lost.

Suzie arrived in a white lab coat with a rather plain looking girlfriend. "I hope you guys don't mind but I brought my girlfriend Janet, to be our first customer. I asked her if she ever played with a penis before and she said she had done it a lot when she was in high school. So, I thought she would be a better fit for the first test."

Jay's look of winning went to despair as he looked at plain Janet. She wasn't ugly, but she didn't look as attractive as Suzie. Janet was tall and with a boyish figure and drab looking with long brown hair accented by a pair of thick lenses glasses.

"I have told Janet about our experiment and how we needed it for our final class grade. She said she would be glad to help."

"Welcome Janet to our experiment, I'm Jack and this is Jay. Are you sure you want to do this? We will not force you, it's strictly voluntary as I'm sure Suzie told you."

"Jack, Suzie told me all about your glory hole experiment, I am looking forward to playing with some cock, I haven't done so in a long time."

The sound of her saying playing with cock somewhat shocked me, but I tried to look nonplused.

"Janet, you have previous experiences can you...err... help Suzie... she doesn't."

"Sure Jack, I'm not surprised, Suzie is a "goody two shoes" if you know what I mean."

I escorted Janet to the seat in the cardboard box and Suzie was with her with a clipboard to take notes.

"Jay and I will be outside and you will not know which one of us is the donor." As I stepped away from the girls.

Jay dropped his pants and pulled his cock a few times to wake it up before pushing it through the hole. I didn't want to look at it, but my curiosity got the best of me. Damn, I thought, that's one huge snake, it put mine to shame.

Using my iPad to monitor and record through a high definition camera I had secretly installed, I watched as Janet wasted no time in playing with his semi erect cock. She latched on to his member and massaged it until it expanded in her hand. She went off script so to speak as she put her lips to Jay's cock. Suzie was watching intently as Jay's member slowly slid into her mouth, then slowly licking the entire shaft. She stopped and asked if Suzie wanted to try a few licks before she finished him. Suzie bent down and looked closely at his swollen member. She looked like she would put her tongue on it then backed away. You could see her mouth move in harmony with Janet, she was doing a virtual cock sucking.

Janet had jay's cock in her hand and gently pulled it, then grasped around the base to prevent Jay from ejaculating prematurely. Janet knew her stuff and was enjoying herself, I couldn't see Jay's reaction but he had to be ready to explode.

"Suzie, see this," as she pointed to Jay's pre-cum shining on his tip, "he is ready to explode cum."

Suzie watched intently as Janet kept jerking Jay's cock until it exploded violently, shooting repeated ropes of cum on her face. She finished Jay off with a quick suck of his now pulsing cock, licking off any remaining jism.

She sat back and proudly displayed her cum covered face, "That's what you want to provide your clients, gobs of rich milky white cum. Now all I have to do is massage it all over my face to achieve a facial."

Suzie looked startled as Janet massaged the white fluid over her face, she looked like she wanted to tell her to stop but she put her finger on Janet's face and sampled a taste of cum. "It's sort of salty and sticky like it has sugar in it."

Jay's deflating cock retreated from the hole, leaving Janet and Suzie snickering, watching it disappear through the hole.

"Jack, Jay, can we try one more so I can try?"

"Suzie, guys can't recover that quickly they have to switch places." Janet said as she wiped the cum off her face.

"Ok girls, we will switch so you can get a do over."

I assumed Jay's position at the hole. Watching the previous session already had my cock hard. As I put my cock in the hole, I had the sudden realization that I was vulnerable to whatever the girls wanted to do to my cock. I fully expected Janet to comment on my size or more correctly the lack of size compared to Jay.

Someone grabbed my cock as soon as it entered the hole, by the way it was being clumsily massaged it had to be Suzie. I could hear Janet whispering directions to her, guiding her up to the point of putting my swollen member into her mouth.

I could hear Suzie pleading, "No, I can't...put it in my mouth...I can't."

Janet kept whispering encouragement to Suzie so she would continue with her training. Finally, I felt her warm wet mouth around my cock; it took all my concentration to keep from shooting my load right then. Janet coached her to use her tongue to circle my tip and lick off the pre-cum now oozing out.

I wanted to tell Suzie to take me all in and suck me dry.

Two girls playing with my cock was a fantasy of mine, now it is happening in real life. Janet guided Suzie through the basics and every time I thought I would shoot my load Suzie would stop and write a note. The fantasy was feeling like a science experiment, not an exotic fantasy.

Finally, Janet guided her to pump me to the finish and give my balls the satisfaction they deserved. It felt like gallons of cum released to the elation of Suzie.

"I did it, Janet. I did it, did you see how it exploded?" exclaimed Suzie in a joyful voice.

I couldn't see what happened to all that cum, but I could hear Janet directing Suzie to not waste any so she could get a taste.

The girls came out while I was zipping up my pants, Suzie winked at me. She had to know that was my cum shooting out.

"Janet do you think this idea will work?"

