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Cumming Full Circle

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Three is a cumming crowd.
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Author's note: this story follows characters first introduced in "What Cums Around Goes Around" and "What Cums Around Goes Around, Again," this is designed to be read alone or for added enjoyment, in conjunctions with their first two stories.

The doorbell rang as James descended the stairs on his way to the kitchen for a glass of OJ.

Hearing her voice in the kitchen, his mind reminisced and realized it had been a couple of months since the event he and Melanie agreed to tell no one about, especially his wife Andrea. Little did he know it had been only a month since Andrea and Melanie endured a similar experience.

Melanie was the only one who knew exactly what they both wouldn't tell the other; the only admission of what they'd done to her were the occasional knowing glances she exchanged with each. She didn't resent either of them; she was well aware there was nothing they could've done, and, in a way, she was glad they'd been the ones.

James secretly admitted to himself it wasn't a wholly unpleasant experience. Sure, he felt bad about being forced to cheat on his wife, and he felt sorry for Melanie having her first time filmed in the back of a van, but it could've been worse...

Andrea hadn't changed her tutoring arrangement with Melanie because it would've raised suspicion and required an explanation which nobody could really brainstorm. Plus, Melanie was still college bound and needed all the assistance she could get, and helping her achieve her dream seemed like the least Andrea could do.

"Honey, can you get that; we're working in here on this epic application?" called his wife from the living room.

As he peered through the peephole, he saw the top of a UPS hat with its telltale patch looking down as its owner typed away on a tablet.

"Awesome," delightedly thought James, "I love packages; I hope it's for me!" gleeful as a kid on Christmas.

Mike was actually a nice enough guy, or at least he thought he was; even when he considered what he did for a living, he still didn't view himself as a bad person, per se. He avoided violence at nearly all costs. And he justified his actions by feeling Life had dealt him a bum rap and now he had a rap sheet which quickly brought his "promising" film career to an end.

Like many fresh graduates from film school, he'd been approached by the porn industry. He had no real interest in it, but as the bills were building and his loans were looming, their offer began teaming with temptation. He had no intention of making it his career, but a few shoots couldn't hurt. Mike thought he'd take one or two jobs, for some quick cash and then get back on track.

If he'd only known how much one choice would derail his future. Sure, she looked young, but the producer assured him she was legit, and Mike foolishly (or wishfully) believed him. One thing led to another and before he knew it, charges were flying: exploitation of a minor.

Such a mar on your career prevented you from ever being mainstream. That blemish even prevented him from working in the industry that got him into all of this trouble in the first place: porn. Poor guy, when he was released he was quickly faced with a life of meat packing or garbage processing.

A director/cinematographer needs a film crew and that is where Alex and Todd came into the picture. Alex was guilty of mail fraud, and Todd was a foolish guy who agreed to transport drugs to make a little extra. They'd all met in prison, and when they got out, they decided to start a business together—the rest is history.

James was too distracted by the large package Mike handed over to even recognize him and once he did, it was too late. Having to drop the package before he could push back gave Mike and his crew just enough time to get their foot in the door. Hearing the crash of the box, Andrea asked, "Who is it Honey?"

"Oh, just an old acquaintance," answered a familiar voice.

Both Andrea and Melanie grew pale as the placed the utterance, "Mike...?"

Their mutual question was answered as they saw James being brought in, his mouth covered and arms held behind his back, by Alex.

"How did you find us?" asked Andrea, frustrated James had just let him in.

"Well, I caught you in this neighborhood both times, so I assumed you must live around here; it took only a matter of days before I saw you enter this house—it's not rocket science," he explained.

Continuing his assessment of the situation, Mike noted, "It's always best when the whole original cast comes back for the third one. You always know it'll be a flop when they start hiring new people. Plus, people love triangles, especially one as complicated as yours." Gazing off into the distance, "It's like this story is cumming full circle," Mike began to wax poetic. But only the guys seemed to recognize the perverted slight Rambo reference.