"Sort of, but you need to make some changes. You need to find a different place and you definitely need something better than a cardboard box. The box is lame, you will not find many girls to come here and sit in a cardboard box, especially if you will charge them."

"Ok, Janet will you help us if we get a different location and a better setup?"

"I will, providing I can get a few freebees, I love cock but I'm not willing to pay for it."

"All right, Janet you are on the team." As I looked at Jay and Suzie nodding their approval.

Chapter 4

Jay found an empty room down in the university's science lab basement that we could use for the experiment. We set about to clean it out and build a three-sided plywood partition and painted it black. Jay lined the hole with a split rubber hose to protect the donor's member from splinters. I secretly installed the high def camera so I could continue to monitor and record the sessions.

Janet found an old desk, lamp and a plastic tree and fern to give it an office setting. Jay recruited three football team members and Suzie lined up a few girls from the dorm to be the first customers. The first day Janet coached the girls on how to pump the fresh facial from dangling cocks, while Suzie did the paperwork. She had her clipboard and appeared to take notes on the client's complexion.

We didn't charge the first few girls since we were working out the kinks. Only one girl chickened out when she saw the cock she had to pump to get her facial. The girls we were getting at first were just your average curious girls who just wanted to try it. On day three we got five girls from the cheerleading squad who had no qualms about pumping cocks for their facial nectar.

By the end of the first week we had fifteen clients basking in the afterglow of a creamy facial. We made fifty dollars and things started looking like we would pull this off.

My thought were interrupted by someone entering in a rush, violently pushing the door open.

"Hey, what the fuck you kids doing down here? Why are these girls asking me directions to the facial experiment?" Said Sam, a big gruff looking guy in overhauls.

"Uh...we... are... are...doing an experiment for Professor Kiely class." I said, trying to sound like the Professor approved it.

"What kind of experiment, why are these girls coming down here? It's not something dangerous, is it?"

I no sooner finished telling the janitor it wasn't anything dangerous when a girl with a serious acne breakout came out of the partition with ropes of cum dripping down her face. Janet was behind her telling her she had to massage it in quickly for it to work.

They all froze when they saw Sam the janitor. Sam bellowed, "What the fuck you girls doing? Don't give me no bullshit story or I'll call the campus police on you."

The cum covered girl started crying when she heard Sam say police, Janet guided her to a chair to sit down.

"Sam, I'm Jack and we are doing an experiment for Professor Kiely's class." Extending my hand.

"What kind of experiment, no bullshitting me Jack... Shut that fucking crying girl up, I can't think with that caterwauling going on."

Janet put her arms around the crying girl and tried to calm her down.

"Well, it's like this Sam, we have a class project that involves helping girls improve their complexion by using a special...all-natural product...that...we have the girls...err... extract and apply to their face."

"What kind of special formula? Is it dangerous? These girls doing this voluntarily? I don't want to find out you are molesting these girls."

"Suzie, have all these girls done this voluntarily? You have signed consents from them, right?"

"Yes, Jack they all signed a consent agreement voluntarily."

I am thinking what the fuck. We never thought about a consent form, but from a distance, Suzie's clipboard looked like it had a form. I hope we can convince Sam and not have the campus police get involved. Things we going well until the football player came out from behind the partition still pulling his zipper up.

"What were you doing back there?" queried Sam.

The football player didn't understand what was going on, but didn't want to stand around and find out. He bolted for the door and was down the hall in a flash. This raised Sam's suspicions even more.

"Jack, you better give it to me straight because I'm about ready to call the campus police. I am not going to lose my job over some bullshit game you are playing."

I explained the whole experiment to Sam as simply as possible. He just stared at me like I was telling him about extraterrestrials landing in the parking lot.

"Let me get this straight, you are letting girls jerk off guys? Then they are smearing cum on their face and paying you a five-dollar fee?"

"That's it in a nutshell Sam."

I fully expected Sam to tell us to get the fuck out of the basement and not come back, but instead he leaned towards me to ask a question.

"Do you think I could have one of these young coeds jack me off?" Sam asked in a low voice.

"Oh...Sam, I am sure we could use you as a volunteer donor, what do you think Suzie?"

Suzie looked dumbfounded as she said, "Sure we can always use another donor."

Sam whispered to Suzie, "When can I start? I am usually free around three or maybe during lunchtime."

"Make it at three tomorrow, Sam" Suzie said as she wrote on her clipboard.

Janet had to offer the crying girl two free sessions to get her to calm down. She didn't want the girl to go blabbing about what happened. She figured that If the girl got a few freebees then she would keep quiet so she could come back.

Sam showed up at three and made his first donation. Janet made sure he had a cheerleader give him the hand job of his life.

Sam showed up for several days at three, then he brought one of his work crew along and wanted Suzie to work him into the schedule. It didn't cost us anything, so we worked him into the schedule. Then Sam brought another of his crew, now we had Sam and two of his workers donating.

The best thing about the whole setup was the girls had didn't know who's cock they were using, and the guys didn't know who was jerking them off. The girls thought they were getting handsome studs and the guys all thought they were getting cheerleaders.


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