"Now I don't want any of you to be holding a grudge; you should all know the films have been huge hits, and once again, the demand for a conclusion necessitated a third outing. But, you have my honest to goodness word this time round will be the last. You can always tell a series has gone on far too long when they start churning out a fourth and a fifth and so on," assured Mike looking around.

"Plus, just look at this set," directed Mike taking it all it, "it is a perfect combination of functional lived in realness and quintessential bourgeoisie; it'll really up the production value to have this one shot in something other than the van."

"I must admit, I've never had a cast so large—it isn't easy fitting three plus me in the back of the van. Sure we've had solo projects before where a girl has to perform all of the parts herself." Reminiscing as if to himself, "Actually, those go pretty smoothly since she is so relieved to hear all she has to do is rub one out and take a dildo or two on camera," Mike explained.

"I've got both of your videos," said Mike, looking first to James and then to Andrea as they turned to each other surprised to hear for the first time they'd both gone down the exact same road with Melanie. Andrea knew James and Melanie had been involved in Mike's enterprise before, but she never asked for, nor wanted, any details. Though James didn't know she knew nor did he know about her.

"Not only will I show you both of them, but I'll release them and let them go viral so all of your friends, family, co-workers, and bosses can see who you do in your spare time. Or, everyone can play together, give impassioned performances," raising his semi-clinched hand for emphasis, "and keep their skeletons in the closet. Sound like a deal?" rhetorically asked Mike.

Still unsure of why James let Mike and his crew inside, Andrea asked, "Aren't you even going to put up a fight?" When James indicated his restrained condition as answer enough, Andrea continued, "You like this don't you?"

"No...?" answered James, through Alex's fingers, honestly unsure.

Starring at his crotch Andrea desired an explanation for "...the bulge already forming in your pants?"

Both James and Andrea didn't want the other to see their film with Melanie. Would their actions be considered cheating? What would the other think seeing orgasmic ecstasy washed across their face? What would they think of the depraved things they did to her? Did they go too far?

After having Alex tie James to a kitchen chair so he could witness all about to transpire, Mike turned to the huddled ladies, "Girls, I am going to have you make out so we can get our only male cast member's...member fully in the mood." Knowing the routine, they each willingly took their sexual drive heightening pill from Mike.

Turning to restrained James, Mike decided to make things even more interesting by making him swallow one too, knowing damn well it would nearly drive James crazy to watch this scene unfold unable to touch himself.

To make matters worse, Mike wondered aloud, "...if you'll get off watching your wife and her student get it on. You sure liked it when you got it on with this youngling." Turning to the other cast members, he asked, "But first, who is going to help him off with his pants and shirt? He is already bound enough; we'd hate to have his rising cock pinned down."

Since he wasn't her husband, Melanie looked to Andrea who didn't really want to see James' erection build as she was forced to make out, or more, with another girl—a teenage student to make matters worse.

"His longing should only be for me—his wife," unrealistically grumbled Andrea. "You better not get hard watching us," warned Andrea as she walked over. James shook his head at her silly and ridiculous expectation he knew full well he'd fail to meet as she used the kitchen scissors to cut off his lounge pants and old t-shirt.

"How else was a guy expected to respond when he is tied to a chair while his cute wife gets frisky with a fresh teen?" thought James as he already felt blood fattening his cock.

Andrea was momentarily ashamed by the task she was about to undertake but then realized James would probably like seeing her and Melanie, even with their trepidation—probably especially because of it. Shouldn't she be angry with him? Looking to him for support, she saw how his dick was already pointing towards the ceiling in anticipation.

Removing their clothes went a lot faster this time round. And, James was pleased to see Andrea in her rainbow hipsters but surprised to see Melanie still in her value pack whites. Their wetted crotches were a telltale sign of their pill induced dank poon tangs. As the rest of their clothes peeled off, James (and everyone else for that matter) really noticed his attention rising.

With her lack of resistance, James began to wonder just how far his wife had gone with this girl—and not tell him. He couldn't blame her, it wasn't like he admitted to dumping his load in her mouth or fucking her in her virgin pussy and ass, but still—it seemed like a girl thing to come clean, so why hadn't she?

Suddenly caught in the moment, things began to flow naturally...err...in reference to their undressing, but now also their wetting pussies. Panties hit the floor and were stepped out of, bras quickly followed suit, and before anyone knew it, their lips locked just before their tongues reacquainted.

Like seasoned lovers they didn't even have to touch each other's breasts for them to puff and nip. Once their standing bodies came together, they began rubbing crotches so their engorged bumps could meet as their knees weakened. Using her years of teaching to take charge of the situation, Andrea guided Melanie back onto the couch her and James had used many-a-time for a similar purpose.

Andrea didn't have to peal apart Melanie's legs as the poor girl had to do when their roles were reversed. In fact, the teen sank into the couch comfortably and allowed her knees to slack apart.

Relegated to a single cushion, Andrea had to fold her ankles under her thighs and rest her butt cheeks on her heels, the whole time worrying about the stains her dripping pussy was bound to leave on their sectional.

Was it the pill, was it Melanie, was it the situation, was it James watching, was it vengeful jealousy—Andrea couldn't put her finger on it, but she did have a compulsion to put her tongue on Melanie's glistening and willingly spread pussy, especially now knowing it had been doused in James' cum only a few months ago.

Looking over to her husband, who was now nearly tipping his chair stretching and straining to see her eat out this girl; Andrea couldn't help herself. "Doesn't take much, you perv," she judged, before realizing she'd enjoyed it in the past too and was actually gearing up to do the same now.

James'd seen her kiss another girl before, but that was years ago, and they were both drunk. Plus, kissing doesn't even earn the term "sex" after it, but oral sure does. And Andrea was sure diving into it. Was she supposed to keep up appearances and resist, or should she probably just make his day by going to town? What about Melanie? She was just as much a victim as anyone else here. Averting her eyes from Mike, the rest of the crew, and most of all her husband, Andrea found them glued to the wet glisteny snatch right in front of her.

"Fuck it," was her final determination as she went down on her writhing student. It was as sweet and innocent as she remembered. And Melanie was as receptive as could be. If James was going down, he usually fingered her until her pussy was nice and wet. He said it tasted better that way. But Andrea always assumed he was just giving himself a head start so his tongue would have less work to do. However, now that she was licking Melanie's cum off her puffy pink petals, she had to agree it has a wonderful flavor.

It is almost like you are experiencing the person. Andrea thought her own tasted quirky but fun, and Melanie's had a certain wholesome and shy flavor. Whether it was all in her mind or not (because who can really put emotions to tastes) didn't stop Andrea from lapping it up nearly as quickly as Melanie was producing it, making for quite the cyclical condition.

As she dove into Melanie's muff, she wondered just how fair James'd gone with her student. He fucked her for sure, she probably gave him head, and his disposition would've given it in return. Did she let him, or did Mike let him, fuck her in the ass? She never condoned that anymore (not like she often did before), could she be blamed—it hurt, but if he was getting it elsewhere, maybe she'd have to start giving it up.

Melanie, being still so young and tight, made it hard for Andrea to sneak her tongue inside the teen's hole, but luckily Andrea was one of those rare people blessed with the gene to roll her tongue enabling her to slip inside the girl's tiny passage. Since it was one of her strongest muscles, once inside, she flattened it and found herself pushing along the walls of Melanie's most private place.

However, the muscles of the uterus are equally strong, especially during the impending fit of an orgasm, so Andrea quickly felt her tongue squeezed back into its folded position. This back and forth continued until Melanie's pituitary gland's secretions of oxytocin caused the involuntary contractions to be too much for Andrea, forcing her to retreat to higher grounds.

Returning to her clit and outer folds, Andrea wondered how much longer Melanie could hold out before cresting over into an orgasm. This might be the end of their marriage or her career (though she strongly doubted it would come to either), but she was enjoying herself and even looking forward to what was cumming.

Before it came to that Mike exclaimed, "Time for auditions," stopping the girls' performance, "Since James is ready," pointing to his fully erect cock, "we are going to see which girl gets to play his first."

It wasn't the best term, but Andrea felt the honor should naturally fall on her, but it now appeared she'd have to earn the "privilege." Her competition was younger and slightly more attractive, so her work was cut out for her. "To make sure James picks based on performance rather than sentiment, he is going to be blind folded," explained Mike.

"So, James finishes inside the girl who performs the best," pondered Andrea, suddenly protective of his deposits. But, concerned with what the girl who wasn't chosen was going to have to do, Melanie also desired to be picked.

As he was untied and directed to the sofa, James felt the wet puddle his wife'd left behind from her time on the couch. His wife's striped panties were tied to Melanie's whites and placed over his eyes to obscure his vision but left their juices and scent penetrating his nose.

Mike announced to all, "The first round is oral." Turning to James, Mike explained, "One of the girls will be referred to as A and the other as B."

Girl A, took hold with confidence and knew to stroke the lower exposed portion of his shaft as the rest was buried in her warm wet mouth. She even knew to use her pointer and thumb to squeeze and focus on the base so as to keep him hard without over stimulating him in to an orgasmic burst.

Andrea had never been into "deep throating" despite the physical pleasure it might bring James, and James was never comfortable with the gagging noises and discomfort it might cause her with such depths of determination. But this afternoon, "girl A" appeared to be giving (or taking) it all or at least as much as she could. Who knew the gag reflex could be defeated with enough fortitude? Denying it muffled any reactionary impulses and noises.

However, at the same time, her task was performed with route proficiency; there were no surprises. He knew exactly what she was going to do next and how she was going to do it, and it felt great, but it was almost as though she was going through the motions—same old, same old.

Girl B on the other hand was way less skilled, but there was a clumsy sense of eager exploration. There were mistakes; teeth brushed against both the top and bottom of his shaft; however, it created character. There was an innocent exuberance—a willingness to try new things even if they didn't work.

This kept him on edge and engaged in what she would be paying attention to next. She didn't use her hands to stimulate what was left out, and she often sucked it like a lollipop instead of providing suction and rubbing her tongue across his length. However, her tongue tentatively came up for exploratory slides, and he looked forward to those graces.

So all could hear, Mike informed them, "The next round is sex."

Melanie had been practicing at home with the handle of her hairbrush, so she felt a little more prepared this time; in fact, she was glad to have a second chance.

Not that she needed it because she was already plenty wet, but Girl A benefited from all the saliva coated along his cock from the previous blow jobs but still only managed to perform a been there done that experience: nothing new, nothing unexpected.

However, she spotted his tell tail signs of approaching climax and knew just how to deescalate him. She kept James on edge without pushing him over so they could both enjoy fucking for as long as possible.

She knew her stuff and knew exactly how far his length would allow her to withdraw without slipping out and so impaled herself at various depths and paces. Using her pelvis instead of her legs, she was able to control the depth of penetration giving her much better restriction while still keeping the rhythm she wanted.

Knowing his weaknesses, she knew it was best to go deep and hard at first, then shallow, to the point of just having his head inside her, and slow afterwards to give him a much needed cool down period.

He heard trepidation in Girl B's breath as she inhaled and held it before gathering enough resolve to lower as she exhaled onto him. They were ragged moans, almost the sound someone makes as they try holding back tears.

She was tighter, so she had a harder time fitting James' rod inside giving him a great ego boost. Already able to guess who was who, James wondered if his deduction was right. The zucchini he shoved up A's could at least be partially to blame for the tightness discrepancy.

Girl B never really caught her stride, but she did provide a unique ride. It felt like a kid trying their pogo stick for the first time, and the fact he was present for her practice made it all the more fun. Both the successful streaks and failed bounces felt great: they were so fresh and innocent. Sure, occasionally she withdrew too far and he popped out, then she'd come down atop his cock's underside hitting her exposed clit against his pinned penis sending them both into flinching gasps.

Captivatingly, she didn't know how to manage her depth which caused them to keep coming apart, but then it also meant he got to pass through those tight lips again and again and hear her moan as she kept having to readjust to him inside her barely used hole. When it all became too much for her, she'd take a break by smearing her leaking juices over the underside of the dick she'd capture between his lower abs and her parting pussy.


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